The Aryan God

Today I will tell you about the one true God, but I am not a Christian, nor a Jew or Muslim. Please swallow any distaste you have for these religions and realize I do not promote them. I am, however, a seeker of Wisdom, and finding a sliver of Understanding, I hope to offer you a portion of that Knowledge.

Approximately 500 years before Semites began worshiping their so-called One True God there lived a Wise man who would later become the world's first true prophet. Zoroaster, who was also called Zarathustra, had visions and encounters with a being whom he later learned was the one true God. Indeed, the concept of monotheism was first fathomed and actualized not by Jews who even to this day take credit for originating monotheism, but by a Persian - Zoroaster - who as a Persian was an Aryan.

Ahura Mazda was the name of this single deity, and through His worship the Persians became the most influential peoples of their time. Their wise men, who were known as "Magi," were so skilled in medicine, science, mathematics and psychology that even the Babylonian sorcerers adopted their title as a sign of respect. And this is why those who study the deeper Mysteries, even to this very day, are called magicians.

The Pagans who worshiped many deities were divided by their worship. A woman who desired a child, for example, would worship a fertility goddess. A man who desired strength in battle would worship a war god. Their goals and desires were divided and no true unity was found among them. But by the worship of a single God who was limitless, all-wise and most importantly all-good, the Persians were united in goal and agenda. For their God did not ask for sacrifice of animal or human, but instead demanded the Zoroastrians to live good lives and to be good to others. The motto of their religion was not "conquer" or "dominate" or "convert the entire world," but was instead

For just as the mouth speaks what the mind contemplates, the body performs the Will of both. And therefore training to be a good human, according to Zoroaster, was the highest goal. It is said that Zoroastrian children were trained in three things since early childhood: Horseback riding, archery and truth-telling.

The Jew, seeing how powerful the meme of monotheism was, and seeing how blessed the Zoroastrians were not only of body but also of character, chose to co-opt the monotheistic faith of Zarathustra. The one God of the Zoroastrian people became the one God of the Jewish people. The Chosen Ones of Ahura Mazda – the Zoroastrians – became the Chosen Ones of YHVH, the elected "one God" of the Jews who was originally one of their many deities. But the Jew, lacking the character of the Aryans who arrived at perfection through lifetimes of dedicated practice, perverted the monotheistic system. No longer was the God all-good, all-compassionate and all-peaceful, but now the God became a "man of war" (Exodus 15:3 ). No longer was magic composed of the study of mathematics and the workings of the human mind, but now the Jew has lowered the practice into the realm of superstition and "miracle-working." And this perversion is the progenitor of Judaism, and naturally of Christianity from whence it comes, and Islam which comes from those two.

The One True God does exist, and I humbly request that you do not form opinions about monotheism based in its perversion, neither by the Jew or the Christian, or the Muslim. But that you re-evaluate the meme based in this Understanding, so as to procure Knowledge which leads to Wisdom.

In the Name of Ahura Mazda, and in all of the Names of the Single Point, I call out to your Spirit and the fire which burns within it – to seek the Trinity of Faith: Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.

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You have fun with that. I'm never going to accept Monotheism no matter what. There's simply too many cool folk Gods for me to abandon them.


The idea of "evil" has caused more crippling degenerate behavior than any other thing humans have ever come up with.

Nietzsche explained this to you in this book. Zoroaster was a fucking mistake. Just because Jews later stole it to make their degenerate religion doesn't mean we need to steal it back.

is degeneracy not evil?
does degeneracy not exist?
what is evil but the rejection of what is good?

All the strong races follow the war God. You go ahead and be a "good" peaceful goy.

who says all gods are not manifestations of God?

in a world dominated by Aryans what use is war?

No… It's not. Evil doesn't exist you simpleton. I just gave you a book to read. Now use it to grow up and raise your power levels.

What you say is true.

evil is just a moralistic word for "degeneracy."
degeneracy is simply a word to describe that which hinders and hurts the Aryan body and mind.


"Yeah, we totally dominate. What good is war, man? Let's sit around and do yoga and feed the primitives"

East Aryan Empires R.I.P.

No, evil is a blanketed term you can apply to anything you consider not "good"… ie dualism.

Degeneracy can be fucking measured outside of our druggy priest realm in the REAL WORLD by the effects physical degeneration… as in 'cause and effect'.

