It's time for Korra story time

It's finally here, Holla Forums.
I'm scared but we have to do it.
Are you ready for maximum childhood rape?

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Reminder that nothing LOK is canon, same for the ATLA books


I repeated this to myself while reading.


Hah, that's implying we have underage fags who consider whorra part of their childhood. But go on OP, continue the whoring.



As you wish. These pages got my piss to a boil.

You actually expect me to read this shit?

You expect ME to read this shit?

Then why are you posting, man?

For all us to suffer
Besides, I stopped reading after the Jet rip-off, I'll read it with you guys.

First thought.

Also note Mako smiling
He's now officially a cuck and lovin' it.
Reminder he's suppose to be a tribute to Mako Iwamatsu.

Korrasami is what you call a "medium romance". It isn't rare and it isn't well done.

Just suffer in silence, then after we have our disgust in control, we'll rip it to shreds.

I'm finally up to "Aang knowing that Kya is a dyke."
So if Kya was such a well known dyke, why wasn't it mentioned before? Or even alluded to?
I thought a common practice for airbenders was to let go of earthly possessions to find peace and freedom? That also means relationships since the guru told Aang to let go of his feelings for Katara.

Lemme sum it up for you

Why Allude to it when you can just make shit up at the end of the roller-coaster ride of interest when you retcon gay-lesbo shit at the end to get people to still talk about this. And as you knew from Leh-gund of Whorra, Aang was a shit father! what is it with dykes and their daddy issues?

That shit isn't even medium, user. ==IT'S== ==RAW==

(full house checked)
This hurts the most, that Brian/Mike/whoever responsible for this atrocity cannot even be assed to recall the basic lore of their own series.


This writing is killing me. And I love how they had to shove all those lines in earlier about Korra being in love with Asami since the end of book 3 because there were no hints of it in the actual show.

It's nice to see Korra's still a cunt.

sauce for pic?

Genocidal monsters aren't just limited to the Fire Nation at least.

Goon #39, where Eric Powell takes the piss out of capes.

Thanks fam.

Just a couple.

this is how you really tell it's just fanfiction and pandering.


That explains how the Avatar universe can't manage to be at peace even with the literal spirit of the Earth stopping all of the wars.

How would you feel if the comic just made them really close friends?
Spirits will always be the worst book.

With the Avatar Universe having no prior prejudice between benders and non-benders, it was there before but they were still united by national identity.

I recall there was prejudice in the original series between benders and non-benders but that's besides the point. It made sense for why non-benders felt animosity towards benders considering the hundred years war and bender hierarchy. It was the only thing Korra did that felt like the natural evolution of that world.

Nigga what? How old are you?

Besides, I'm 21

The only time I've seen bender vs non bender in ATLA was in the episode where the Earth Kingdom Soldiers bully the village they're supposed to protect. But even then you could say that they're just corrupt soldiers which does happen in real life.

I can only see this working if they're Indian or something. Otherwise this will keep getting worse.

Pretty sure tumblr can self-sustain a hack writer or deviantart artist.

Or both a gook and a hack

Fuck, I don't know. Actual fans of the series?

This bullshit again. People like this always seem especially ignorant of the fact that other countries do exist. Want to see Italians? Watch Italian TV shows and movies. Want to see Indians? Well there's all of Bollywood if you love streetshitters that much. Want to see Chinese people? Good news! Chinese has a few billion people in it and some of them end up on tv and in their movies! Wanna see muslims? Well I hope you like shows where Mickey Mouse tells children to kill Jews, because there's an assload of muslims on those shows! But what do they do?

And no, everyone did not travel to Asia. The fucking traderoutes were not a global highway where everyone met everyone. Fuck you.

It's especially funny when Europeans couldn't trade with China anymore because Muslims wouldn't let them.

Nice cover..shame they lampooned the wrong company..because the stuff in the yellow box would've totally worked for Marvel.

I never said who cares dude.

I lost interest a few pages in.

There's no action just "HEY LESBIANS"



Thanks user

the funny thing is, the more I think about it the more I realize that this is all they can do. They alienated their core audience by season 2, went full tumblr in the last season, if they don't double down there won't even be the Dobson's to support this shitfest.

I don't know if that's funny or sad.

I knew it, I don't know how but I always knew it.

It's not necessarily funny or sad, it's pathetic.

They failed utterly at trying to create an interesting world or likable characters, nobody - not even the raving fantards liked the show's story.

Korrasmi is the one thing people liked about the show by the time it was over. It was the only thing anyone gave a shit about. It's all they have.

So now their canon story has turned into a bad shipping fic. Because there's nothing left.

I didn't post that pic.

Wait a moment, I thought the Avatar couldn't use his powers in the spirit world. Or was that because when Aang went there, he went as a spirit?

For some reason, I expect him to be Sokka's descendent, as in the twist is that nu-Team Avatar, must face off a descendent of the original Team Avatar.

That's not a fucking hijab, that's just a plain head covering.

That shit is fucking everywhere in South East Asia without being limited to Muslims. Even Christians and Jews have head coverings.

Also, OP, you are a faggot. You told me they put niggers in there and all I saw was one, maybe two colored faces which is absolutely not out of place for the Avatar universe or in Asia.

The lesbian shit is still gay.

It's what I expected, with a side serving of the illustrations looking worse than stills from the show, except:

Taking a few minutes to warm up some tea and visit an old lady that might have established Korra as a sympathetic protagonist. Why are we actually supposed to care about her, again? Oh right, gay.

Korra being lesbian/bi doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how abrupt and out of place that shit was. Especially in the context of TLA, where the romantic relationships take a reasonable amount of time to develop. Korra and Asami knew each other for years and never had that kind of chemistry but suddenly they're lovers. It just sucks, fam.

