Death Knell of Youtube

Youtube has a new set of guidelines and has already started acting on them. They're going through people's older videos first and disabling ads.

>YouTube reserves the right to not monetize a video, as well as suspend monetization features on channels that repeatedly submit videos violating our policies
So if you make videos discussing politics they will get rid of you monetization with zero notice if they don't like what you have to say. How long until they just start deleting channels containing wrongthink? How much longer will content like Richard Wolff's Economic Update be allowed on youtube? How long until the platform for alternative news outlets to the MSM get squashed?

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Is it possible to make some kind of distributed or p2p media platform that's immune or at least resistant to central control? Does anything like that exist already?

MediaGoblin but it's hard to set-up.

It's also not distributed or p2p but federated, like e-mail.

This plus all the facebook censoring and Milo's unpersoning, the normie internet is becoming the Ministry of Truth


I'm trying to learn how to setup Media Goblin now.

Looks like softie youtubers are going to have the learn the hard way about what owning the means of production means.

I doubt it will be the death knell. If anything it will be more profitable then ever since it will contain the largest repository of videos that never rustle anyone jimmies.

Can you argue that YouPorn is a complete creation of the DDR?

I mean back in the day and even now a lot of the amateur porn was German and the legacy of homemade porn in the DDR is very well documented.

In this case though it's distribution specifically. Producing video content is entirely handled by the users. Youtube just distributes. It could very easily lose all of its content creators, destroying its value. The trouble would be moving viewers en masse to another site/service.

Yeah but people go to youtube for the content made by small-timers. And it's not like they have a real monopoly on video (or even that great of a platform). They just have the largest consistent body of viewers and Google's tech backing them.

All YouTubers are employees though since ad revenue is basically money for wage labor.

So sadly most youtubers are lumpenprole as fuck. I wish they'd all en masse jump onto a platform like media goblin but that's like wishing for a unicorn to come to my house.

YouTube also has a its entire audience believing that YouTube is the only place to get videos, like the internet works like real estate or something.

Yes technically all that can be changed but I ain't counting on it.

I want to see some lolberts defending this.

I guarantee you this was done to clamp down on the alt-right.

Reddit had to do this same thing, but they made the mistake of explicitly saying they were banning the alt-right.

If anything making the policy just "offensive, or political" means they learned from the mistakes of Reddit and their fiasco with coontown.

inb4 Carl loses monetization and blames the SJW's at youtube while ignoring the bigger issue.

Not going to lie, I'm thoroughly enjoying all the butt hurt flowing from lupenprole YouTubers who thought that YouTube was some sort of civic institution that was obligated to host their videos that contained heavy subtext of their backward ideologies and beliefs.

It reminds me of football fans that cry when their privately owned team packs up and moves to another town.


Of course it was. Anything right of what they deem acceptable is bad and must be shut down.

dutifully noted

this tbqh

does anyone have documentation of this?

I wish it was because of some sort of political reason

But the real reason is that the alt-right is commercial poison.

The alt-right doesn't understand how capitalism works. The US is only half white now, you can't have bullshit on your video platform that drives away half of your potential customers.

watch this

yup, pretty much could have seen this coming a mile down the freeway.

The guy in the OP's video defends it and he's a "progressive." It's the whole muh free speech only applies to government shit.

Go watch the video in the OP. They did it to Secular Talk guy, and he's socdem as fuck.

Orwell was a socialist you tard.

I'm saying that they were motivated to due this primarily because of the alt-right.

I cite Reddit's CoonTown fiasco as proof. They learned from that mistake and just made the policy vague by saying any offensive political speech.

The people de-monetizing these videos are all dirty poor wages slaves from countries like Vietnam. They're just listening for key words, on YouTuber I follow got his video talking about a German MLG tournament.

The small timers that follow the rules and make beige content are going to me more profitable then every since the audience will most likely stay the same size.

If anything the audience size will increase once normies learn that YouTube is a safe space now.

I also cite the "Flush Rush" boycott. Advertisers realize alt-right shit hurts their brands and want some sort of safeguard from it. TBH these policies probably came from the insistence of the advertisers and not necessarily Google.

Good lord this secular talk guy waaaay over estimates his value to YouTube.

I love you YouTube and am saddened by these policies but damn it became over run with every damn reactionary with a condenser mic peddling bullshit.

People a lot like this secular talk guy.

They have already suspended monetization of videos that made fun of SJWs like that DeFranco video.

How? I'm pretty sure he was just using himself as an example for how this will fuck people up.

Wow, that South Park season which linked the Politically Correct Thought Police to advertisers and what they consider to be approriate content really saw it coming.

Advertising is where political correctness started. They realized they could sanitize content to reduce the chances of people getting mad at them when their products became associated with something upsetting.

His video has like 25k views. The videos that are bringing in the kind of money Google wants are into the millions.

YouTube isn't a civic institution. It's not there to facilitate political debate, class consciousness, freeze peach or diversity of content or whatever else this guy thinks he brings to the table that doesn't make money.

Same shit on reddit. This whole outrage by idpolers about certain content and communities is just a smokescreen in order to make platforms more attractive for advertisers.