Degeneracy can be fucking measured outside of you druggy priest realm in the REAL WORLD by the effects of physical degeneration… as in 'cause and effect'.

War implies struggle. Aryans invented the nuke, for example, so what use is the struggle? We could simply nuke all non-Aryans and be done with it. That is an option. But are Aryans so primitive that we can't think of a better way? Are we so corruptible and niggerish that instead of working on a solution, we just destroy the problem? This is Jewish in thought.

Pleased don't neglect Zoroaster also coined the very idea of evil, and so it is wrong to define the word how the Jews and Christians have defined it, which you are doing.

Evil is simply uselessness.
Uselessness occurs when the brain can not think of a proper use. Uselessness is limitation – the very limitation which limits the non-Aryan in thought. You may call it degeneracy, evil or uselessness, just as degeneracy serves no purpose or is "useless."

The monotheistic tradition of Zoroaster comes from the Henotheistic tradition of the Vedas. Zoroastrianism is a child of Sanatan Dharma. The texts of Zoroastrianism are basically in Sanskrit and the names of deities etc are directly from the Vedas.

In the the Vedas, God is the foremost object of worship. He is known as Vishnu, the Param Purusha, the Param Atma and Param Brahma.

He is manifest as a person in his abode which is beyond matter whom theists of all traditions worship, as a form of God in the heart of all living beings upon which the yogis meditate, and his golden effulgence pervades and supports the entirety of creation. It is this effulgence that buddhists and jnana yogis attempt to merge into.

All spiritual paths worship the one true God in different ways.

The demi gods are souls like you and I in the cycle of samsara (death and rebirth) but who posses and exceptionally high degree of pious karma which allows them to embody certain powers of God within this world. Their duty is to basically run this world as a service to God.

Henotheism respects these demi-gods and permits their worship while recognizing and focusing on the worship of the one true God.

Those who worship demigods are worshiping the energy of God and are thus worshiping God indirectly.

A peoples conception of the one true God, as well as their perception of demigods, is driven by their conditioned nature. They will will see the divine and transcendent through the window of their own character.

Thus Jews have their perception of God but it is conditioned by the tribalism of their nature.

Aryans do not have that same tribalist nature and have the potential to rise beyond identity with the body all together.

In that sense Judaism is egotistical body based ignorance mixing with worship of the one true God.

The North Indian memery isn't true, at least not anymore, the most savage Indian Cult, the Aghori Sadhus, are predominately located in Northern India. They paint themselves white or blue, in imitation of their Lord Shiva, the paint being composed of human ash.

The Jews invented nukes for one. Two, Jews rule over us because of weak willed Christ-slaves like you. Three, we should fucking destroy them. They're not just going to "stop". They will continue to breed and fight with us until we are so barbaric that we kill them off with sticks and stones, or they kill us off Planet of the Apes style. Your hippie shit makes me sick.
And we should go back in a time machine and smother him in the crib for it. It's a degenerate belief. Are you retarded? I just explained to you. Why don't you get out of your comfort zone for awhile and look into what I'm saying instead of arguing like a Jew who ignores every point being made.

Then this thread is evil.
I don't need some fucking hippie telling me what is useful or "evil". I'll smash your fucking face in. Call me primitive while I fuck your mother to death in front of you and take your gold.
Degeneracy is a specific effect. You can weigh it. See it's cause. It's not an opinion. It's not "Light vs. the Dark!"

The evil meme has done nothing but make slaves out of good men.

You sound like a fucking Abrahamic sand nigger.

God = Godan = Godin = Odin = Wotan = Germanic word for our Allfather… Fuck off with your cycles and drug cults and hale the will to power

not at all. please see:

Zoroaster's idea of evil was those things which cause degeneracy. You are, again, using the Christian/Jewish idea of evil instead of the Aryan original. This is your error. Of course there is right and wrong, that which benefits you and that which does not. To pretend otherwise is pretending.

Please work on your character. Chimping out like a nigger losing an argument is not the way of the Aryan. Shadilay.

Abrahamism has tainted your mind so much you can not think about the concept of God without defaulting to Abrahamism. Clean your mind, user, through study and reflection.

Well, I am using Christian terminology assuming a Christian or post Christian audience.


Einstein pushed FDR to assemble a team of Marxist Jews built the bomb. Fuck your website.