This is straight up retcon. In the original series the Air Nomads lived segregated by gender. Fuck, doesn't Korra mention that too?

>Straight up retcon? More like GAY up retcon.
Just like when Sozin was totally the worst because he criminalized being gay and not because of the literal genocide and global war he started.

I guess that if they want to lose readers, fans and profits as fast as possible, there's no good role model like Marvel Comics. The only thing they aren't doing yet is leaving all the work to diversity hires who they pay less than they typically do by calling them "assistant" editors/writers/artists.


The artist said she'd add people of many race and ethnicity into the comic for representation, she explicitly said she'll add muslims in it for a crowd scene.
Also, he's not op.

I am not doubting you or anything, but I need to screencap this just to add it to the insanity pile.

It was a screenshot an user took ages ago but it's somewhere here.
I won't be damned to find it but iirc it's the one where she said she'll add in people like Bangladeshis and Malaysians, who are majority muslim.

So the children of airbenders were brought by the stork? It wouldn't apply to just same sex, if it is a common practice to let go of earthly possessions then that would apply to male and female relationships. The guru was telling Aang that he has to be able to accept that Katara won't always be with him, but Aang didn't interpret it that way at first.

So the men lived with men and the women lived with women. Seems like a setting where a romantic relationship could be possible if they lived together with the same sex more than they integrated.

Malaysians? Kinda broad ain't it? We got Malays, Chinese and Indians around these here parts.

I didn't name the country

I was more referring to relationships in general tho

No it doesn't. Benders have been long integrated within their societies and only the Fire Nation had benders lording over non-benders as a rule.

Tibetan Buddhism has long had homosexuality as unacceptable.

I'd argue that Amon and his followers probably just instigated the whole thing if the entire movement fell when he died.

and dropped, cant keep reading after that shit.

But if it's based on Tibetan buddhaism, then it's very likely that homosexuality is frowned upon, and any air monk who feels that way for the same sex are most likely going to outcasted or isolated from others. Not only that, air benders need more monks and disciples, and two gay air monks are not going to pop out an air bender.

Are muslims ourguys?

Even though I dislike doing this, >>>Holla Forums

Heh, might as well not even bother screencapping them. Idiots will argue she only took inspiration from the culture not their religion (just like Imperials and Nords in TES are Romans and Vikings) instead of being straight-up real world Islam in a fantasy world.

I don't get this meme… Did Holla Forums replace Holla Forums or something?

Holla Forums and Holla Forums have a rivalry from what I understand.

Not only that, but Avatar Kiyoshi was very troubled by this. It doesn't matter that she was dead by the time Sozin took power, or hell, that Avatar Roku was already an OLD MAN by the time Sozin began his campaigns. The stronk womyn avatar was very upset by this, which is probably why the bitch didn't help Roku when he was dying on a volcano. Figured that the Cis shitlord fire bending avatar needed to check his privilege before he could save himself with avatar state.

It's difficult to think that they're not making her dislikable on purpose.

A stryng yndypyndynt wymyn is standing up to an evil male capitalist. How brave of her.

She could be arrested for illegal intimidation and theft of property. Why wouldn't he just send the police?

Her plan is to have the city buy the area from him. This is a stupid plan. Why would he sell it? He already bought it, so clearly he either
Either way: why would he sell it.

Of course. The only people who don't go along with their agenda are villans. We can't have any sort of moral grey zones or disagreements.

I'm fairly sure he didn't become a mercenary without knowing that he might be maimed or killed in battle. Also, any agreement reached with an employer (including the pay) would be tailored to reflect this risk.

Are there even any laws in this country? It seem you can just do what you want. Why wouldn't the business leader just call on the police to have the freak arrested as soon as he's safe.

Liberals have no concepts of contracts or binding agreements, they are just "pieces of papers" invented by the bourgeoisie/capitalists/patriarchy.

I guess he doesn't want to be associated with the mafia, and if he rats him out to the police, they will know that he employed the mafia. Anyway, he didn't even need, the mafia, just call the police to ask the airbenders to move somewhere else. Hell, if this was more "realistic" as in he wasn't an evil white rich cis male, he could have made an agreement with the air nomads to help him build and manage the amusement park. They get a cut, and he gets employees that know about spirits and the spirit world, but I guess that would exploitation of both the workers and the spirits and we can't have that, no can we?

Fair enough, although if he has mafia connections, he could probably just ask the mafia to kill this one guy that wants to take over everything because he hurt himself. He could probably also just bribe/extort the police to not investigate the mafia connections.

The guru speaks of the air nomads' love when referring about them to Aang. If relationships are supposed to be out the door then all their pairings are done without emotion?

Right, the places that Avatar is based on would never allow homosexuality so it would be frowned upon everywhere. But Aang isn't about to out his daughter.

Similar reasons could be like how Sozin didn't have Roku arrested back when he leveled the palace. Or how Chin's forces, as he had conquered the Earth Kingdom aside from the place where Kyoshi was, didn't take Kyoshi in for killing Chin despite them following him so devoutly.
He owns the land, not the spirit world. You can have the oil on your land, not the world that the oil trickles in from onto your land.

But she used illegal intimidation inside the city, not inside the spirit world, and the hippy protestors are occupying his land in the city, not in the spirit world.

And he has the right to be asshole to his other kids? Nu-Aang is a piece of shit, and it's sad the young aang we knew grows up to become like that.

The guy already is the godfather, and the other mafia members already tried and failed to apprehend him. Don't get me wrong, the comic is garbage, but this is the least of it's problems.

And Roku used it in the Fire Nation in the royal palace. And Kyoshi used it in the Earth Kingdom that Chin was ruling.

