Hilarious negro Steve Harvey mocks Asian manlets - Asian manlets go insane

Did anyone catch this a few weeks ago?

Steve Harvey, the black entertainer who met with Trump (to much criticism), mocked Asian "men" (and I use the term loosely) in his show (vid related). Here's the transcript:

Since then:

Eddie Huang, the chink who regularly rants about white people, mocks European cuisine has been demanding an apology. He penned a particularly irate article for the Jew York Times here:


Asian "American" lawmakers in New York have also been raging about it, demanding Harvey apologize to them personally.

The thing is with negros: Some of them are actually capable of being quite funny. The same cannot be said for chinks (except unintentionally).

The thing is with chinks: They're so oblivious and self-pitying that they don't understand how weird and creepy it is that a book called "How to date White Women: A Practical Guide for Asian Men" would exist in the first place. And instead place the blame on Harvey for rightly mocking their peculiar racial autism.

In short: NOWAGs absolutely BTFO'd.

Other urls found in this thread:


"How to date White Women: A Practical Guide for Asian Men"
I thought you were joking but it's real HAHAHA

Strange. There are still people out there who have high expectations of niggers. This is what niggers do. They are obnoxious, violent, and stupid.

Here is notorious anti-white chink Eddie Huang.

Only in a society as infested with victimhood could this guy: Five foot six, head like a potato, brown skin, lips like an asshole, blame his own ineptitude with women on "racism".

Harvey isn't in the wrong here you faggot.

He made a light hearted joke about over-sensitive NOWAGs and a creepy book one of them had written. If there is any real issue here, it's the fetishization of white women by creepy, insectoid chinamen who think our women are trophies.

Steve Harvey can stay as a Minstrel Nigger if he keeps that up.

>How to Date a White Woman


Somebody needs to tell cuckchan we don't shitpost on our Holla Forums

There's really only two options if you're Asian.

No woman who doesn't suffer from the delayed adolescence of weeabooism finds East Asian men physically attractive. They are an entire race of people who look like women (just like blacks are an entire race of people who look like men).

Allow me to translate;

Asian "Americans" are worse than Blacks in cases such as these.

Black people do actually have a sense of humor. East Asians have none. And I mean that quite literally, they have absolutely no history of comedy, satire, whatever. It's why they're so hypersensitive and assume that white people's general irreverence towards things is "arrogance" (they always misread us in this way - in my mind east asians are vastly more arrogant and combined it with a supercilious attitude that's doubly obnoxious).

Chinks are dog eaters and niggers are useless.

someone fetch some screencaps from r/asianmasculinity





Where the fuck did this model minority thing even come from?

These chinks never stop whining over the most ridiculous things.


Sup Chang.

Guy is a fucking riot.

Chinks can fuck off, but so can you with this dumbass meme.

Harvey can be funny sometimes. Blacks in general can be.

They're not as funny as whites as they lack things like irony and the whole concept of being satirical.

But they're certainly funnier than humorless chinks with small pee pees.

This is a week old, but still hilarious. And Chinks have no sense of humour, people think Chinks are intelligent, it is the opposite. They have good rote memory and can memorize maths formulas but have the inabillity to think creatively. They are basically ant-people. Fuck white fools who thought Chinks are a "model minority", they are more white-hating than niggers and have more money.

Niggers would starve to death if they actually held to this maxim. How many of them can even pronounce 'fried chicken' like a human?

I don't like nags and I don't want them in western countries, but racial animosity between whites and blacks in North America is a product of the 60s/70s primarily. If you look at slave testimonies, you won't find a hint of white-hatred.

Not gonna screen cap for you, but what a hilarious reddit.



Daily reminder that Asian Americans constitute a real, significant threat to the United States of America, moreso than blacks:

- Economic Colonization.
- De-industrialization through permissive trade deals and treacherous business elites.
- Corporate espionage.
- Insanely anti-white attitudes, weaponized by postmodernity/academia.
- Takeover of the West Coast's property market.
- Massive fifth column.
- White-fever for white women that outpaces even that of blacks.

No, the "insectoid chinamen" are trying to understand a different culture unlike niggers who just drug them and rape them. It's a racist insult disguised as a joke.

What always gets me about indians and east asians is their total inability to make light of a situation or find humor in something that isn't poo poo pee pee XD. Is it because they truly have low IQ or they have no culture and thereby no experience with a wide variety of written word and diction. Indians and Chinks especially are so soulless.

You don't understand a damn thing about East Asians, they're not trying to "understand" anything. They're just hyper-sensitive babies because the entire history of their ancestral countries is one of absolute state control at every level of society, so irreverence simply wasn't tolerated in any meaningful way.

As a result, China developed no concept of comedy/humor (compare this to the West, which had satire/comedy as far back as the Greeks poking fun at just about everything).

This isn't some case of righteously aggrieved Asian Americans against retarded niggers. Asian Americans even complain about being associated with rice as "racism" for goodness sake. You're talking about people who are simply hard-wired to be butthurt.

Good job feeding into their emerging mythography that they're some sort of victim demographic because white girls don't want to date fat, 5'5", potato-faced chinks though. We all know the real "human rights issue" of our time is the fact there aren't enough Asian Americans on the silver screen, yadda yadda, amirite?

Chinks have zero loyalty to your country. None. The only language they understand and respect has always been force. Because you're a monolingual "model minority" believer, you don't understand their mindset, but I'll explain it to you: Chinese and Korean people simply do feel empathy, not for their own people and not for others. This causes them to treat their supposed kin in a horrendously sadistic way and it causes them to view good-natured white idiots like you as altruistic targets to mercilessly exploit.

Fuck off HAPA

"Racial animosity" bwtween whites and blacks in America is a product of modern interactions between white people and niggers. You can only be bullied in school by niggers, and mugged on the streets by niggers, for so long before you grow to hate them.

The reason why "animosity" didn't exist in the past is because the fucking niggers were kept in line. Now they run wild.

No shit. Hierarchy and hegemony by one group mean peace. That's my point.

We did a disservice to naggers too, because we hold them to our own standards - dishonestly so - with many white liberals knowing deep down they have no chance of reaching them.

If blacks lived in societies, even segregated ones, with standards and so on of their own, then they'd be happier. Black women wouldn't be constantly comparing themselves to white women and so on.

But my point is more broad than that, it's that the black problem can be dealt with once we deal with the JQ in one form or another. Fairly easily in fact.