The idea of Dark vs Light. Good vs Evil. It's all fucked up and causes degeneracy. You're ignoring what I said over and over again. You know you're wrong so you just repeat and try to accuse me of being "ignorant of the real meaning" but I know your cunt religion already. So stop stone walling and read the books.

Pretentious little faggot I was making an example of ancient times. That's why I said gold coins. You're not intelligent to post here

No one cares about your -isms. It's the truth. Good exists and evil does not.

do you agree there are actions which benefit you and actions which do not?

Holy fuck, where are the mods? Why have they let the board quality drop this low?

Now you're just shilling like /christian/ use to do

See meme you filthy plebs. Then go back to 4chan and push your now-Iranian religion

8/pol/ is the last man left standing. They want us dead more than anything in the world.

The idea of God, or monotheism, was developed by Aryans. So why do you say:


Have I not spoken poorly of the Abrahamic lineage and their deity? Can you not consider monotheism without defaulting to Abrahamism?

Stop virtue signaling. Your argument is bad

do you or dont you agree there are actions which benefit you and actions which do not?

That meme has nothing to do with anything, you lost the argument by virtue of your relativism and the other guys repeating digits. But don't worry, there are a collection of like minded individuals on this very site - the third highest board in fact.

See these memes: >>8991031 >>8990946

Also here is a cartoon since you have a child's mind.

So is there any evidence that Zoroaster was an Aryan? I've thought that the Aryan upper caste had disappeared from Persia by that point, much like how the Aryan upper caste had disappeared from India. Monotheism is not found within Aryan traditions, instead, it seems to arise from Semites seeking to establish religions of social control.

Zoroaster was Aryan.

heritageinstitute. com/zoroastrianism/aryans/index.htm
amazon. com/Zoroaster-First-Known-Teacher-Aryan/dp/1163026654
en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Saga_of_the_Aryans

There is no such thing as relativ-ism. It's just more pseudo-intellectual bullshit. OP argues like a Christcuck and you argue like a SJW that appeals to vague terminology which adds up to nothing of consequence. Evil doesn't exist,
simple as that.

He was mixed Aryan by then.

Reminder that this book is the last redpill so you don't have to be fooled by cucks like OP and his Iranian religion

Certainly you agree there are actions which benefit and actions which do not. It our instinct to do those actions which benefit us:

We strive after these things because it is our Aryan nature to do so. But the Semite and the other non-Aryans also have a nature, and it is in theirs to:

>to indulge in whatever feels good

But Aryans may also indulge in these things, going against their very Nature. And this is what we call "degeneracy." It is degenerate to rape, abuse substances and so forth. But we are not naturally degenerate, and so we must ask:

That cause of degeneracy resides within the corrupted mind. That cause is what may be termed "evil" – using spiritual or metaphysical word to describe some malfunction in the mind, which itself is not physical but mental (or "spiritual" and "metaphysical").

Again, we must define all "spiritual" things as an Aryan would define them, which leaves no room for superstition.

Evil is the psychological cause of physical degeneracy. Its just a word to describe a problem – nothing "mystical" about it.

History is a lot more complex than what one book could ever tell.

More or less what I meant by the Aryan caste "disappearing." Opposition to polytheism or things like the use of Soma are direct contradictions of Aryan tradition, so I've been wondering about the legitimacy of Zoroastrianism for some time. Plus the development of a monotheistic successor to Aryan religion is a pattern that can be seen clearly with the Israeli Canaanites. I just haven't looked into it because it sort of makes no difference in my life.

You are very likely a Holla Forums stooge sent to confuse and divide us. Your denial of extant schools of thought shrieks egoism, soon you'll try to normalize social constructs.

Your denial of evil is relativist. Relativism is against dualism. The universe is dualist (two types of spin, two charges, is vs isn't, etc.) Therefore relativism is wrong and by extension you are wrong.

But you won't admit you're wrong because you're a relativist and your argument is a "social construct" like everything else. It changes with the circumstances. You are trash in the gutter of the universe, the very manifestation of entropy.

Evil doesn't exist. Good exists. Degeneracy exists.
You can't weasel your way out of it and ignore every counter point like a Jew


I agree that "evil" according to non-Aryans, chiefly Jews and Christians, does not exist.

Your pay is going to be docked today Schlomo.

Get the fuck out of here with your nihilistic bullshit. Read some Kierkegaard before you catch syphilis and die.