The difference is that the land is privately owned by an investor who didn't do anything really wrong as oppose to two war mongers, the other of which had already killed hundreds of people in his conquests.

That's a more logical, althouth it still seems absurd to me that someone can threaten or kill the godfather and become the new head honcho without any resistance from the organisation. No sane organisation operates like that.

Could you spell it out for me? Even if you claim that he didn't have legal support for his

Whoops! Should say

No you didn't understand, I implied that nu-Lee was the godfather, and the rich capitalist was someone who needed the assistance of the mafia. We see in the comic that rival gangs are fighting in the streets and nu-Lee is the boss of one of the factions, and better than all the other benders. At least that's what I gathered from this comic.

A woman can't cuck you, stupid.

Yeah they can

They can.


meanwhile Tibet is having a cultural genocide from the Chinese.

theres nothing wrong with genocide, user

(checked and Heiled)
Tell that to the Dalai Lama :v


A woman can't fertilize other, ergo, they can't cuck you, not to mention that romance between woman is just a mental delusion. Only autists believe they can because thy believe anything they don't like is cucking.
Watching a woman with another is an entertainment for a man, whether they are aware of it or not.


Best bait is the truth, user.

That's all korra is good for.

>>>Holla Forums
You don't need to impregnate someone in order to be cucked. You're cucked if you watch and enjoy seeing your girl get fucked, no matter who it is.

>korra:REEEEEEEEE you're one of (((them))) your literally worse than hitler
wtf ?!
Why is korra with the mental capacity of a 12year old ?


Girls don't have penises so they can't fuck each other, so no cucking.

Well shit Sherlock, it's not like they don't receive pleasure out of oral, nor does the guy for watching his girl receive that kind of pleasure.
I'm not going to argue about sex, cucking, and shit for someone that I'm pretty sure is just baiting. Bottom line, if you like seeing your girlfriend receiving pleasure from someone other than you, you're a cuck.

Don't get me wrong, Korra is a whore, but she is not cucking Mako because you can't cuck a man with a woman. It's like saying sex toys are cucking. Good for you if you don't want to argue, pussy.

Whoops, my bad!

I didn't want to argue because I don't want to deride the thread into a cuck debate. I'd rather just deal with the other prevalent issues in the comic. Like

Jesus Christ

Fuck it, I'm reading the whole thing just so I can get the very best of the shittily drawn faces

Alright, I can sympathize. I just hate that everyone screams cucks at everything they don't like, but it was just one faggot, so whatever.

Fucking shit that's bad. Great motivator to hit the loomis and get to practicing drawing.

Don't worry, it gets worse

Professional artist, everyone

That was the worst of the worst, but the rest isn't much better.

There are porn artists who draw more accurate Korra and Asami than this.

It's not terrible art, it's just really rough and would be better suited towards drawing a webcomic that none of us read.

I don't think you get it, some of the panels take up 1/6-1/4 of a page. These are the detail shots, and they look this bad.

To bad they cant draw a whole comic and have deadlines

Its decent at best

The facts are all the other posters in the thread.

I needed some good reaction images.


Get your eyes checked, user.

The dead eyes are what really bothers me. It's like looking at soulless husks kind of like an analogy for the series


Not if you think about it. Sokha is a non-bender, he is the brain, leader and general of the group. His father is the same. Now, his sister and mother are benders, will he hated them enough to get rid of their talents? Does Katara and their mom had a higher hierachy over their husband and father because they can bend? No. And that just one family, Every family consist of benders and non-benders. If some bender bully you, ask for help from your bender relatives or better yet, have some martial art and do it themselves.

Team Azula consisted of two nonbenders, that's two out of three, and they can handled earth-benders pretty well. The tensions in ATLA are all between nations, tribes, philosophy and classes. None are between family members who just have a different talents than you.

Also, just because you can't bend elements does not meant that you can't beat a bender. Team Azula, Kiyoshi, Sokha, Jet are all nonbenders, yet they were able to defeat most benders in the story quite easily. It actually gave them an advantage, everyone knew how benders fight, none knew how they fight.

I meant conflicts.

Not even ten pages in and I'm mad already.

Hoo boy, I can't wait for Korra to put that evil oppressive capitalist le Donald DRUMPF Wonyong Keum in his place.

Homosexuals, like other sexual deviants, are irrational.

What do you mean, tripsman?

Pick one

My interpretation was always that they were not even real soldiers but just a bunch of brigands or deserters who somehow got some uniforms and fucked with the people.

Honestly, I always assumed the whole non-bender vs bender thing was a product of the social climate in Republic City and wouldn't work anywhere else.

Book Two established Aang as an abusive father. So abusive his kids besides Tenzin were bitter at both their father and brother into middle age.

In hindsight, it's surprising they didn't make Aang hostileto Kya's homosexuality.

The abusive part was just Holla Forums shitposting. He was just neglectful to his other kids(Aang didn't take them to see X, but took Tenzin). There is a difference between not taking you child to Disneyland, and beating him with a leather belt.

Basically the airbender kid (Tenzin) got all the attention, training and traveling relating to the airbender culture from adult Aang while putting aside the two other kids who weren't airbenders.

On one hand you have an adult who was the last of the Air Nomads trying to pass on as much airbending knowledge to his only airbending child AKA the newest member of the Air Nomads and once Aang kicked the bucket, technically Tenzin would become the "new" last airbender, until he had kids with airbending.
While on the other hand, was it so hard for Aang to not take a young Kya and Bumi on a Sky Bison and travel to an air temple, to at least let them see and learn what they could of their dad's culture? Even if they didn't have airbending? Because Aang seemed pretty chill with that non bending air disciples group existing.

It's really bizarre. Even if they weren't airbenders themselves, their children could still have been so it would make sense to teach them all about air nomad culture too.