The Asian Americans are another matter. I'm a big believer in the Indonesian approach personally: Pogrom the ever-loving shit out of them until they lose all trace of their ancestral identities. No chink in Indonesian today will dare look a native Indonesian in the eye and say anything. He knows that in spite of wealth, the Indonesians have the last say and are the real masters in their own land. And rightfully so: Chinese minorities are a fucking pestilent cancer when you're kind and good to them, because they're entire MO views kindness as a weakness to exploit for wider individual and group interests.

I lived in jew york city for decades. Chinks are far superior to niggers. If they want an apology from an ape, the ape should apologize.

In regards to what. A stand-off as to who you'd rather have as a neighbor barring another white person? Sure.

In regards to the future of the United States? You're kidding yourself. Chinese people are a completely subversive and transparent fifth column within American society. They have no loyalty to America whatsoever, and why should they? You've been kissing their asses and apologising to them for perfectly reasonable policies like the Chinese Exclusion Act for decades now.

Tell that to this one black twink I know.

If you haven't read Ways That Are Dark then you have no right to talk about Chinks as WTAD is the ultimate red-pill book on them:

Townsend had asserted in chapter one that the cause of China's present misery lies in the fundamental defects that exist in the ethnic characteristics of the Chinese people[8] and in chapters three and four he explains what he believes these defects are. Townsend states that dishonesty is "the most prominent characteristic in the Chinese mentality as opposed to our own".[9] Townsend gives many examples of him being lied to by Chinese employees, coolies, shopkeepers, and government officials, and notes that many other consuls were driven out of the service by this relentless and "aimless lying, with each lie merely a pretext for another".[10] The other highly salient trait of the Chinese is their "indifference to fellow suffering".[11] Through a large number of personal and second-hand anecdotes, Townsend argues that the Chinese may be the only people in the world who are completely unable to comprehend the basic human impulses of sympathy or gratitude toward other people. Because the Chinese feel no empathy toward others, they behave in an unbelievably sadistic and cruel fashion toward one another, and they view altruistic foreigners as targets to be mercilessly taken advantage of.[12] Other traits Townsend identifies as being typically Chinese are cowardice, lust for money, lack of a sense of personal hygiene, lack of critical thinking skills, insincerity, and obsession with hollow rites.[13] Townsend believes that these traits are as notable among China's leaders and educated strata as much as they are in the poor masses, and his analysis of historical documents leads him to believe that they are not a recent product of the present chaos, but rather are deeply ingrained traits of China's national character.[14] He concludes that the "outstanding characteristics" of the Chinese people "neither enable other peoples to deal satisfactorily with them, nor enable the Chinese to deal satisfactorily with themselves."[15]

In regards to not being obnoxious, retarded, and being on the street begging for money. The poorest ones would rather scavenge trash for bottles and cans all day than stand by a McDonald's all day begging.

In chapter seven Townsend details the sheer horror of China's ongoing civil war. Among the factions competing for power in China, Townsend believes that none of them, neither the leaders nor their men, have any fixed loyalties or higher motivations apart from desire for loot.[23] With every man only out for himself and "China's microscopically few good men… too weak to be felt",[24] Townsend predicts no end to the chaos.[25] Much of the violence, Townsend explains in chapter eight, is fuelled by opium, the addiction of one out of every eight Chinese.[26] Peasants are often compelled to plant opium by local administrators and warlords to pay for their armies, to such an extent that many districts are more heavily planted with opium than food, and all the while KMT officials lie incessantly to the international community about their efforts to suppress the trade.[27] In contrast to the depredations of the KMT and other warlords, in chapter nine Townsend praises the positive influence of the Japanese in China. The Japanese themselves are considered by him to be a loyal, brave, reliable, honest, and cleanly people, and thus the polar opposites of the Chinese.[28] Townsend provides his own firsthand account of the Shanghai Incident of 1932, which he claims was probably provoked by Chinese aggression,[29] and similarly sees the Japanese decision to invade Manchuria as a fitting response to the "foredoomed contest of covert violence against the Japanese" waged by Zhang Xueliang.[30] Townsend also lavishes praise on the puppet state of Manchukuo as "a blessing to the thirty million or so Chinese living there" which has achieved "stability and well-being for millions".[31] Townsend concludes that informed observers are grateful for Japan's role in dealing with an unruly China.[32]

This. The negro should just be classified as fauna, and regarded as such. Chinese on the otherhand, while being equally insect like, are an actual threat to western societies, being capable of infiltrating the highest levels and earning the trust of whites. In some ways, they're far more pernicious than the Jew, because the Jew existentially requires white societies to exist, in some capacity, Chinks do not.

All must go.

Finally, in chapter ten Townsend affirms that the "backward Chinese" are America’s "only legitimate problem in Asia"[33] and asks what can be done to deal with a nation that spends aid money corruptly, does not respect its loans, mistreats and attacks foreigners, ignores international drug laws, will not protect foreign investment, and does not engage in productive diplomacy with other nations.[34] He warns Americans that the Chinese see kindness only as weakness and thus can never respond to any type of positive reinforcement. "For every Chinese, from highest to lowest," he argues, "all the acts of life are concentrated upon extracting, from those who mean nothing to him, what he can for the benefit of himself and his clan."[35] By contrast, he believes that the Chinese do understand force and respect strength. Therefore, he advocates that the United States forgo naive "sentimentalist" thinking and adopt a policy of "stern insistence upon our rights without cruel abuse of our strength",[36] including withholding further loans without strict conditions and holding on to foreign concessions and extraterritoriality.[37]

steve harvey was pretty fucking funny in this clip


Jewish identity can be bred out inter-generationally without much issue because Ashkenazim have significant European admixture to begin with.

Chinese are more difficult in this regard.

I'd hasten to add that all white people, even libs, seem to inherently distrust oriental peoples (Chinks, Koreans etc) on some base, animal level though. It's a lot harder for a Chinaman to win our trust than a Jew - since we rightly regard the Chinaman as completely alien and duplicitous by default.


Ooo dey roose face


Information in there should be given to all young white men as I doubt the book is full of sjw.,pc, or other marxism… probably a sobering un-romanticized reality of western white women.

LOL it's funny. Faggots can't take a joke

Dats raysiss yo. Fuck yo nigga!

Steve Harvey is a bigger white knight mangina faggot than Dr. Phil.

