What are some good ways to red-pill net-savvy females such as "femanons"?
What arguments tend to win them over?
I've been noticing more and more females over at cuckchan expressing right wing sentiment.
What are some good ways to red-pill net-savvy females such as "femanons"?
What arguments tend to win them over?
I've been noticing more and more females over at cuckchan expressing right wing sentiment.
Most of our gender is retarded.
It would be like trying to talk to a dog about animal rights. As long as they get a treat they are either for or against it, depending on training.
Don't bother. Women absorb and average the social sentiments of those around them. Convert men and the women will follow.
This tbqh. All women are about to see are men coming out of the woodwork and making shit happen in this country.
Set your woman straight, be stern yet loving and lead her down a path that of righteousness, plant your seed in her everyday and make a few babies and take care of your family as best as you can and youll have a woman who will stay by your side for life.
I agree with this, I don't believe in a propaganda campaign aimed at women specifically to convert them, more like memetic warfare with them in mind to plant seeds of doubt that can materialize when their faith in the system comes tumbling down.
Keep in mind Internet indoctrinated (Tumblr, Faceberg and worst possibility *channers) bitches are sociopaths and self absorbed by default.
Get a normie average IQ woman and you're good.
Word of advice: Special snowflakes can and will try to cuck you and fuck you over when it's possible.
there was already a similar thread in catalog
yet women are a good way to redpill men for example evalion
Laugh at there objections maintain frame.
Were you there?
This. I've tried redpilling the wife on numerous occasions, but she actively resists wrongthink. I provided her with proof of our last "discussion" (male circumcision is a booming business supplying foreskins for beauty creams) and she was pissed with me for days. We need to change the culture and the women will follow. We need more traditional values and fewer Kardashians.
No, but I was in the thread when this happened.
Women are not sapient. They can not dispassionately Reason (big R, distinct from simple logic or consequence based thinking), as in, they can not separate the ideas they hold from their self image. Any attempt to undermine what they feel is true will be seen as an attempt to undermine themselves. If you want to have those sorts of discussions, you have to make them think the conclusion was THEIR idea. It's just like dealing with children.
Try to redpill normie women the same way you would normie men, point out statistics that will shock and startle her- the massive increase in pedophilia/rape/murder by migrants in Europe, tranny insanity, rape gangs in Britain, all these a good starting points.
Appeal to her sense of self preservation. When a liberal friend was gushing about South Africa and how diverse it is, I simply brought up the fact that the country has some of the highest rape and murder rates in the world and that it was unfortunately( ;^) ) better under Apartheid. I also brought up the fact that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, and she shut up, looking mad. Some time later though, she accepted this view and after personal research no longer gushes about SA.
You're partially right. Women value safety above all else, they don't want to rock the boat. A woman who say wants to deport all illegals will tone down her beliefs or stay silent all together to avoid invoking the wrath of the liberal herd. It doesn't help that many young women have been indoctrinated into ultra-leftism by tumblr, meaning that the average young woman's social group contains these creatures.
… and what happened?
shes dead
You red pill a woman with your dick or if that doesn't work just be emotionally abusive to her like academia and the media. Make her feel like she is a bad person if she doesn't agree with you.
Too soon…
Did anyone ever figure out if she was actually dead or just in a really neutral facial expression?
excerpt from a conversation i had earlier 2 day. for context, she regularly likes anti trump snarkposts on goybook and i spam her with truth vids, from yuri to violent anti trumpers to mde and whatever, general pol stuff, which she no sells. she is a biomedical research dr
f: ignore what
m: loads of stuff that annoy u
f: cause im stressed enough at work
m: ye but maybe if u took some time 2 educate urself on matters u wouldnt feel so distressed y it all
f: i dont have time for that - my spare time is cilling out from using my head
m: ur too busy to improve ur life
f: too busy trying to improve other peoples lives
m: yeh thats dumb
f: how
m: 'how is helping people to the detriment of yourself dumb?'