It really seems like they just wanted to shit on the old series.

Or teach em literally anything about air nomad culture so the knowledge couldn't die with just Aang or Tenzin.

This is the thing that strikes me as the most confusing, especially because one of the things Aang never grew out of over the course of the series was a desire to share an experience with friends. He wanted to take Sokka and Katara all around the world to ride animals and visit his home at the airbending temple, and to go to cities he'd once visited, and so on and so on.

For Aang to grow up into a joyless faggot who would say "you kids stay here with your mom and do nothing (especially you Bumi, you no-bending disappoint. I hate you the most. You fucking suck, kid) while I disappear for months and years to dote on my one airbending son whom I will entrust everything to before I mysteriously die way before my time.."

Good hoodie woman and you got butthurt like a sjw for hoddie woman

I separated Muslim from race and ethnicity. Besides, for those people, Islam is their primary religion



That's another thing that peeves me. Why the fuck would aang put that much pressure and all that shit onto tenzin. He's doing the exact thing that he hates the most, and going against what gyatso's (aka the airmonk that he truly looked up to) taught and nurtured him.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

What's more she openly wears a marriage necklace, which I always assumed meant she was a widow.

Could be a common streetshitter since we have seen a grand total of one before, but the author said she was including "diversity".

Cryogenics probably fucked him up. Seems like they just wanted to make Aang into a jackass so that Korra would look better, but Korra is such a miserable fuckup that even a deadbeat dad is better.

I mean, a woman can't cuck you with another woman.

It's somewhat more likely that Brian and Mike couldn't come up with a decent story on their own that didn't partially piggyback off of Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka. Had aang died in his 70s or 80s (or longer, because he was a goddamn air nomad and the Avatar) then the new avatar would be born and grow up over the next 15 or so years, taking all of the Gaang out of the mix entirely.

That's why it made sense in Republic city which represents a modern metropolitan city: There is no national identity, so they look to the next best thing, which is racial divide or "bending status". There was no conflict in the Earth/Fire/Water nations because they had national identity. Republic city has none.

The writers are so damn retarded that they didnt know what family vacation and family traveling is.
Hell, if they want family tension, they could just go for Tenzin was the favorite one.

But would those two especially aang play favorites? Aang got a lot of beef from the other air monk kids because he's the avatar, and I really doubt he want to do that to his kids along with being a shit dad. The writers can't really write for shit, let alone look back at the source material and see the little subtle cues and what not.

LoK was a horrible mistake,l.

mfw the sociopathic character from the fanfiction of LoK is a better father to his kids than the fanfiction Aang from the actual LoK

I think the best part about Aang and his air nomad legacy, is that he had a bunch of honorary air benders in the temples keeping the culture alive, only that they couldn't bend(they were introduced in the first comic, and in season 3 of Korra), but then Korra opens up the portals and now they have a bunch of random air-benders, from all sorts of nations, but all those honorary airbenders got nothing. All those years of dedication and preserving of culture, and they get replaced by a random earth-nation NEET who happened to be able to airbend. Worse, Bumy can now airbend, I guess Aang was rolling in his grave at that moment.

This is kind of a pretty big worldbuilding red flag.

Race is a social construct, change the social construct and you change the racial identity. :^)

Every face Tenzin makes in this set looks like it should be captioned with "das it mane."

After all gyatso and the other monks did for him, he does that shit. Another thing I don't get is how on earth would there be hidden air monks. Did a couple of air monks drop out of reaching enlightenment and just screwed around? Also, since the fire lord and his cronies was hellbent on killing every airbender, wouldn't that also count those who have air bender blood or related to an air bender?

The earth police chick should of just gave her sister the boot. And I feel pretty bad for police chick, since tenzin's wife cucked her, and everyone else treats her like she's a bitch whose in the wrong including nu-old hag toph.

If you are referring to the honorary air monks, in the comics(I think it was called The Promise) there were some earth citizens who found old airbending scrolls and started larping as air nomads. Aang, at first feels insulted and doesn't recognize them as air nomads, because they couldn't airbend. Towards the end of the comic, he sees that they are quite dedicated in their larping so he gives them the status of honorary air nomads, who have the duty of preserving his culture. We see them in season 3 of Korra keeping the air temples clean, and worshiping Tenzin. Surprised Tenzin and Aang didn't fuck all the acolyte women, since they were worshiping the Big Air Nomad Cock, and they did need to repopulate the world with more airbenders. I guess homosexuality is ok in their culture, but polygamy is completely tabu and against their culture. Could you imagine if Tenzin was gay? I think Aang would have killed his entire family, and then kill himself in the Avatar state, so that no avatars could ever see what a failure he was.
If you are referring to the new airbenders in Korra, after she opened the spirit portals in S2, all sorts of weird shit happened, including bestowing airbending powers to random people all over the world, including a villain who also larped as an airbender, but he was special, because he read all the books, and was more knowledgeable than even Tenzin. Also Bumi got the gift so now he is an equal to Tenzin and can say "Fuck you dad!".

How about this instead?

I'd like it better if it was simplified to only on tenzin pick and then have both Korra's and Opal's face

*one Tenzin pic

Bumi becoming an airbender was a weird idea.

Here you have a nonbender who seems like a complete badass cool old guy, still proving how despite lacking bending skills, a lot of nonbenders are creative and resourceful and can totally kick ass in the military etc.

Then the show makes him a bender because…?

Idk, almost as if the writers thought he would be uninteresting without it

One of Korra's big problems was that the writers didn't think they could have a good villain without them having some sort of weird quirk to their bending. Bryke's idea of a character seems to be a list of abilities and backstory. If you look at all the ATLA villains, they're all normal firebenders. Zuko, Azula, Ozai, none of them have any special skill that's unique to only them because they don't need it. They're interesting and memorable on their own without some gimmick like "psychic bloodbending" or "literally flight" to keep us from forgetting them as soon as they go away.

