Marine Le Pen embraces ecofascism

Marine Le Pen uses environmental issue to broaden appeal - Far-right leader reaches beyond her usual focus on Islam, immigration and the euro

I really wish Trump would do something similar. If the left refuses to acknowledge that mass immigration is terrible for the environment, wages and the labour market, then it's up to nationalists/right-wingers to co-opt these issues to pull in more voters, just like the NSDAP did. It's certainly a more effective strategy then endlessly whining about how "Democrats are the real racists/sexists/homophobes/anti-Semites".

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How the fuck can any leftists defend that?

Did she read 'Can life Prevail?'

She should. We need to nip African population growth in the bud before things get out of hand.

I'm not French but at this point I wouldn't give a fuck about any other policy but immigration. If somebody runs and wants to close the borders and say fuck you to muslims then I wouldn't give two shits about any of their other polices, all that other shit can wait.

Stopping the current trend of French agriculture is a good point for me. Have a bump OP.


I don't get how they can predict Africa's population to continue unfettered like that. They have only grown so much because of foreign aid, and that will not support such an albatross.

If anyone is wondering who Trump is getting his immigration reform advice from it's this group.
Look into the history of who founded it and who supported it, lot of eugenics types that have been hiding their power level since the 60's

Trump realizes that this problem with Mexico is bigger than anything else in American history since the Civil War.

This is growing into a global movement among the uper crust types like old school environmentalists and old timey progressives/labor types.

I know that cactus are trees, but this is still funny to me.

The environmental protection wouldn`t be such a big deal if it wasn`t killing business.
You can balance that out.

Daily reminder, if you arrived in the last 4 monts
If you have not visited any REDPILL thread, you still BLUEPILLED.


How is it "killing business"? Because (((multinational corporations))) are run by greedy kikes who refuse to pay more taxes?

never underestimate their powers of mental gymnastics and parroting meaningless buzzwords.

Fuck off pleb

I understand we sometimes make laws based on worst possible outcome but… every business isn`t a monopoly. If you want to go after monopolies(and you have good reasons and info backing you up)… go for it

Fuck off lolbergtarian.

Kill yourself. Reported

who said he was using fascism as an insult? I certainly didn't read it as such.

It's not used as an insult, you dumb retard. Shut the fuck up.

Look up "ecofascism", nigger.

The same way they defend all of their policies, by denying reality.

Dumbass burger.

What? I'm not clicking that shit nigger. Get your reddit spacing under control.

Fuck off burger.

You are one stupid piece of shit. Too stupid to live. Do society a solid and kill yourself.

Cool proxy OP

Back to reddit

You lost. Fuck off now.

Environmental protection wouldn't be an issue if niggers and Asians weren't hunting rhino horns and clear cutting everything.

Plebs like you don't belong on Holla Forums.

They can't, but they're not allowed to change their views on immigration at all so they will instead abandon their environmentalist principles. Much like how they actively tried to cover up the mass rapes from immigrants despite rape being such a big issue to them.


Using that image implies there was an argument in the first place.


Kill yourself.

How fucking new are you?

Fuck you. Had you read the page you would know what OP meant by ecofascism. Instead you went full anal and derailed the thread.

4/10 tho.


You're a really cool hacker with all those proxies OP you 8th grader.

This is why we're breaking the conditioning.
The problems got so bad we couldn't keep up the machiavellian game anymore.

I hope we cut all aid to Africa.

So Holla Forums is now going to be pro environment now?

Within reason.

This is a natsoc board, user. We've always been pro-environment, just not in the same way that leftists are with their pro-tranny and pro-shitskin bullshit

The same way they support headchoppers.

Seems reasonable. But if only leftist really cared about the environment they would be pro nuclear.


fuck off newfag.

Holla Forums has always been environmentalist.
Environmentalism != AGW.


Hit close to home?

How deep are you going to keep digging yourself?

Another reason why women should never be leaders, all low-testosterone vegans should hang.

You can turn the proxy off now, OP.

my fucking god stop derailing the thread with your back and forth shit flingling please..