I'll even go further and say that I'd trust a Jew before a Chink. Chinese have absolutely no honor, what so ever. None. The Jew, is greedy, and you have to supervise them, but if the arrangement is mutually beneficial, the Jew will behave much more predictably.

Jews also tend to care for their own people. A chink would have no problem feeding poisonous chemical food additives to their own people. They're like a disease.


I would trust neither.

That was pretty light hearted humor. But of course Eddie Huang works for VICE, and it's probably in his contract to be obsequiously ass pained about the slightest hint of any racism.

The book is full of autism as it was written by a NOWAG.

White men do not require the advice of Asiatic men to date our own women thanks.

Nags are sensitive, but less so than Chinese. You can banter with them. Most blacks will roll with banter about fried chicken for example - most Asians get genuinely butthurt about being associated with fried rice or noodles.

There's no comparison. Hyper-sensitivity is a core, integral part of East Asian mentality because of the obsession with "face" above all other things. And crucially, it wasn't put there by grievance-mongerers, as it was with blacks, it has always been there.

Asians are humorless. This isn't a meme. It's a fact. I can relate dozens of personal anecdotes as a Mandarin-speaker to you if you really want to get into this.

I would never trust a jew under any circumstance, but I will say this: they are competent at some tasks. Jewish accountants and lawyers are competent for instance. They can't be trusted, but they're good at what they do. Use them at your own risk.

The Chinese though? They are never competent. Try giving a Chinaman instructions sometime. Instructions for a job he has presumably been to university for. Every single time they'll assure you that they understand what needs to be done, then hopelessly fuck it up anyway. Zero competence.

The only time blacks are legitimately funny is when they're chimping out, acting stupid, and then getting instant karma immediately afterwards.

I wouldn't trust either, but I feel more at ease with Ashkenazi Jews on some animal level simply because a lot of them are, at least superficially, very "white". Tack on to that that I've had the good fortune to know a few who genuinely oppose mass immigration and liberalism in general, and they become a lot more bearable.

I don't think I've ever met a non-FOB Chinese who wasn't a status-symbol accumulating, explicitly anti-white, transparently fifth column piece of shit.

That's not to say that Jews aren't also fifth column as fuck, but look at the list of espionage cases involving ethnic Chinese people in the US. It dwarfs those of every other group. Even Jews.

At least Pollard is in fucking jail. Scumbag motherfuckers like Wen Ho Lee are still walking the street free and made millions from grievance mongering.

To be fair, that is rather often.

It is true. Negroes do have redeeming qualities.I like them better than Jews and pretty much everyone else.

still they have to go back to Africa

Huang's ass-pained because he's an ethnically tribal chink from Taiwan, not because he works for Vice dude.

If he followed through with the SJW mantra to its logical conclusion he'd be penning articles about the abuses his own people inflicted on the natives of Austronesia (ethnic cleaning primarily) when they took over Taiwan. But of course he won't, because he's an ethnically tribal chink who will never ever hold his own people to standards he seeks to impose on whites.

He quit when he realized that white people liked his show because they liked laughing at niggers.

That's because with a chink, you don't know if he's the one that did the work at university, or one of the 20 other students who copied from him.

One of the myths that I'd really wish to see disappear is that "asian students are good at math". That really pisses me off.

he also converted to islam.

I am very skeptical that these exist at all.

That's basically the problem with poo in loos. Very few poo in loos are competent but the masses are incompetent and cheat. I've met like 3 or 4 competent poos, and hundreds of incompetent cheats. But I've never met a single competent chinaman.

I think it's because upper caste poos have traces of Aryan DNA in them still.

Most niggers are too busy robbing old ladies, dealing drugs, and spitting when someone walks by to roll with anything you'll have to say. Chinese you can at least hold a conversation with. Even the chinks who have high pitched voices and broken english will still hold some sort of credible intel. I've experienced both. Asians are much more preferable (even filipinos). Niggers are absolutely insufferable.

The only people ITT who remotely defend niggers are niggers themselves. Anyone who is redpilled about niggers or has lived in a ghetto know better.

Yeah, and there universities are very competitive, because a billion of them think they're Ramanujan and the university class is only so big.

This is a photo from outside an Indian school where examinations are taking place. The people on the outside are parents and helpers trying to sneak answers to the students inside.

No one is disputing the fact that chinks are more intelligent than niggers.

The question here is the deleterious effects both have upon the European-American founded Nation called the USA.

I imagine most people here don't actually encounter many negroes in their day to day life. Of course they're shit, but to me, who lives in a lily white neighbourhood with a nice job, niggers are a theoretical level of shit. The nuisances I have to deal with are incompetent and deceitful chinks.

I would like to see Trump put restrictions on the number of Asian students admitted. They come in, fill up seats at MIT, and then take that knowledge back to China. No more folks.

*as someone who

There are currently far more niggers than chinks so the niggers are a bigger problem overall. But if you're talking about deleterious potential then the chinks are clearly much worse. Niggers are the bigger problem today, but the Chinese are the biggest threat in the long term.

In other words, Chinks will follow us to mars. Niggers won't.

The thing is, niggers actually have some sort of claim to being American. I'm not saying it is a legitimate one, but on some level I can actually empathize with it a lot more than I can some interloper whose father was from China and who demands acceptance at the same level as your average European American while simultaenously shilling for the PRC and whining about Trump's "anti Chinese" attitude.

Chinese people are just so goddamn treacherous. The Southeast Asians have understood this for years.

whatcha slidin chaim

I guess I'm going by my first hand knowledge of what they are. Niggers learn their evil since childhood in school. If you want to argue the Chinks are insidious, then they could be placed in check with Trumptorian style action. Niggers have to be combated to survive.

I've been living in the ghetto. Like the Omega man. I know niggers are Satan, first hand. Extermination must be a reality to them. They're practically the Xenomorphs from aliens or the orcs from Lord of the Rings. When they invade your peaceful domain, you will feel it.

Here's an Asian lady's guide for white liberals on dealing with niggers.

Anyone else remember all the damage control that the Chinese overseas shills engaged in when that video of that van running over that little girl was released?

"Yeah but this could happen anywhere!"

Maybe in some multiracial shithole like New York, but in any white town that would never have happened. Ever.

Even fucking Russians are more empathetic than chinks.