Here you go you helpful person

Much better

Azula had lightning and blue flames (can't remember if blue fire is the hottest or it's white).

Her fire was purely aesthetic. Lightning was not specific to just Azula, Iroh and Ozai could use it as well, and Aang probably could if he wanted to, but since it's used exclusively for killing your opponent he never would.

Riddle me this, why in Republic City are there cars that assumingly works the same as cars back in the 20s if lightening benders are still needed to power the city's reactors?

Because Bryke are hacks

It was released in 2012, back when DC was the one doing all of that shit.

It's even more infuriating in the FIRST episode of Korra we see Tenzin take himself, his young three kids and his pregnant wife from Republic City to the South Pole on a Sky Bison. If he could do that, what's adult Aang's excuse for not taking young Kya, Bumi and adult Katara with him and young Tenzin?

I have the feeling the whole reason they wrote this shit, was just so Bryke could add more airbending characters without having to wait years and generations for Tenzin's kids to breed and without the implication of all the airbenders in the current world being descendants from Aang so they could have an airbending villain without being related to Aang. Also served as an excuse to keep airbending Bumi and Opal around.
The Avatar series has some dark implications when you consider the massive genetic bottleneck of the Aang-Tenzin having to create more airbenders, otherwise it would be lost (forever?)

The Air Acolytes from The Promise comic. Tried to mention them here , if NONE of them got that random airbending upgrade that would pretty depressing, they were the ones who deserved it the most. Looks like another bit of crappy writing from the Korra team

You have to understand that with comics, it's the same shit, different company. Back in 2012, DC was making characters gay for publicity. Now, in 2017, Marvel makes characters gay for publicity. It's all a cyclic pattern of pandering and gimmicks all done to sell comics.

Which is what Eric Powell hit on in that issue of the Goon. That all DC and Marvel do is shill stunts to generate sales instead of making good comics.

Amon and Zaheer were the only two villains I kinda liked in the show, that is before the whole "Amon is really a psychic bloodbender called Noatak" revelation and the whole idiocy with the Red Lotus. I also don't get how they had Zaheer somehow being the most knowledgeable about airbending ever, yet he gets kicked all over the place by Tenzin. Either they shouldn't have had him be that good or he should have beaten Tenzin.

No, it was actually hotter than a normal firebender's fire. Actually, that's one of the reasons I didn't really like Azula, they just kept pulling all these new powers and skills out of their ass to make her more of a threat. It even extended to the post-show comics.

It's no wonder that they had to give her a mental breakdown so she would be beatable. Granted, they could've just powered up Zuko so he was no longer a punching bag, but that would've interfered with the "all the girls are more powerful than the boys with the exception of Aang because Avatar" thing they had going.

good for her

he was the most sokka type character and it killed it for me.

I think the avatars see everything, specially in avatar state

Aang? Nah, he looks like one gal kind of guy, but Tenzin would have impregnate all the girls, becuase of MUH DYING AIRBENDING!

Pic related, but I think the color and temperature is related with the thing you are burning.


Oh well.

That's neat. Unfortunately we're shown that Aang's children have psyche wounds from his parenting style well into middle age. Tenzin has trying to live up his father's standards as his wound, Kya and Bumi have Aang playing favorites.

It's more ridiculous when you recall that the trio's mother is Katara. Who in TLA was shown as standing her ground against those she sees as having done the unacceptable. LoK would have us believe Katara apparently enabled Aang's
fault filled parenting instead of telling him to stop.

It was the Fire Nation that went on a conquest spree. Going from your claim, an airbender (the bending of a world hero) should be seen as lowly as a firebender (brutal burning bastards).

You're going out of your way to excuse what in practice is a forced attempt to X-Men. Benders do not have the traditional hostility towards them that a group like Irish had against them by Anglos, any visible features setting them apart like skin color, or the status to be the bourgeois.

Kuvira was the only major villain in LoK who was just a bender. Or are you counting the giant robot?

It was confirmed before LoK aired that bending styles aren't strictly hereditary and that lifestyle also mattered. With this accounted for, it'd be easy to stock up on bender children receptive to the ways of Wind Monks.

Instead she had spirit-nukes.

Right from the start, even the idea cutting room floor, LoK is a mess. And those saying that Amon should have won and every season afterward should be him influencing the other nations and winning are doing what Bryke did for LoK: not thinking.

After finally reading this, it's a good thing she lost her connection to the past Avatars because all I can imagine is them looking down at her in shame.

-Dammit Korra, I was 11 and didn't do anything half as stupid as you and had to face the Fire Lord!
-While on that topic, the only good thing this world has is a Fire Lord who's not a traitorous twat.
-Korra once again digs herself a hole so deep, not even an Earth Bender could get out of it. Looks like another mess that a long lived Avatar from the Earth Kingdom is going to have to fix, COUGH! COUGH! Why is it that the Water Tribe based Avatars seem to make the worst choices? COUGH COUGH!
-WATER TRIBE! Did someone say Water Tribe? Hey fella's . . . and Kyoshi, man you should take up "spiritual afterlife surfing" it might clear up that cough. Oh boy! What wacky hi-jinks has my fellow Water Tribe based Avatar gotten up to . . . today? . . . Dammit . . . Korra at the rate your going at your only going to live as long as ol Kuruk here! The only thing I can praise her for is at least her partner has a face but those aren't hard to find.

Would be a hell of a thing if there existed a group within the world of Avatar that considered killing off Korra in hopes that the next Avatar will be less awful.