You got called out on your autism, and now you are ass blasted.

You got called out on being a pleb.
Next time you come here, don't make it so obvious you aren't from here.

It's getting old, chaim.
Sage goes to all fields. ():>)

There's nothing wrong with protecting the enviroment tbh. Really my problem is that leftists go on and on about it but they fucking suck at actually doing it, they just use it as a virtue signaling tool. We can actually get that shit done, but of course it would upset liberals because it would be us doing it, because it's all about us vs them.

Lurk for three months, then you can post.

Whatever you say, chaim. () `;->) *tips menorah*

Holy shit you fuckfaces just filter and report, it doesn't matter if he's actually retarded or just pretending, it's not worth it.

Does it make your prepuce grow back, Shlomo ?

Try harder.

this tbqh.


Anyways, sleep tight puppers, you did well. ;;)

I wish this was the case as well, not only do I agree with promoting the health of the environment, but I also think it would be more appealing to the youth. I don't really understand how a Nationalist can be anti-environment anyway; a strong and healthy land leads to a strong populace. (wanting to eat clean food and breath clean air is pretty strong argument).

The only problem we face is making sure environmental protectionism is balanced with the economic interest.

I would honestly want to kill myself if I lived somewhere like pic related.

You can stop astroturfing your "MUH ECOFASCISM" anti-nature thread now.

Many here are absolute simpletons, what does "protect the environment" mean? Only thanks to Human difination is there something we do call nature/environment. All these artificial definitions will soon be obsolete, for we are moving towards the absolute digitalization. Europe is as clean as never before, environmental protection is an invention of modernity.

It means nobody wants to breath smog or drink industrial waste you fucking imbecile.

Do you live in India? China maybe? No, you live in the cleanest time of human history. When OP speaks about ecofascism, he clearly believes in Nature Fetishism. Environmental protection, however, is only a small problem and who makes it a big one is an idiot.

Not how it works champ. It only stays this way if we keep it this way.

Furthermore, American water isn't clean, and I'm not just talking about Flint and gay frogs. A lot of work needs to be done.

Bump because it triggers you.

Protect what? We should protect people and only by coincidence "Nature".

Pointless autistic semantics.

Can you enlighten us non-frogs on what's going on in that sector?

about fucking time, tarka the otter was a prominent book about ecofasicsm written by henry Williamson a meber of the buf, leftists have hijacked the ecofascism movement blood and soil has always been far right.

She is an easy-to-influence person, just like all women. She is a part of the idiotization of the right. She supports direct democracy, environmental fetishism, feminism, gay rights and so on. She does not address any themes of the traditional right, the media are quite right when they call her a populist.

Fool, stop believing in teh (((conservatie right))) if you would've done research you would have realized preservation of the environment has always been a fascist and far right notion

Do you suggest that she is far right? She is left-wing/liberal in historical comparison. Nature fetishism is a very modern idea and was never used by the traditional right. I doubt that many here know how far left Marine Le Pen is (strictly speaking it she is unpolitical and is directed only to the current political wind).

"The National Front is the only party whose leader is a woman and its deputy leader is gay," he points out over a glass of Chablis in Beauvais, the northern town where he is standing as a candidate in local elections this week.

The shift in attitude towards gays is one part of the "de-diabolisation" (detoxification) campaign launched by Marine Le Pen since she took over the party in 2011, seeking to make the party a more palatable alternative to the discredited mainstream.

She's trying to beat around the bush and to >imply that shitskins are a menace by highlighting how much worse they treat the environment than Whites do. It's a really timid tactic and she's just doing it because she's afraid to say that niggers and spics are worthless and need to go back. Whites need to stop trying to justify the reasons for the existence of their own ethnostate. It needs to reason to exist other than "just because."

despite prevailing ((christian)) ideology that the earth is put here solely for humans to use - the earth is an end unto itself, and not just a means.
Looking backwards, Tradition will show the best among us have a strong connection to our earthly Origins - while looking forward, striving to achieve our idealised selves requires that we optimise our environment.
This means clean water, healthy soils, clean air and atmosphere, and a real connection with the lands we live in.