It would never happen even in NYC. It wouldn't even happen with a white child in a nigger neighborhood. Completely beyond the pale, even for niggers.

Even niggers in Africa aren't that callous with other niggers. They'll chop each other up and burn each other alive, but casually running over a child with a van for no reason? No, that's something that only the soulless Chinese could do.

I hope they send that guy to boil Steve Harvey. He deserves it for spreading racism after all the bitching his race does about it.

It hurts because it's true. The truth is always painful. Pic related.

inb4 Yulin nigger festival

That's as funny as it is pathetic.

Asian women do actually rate Asian men highly in the latest round of OKC survey data.

The thing is, although AA intermarriage has actually declined a slight bit, it's not reflective of anything more than a big uptick in FOB Asians arriving in the US. Over 50% of all Korean American women marry Whites in the United States, and a significant proportion of Korean American men do too (though lower, and primarily because of their money).

can I have the source of that pic? tippety top.

It's not even sadism or malice. They just genetically do not feel anything for other people.

A lot of smug Asian Nationalist types like this because it makes their group feel more impervious to shitlibbery, but the reality is that although it does, it also means that Chinese people don't really have any concept of society and correspondingly, even for other Chinese people, Chinese people aren't particularly pleasant to live around.

Some blacks at the very least can sympathize with animals, the Chinese can not.

The only good thing about white/asian racemixing is once you get to 1/4th or lower asian, the kids are basically white. They blend in and can easily lose their asian identity, learn to consider themselves as white. They're not like niggers in that regard, where as little as 1/16th leaves you still distinctly nigger.

The 50/50 white/asians are dangerous though. Very dangerous.

"Excuse me, do you like Asian men? No, thank you,”

Even Southern Europeans find this shit sickening in my experience, and a lot of them are generally indifferent to animals at times.

Chinese people are capable of a level of cruelty unimaginable to most precisely because they feel absolutely nothing. This is something every white person needs to be aware of. It's like Anglin says about non-whites in general: There are tons of good non-white people you can hang out with and have a good time with, but they'll just as easily turn around and stab your kids to death and eat them.

I'm on the fence about Eurasians. Am I a traitor for thinking patrilineal descent in mixed people plays a huge role in shaping their identities?

the most white-loathing mixed people I met were people with non-white dads and white moms. I think it's some sort of imparted, sublimated hatred that comes from wanting to identify fully and wholly with the father's race, as the father is whom any child derives most of his identity from.

This isn't always the case. Children derive most of their identity from whichever parent they like more.

No, it doesn't exist

They also have the fucking nerve to incessantly preach about it, same with respect

And to no one's surprise, any and all aspects of culture make no fucking sense whatsoever

Anecdotal case, but this is true for me: HAPA who identifies with "white" side more (why the fuck else would I be here)

Patrilineal descent is very important for men. After all, the DNA that makes you a man always comes from your father, and he got it from his father. A halfbreed with a nigger father will have a fully nigger Y chromosome, and so will any of his male descendants.

Women are different though, since they get an X chromosome from their mother and father.


Awe, asian masculinity, so fragile.

You are both wrong. Everything you described is directly related to his race and women are right to not date him base on his race.

So much this. Chinese culture is, like Townsend said, just a bunch of hollow rites. In the modern sense it's an internalized spiel that Chinese people recite ("5000 years", "face", "respect for elders" etc).

I find "face" in East Asian societies to be the most egregiously alien one. It's true that there are comparable concepts in western culture, but they're nowhere near as materialistic. For example: Chinese people often complain that Westerners are "arrogant", they justify this by saying that westerners are loud, like to laugh, joke around too much and so on - but it's a misreading of our culture. White, western people are as self-deprecating about ourselves as we are irreverent about everything else. We're equal opportunity banterers. Chinese people misread this as arrogance because I think they just don't like the idea of dominant "alpha" personalities outside of officialdom. Chinese people respect rank rather than man in my experience.

Where the grating and annoying hypocrisy comes in is how this relates to "face". Chinese people don't see anything arrogant about really ostentatious displays of wealth. As far as I can make out they have absolutely no concept of noblesse oblige or being circumspect with displaying it in that old money way we have (or used to have) in the wealth.

Their culture is quite literally: The more material wealth you have and show off to others, the more face points you accumulate. It's almost like an RPG for them. It vexes me that a chink can do something like this with a straight face and then accuse some random American tourist of being "arrogant" because he was cracking jokes on the MTR or whatever. To us, the flagrantly ostentatious display of materialism that chinks love is far, far more arrogant.

I also feel it showcases how materialistic the chinks are that they don't have an equivalent concept to "dignity". Dignity has traditionally been a virtue anyone can aspire to, even some poor tradesman can have his dignity, but Chinese "culture" is so profoundly sick and obsessed with material wealth that their equivalent "face" is reserved only for the wealthy.

My friend is a pilot in Hong Kong, he's a pretty wealthy guy, and even he despises it.

Chink culture is smoke and mirrors btw. Architecture is all boring hip roofs and pagodas, literature is boring as fuck annalistic record-keeping autism, even the fiction (see: Dream of Red Mansions - read it when I was younger and its one of the dullest things I ever read) and so on.

I don't say this out of bitterness. I learned to speak Chinese because I was fascinated as an outside by the culture, but… even on a traditional level it's just dull, uninteresting and uninventive. You're talking about a people who developed only one single architectural style in 5000 years of history.

Yeah, there are a lot of hapas with white dads who seem to be right wing.

One of my friends is half Japanese, half English and he's the same.

holy shit I've never chuckled so hard at something so true

I thought he quit because the jews were trying to take over his shit and they threatened his livelihood when he stood up to them.


Im 100% certain this would not happen anywhere else in the world, even on some obscure shitisfuckednistans side street people would stop to help that girl or atleast mob justice the living fuck out of the driver(s).

I think he got upset about the format of the show neo-minstrel and wanted to change it. The jews said "no, keep dancing monkey boy" and so he quit.

Yeah. If it were just the van then maybe you could caulk it up to one psychopath behind the wheel. But the other vehicles and pedestrians? You can't explain that away. The Chinese are subhuman.

Have you got anymore "facts" to pull out of your ass to justify your fetish? Also even if this where true the whole point of having these rules is to avoid the 1/2 and therefore​ the 1/4. You could make the same arguments about shitskins.
1/4 doesn't mean 1/4 Asian DNA.

The fuck kind of anime is this?

