What do christian commies think about violent revolution and class hatred?

What do christian commies think about violent revolution and class hatred?

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I'm a pacifist and consider myself left but not marxist so…

They don't, at least not if they're consistent. I bet a lot of them are pacifists like Christian anarchists usually are.

Eh, I'll switch between catholic idealism, egoism and dialectical materialism depending on the day of the week.
But in general violence is the refuge of the incompetent.

Liberation theology AFAIK doesn't really emphasize non-violence. Christian anarchists tend to be pacifists though.

I think you only have to turn the other cheek once, if he hits you again you take his eyes.
Jesus was all up in th2nd amendment, sell your coat and buy a sword, even if some claim he was being all ironic and stuff.

Few denominations (maybe Quakers and such) would oppose the act of joining a war against your country's invader or revolving against a foreign occupier.

If fighting to defend your country from invasion is okay, then fighting to liberate millions (including yourself of course) from starvation, imprisonment, exploitation and other miserable conditions is even more so. Class war is the most just, legitimate, and humanist war there can be.

We shouldn't hate anyone, our enemies included, but this doesn't mean we should refrain from using force again them for a good cause. This doesn't mean we shouldn't pursue positive social change by force.

I'm partial to pacifism. Tolstoy's "what I believe" and "letter to a hindu" are pretty good anarcho-pacifist/anarcho-christian literature.

I also doubt the effectiveness of violent revolution, the army (which has an arsenal capable of wiping out all human life on earth several times over) would be looking for a reason to destroy crush the revolution violently.

For now at least, I think our best bet is reaching out to the general public and trying to convince the majority of Americans of the validity of anarchism.

If the majority of the general public is against the capitalist system and, at least for a brief period of time stops participating in it, it seems to me the system would grind to a halt.

If that is not the case, and violent revolution proves necessary, then so be it.

It seems to me that the majority of Americans would be a lot more sympathetic toward anarchism if they knew what it was (especially if it was presented in nationalist "muh freedums" type terms). And with the current lack of support for radical socialism of any kind, violent revolution would be pretty hopeless anyways.

Essentially what I'm saying is we should first attempt to change public opinion. If from there, non-violent revolution proves impossible, we may see if violent revolution is more viable.

Can be legitimate. Hate is always unnecessary, but we have to fight for the sake of the masses kept down by capitalism.

I'm not generally a big fan of force, nor do I think a revolution is ever likely to occur and be successful anyway.

I hate to admit but I'm this

Violence can be justifiable because
It doesn't mean one has to stop loving the people one is killing.

See: story of Abraham and Isaac

Behead the rich. Class war now.

Oh so god is just a psychopath who likes to fuck with people.

it's not like there's going to be a pitched battle between defined pro and anti revolution factions
if a revolutionary movement actually becomes relevant it'll probably be more like biennio rosso in italy, pistolerismo in spain or the coal wars in america with sporadic gunfights and acts of repression that happen frequently but on a small scale
and as 1936 showed us you can't really defeat a full on insurrection by just marching the army in

Duh. Have you never read a bible?

as ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal.

sell your cloak and buy a sword

I'm starting to think you're one person whom I've replied to a lot. Are you the same poster that's been doing the whole "mansplaining" bullshit trolling? If so, what the fuck is your deal?

Also what bible verse are you even quoting there. But then again I always get "trigged" seeing 'ole english' modern day bullshit translations of latin and greek to begin with. "as ye …" oh my gods.


it's a song, ya dip.


kek, every time

this tbh

Robespierre was a knight of virtue.
Teleological suspension of the ethical erryday.

Christainity is internal contradictory and inconsistent. So you will get everything from quakers and Amish to literal facists and people spouting the property gospel. Overall Christianity is no friend of the left at at best we must keep an eye on them and at worst the checks might be quite busy

No, there are just a bunch of heretics.

And how do you know your not the heretic? Whatever is the case christainity still is an enemy of the left and opposes us pretty much everywhere. Don't know how you can reconcile the two but then again christians are good at that stuff.

That's because you're shallow.

you've never been to /christian/ then. I wager a quarter are commies.

Not having contradictory beliefs and covections is "shallow"?
Look I know your favorite fanfiction of Jewish poetry makes you feel warm inside but your fellow christians have consistently sided against the left, everywhere from Franco to supporting the right in America, which I know is like choosing from the right, and the right with idpol as cover but still as a whole they push American politics to the right and if they weren't there then left would benefit.

Not saying I want to gulag priest and burn churches just know that if a revolution ever happens there almost certainly will be friction and possibly violence between the revolution and most religious organizations. So pick your side now bucko

What about the revolutionary priests in Latin American who were assassinated by American-supported rightist death squads?

Stop fucking larping you idiot. At what epoch do you think you are?

Equally religious lefties have existed in the US and outside of it and fought for socialism so can we agree that religion isn't really relevant?

Religious beliefs, like most things, have a class character and christianity can be bourgeois or it can be proletarian.


A relatively small groups of people and an outlier in the grand scheme of things. You can find black Nazis if you look enough.

Religion correlates strongly conservative and reactionary views, as well anti science and also is quite deeply tied to hierarchy, which should upset anarchists but even Marxists want a less hierarchy in the long run.>>900970

"Relatively small groups"
Another person who's never spent a minute on /christian/. Again, a large chunk are leftist.

Catholic attempts at economics have been majorly left wing.

dropped. I literally do not care about the rest of what you say, because correlation is not causation.

Nope, sorry. Liberation theology wasn't "insignificant" here.

There have been influential anarchist Christians.

Catholic church.
Civil war.

10 year period.
If you mean the burnings, you do know they also ended it, and prevented it for the rest of the years to come?

This basically means that the use of violence is justified if the one executing said violence is doing it for the end and not enjoying the violence itself?

What about the 1000 years where the catholic church was absolute garbage?

actual Christianity based on teachings of Christ, new testament, is OK

Catholicism isn't, I don't see how can anyone read old testament and see it as compatible with leftism.

you can't be a christian and a communist
jesus christ was for limited government and free markets

If by garbage, you mean producing based philosophy. Yes.

wew crucify all christfags


t. steven crowder

Well I would prefer we didn't have a violent revolution but if we can't retake control of society from the poison of neoliberalism soon it may eventually be inevitable.

well since i'm not allowed to post i'd say i'm against it