Anything less is nigger tier

>Ms Le Pen used the first of a series of so-called “presidential conferences” to call for a move towards a “zero-carbon” economy in France

Ugh. Carbon dioxide isn't pollution and establishing a carbon emission neutral economy would be a disaster. WTF. What a stupid move. She should have left climate out of all this.

ecological concerns have always been part of the National Front's policy platform

If you became some kind of edgy "fuck environment" sperglord just to be counter-leftist because the cucks pretend to care for the environment I pity you.

We always were you neocon nigger

Like who?

Logical fallacies finely mixed with mental Olympics.

National Socialism is pro-environment, mankind needs to live in a clean and healthy environment.

This, one million times; if a libtard is confronted with a logical fallacy or shown proof that their believes are unfounded, they pretend as if such issues were never a big concern for them in the first place. Fucking convictionless cowards, every last one of them.

That does reveal a fascinating tension though. Where should environmentalism take precedence over capital formation, and where should the opposite hold true? I know that everybody on this board is big on coal, but if you look at the environmental effects of things like mountaintop removal, it's devastating. That land is going to be contaminated with heavy metals for hundreds of years, and it gets into the water sources and pollutes them far downstream. I don't want coal miners to get left behind, but when I see shit like this, I just don't know how to balance the competing needs.

this is a good thing
only the white man ever truly cared about the environment

Your way of thinking is feminine and irational, just feelings and no facts. Niggers and spics are more concerned about "environmental issues":


Now I know why jews send her shekels. One more push to finish off european industry.

I've always said there is ways to co-op environmentalism to piss off the left.

There are actual facts to it too.

More people = More people using gas to get around in cars. Even with public transport, more buses will be required. You'll even use more energy and electricity from coal plants or nuclear plants to build those buses. More pollution.

More people = More crumbling infrastructure. You have to use big gas guzzling machines to repair roads. Even worse, with traffic jams happening due to construction and with more people around, causing a bigger jam, you'll have a ton of idle vehicles wasting gas, producing greenhouse gasses and pollution.

More people = More waste. More trash to pick up, our land fills will go through the roof.

More people = More water use. There is not much drinking water left in the world. More people means more water, and a state can run dry, like California.

More people = More farming. Farming causes environmental damage. Check out what happened to the amazon rain forests when McDonalds had to meet demand for their food. Sure they CLAIM to be stopping it, but with so much demand, they can't stop it unless there is less demand, which means more people.

More people = More energy demand. A lot of power comes from coal, nuclear, or hydro. More people for regions with coal plants = More coal to be mined (and mining causes environmental damage) along with the pollution coal mines cause. Nuclear power can be unsafe due to nuclear disasters we have seen in the past. Hydro plants, you have to build big damns, which can ruin the local environment. Fishes get caught in the turbines as well, killing them off.

You simply cannot be an environmentalist and be pro immigration.

she's bored. She definitely trying to appeal to some stray leftists.


What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and only one lifeboat?
When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot.

Those who love and respect life will take the ship’s axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides of the boat.
-Pentti Linkola

carry on.



It's sad that he's lost all hope in saving mankind, that's why he doesn't write anymore.
He has also lost hearing and can't go forest-bathing like he used to because of his old legs.

Absolutely right. Take it a step further and talk about niggers killing big cats in Africa.

If you wanna really rustle a lefties' jimmies tell them about how millions of wild birds are tortured to death every year by domestic cats. I've brought a few lefties to tears by telling them that their 8 cats should be put to death for all the environmental damage they cause and that their owners pretend to care about. This isn't for bringing them to your side, it's just to hurt their feeling with dissonance. But it works.

t. Linkola

is Holla Forums redirecting me to the fucking app store every time I open a thread?

You actually belong on reddit.

Blood and soil my men, blood and soil.

I don't care about shitty birds tbh. No sympathy for dumb birds that can't even use their biggest advantage to escape a small mammalian carnivore.

and guess where the "more people" come from?