Justify my fetish? I am strongly opposed to all forms of race mixing. The fact is that 1/4th asians start to look white, and past that they become quite difficult to pick out unless they are unlucky enough to retain the eyefolds. What is your damage?

Just because they look white doesn't mean they are. Have you learnt nothing from the kike problem?
Even if the phycological difference of a 1/4 is minor the effect it has on the whole could be big especially if everyone goes around with your attitude.

It's not masculinity if it's fragile :^)

I live in New York City and the indifference to shit like this is sickening. It's regularly dismissed subconsciously with one of the biggest bullshit excuse like "it's a part of their culture" as if that justifies anything at all
I might move to a red city in the future


Who gives a fuck. Stop making shit threads.

The opposite seems to be true of Jews. The more they race mix the stronger their identity becomes as an reaction to their inner conflict. I'd trust an middle eastern kike way before I'd trust the one we have here.
They've had 2 centuries of race mixing and they haven't changed.

This is objectively untrue and Jews themselves comissioned the studied that showcase it.

Half-Jewish children statistically are far less likely to consider Israel important to American interests, to celebrate Jewish holidays and so on.

Niggers deserve to be strung up on tree branches. Japanese and some other slanty eyes are respectable people with an admirable history.
If you're attracted to women besides white ones then kill yourself.

Forgot my image

I've been to reddit too.
If what you say where true why haven't we seen this trend sooner(like two centuries ago)? The first kikes in europe took white wife's and that trend has continued on and off until now. What about this generation has changed?
Yes secular Jews truly are our greatest allies.

Because Jewish intermarriage at terminal rates (above 50%) is a recent phenomenon. Before the 1990s something like 1% of all white people intermarried, now it's 5%-6%.

kek that's a good one
brb self hating

Secular Jews still celebrate Jewish holidays btw.

It's a metric that is a good weathervane for identifying as Jewish rather than say, American.

of what, record-setting mass slaughter of their own civilians?


pisslam is based because they hate kikes

t. mudslime shills on this board

When did I say anything about nips?

No it's at a terminal rate for American Jews but the opposite is true in general. They act as genetic kamikazes because they know kike admixture in the future will strengthen the resolve of you burgers on the Israel cuckry like those fake 23 and me results.
Also trusting the answers kikes give to questions is the height of stupidity.


People give the Jews a lot of shit for it, but from what I've seen, there's one defining factor about other races: They always flock together. The only people who seem willing to work with outsiders is whites. Whites, for whatever reason, are fundamentally driven to think of things at the individual level. How does this benefit me and the people I have bonds with. If a white person has a black friend, he'll stand up for him against another white. If a white person is in a mixed group of strangers, he'll work just as hard as with a group of his own people.

The other races? They're driven to throw out anything that isn't like them. Blacks are able to show loyalty to things other than their own race, even if they usually end up grouping together, and they'll aggressively fight for it. Black soldiers and police men who devote that loyalty to a higher purpose are often very commendable people for that reason.

That isn't the case for other races. Asians will enter a group, and then start inviting others in. They'll keep pushing out non-Asians and getting managerial jobs, until eventually, they co-opt an entire thing. If Jews are accused of controlling things from behind the scenes, Asians take control of things publicly, because they have the sheer numbers to get away with it. And when they do take over something, the quality of it drops down. They don't all have this hivemind, and the further they are from it, the better they are as people. Essentially, if nine whites and one asian are worth ten people, five whites and five asians are worth eight. The degree of this is variable. I've noticed the Japanese only very lightly display this, while with the Chinese it is obvious. I'll also lump Indians because they do the same thing.

Because of this relationship to the group, I don't believe it's fully genetic. The fact that these people do better when surrounded by whites leads me to believe that this part is principally cultural. The problem is, how do you completely eradicate that sort of culture?

This book seems worth reading. Thanks for bringing it up.

I find that hard to believe. I'm sure the number is relatively low, but that doesn't mean there aren't some gals whose tastes run that way.

This thread is pure unadulterated halfchan.


To what degree does Holla Forums think Chinese Americans practice ethnic nepotism? I'm curious.

Goldamn, man. I've had a lot of positive experiences with Filipino men and women. I'd hate to think of my buddy from school getting fucked over like that by one of his own.

Dunno, but I know Chinese Canadians practice it by the fuckton.

Didn't say I like them, I said it's ridiculous to say that there's anything special about them. People call the Jews parasites and such on here, but they're literally not acting any differently than anyone else is.

The absolute highest possible.

It is literally either weebs or gold diggers. I've met maybe a handful of such couples in my life and they have all either been weebs or gold diggers.

The gold diggers are just standard procedure type women out for an easy life, there aren't actually as many white female gold diggers as asian female ones as white females seem to have to have some level of physical attraction to a guy they want to marry - this isn't really the case with asian women. You see some cute girls with some truly fat, hideous men in East Asia, especially South Korea, to a degree you don't in the West.

The weebs are, and I've always said this, basically just wiggers with the xenophilia tendencies driven towards another race. The basic foundation levels of wiggerism are all there: Self-hatred, love of a foreign group/people above their own, desire for a group identity through sublimation etc.

Is this purely in like, the restauranteur business and so on though?

Or will they do it even at say, a place like a KPMG office, or a law firm?

Lurk moar.

Who's to say that traditional cultures aren't genetically determined?

For one, purer kikes in general are identifiable as kikes. They have distinct physical features that differentiate them from Europeans. Those kikes who look white and blend into society derive their kikiness from the memetic power of Jewish culture rather than their genetic descent. If they are raised Jewish, then they will inherit that group identity and work in favour of kike group interests. If a part-kike with tonnes of European admixture looked indistinguishable from other whites and was raised with white group identity, then they would act in favour of the white race. The same could probably be said about a full white being raised in kike culture - they would end up identifying with kikes and look out for that group's interests. The memetic aspect takes precedence over the genetic when it comes to people who would otherwise entirely blend into society
The problem isn't really prevalent enough for such a far-reaching issue to occur. As far as I'm concerned, if you look white, have no discernible non-white features, and identify with the white race, then you are white regardless of what anyone says.

Flip Americans are generally not interested in that sort of Asian American political activism. They see it for what it is: Racial tribalism largely by Chinese and Koreans who look down on them and despise them behind closed doors as "southeast asian monkeys" or "not real asians".

No reason for Flips to ally themselves with "friends" like that.