Oh God I'm imagining the past lives bitching at her like the ancestral spirits from Mulan

They cant because korra killed them all.

Doesn't that mean, she pretty much doomed the world and every avatar that comes after her? God damn, if there was ever another installment fanmade fanfiction or whatever, I cannot imagine the anger from the avatars that got screwed over by that one cunt from the water tribe.

Yep, all that knowledge gone, the next avatar is going to have korra as a spiritual guide, korra, giving advice to the next poor idiot.

You know thinking of fan fiction that Patrick BatemanxKorra fapfic is amusing in that it basically requires this massive fuckup on Korra's part to avoid being extremely awkward.

Could you imagine them just waltzing into Korra's brain while her abusive husband is railing.

Aang: "Hey how's the massive disappointment doing tod-heeeeeeeey!"

Kyoshi: "…"

Aang: "How long has this been going on?"

Kyoshi: "Bout forty-five minutes."

Aang: "I-is she taking it in the ass?"

Kyoshi: "Yep."

Aang: "She doesn't seem to like it."

Kyoshi: "Nope."


That might have to be due with behind the scenes stuff. Didn't they threaten to quit or something if the gay shit wasn't included. It doesn't automatically excuse the whole show because the only reason they get together is because they dated the blandest main character in the history of the show. Or they realized that Mako was voiced by David Faustino and rejected him like any other woman from his character Bud Bundy from Married with Children.

The one thing I'm mad about this is that people, at least at the time, forgave the very obvious shortcomings of the show once they did that scene at the end. Falling for the same snake oil because they need everything in life to confirm their viewpoint seems to be the norm nowadays.

If it is true that they wanted to push the gay direction, they should have done it from the start, at the very least, the start of the last season. At the time, everyone was at least fooled that they were the creative minds behind Avatar being good instead of the team effort from Last Airbender. There hasn't been such a show that wasted so much potential in recent memory that I can think of other than what Korra did. They had some ideas but didn't know what to do with it. Truly a shame.








never been on reddit

two characters talking without paragraph format therefore screenplay format

i'm drunk

So the Avatar is Trump and his lightning bender is Pence?

I thought the whole Korrasami thing was like a last minute thing for Bryke and only confirmed it due to fan reactions.

Onision wasn't really cucked, he pressured his wife to aquire a new side girl thorugh her "bisexuality" because he wouldn't touch her pregnant ass.

Yep! Probably made it too obvious.

They don't even work for Nick anymore, so them quitting then wouldn't have done anything.

I watched Book 3/4 a few months after that gay reveal happened and the only affection between the two was just the fucking letters (which she got from everyone not just Asami) and it just seemed like they were friends who were trying be social to a distant friend, not OMG I LOVE YOU.
It makes me wonder if there is some sort of Mako/Korra ending and/or Bolin/Korra ending that exist just in case people liked them more, and used the "look they sent letters!" as a plot excuse to make up for half-assing the romance.

Miraculous Ladybug (season 1) might be a contender because networks wouldn't air it if it wasn't toned down for younger audiences from it's original darker and more mature pitch. Future seasons and a possible Japanese 2D OVA might redeem it.
Korra does have the issue of being a sequel series and the high expectation of trying to be better than TLA (which is one heck of a high benchmark to compete against).

Stop it!

That's….. kinda hot. Is avatar Yangchen a dyke too?

I hate this bullshit so, so fucking much.

I mean shit, Korra and Asami are bi, Kya's gay, Kyoshi's gay, Air Nomads are gay, which I'm guessing means that Yangchen loved to munch pussy too, and Sozin is an evil homophobic shitlord.

The only thing left is for Mako to realize that he's loved cock all along and go hook up with that wussy faggot prince whatshisface from Book 4.

The West is a dystopian degenerate cesspool.
It can only be cleansed with nuclear fire.

Only good Korra is a glazed one..

Just use greentext and pinktext

I can't be bothered to go find the posts, but I remember hearing as much also. Mostly because only Bryan and Mike seemed to know this was happening. Storyboarders didn't know. Other writers didn't know. Production assistants didn't know.. and then after the finale, they ran to tumblr to say >THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S TRUE! WE MADE THEM GAY!

Of course, if you want to find any of the articles where they said something to the effect of
You'll have to dig through hundreds of articles praising them for their revolutionary act of faggotry and their masterful retconning to make innocuous scenes seem like they planned this all along.

It's like the Wan situation. The world made it through. The Avatar lives in the present and should seek counsel and interact with those around them in the here and now.

It would depend on their upbringing. Apparently a child not having social interactions and only being told that they have to bring balance to the world and their teachers and adults in their life never communicating with each other and hiding secrets from the child doesn't benefit the child.


I pointed it out earlier in the thread, but Korra was apparently always an egotistical brat from an early age. "I"m the Avatar!! You gotta DEAL WITH IT!!"
Also, she was born with an inherent aptitude for 3 of the 4 elements, which is weird as fuck, considering most children with bending talent need years of instruction to wield one of them.

At any rate, it was truly bizarre for the White Lotus to enforce a policy that kept the reincarnated spiritual and political icon of the world away from society. The bridge between the Human and Spirit world interacts with practically no one and has not even a sliver of spirituality to show. No one even knew who the fuck she was at first because she was completely removed from the world for her entire life.

In the time Aang was frozen, the world fell into total warring chaos. In the 17 years Korra was training, who knows what could have happened? Nope! More important to shield a girl who would have to grow into an international figure of peace and balance from the rest of the world!.. and Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and everyone else somehow agreed to this bullshit.

Children acting like children at the age of three?

Which is why LoK falls apart right from the first episode. It doesn't make sense and that's not even with the bending three elements at age 3. You could have explained that later with some Avatar spirit stuff. It falls apart because the characters aren't acting like themselves and they aren't asking questions among themselves.