He converted to Nazism after witnessing the horrors perpetrated by the Soviet army in Spain

He just runs his mouth into a mic. This policy is there to get rid of parasites like him. I guarantee you any content with any kind of real production value isn't going to get pulled even if it political.

The part I don't get about the reaction to this is, it's only disallowing monetization. They're not saying they'll outright delete a video if it's controversial. The content is still available for awareness or discussion purposes. This move only seems to harm people who earn a living from throwing in their 2 cents for every issue of the day. I'm not saying I support this move by youtube, but it doesn't seem to be as thought-police-ish as people are making it out to be. Then again, I'm a weird sort that doesn't believe that making youtube videos should be a substitute for getting a real job, and can't be asked to give a fuck about people's youtube money potentially being taken away for gargling into a mic about the "wrong" subjects.

This policy really only effects political reactionaries from leveraging YouTubes audience to give legitimacy to their backwards politics.


Are there political videos on youtube?
I thought youtube was for watching videos of people playing Minecraft and videos of super honest teenager reactions.
Oh, and cats. More specifically le kittehs XD

lol wut
Youtube's top content creator just plays video games and makes obnoxious sounds. Being a "parasite" doesn't mean shit to youtube.

I know but at least that guy isn't a smug douche. Seriously there's so many political reactionary commentators on youtube all with that know it all smug look on their face, it's practically a genre.

This point needs to be repeated way more often then it is.

this board is gay

Good. Now some of these opinionstube idiots can wake up and stfu as their precious free market decides what to do. I hope they smell their stupidity.


Dude YouTube has all the capital them small time content creators are trying to get. Without a union new scab content creators would just pop up to chase that same capital.

What the fuck is this? He was libertarian socialist.

The alternate media needs to start asking for micro donations via bit coin so people can donate like a dime after they watch a video

here's a way to exploit yt:

create channel and videos without any content
promote it to your platform
monetize and let ppl run the videos on background through playlists in loop in another tab

generate effortless income to finance publishing unmonetized content on different channel

problem solved

Leave him be, he's another retarded Holla Forumsyp who still actually thinks Orwell's writing was anti-Socialist.
He's already blaming SJWs for it! Lmao

I knew it.
Also, the fact he quotes Orwell all the time is hilarious to me.

There's already shit like patreon. Voluntary support needs to become normalized but alt-righters use the dank "hipster welfare" meme. TBF the people who take that money for doing nothing are absolute shitters. I know patreon has an option for donations to be based on the actual content produced though. Like, a content creator could ping their subscribers when they put out a video or release artwork or make a blog post or whatever. That seems far superior to the monthly donation except in cases where the person is very consistent.

Don't they have some kind of system against that?



Lack of content would probably mean stolen content, so there are copyright strikes to take the channel down.

If people are having it run on a loop in the background, the video will get low "engagement" i.e. likes and comments. This is usually grounds for terminating a channel.

There would need to be some kind of bot system set up to comment on and like the videos. It'd have to be a good bot too, since they're usually easy as fuck to spot. What might work is to have a bot just repeat stuff said in the videos. People already do this and get lots of thumbs-ups on their comments. If the videos come with closed captioning, the bot may be able to rip the dialogue from that. This would require some kind of dialogue in the video though.

Here's an idea actually… set up cameras and mics in some kind of public space and just have them record people milling about and talking to each other. Shit, you could even sell people the opportunity to have conversations in front of the camera for potential e-fame. Then you use the automatic closed-captions. These are practically meme generators in and of themselves, because they frequently get the dialogue wrong and people think that shit's hilarious. All you have to do then is have bots that will repeat random bits of the CC'd conversations. If you wanted to get really sophisticated, you could have the bots look for grammatically incorrect or nonsensical strings and even link to the timestamp where they're said.

Milo Yoopadoopalus got banned from Twitter after he made fun of the black woman in the new Ghostbusters. Supposedly he posted fake tweets where she said racist shit and his fans tweeted angrily at her. Before any of this they had taken away his "verified" check mark that's used to identify real accounts vs. imitators. They'd never done that before and it was a really weird thing to do since it didn't really hurt him and they didn't have some obvious bullshit justification they could give for it. I mean it's not like they stopped being sure it was him.

Pretty much this

Milo is just a Holla Forums poster who unironically likes getting Blacked. But in the end when he said something offensive Twitter permabanned him and the entire media came against him as if he was Hitler

I hate him, but I think he should be allowed to post his Holla Forums worthy articles without being banned


When the fuck are you going to learn that if you don't own the MoP this kind of shit happens.

The big YouTubers could have formed some kind of union long ago

Tentative agreement.

I'm not a big YouTuber and I'm a communist. Of course I know that capitalism will eventually fuck over people's civil liberties.

This is a good lessons for all those capitalist cocksuckers who bend over their free market. They're basically employees and aren't existing on some pure no-man's-land on the internet. The company can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they make money. Those ass-wipes should have created a union. Ha, I hope they all take it in the ass and learn their lesson. I wish some leftist would make a video on this opportunistically, but the left is never there to take advantage on anything.

Update from Kyle.

QTboi save ussssss…