What part of "absolute highest possible" do you not understand? One drop of yellow spreads across a company like wildfire.

You're cute. If anything you need to lurk less and actually get off your ass to look around the world outside. The best way to teach yourself about race is to deal with people of different races. You'll learn more being raised in minority-majority environments than you will from any number of infographs.

The Chinese destroyed their own fucking language so their retarded people could actually read it. Traditional Chinese only lives on in Taiwan nowadays. The sad part is, even with their huge country, huge numbers of people, and resources, they still can't invent or improve upon things at the same rate as Japan. It's why they hate the Japs so much.

This is not true at all. kikiness gets bred out very quickly due to the heavily Euro admixed nature of Jews in general. Within 2-3 generations both the Jew features and jew group-identity can disappear. The danger in kikes exists partly due to their unique ethnic differences, but these differences are only made potent when they are armed by their culture and group identity.

200%. They do it to the maximum extent they can possibly manage. And they're shameless about it.

Consider that many of those "cute" koreans girls were probably just as ugly as the men before they went under the knife.

Until they require bone marrow or organ transplants.


Jesus Christ what is going on in this thread

This is a complete leap of logic based on the idea that there isn't some deep genetic mental reason that at least partially drives the kike problem.
Secular Jews aren't good.
Yes and if a cat could bark… are we talking about a scenario like those twin swapping movies?
I hate styxhexenhammer posters so much.

RIP Patrice
died before taking the full redpill

Right, of course. Genetically they are still mutts, but from outward appearances they can very often "pass" as white. If they aren't raised to think of themselves as Asians, they can fit in with white people socially. If a white family adopted a 1/8th asian baby and never told him, I doubt he'd ever figure it out unless he got medically tested.

I'm on dashchan and honestly can't tell which Chan I'm on. I'll need to change my close minded ways.

I covered most of your comment in my other posts.

or needed a transplant and came to realise he's fucked


Niggers are fun to laugh at.

i had chinese today and am disgusted with myself
i'm sorry Holla Forums

Fried rice with eggs and veggies and shit is bretty gud. I make it myself sometimes, since I prefer to only eat food prepared by white people.

That isn't what I said, mate. I'm saying that this is only applicable to those who are heavily admixed with European dna so that they are effectively indistinguishable from other whites. After a certain point of mixing someone stops being a kike. That point is objectively 2-3 generations, which is the point where they cluster directly with white Europeans and not ethnic Jews (which I showed in the image I posted). My point is that such people, if raised with kike identity, will act just as slimy as the rest of the Jews in order to further the kike group interests. If we're talking about full blown kikes, then of course there is a much more relevant genetic component, but I never denied this. The Jewish problem is both genetic and memetic. More-so memetic for those who are effectively already European genetically.
You don't need to be a religious Jew to have a Jewish identity. Jewish identity is ethnic and no different in nature from white or black identity.
What a stupid comparison. You don't think people exist who look white, identify as white, and even support white interests who have some kike ancestor that they never knew about?
literally who?

Good post. Jewishness is indeed both genetic and memetic.

By what parameter? The narcissistic psychopathic behaviour of kikes isn't skin deep and as far as I know has no direct relationship to how long their hook nose is.
There are kikes that have been doing this for centuries and probably are less than 1/6. Just look at the Rothschild's.
We're just getting into an evolian esoteric style argument. My original point was that modern half Jews aren't suddenly "good Jews". They are surrounded by the their culture and whether consciously or unconsciously it will feed into their narrative of themselves.
You'd like him. he's a massive faggot.

You actually got that either backwards or your assessment ended at the 1980s. How it actually went.

If anything, Malaysia and Indonesia are examples of what not to do. Your example of how Indonesia managed to erode the poorer caste chink's culture is a very minor victory among major losses in the full scope of events that happened in those few decades. Those two countries became reliant on chink trade to survive. Their political class became hooked to chink bribe money and their people pushed down to the lower class to the point where their racial pride is focused in being an adept village dweller instead being successful in any modern form. The South African esque laws actually worked against them because all the chinks needed to do is find a race traitor and share some wealth with him to establish economic hegemony. You're severely underestimating what the chinks can do if you let your guard down and assume any victory is enough victory because the state of the Malay race today is absolutely shameful.

Fascinating stuff user.

Are you Malay?

No, I'm a Borneo chink (so I might be biased in that regard). But for some reason I lack the ant-people characteristic other chinks have and even the other non-borneo Malaysian chinks look at me funny for that. I think how the Brits think rubbed off on people of Borneo too much and we now like our independent thinking.

Excellent effortpost anyway. Much appreciated.

What do you think westerners should do? To us it seems like there's a concerted effort on the part of the PRC to weaponize their overseas minorities for the purposes of subverting other nations and so on, so we find ourselves in a damned if we do/damned if we don't kind of situation.

Physically indistinguishable
Well I would simply assume the more a person is a kike genetically, the more they are likely to exhibit these traits. If someone looks less like a kike, it's likely they have far more European in them, which means they are less likely to act like a typical kike. This is only assuming that they haven't been surrounded in kike culture/identity, which also has an effect. Like I say, Jewishness is both memetic and genetic. The memetic nature of Jewishness can fully corrupt someone even with no Jewish admixture because its origin is full genetic kikes. A white man can be brought down to the level of a nigger by being immersed in that culture, for example.
The Rothschilds are Ashkenazi Jews and they exhibit Jewish facial features. They are also Jewish culturally and hold that identity. In general. Ashkenazis are genetically distinguishable from white Europeans as I showed here , but this difference is bred out very quickly just like identifiable white characteristics are quickly bred out when a white man breeds with a nigger, whose children breed with other niggers, and so on.
Not really. When I say "memetic" I'm merely referring to the cultural and group identity of kikes. Because of its semitic source, it has an all-corrupting nature that will render any practitioner just as sleazy as any full blooded kike, even if they have a fully aryan background. What people seem to regularly forget is that the Jewish problem is the result of a symbiosis between both the memetic and the genetic spheres of judaism. A full blooded kike will act like a kike without his culture, because it is genetic, but a white man will act like just as much of a kike if he is raised with Jewish identity and culture, and identifies with that in-group.
Of course, and this we both agree on. The point is someone with a Jewish identity will be a problem regardless of how prevalent their kike admixture is, however someone with a little jewish ancestry that they never knew about (or were too far removed from to even care) is fine and as far as the genetic data is concerned, fully white.