f: helping people via my job, which is hard work atm, cause i dont know anything - so im exhausted when i get home, and dont want to then research other stuff
m: but u still wade in
f: with opinion, from what ive seen, but ive not researched
m: ye which is a rly dumbshit thing to do
f: yes, im not saying its not dumb of me, im just saying im not going to do that
the problem with women is ultimately most of them are incredibly lazy or more importantly dont have any kind of internal drive to do anything. this girl even admits to the fact that she doesnt know what the fuck is going on but cbf to change the situation. i believe this to be, as this poster says , there isnt enough external pressure, as following my theory that most women have no internal motivations to do anything other than exist. so yeah, fuck the women and convince the men, the women will follow as they always do
They're not actually accepting or internalizing the sentiments, they're just expressing what sentiments the "culture" follows, because it gets them attention from that culture
This isnt just for chanwhores, its true for the vast majority of females. They follow whatever the culture is, whatever society tells them to follow, because to do so gets them attention, to go against the grain gets them ridicule and very few possible sources of attention and praise. Whereas expressing the dominant view nets them the attention of many males who believe their feigned beliefs to show them to be a worthy mate in one way or another
Dont try to red pill women, you're just asking for trouble. Even the men on here who claim to have "red pilled *female other of some level of seriousness*," the female doesnt ACTUALLY believe anything one way or another, shes simply responding to the leadership of the male in her life and adopting a stance that mirrors his own.
Very few women are actually capable of forming their own beliefs, analyzing data, considering possibilities and probabilities, contemplating the philosophical aspects of something, etc etc. Instead they simply mimic what the positions/views of men that they either desire, idolize, or want attention from
Sorry all you anons who thought you could "redpill" women, but you cant. They're just submitting to your leadership/dominance. Which isnt anything to shake a stick at mind you, part of the reason the left has gone so batshit insane is because the men arent leading anymore, and the women dont know wtf they're doing, they turn everything into a committee because they cant even form their own beliefs without some one or some group telling them what to believe, and being women in a group they always come to the wrong answer, but then they push that shit boat out and tell others to gobble it up and worship it because CLEARLY it must be right because a group of mindless cunts came up with it.
Anyway, I'm rambling. OP's premise is flawed because women arent the same as men. You dont red pill women, you dominate women and they submit to your way of thinking and viewing the world. Thats it.
First of all check'd.
Second of all, tidy up your fucking orangutan spelling and stop using 2 instead of to.
Lastly, you're right about women being lazy and lacking any drive to actually look beyond what they're being fed. That's been my experience with a friend. She was anti-Trump, and whenever I broached the subject she immediately retreated to "Mah, I don't have time for that. I have enough to do etc".
Youcis fits that criteria perfectly
Stop being lazy.
It's a woman, fam, you want to show them how little you care
So your logic is, if you're talking to a woman you should talk like a dindu because you think "that'll show her!"
kys, my dude.
Wait what? Did she really died? Context?
Basically, yes. It gets results
kys lmao
Women can't believe things.
Gives great head, though.
that day was so sad
Social pressure
We need to meme something into existence with respect to this.
The red pill is something men take. Like Neo.
But for women it is what? The Red Dick? The Red Rod?
Well, for starters, we learned you're a newfag.
Quotes like these that show jews want them gone.
Can confirm. Me hating reality TV is treated as me hating her. We had a discussion, recently, where she got mad at me for calling Kim K a slutty moron. It's blatantly the truth, but she treats my speaking of the truth like I deliberately switched holes mid-fuck.
Children do what they're told.
What's up with Eliza?
Can we coordinate some sort of Holla Forums-wide effort to save her?
She's actually pretty red pilled politically.
So…the day before yesterday? That's a weird way of putting it. Most people would say "2 days earlier."
"femanon" is inherently contradictory. If you're announcing your gender, you're not user.
you sick fuck. Reported and filtered
there is already another containment thread for this cringy, autistic bullshit. Lead them, protect them.. stop trying to "convince" them, you retards.