I don't have any pets right now, and I'm more of a dog person, but I have to think cats keep rats away big time.

Proper food storage can alleviate the threat of rats getting to it without the need for a bird murderer in your house. It's not that big of an issue though, the Toxoplasmosis caused by cats cause is a much bigger reason for them to be exterminated, the birds are just Linkola's reason because he's an Ornithologist.

Blood and SOIL!

Yeah, barn cats are still a thing.

So, less ugly manlets?
Why is this a bad thing. We need less pussies if we want to get this race war going.

I don't buy the homo claim because there's no evidence for that at all, besides retarded conjectures by user - countries with more toxoplasmosis aren't more gay, e.g. Egypt.

Tbh it just sounds like toxoplasma increase testosterone.

You must not be white, the white man dreams of living in pristine forests, eating fresh meat he hunted and fresh plants his women gathered. That is his natural instinct and he will always strive towards this ideal.

Toxoplasmosis has many detrimental effects. Slowed reaction time, increased risk of mental illness, behavior modifiers we might not know about. Not to mention the fact that we don't need a freeloading parasite to better our race. Letting that little fuck hitch a ride in our bodies and fuck with our brains is the antithesis of bettering your race.

Leftists don't truly want less people in the West. They want to replace white people with dark skinned pets and keep the population about the same (because owning dogs and cats isn't satisfying their motherly instinct).

The main thing we need to convince leftists of is that the central issue of environmentalism is getting Africa to be self sufficient and decrease their birthrate to below replacement fast. So that mass immigration to first world nations which use more resources isn't necessary.

That would force them admit that their goal isn't to better the African people though, it's just to displace Whites in their homelands. It's Alinsky-esque to get them to play by their own rules, but that persuasion won't work on them because they don't give a fuck about Africans, they just use them as a golem against Whites. It would be better to co-opt existing environmental groups and turn them back to how they were in the 90's. That's what leftists did to them, we can take them back, and then use it as part of the support network.

Thats a brilliant idea tho, there exists enough material to make it so.

Philosophically speaking, how should one approach them first and foremost though?

Begin from neutral things like pic related and then work our way up from that to explain as to how these things came to be?

there is also this

All Americans are dumbfucks. You have a grammar mistake here, we do not say tasty delicious food, we only say tasty food or delicious food; same that we don't say dumbass Americans, we just say Americans.

there is also the fragile states index

Philosophy isn't necessarily the way to do it. You just model your actions like that of a sociopath climbing the ranks. Eventually you are in a position of trust and power in the organization to influence it, and will be able to punish dissenters, either through institutional means or by outing them because they confided in you.

This is how the Jew operates, and how the Jew has infiltrated organizations. From the FBI to TRS, they contribute initially to the movement, and then slowly begin to change it once they're an "indispensable" part of it. Why do you think the FBI spends all their undercover resources on Right Wing groups when nightclubs full of fags are getting BTFO by ISIS? Because field office director Schlomo Leibowitz is setting policy.

Now the challenge is to make sure you're Schlomo's boss, not the other way around so you can set policy in whatever walk of life you happen to be on, or if you're a hardcore environmentalist like I am direct your energy towards organizations with your goals and co-optability.

I even remember reading something like this

so you want me to infiltrate green organizations and then try to wrastle control away from the cucks?

This is a really good idea and I'll explain why.

1)France is way more left wing than other nations. Their version of welfare state is kind of liked in France; at the very least more appreciated than in other nations.
The State taking care of the environment is a good idea overall as it is the was instinctively French people will want to solve the problem : With Government help.

2) France 2 round system.
It's highly likely that on the second round the Socialists will be eliminated which makes the FN and the Républicains go at each other.
By going "Green" she will try very hard to get all those "left/socialist" votes that are left without any choice that will please them.

All that united may be a weird stance for the FN up to the 1st round of voting, but then this ecologist stance might actually help bring voters over for the 2nd round; which has been the weak point of FN for years.