The White Lotus playing such a big role in the Avatar's development is just more fanservice.

But he was DEAD.

That doesn't mean he couldn't have told people how he would like them to handle the next incarnation of the Avatar. All of his friends were close members with high ranking White Lotus members and likely should have succeeded them as members of the Old People organization.

Instead, the White Lotus devolved into some sort of insular, regressive secret society that believed that making sure the Avatar was physically trained and not corrupted by the outside world was the most important thing ever.


I like the idea of arguing avatars, why not an evil avatar too? I mean the avatar only has to protect the earth and balance the nations he doesn't have to be a nice guy.

That's not really evil unless they're going against their purpose as an avatar.

great joke, 11/10

I'm saying evil from our perspective, like decimating a country for getting too strong or even culling the population as a warped form of protecting the planet mandate.

What if the avatar decides that one country being more technologically advanced or more populated than another is a long term security risk? How do you stop the avatar from culling people?

What if a bunch of ozai loyalists in the fire temple raise the next avatar to be fire hitler? certainly the old temple monks have the right to override the white lotus raising of the avatar or at least the means to discover the new avatar first.

What kind of measure can possibly be put in place to stop an evil avatar? Does one of his past lives try to off him?

That would be a neat idea except LoK established the Avatar as a force for light and paragoness. The Raava VS Vaatu retcon sure is a shame. Namely for being a bastardization of Yin-Yang.

You mean like, the Dark Avatar?
Yeah, you can fuck off with that.

No, like an avatar who's a tyrant not a competing dark spirit mumbo jumbo.

That still sounds cheesy as fuck. The idea itself doesn't break any rules, the Avatar restoring balance doesn't always have to be good. But it's cheesy and sounds like a fanfic.

What's cheesy about an evil bastard with power?

It's not just any "evil bastard," it's an "evil Avatar."
That's a hard concept to sell because it sounds fan fiction and in the wrong hands, can go terribly wrong.
However, I'd say making the Avatar either entirely good or entirely evil mutes the point that the Avatar is just a person with responsibility. Someone like Aang was just a normal kid with a lot of weight on his shoulder and did good and bad things.

Wasn't there a joke that Yang-Chen (air avatar before Aang) was such a tyrannical bitch that the world not only was at peace while she lived, but even after she died, they were so afraid, that the next water avatar didn't have any major problems to solve and could just surf?

First time I've heard of that. Though I have heard she took her philosophy more from the earth benders rather than the air benders.

Actually Aang never agreed to that. The reason for the overprotection was Korra being kidnapped by the Red Lotus as a child.

I don't remember that but even the other Airbending Avatar told Aang to just murder Ozai saying that the Avatar can't disconnect themselves from the world.

That was a Season 3 retcon because they probably realized how fucking stupid it was for the Avatar to be locked in a small compound for their entire life for no real reason. The Red Lotus is also very stupid.

At the time of Season 1 of Korra's development, there was no hint, whatsoever, of The Red Lotus being a thing, and even if it was, they could have spliced that in with a few lines

Sounds more cheesy than another "good guy saves the world" story?

Kuvira was the only major villain who was a proper follow-up to TLA's events.

If Aang could learn all four elements while being hunted down by an entire country and elite assassins in a year then Korra can learn all four elements while being hunted down by a scattered group of anarchists.

That's not at all the same. That's just a story or trope that's pretty typical for fantasy settings on a grand scale. Making a pre-established force for good "evil" sounds like fan fiction.

So much for balance, eh?

But she was a shitty version of the fire lord

What are you smoking user.

She's more like Azula if anybody.

In case you forgot, the Fire Nation went on a century war spree that ended with a noticeable amount of seized territory still under its influence
. Come LoK, seized EK territory is still seized and its stuck with a garbage monarchy.

She's not (at least not early on) Amon doing his silly Kill All Benders schtick, Unalaq doing whatever he was doing, Zaheer doing muh chaos. She was spearheading the one arc conflict that actually fit as a continuation of the world situation by TLA's end instead of a forced attempt to force more out of the setting.

Was she handled top-notch? Of course not (note to Bryke: Having your patriot trying to make the EK great again use off-screen concentration camps and then attack Republic City in a giant robot is hardly how you show fall from grace). Was her book? No. The point, she had something there. Something every other major villain besides maybe Amon lacked.

All the arcs were pretty retarded

Well yeah.

Jesus fuck this is so cringe. Their constant acknowledgement of the dykes' relationship doesnt feel normal or believable even within its own story. Its like they arent even editing or bothering to read this shit before it goes public. Its like a batman book like TDKR with Bruce constantly saying his parents were murdered and "im batman" through the entire book. I cant believe people with such little talent are able to get money to produce such bad levels of tumblr fan shipping media.

Even Love Hina is able to deliver more belivable relationship stories in each book.

Gay relationships will always be the sign of a show's death. Because they can't just portray it normally like straight relationships, they have to virtual signal and show everyone how fucking progressive they are.
The fact that some people list "bisexual" as a good thing about a character is fucking sickening.

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but if I was an Instagram fitness model and someone took one of my pictures and replaced my head with some cartoon girl, I'd be incredibly creeped out.

It depends whether or not she knows about the show and if she do if she likes it. If I was so fit that someone did that and replaced it with Goku or something like that, I'd feel honored.


How does it feel knowing she can kick your beta ass?

She probably just likes the added attention.

You wouldn't post on tumblr would you?


Yeah, no.

The only abnormal women tumblr approves of are morbidly obese, misshape creatures with all the self-harm scars, body hair, stretchmarks, and ugly cranial accessories they can cram on. A musclular woman is only acceptable if she's a turbodyke tranny.