The rare women who can handle 'redpill' truths (and i do mean RARE) can and will find it like men do. They don't need your help. You're not going to conjure an "easy-going" gf who is "one of the guys" for your boyish, low-effort, low-energy, low-testosterone ass. Accept women for what they are and grow the fuck up (and start lifting, bro). When you stop sperging and man-up, the rewards (including qt3.14) will show up.
Just one of the many reasons I love her.
Not even meme'ing you or pulling your leg.
Changirls > All other girls. By a fucking mile. You haven't lived until you've dated and fucked a BPD video game addict with chronically low self-esteem and an insane libido who posts on 4chan every evening.
Wish I could fuck Youcis, but I have no idea how to reach out to her.
I agree on the other stuff
As long as Feminism is the only identifier for femininity, Communists will control women
who cares about woman and what they think, just focus on maintaining laws and controlling your country by not allowing SHEs to speak louder, get the laws to turn against them and put those meat sack of shit to work in your household, fuck them and have plenty of babies, and uphold schools so they won't teach your kids pozzed kike shit.
she has a twitter and facebook, also was interviewed on redice radio a few weeks ago.
(Is red ice as bad as TRS and FSM? i've never relly listen to them )
I want to ask her what she thinks of current chan culture, so I'll try on there.
Also lol at the bitchfight between Sinead and Emily on twitter.
no such thing as a red pilled women, just a women who agree with us and don't relly think about things to much.
they few women that ever get close to becoming what we are usually can't take it and die from substance abuse and mental breakdown.
women aren't just physically weaker, they are also mentally and emotionally fragile. (a lot of men are like this too, see the nu-males)
even when we find women that agree with our principles and our views of the world. they still have no problem using the state against us if they think we are stepping out of line.
women still have a bilocal need for groupthink and the backing of a strong provider. they will always choose the state over us as that gives them the highest payout (even though it's short sighted).
What's funny about that, is that the feminists are killing their strongest identifier all by themselves, by pushing egalitarianism. When you destroy the polarity between male and female, you have a neutral position which is no longer automatically associated with females. Females are then free to stay true to their nature, as long as that neutral position is less socially profitable.
meant for
Based on what I've seen so far, white women aren't liking it when they get the white male treatment.
If they're white and feminist sow seeds of division with the black racist women who were talking shit during the women's march. Use things like that.
Provide some examples so I can use them for agitprop purposes.
sort of like when those antfa goons got pissed off when one of their shitty women attacked a guy trying to get to work, he punched her right back. they acted like it was this big deal that a woman got punched.
even though she was wearing a mask, attacked first. and they still act like faggy little white knights while claiming not to believe in gender roles.
This is a start
OP if you're trying to convert an already resistant wife I would cool it a bit to drop her defenses. Psychologically speaking if she's already primed to resist your information you're wasting good material when she's like that.
I would also just start having conversations with her that don't trigger her and just start asking questions. Collecting Intel, if you will, on what's important to her and why. Why she believes things.
I've also found Ken O'Keefe to be a good red pill because he also sounds like a humanitarian which seems to be important (at least the gest aka Shillary) for female voters.
Interesting, thanks user. But I'm trying to get more really belligerent anti-white female stuff from the intersectional feminist crowd.
Please, user, don't bring this up
Those terrible feels were left buried long ago
Perhaps, nigger and mudslime crimes against women. Use lots of pictures. Explains things to them as you would a small child.
Realistically the only way for most women to become receptive to redpilling if it is socially advantageous to do so(I.E. being a progressive is seen as socially improper, unattractive, and completely ostracizing), or through direct emotional appeal.
While there is certainly more nuance to this and some women are receptive to facts rather then feelings, it is best to go with how things will affect them personally rather than attempting to utilize a more general approach of how it affects society.
At least that is how I see it.
knock her up and marry her
Not the women's march, but:
White women do not like being screamed at and called a bitch for no reason.