Am i the only one who unironically enjoys this show?
I saw some episodes on tv and now i downloaded all the serie and i'm really enjoying it
Teen Titans GO
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Most likely not but kill yourself just in case.
fuck off Enter
Watch some more classic cartoons and even the original Teen Titans show. More often than not, shit taste is a result of lack of exposure to higher quality material. You just simply don't know any better.. Or you're some kind of mentally impaired child yourself.. Maybe a pothead.
When it does something that is related to teen titans universe, it can be fun. Then it just devolved into randumb episode of the day as it went along. The worse ones being Robin focused and he becomes the punching bag for his friends. Stopped watching after a while. Only check these threads to see how worse it has gotten. I think the last horrible thing I saw in these kinds of threads was the Easter bunny/ tooth fairy kissing scene.
Yes, please consider suicide.
This easter egg is jeanious, but the entire rest of the show is unamendable garbage.
Kill yourself.
I fucking love shit like this. The cartoon has potential to be god-tier if it was just meta fun rather than poop jokes and screaming. It's god some really quality shit in it when it's mocking itself and other capeshit. Like when they returned to the old Teen Titans style for a dream Robin had, or embed related, or a million other little things they've done before the show really started going to shit.
Istead, isn't any level above FrozenSpiderman youtube, if the start showing vaccines and dirty feet will be the same shit.
It's a fucking shame.
It was ok at one point. Then they turned into a robin bashing based comedy and now its just the same shit over and over.
I stopped watching after a thanksgiving episode with rats. It became too repetative and by then it was obvious all they would do is just make jokes by makinf one character utterly cringe.
I liked when Robin was a paranoid control nut who would always end up coming out on top or being in the right. After they lost that aspect it sort of lost its fun.
that's shit like this that drive me off the fucking wall in a very good sense. also
But i realise it has his real lows. i just don't get how sometimes might prefer pretentious shit like Adventure Time or SU
I like it because it's retarded, those the Easter bunny and tooth fairy guy weren't good what so ever.
Who's the female deathstroke?
Wow that's pretty neat.
They were all flanderized.
How is it that every time they reference the original series, it just ends up being horribly insulting?
Because the original is just that good that nothing could be on par with it.
I personally just enjoy this show for what is it. the logical follow up. not even pretending to try to catch up with the old glory. mindless fun
Speaking of Teen Titans i really liked pic related
I'd say its biggest issue was that the Titans never truly felt like they were fighting together. Even at the end they sort of took turns to attack rather than working off one another.
I liked BB and BB 1 2
That clip still feels a little too screamy for my tastes.
Welp, i just read the original source and i gotta say it's really freaking good
Not as good as the book its based off of but passable.
From the bits i've seen the humor is not that great though there are times it does shine.
I like it too. Only problem is that CN likes replaying far too much of it.
Too much of anything ruins the appeal. I can understand why some people hate it.