We really would have been better off with just the first book as planned originally.
It still would have been terrible, but less terrible overall.

Amon's arc would have better for book 4, because he could have used the previous 3 villains as examples of bending for bad purposes. I know we have discussed this idea in the past (some sort of "series improvement thread"), but Amon's presence and the rise of the equalists could have been a small series of slowly escalating minor background details and events for the first 3 books before finally reveling himself.

Masculine men want women that are feminine and are effeminate. You want to fuck a butch domineering bitch, whatever floats your boat user. Just dont act like men want to be faggy like you. Muscles on women mean shit. What we want are good ass shape, good hip to waste ratio, and nice tits and a soft voice to listen too and pretty face to look at.

Brains and other shit isnt required.

Being the Avatar's guardians has got to be one of the most powerful roles to have, so powerful that it seems ripe for abuse. That's an idea could be expanded in a hypothetical third series.

After a change in leadership, the White Lotus realized that the four nations will always be in conflict with each other and that their would always be new tyrants to replace the old ones, with the new ones being more destructive than the last. First it was the Fire Lords that destroyed an entire nation, then it was the Water Tribe that nearly brought the end of the world, and lastly the Earth Empire and their invention of weapons of mass destruction. The Avatar never brought balance to the world, and should the cycle continue, humanity would eventually destroy itself.

The White Lotus believed that the only way to save humanity from complete destruction was to end the four nations, uniting them under their enlightened rule. However, they knew that the world nor the Avatar would not approve of their goals, so they use the newly militarized United Republic of Nations to spread their influence to other nations under the pretence of democracy, and had Korra assassinated with her successor in their care.

Muh nigga

She's not getting the added attention, it's Korra's head attached to her body (turned from white to a Water Nation brown) that's getting the attention.

It still counts as long as someone is, technically, ogling her body.

It's just her body, though, with another head replacing it. That's what makes it creepy, unless that's a fetish of hers or something.

She's a model. All she cares about is people looking at her. It doesn't matter if someone just inserts a head over her body. Her body is still there being looked at.


Honestly all she has are abs, her arms in the picture are petty demure, even a "strong" woman is still weak as shit compared to a fit man. Well exercised women are about 1/3 as strong as exercised men, if she put just a little bit more fat on your couldn't even see her abs.

The shitty tattoo is more a indicative of a problem than her limited muscles.

Why are hot brown fems written so bad in comics?


Because apparently we don't deserve nice things.



We don't

The point of a third series would be to question the fundamental principles of the show, while being against centralization and globalism. The next avatar should take a third option to bringing balance to the world, one that would ensure permanent change and not endless regime change.

You mean go back to the idea of the 4 nations sticking to their own people but intermingling for trade? Fire Nation and their lords, Earth Kingdom and their king who rules other kings, Water Tribe and their two chiefs and council, and the Air with their pie baking.

Next Avatar should have spirits chimpout with Korra banished to super hell.

Just the way the world works.

Hey Holla Forums

how was that Holla Forums?

If anything, she must be irritated that someone basically used her body and slapped onto it some shitty cartoon character with a cult who constantly spams her social media accounts with "OMG YOU LOOK JUST LIKE HER" or "DAMN GURL YOU LIKE KORRA!" or "PLZ COSPLAY AS KORRA!"

She seemed ok with it at first. I know there's a post of her on instagram where she is amused by it.

I can imagine it'd wear her down over time.


I just started watching Korra last night and it's awesome. Almost done with book 1.


For all the strict (and deserved) disembowelment of this literary and visual anal polyp in this thread, I see something missing I should add from years of experience dealing with people and watching how they interact in various fucked up ways:

No two women on the planet would steal the same man from each other back and forth, AGGRESSIVELY, for years and then shack up. Murder is more likely. Physical brutality is far more likely. The only way this fucking plotline can be redeemed is if Korra's self-centered bitchery results in her regularly giving Asami five to the face, as is statistically likely.

And that's where one of the main differences exists between your real life experiences and this comic.

I'm really sick of everything I love being dead or dying. It'd be nice if the west would get their heads out of their own asses so I wouldn't be forced to watch anime to escape the poz.
Ah well, at least TLA is good. As far as I'm concerned, LOK is fanfiction and no one can tell me otherwise.

Is there meaning in this post? Is it unfinished? The fuck is being said here?


It gets worse as it goes on so brace yourself.

Oh no, it's an anal polyp like the post I was responding to said. But the poster's solution would not redeem it, and his addition based in reality doesn't hold in this case as he's saying the two of them were aggressively stealing the same man from each other for years.
There is no example of either of them showing interest in women before the ending like you said. I do not disagree with how terrible the writing is from episode one of the animated series and continues to be with the comic.

Will do.

Forced romance between two characters who barely interacted until then is fucking awful writing.




Clearly, that user thinks millennials/Gen Z's are all normies and don't know how to use imageboards.

Really now? That's curious; was there ever any continuation or reference to the guru after Aang's first meditation with him, in the show or the comics?

I don't know about the comics but he wasn't mentioned ever again in the show.

I'd wager the vast vast VAST majority of SJWs have intense issues with their parents. The women hate their fathers and the men hate their mothers.

Aaron Ehaz, the writer that was the secret to making TLA so great, wasn't on for Korra. TLK basically is fanfiction.

Yeah, Ehasz was the one responsible for Zuko's character arc and Toph being a girl. I know Azula was planned to be male in production but I don't know if he was behind that.

Also, Season 3 in TLA was when Bryke played a bigger role in production. It's also the worst one.

Shouldn't they get along better because they are both attracted to women?

Can't argue with those digits.
Sounds like another similarity with George Lucas.