They're only funny when they're in pain

Don't give up your lands, never let them be the political caste. You may let them be happy merchants but periodically let them know who's using who. It worked well enough in Thailand and Vietnam (despite China's many hands in the Vietnamese cookie jar). Also make sure you don't surrender the organized crime scene to them as well, that's what fucked up Cambodia and Laos beyond recovery.

But the best thing to do is reeducate their younger generation. My grandparents were under the British standard education. My parents were under the British standard education. I still had my exam papers shipped to Britain for grading during public exams. The culture of the progenitor matters less if their surrounding tells them there's consequences to not assimilating. Before long, you'll end up with a Chinatown for decorative purposes and the chinks acting like they're westerners. But then you'll have to make sure you don't try to make them pathologically altruistic like the jews have the whites. It doesn't work.

Chinks are indeed insects.
Weirdest things on the planet.
If you spend a lot of time around a lot of them, you'll notice that they don't look human.
They are like aliens with badly fitting costumes that try to emulate human behaviour, and are capable of thinking, to a degree - but look and think and act so differently that something is always off.
Like the always over-acting chinese on t.v., with exaggerated facial expressions when they think they are suppose to have an emotion.

Races were meant to stay separate.


Also, my understanding is that the bulk of organized crime in the Philipines is also Chinese in origin. As far as I know Duterte is serious about cracking down hard on these guys.

In relation to that - Do you believe the claims that the American and Canadian intelligence agencies have made, that the PRC controls overseas Chinese organized crime through its own intel apparatus, or at least has strong connections with them?

Agreed on education, but it's difficult over here given the prevalence of identity politics. Since racial tribalism can basically hide under the language of postmodernism with great ease. That being said, I think the tide is turning (finally).

The militants of Cambodia and Laos (who are native) produce the drugs sure, but who do you think supplies the transport routes and financial services (think about who's actually behind the cementing of the cartels as a local power. It's startlingly similar).

The ones in Ph are actual Chinks. The ones Du30 are talking about are the guys who got kicked out by China a few decades back.

It depends. My own inference was that when China kicked out the triad a few decades back, they also established new triad fronts that are basically filled with Beijing agents who are sent overseas to basically survey the land and to stay in contact with the chinks in exile who will most likely still serve China to regain access to home one day. We had a few of those here as well. They stuck out like a sore thumb since they stank like commies (who actually did hide in our jungles at shoot at us back in the 60s to early 80s) and no one asked any questions when they were found chopped up in a ditch.

That's because westerners allow leeway with their argument. Here they just get their head bonked if they argue like an SJW. Appealing to emotions work less when you're talking to people who don't have their livelihood given out by the government and had worked hard to secure it. I firmly suspect the success of postmodernism in the west to be a direct result of the guilt from an easy life. Because oneself hasn't experience the harder aspects of life, they're more inclined to listen to someone who's saying they have an easy life. Cue to your usual autist and ask yourself why said autist would grow up much more skeptical in thinking and cynical in nature than anyone else? It's because the autist never takes the easy way out. It's either struggle through or kill yourself

Not seen what niggers do to white children?
They kick them around like footballs and laugh, while a crowd watches, hooting like baboons.

Chinks are like insects, in that they have no feelings or souls.
Niggers are orcs, as earlier described - but they take pleasure in their violence and mayhem.

Kikes are amoral parasites that work together to kill the host they feed off.

Chinks are ants, they work together until all the resources have been depleted, then move on.

Niggers are orcs, mindless violence and chaos.

Whites are humans. Can work together, or make a choice to work alone - can make complex decisions, adapt.
These are both weaknesses and strengths.
The fact remains though, that they are the only humans.

All kikes return to their true form at about the age of 50.
Then they just look like the fat, hideous arabs they really are.
Drooping ears, noses and lips - as though their utter idleness is shown in their facial features.
Poorly concealed hatred in their eyes, for every other form of life on the planet, even animals.
Sneering drooling monstrosities.
The females turn into the witch creatures from The Dark Crystal.

I like your analogy, but where do Arabs fit in? They're somewhere between a nigger and a kike, but seem to take the worst attributes from both kinds.

Hey, you hear that one about the Chinaman going to the eye doctor? Eye doctor says, "You've got a cataract."

Chinaman says, "No, I drive a Rincon Continenter."

I raffed

This reminds me of that case a few years ago in the Golden Triangle where a bunch of PRC Chinese were killed.

Out of interest, do you think overseas Chinese act in a subversive way purely out of self-interest, or do you think they do it in the interests of a broader Chinese Nationalism? I ask because Chinese Nationalism just feels so… artificial sometimes, and Chinese aren't really like Jews in the sense of feeling they have a moral imperative to change the moral, social and cultural fabric of the nations which they inhabit.

Sorry for not being a bit vague, but I don't really feel like Chinese feel the same sort of emotional kinship and sense of obligation towards one another that people in the west do, or rather did. The intense competition for resources seems to make things more orientated around wider family loyalties (everyone else be damned, including other Chinese).

This is all true. 100%.

Jews are a thief cult of arabs, just as gypsies are a thief cult of india.
Both were ejected from the nest after the father saw they were deformed and of no use to the world.
Unfortunately, they survived the fall and crawled into the cracks in Europe, where they have stayed for over a thousand years, draining the blood of the humans and scuttling off to a new dark corner when detected.

Arabs are monsters, filled with rage and lies. They can not produce anything, but unlike the negroids, can produce organised violence.

Chinks abroad seem to have a hive mentality driving them that they aren't even aware of, as though their template is so similar for each unit that they all behave in the same pattern.
Take a look in any western country, they all follow the same model.
Start business, employ family, import more family, expand business, import chinese brides and husbands to expand further. No outsiders.
Always the same kinds of shops, businesses, restaurants.
It is like the red scare, or aliens invading while under cover of an outwardly human appearance. A film plot from the 1950s.

Salamat pagi.
The English effect on Borneo is clear.
Humour too.
Jumpa lagi orang buduh.

absolutely disgusting



Now if only those cunts can sympathize with human life. Seriously anyone who White Knights niggers is as low as them in my eyes.

I think it's more the point that Chinese are lower than niggers, and niggers are about as low as you can go. Anyways I do support this recent theme of recognizing the Chink menace. I hope Trump knocks them off the world stage.