A pretty good argument is to look at the difference in per capita CO2 emissions between the US in Mexico/other latin American countries and point out that all of the latino immigration since the 1965 immigration act (including their descendants) is responsible for more annual CO2 emissions than the UK produces.

to add to that: All I know is that there is a path of ecofascism from the right, the removal of the negro as well, I vaguely know this because it is partly what motivates me as well. I could try to remember the many variables that pushed me here.

If environmental conservation if your mainstay then yes. I'd say become a lawyer and making a network of pro-bono right wing defenders would be much more effective because it would allow people with out views to operate openly, but one more funded and unpozzed organization, especially one with the views of saving the planet by any means necessary, would certainly be a boon as well.

are there even groups of people like that who care enough about the health of the whole planet?

No, but there are 501(c) charities and NGO's that are well funded and could be infiltrated to have those views. You could just pick a group by name and funding level and go at it.


is this the right one lol?

O I am laffin

I am looking a bit through the others, and I like what they are doing

but they are lawyers. I understand most of the issues what they are dealing with, but still coming from a non lawyer background, or just a guy who has no specialty in any of those area's I wonder how useful I could be to them.

but shit, if there were no jews, niggers, or chinks I would go full ecofascist nazi with these guys. Environment is a pretty big issue on this planet. Its nice to see someone care about it all.

Yeah without a law or environmental science degree it won't be much use to try and infiltrate them and expunge the non-whites. Can't hurt to forge alliances with lawyers though.

The illegals are horrible for the environment. Find the Dr. Pierce broadcast where he reads about all the shit the scum leave on the property ranchers, such as used diapers that the cattle eat and die a very painful death.

Kikebairt should take up the mantle of doing a right wing version of "vice" now that it's gone full SJW. Even the good old "vice" episodes have been fucking deleted. They're complete scums of the earth.

The same way they defend this


the trick to arguing with potential leftists is to avoid triggering the amygdala though.

I learned a lot of the problems with the races and environment by not giving a flying fuck about it because I am not a daft lefty.

But if I were to approach them, there should be these "non obvious, secondary pieces of evidences that hint how shitskins are bad", which are a little bit harder to find.

This. The environment is important and destroying it is bad but the CO2 narrative and the carbon-tax/credit supra-monetary economy, and supra-national governmental system this narrative is designed to establish are key moves toward the NWO. It's possible she's just misinformed or just pandering. French anons should tweet her (or communicate with her in some way) some basic info on the CO2 lie.




pls taylor no bully

Absolutely right.

That's the whole point. It's anti-immigration.

I like this. I just want people to be butthurt in the end.

Goddam, stop feeding them and send condoms

"Environmental Racism."

t. an ecology student

Cactus are not trees they are succulents.
IE plants but not "trees"

Cats were domesticated to protect agricultural harvest from vermin. The divide between "cat-people" and "dog-people" goes beyond mere preference, it runs through our very blood, that of the farmer and the hunter.

I just hope she doesn't use environmentalism as a justification to kill the nuclear program and "replace it with renewables". Which in practice always means natural gas and coal.

In defense of cat people, Pierce was a big cat person. (He was also big in general at 6'4)

Wherever there are people not starving and dying of thirst, there can be more people.

Checking these glorious Hitler trips

That's an awful broad assumption you made right there, buddy. There is a simmering divide between the (JQ-redpilled) conservatives and the natsocs here on the issue of fossil fuels. Coal is poisonous, coal is finite and coal is releasing vast amounts of shit into the atmosphere. Whether you agree to climate change or not the predictions are always fearmongering exaggerations, but the underlying phenomenon is pretty much rock-solid physics ocean acidification and air pollution are still very real things.

Nuclear is the way to go for the near term, but even nuclear is not infinite. It will be useful for a few hundred or thousand years, giving us enough time to develop beamed solar power infrastructure in orbit, which is a resource that can last billions of years if need be, and give plenty of energy with pretty much no impact on the surface besides rectenna arrays and the power grid.

PSA bump