…What? I honestly don't get this. Could someone explain why Asian men are so anti-white?

Nothing…..nothing….NOTHING can be lower than niggers. Anyone who says something is lower than niggers is most likely a filthy nigger themselves.

Something can be equal to niggers such as Transsexuals, but nothing will ever be as low as niggers. Niggers are so vile that even niggers hate other niggers.

Niggers have to be eradicated so that society can finally prosper.

Ok so maybe the demons of hell are lower than niggers. But then again the demons of hell use niggers are their vessel to do evil. So that would mean demons are AS low as niggers. Meaning they're on the same level.

Wrong. Jews are lower than niggers.

No, they're not the same thing.

No, Niggers are the lowest of the low.

Only filthy niggers will claim that someone else is lower than them. That makes them even more of a bunch of subhuman pieces of shit. They have to be nuked like the cockroaches they are.

Kill all niggers. Save Humanity. The infestation must be stopped!!!

Hey there, rabbi.

Suck my balls you filthy nigger. You have to be eradicated before the world is destroyed. Kill all niggers. No mercy. No exceptions.

Fuck you, you sniveling filthy nigger cunt. Both you and your half assed attempt to jew your way out of the spotlight makes me wish your mother flushed the toilet when you were born.

What do you call a filthy negress who kills her baby?
A crime fighter.

Not an argument.

We already know you're a fucking nigger you stupid cunt. Stop trying to weasel your worthless way out of this.

Seriously you ARE worse than the JIDF and RIDF combined. Because you filthy monkeys are stupid as fuck and you try to echo White nationalist in hopes you can pass as human.

You're utter pieces of shit that should be burned alive along with the fucking transfaggots.

I think it has to do with tribal identity from pre-history. Men from tribe A would take women from tribe B. Their offspring would be considered members of tribe A despite being a mixture of AB genes.

Take your meds.

So on average, a black woman would rather date an asian man than a white one. Whaddya know.

asian masculinity BTFO

This guy has made jokes about how asian girls would never be caught dead with a black guy, now he's butthurt when people are making fun of them?

Asians try their best to give out the bants but are the absolute worst race when it comes to receiving it

Asian masculinity died out with the samurai.

I think its a match.com dating study, that is enough to find.

please no that shit hurts my internal organs

first page: don't be asian

I think people just get obsessed with what they can't have

Fuck Chinese. They're what Jews would be like if they had a continent of their own.

daily reminder nips did nothing wrong and burgers should have let them genocide the oriental jew

The majority of the vigilante killings Du30 is accused by Soros' Human Rights activist minions of involve Chinese, people of Chinese ancestry, or race traitors working under the Chinese. Makes you wonder.

Ayy miri chink here, do you think Adenan was murdered?

Sorry nigger, humans don't do crack.

Anticipated rejection.



The world is a small small place user. That's where I spent the first 16 years of my life.
Too little evidence to sway either way but the motive is there isn't it?

They even made a movie about it to claim the government didn't have anything to do with the trade route and even sent in special forces from Beijing to exact revenge for the slain drug traffickers.

It's really strange because I feel like they do what feel convenient to them at the time. They protected overseas chinks in Malaysia and Indonesia because the chink industry there provided a huge volume of export value for the Chinese steel industry. So it's a combination of self interest and making sure China doesn't lose prestige at the global scale by protecting overseas chinks from oppression.

That's because it is. If you observed Taiwan, you'll find chinks that love their own people. In China you find chinks who are trained to love the country and their loyalty only extends to their own family unit and the government. In Taiwan while the chink spirit of excessive competitiveness is still going on, you have a lot of successful people giving back to the community as well unlike the pajeets and mainland chinks.

I would argue for the opposite case. Overseas chinks actually adapt and assimilate often to the point where their resulting culture don't even resemble the equivalents in China. A balance is what I'll argue they do. For example, the way I speak my tribal tongue changed to the point where someone actually from Foo Chow (where my greatgreatgrands came from) wouldn't be able to understand me, and me them.

It's there, but it's a lot harder to earn the kinship of an Asian in general. There's a few open-mentality Asian cultures out there (looking at you Vietnam and Ph). But in general, Asians are not as openly friendly as whites but once you earned their respect, they will likely defend you to the death. If you studied your pre-modern Asian warfare, you'll realize a lot of the WWII death charges done in the Asian front were from a sense of loyalty and obligation (Some of us died fighting the enemy, the rest of us will either win today or die with you. No retreat yadda yadda). It's also made us stubborn, which I don't know whether it's a good or bad thing since while it made jews harder to penetrate the social fabric, they solved it by making us the jews instead.

>The majority of the vigilante killings Du30 is accused by Soros' Human Rights activist minions of involve Chinese, people of Chinese ancestry, or race traitors working under the Chinese.
If the trash you kicked out of your country decides to act like the same trash in another country, they will most likely clog up the drain of that country too. See Gypsies for the European example.

Nice. Harvey hates everyone. Very pro negro. He could be a useful idiot. I'm sure that's what Trump sees in him.

I thought "insuff." meant "insufferable" rather than "insufficient" (i.e. insufficient data). I found it hilarious and tragic that the women would think of their own men like that.

Overall, regarding black women, I'd really like to see this graph again but also with information regarding the socioeconomic performance of the women. Low-class black women and high-class black women aren't the same. High-class black women would've attended university, accepted their leftist indoctrination and are probably married to a white man. Their opinion regarding white men and black men is something I predict will differ. Hell, the only white women who don't mind/prefer black men are the low-class white women anyway so seeing just how strong that preference is within the low-class white women, let alone how it would be among the high-class white women I think would be very interesting.

Is this what trump asked him? To make anti–china propaganda?

That model is a 3/10.

No they wouldn't be anything like the Chinese at all. Jews refuse to do any manual labor at all. And they hate centralized authority.


Be careful. I've been banned for saying less regarding kikes. One of the mods with a room temperature IQ might confuse your post as an attempt to defend Jews.


I find this one even more interesting.

shitskins vs pissskins

The only asian people are japanese and rooftop koreans.

the hell are you talking about. since when have jews displayed honour in their history? honour is a foreign concept for them. chinese have displayed honour before. jews also don't care for their people, they help them out of necessity and culture not because they have hearts. chinese have a little heart at least. the jew is a bottomless pit.

oh the pooor pooor babby

I'm literally shaking