Accept the violence

Can we stop trying to virtue signal against the "tolerant liberals" every time one of them attacks one of our own?

It's falling into the same trap of "Well the Dems are the REAL racists!" it keeps you constantly on the defensive playing their game.

When people go up and punch folks like Spencer (or whoever) we should not be on twitter, fb and social media going "WHAT ABOUT MUH FREE SPEECH. ITS NOT OKAY TO PUNCH NAZIS. WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER AND LOVE" or whatever other bullshit I keep seeing plastered across the right-leaning net.

Accept the violence. "Yeah that faggot sucker punched soandso. We are going to start doing the same to them. An eye for an eye."

Scare the shit out of them. They are absolutely afraid of conflict. Let them know they will get the shit smashed out of them and do it. Inspire a culture of revenge and counter-violence. You have the absolute right to self defense. Use it!

Just my thoughts. What do you think Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

the following should happen to every libshit there make them suffer great inhumanities, make them rape each other at gunpoint. cut the arms off the men and use those to rape the women with. shove one of the cut off men's heads into the womens vagoo. make her cum on her comrades severed head

They're already scared.
That's why they're lashing out so much.
They're gripped with a Lovecraftian terror.

Let the riot police handle the violence. They know it better.

question is, how much escalation do you really want? because you might not be able to control it once the street violence ball gets rolling

Mattis pls.

The Donald gave me 5min off from bombing isis, what can i say

The further it goes the better for us. The right would utterly crush the left resulting in the murder of millions of libtards and the exile or extermination of essentially every non-white.

I think a strong show of force is all that's really required to control the narrative.

If you're a public figure from the Right you need a group of strong guys around you in matching jackets staring out at the crowd and waiting. Simple bodyguard stuff.

For bigger stuff like ANTIFA blocking sidewalks, whats stopping us really from just plowing through them? They're violating our rights. They're in the wrong. We're securing our free passage. If they swing? Swing harder.

At big events the police will rarely arrest you because they simply can't leave their post and there is way too much going on.

As long as your not bashing skulls in with bats or setting things on fire you're pretty much immune as long as you leave the area.

I think they know better than to punch the wrong person.
They are the typical schoolyard bully, they attack the one's they think can't fight back, or attack when they have greater numbers.

I'd say some of these people need to be hunted down and busted up…and I mean busted in a permanent fashion, disfigured for life.

Terror must be maintained.
Examples must be made.

they are doing this in europe already, WN groups are busting up antifa hq's. scour the liberal parts of your inner city, arts districs, the gay areas, this is where antifa types hang out. follow em home maybe?

Anyone whose been doing that OP, is a cuck by definition. They punch one of ours, stab two of them. Curb stomping time should have started by now.

There definitely needs to be some retaliation. These people are playing a dangerous game by deciding that violence is okay against Nazis, when a Nazi is really just anyone they don't agree with. It's a two way street and what if I were to say that violence against commies is okay. Mao and Stalin killed a hell of a lot more people than Hitler, so I can virtue signal too.

The Left is on a witch hunt right now for "le ebil nadzees," and you can bet they'll find Nazis even if there aren't any to be found. Violence is OK against commies because they instigate violence and deserve it when they get rekt. No mercy, no sympathy, no forgiveness.

The reason why they're lashing out is because of disinfo spread by leftists.

They falsely claim that Richard Spencer advocated for ethnic cleansing when Colin Lindrell wrote the article. The article is now deleted, but the damage is done. I know that he's a worthless opportunist, but they're going to use the same methods against you if it does prove itself to be effective.

Sure. But also getting every single antifa that we can arrested isnt a tactic we should abandon either. any way we can blow them the fuck out should be pursued.

Maybe to further the "if these marxists attack you strike back" message we could set up some sort of fund "If you encounter legal troubles after having to defend yourself against leftists we will assist in your legal defense costs"

Libcucks should be pushed to violence, but in order to attract normalfags to our cause, we must act like this isn't what we want. Normalfags don't like violence, and both sides embracing it will make the average normalfag throw their hands up and say "their both assholes!" ala the political party demoralization that's taken place in those aware enough to realize the dems and GOP were, up until Trump, basically the same thing. If we want to rally people to our cause, we have to subvert and radicalize the other side. Part of this is simply calling them out on their bullshit and or laughing at them, which polarizes them. Violence must also be subtly encouraged in subversion efforts. Nudging them closer to the fire until they jump in. Once they do, right-wingers will be quick to denounce that sort of violent, "unjust" behavior, and the normalfags will flock to the right.

for real

when some fags told me about that expecting to stump me, i responded mocking him for being weak and said thats what you get for being a feminine anti violence homo

thats pr cuckery. how many fucking examples do idiots need for it to be proven that pr cuckery leads to failure. Had the "average joe right winger" continued to cuck every time they were called a racist we would never be where we are right now.

The entirety of the past 2 years has shown that, contrary to what the kikes want everyone to think, those who stand up for what they believe in and display strength of character as well as physical strength are those who command the respect of the average joe.

It wont be long before the libtards do something really crazy, like actually kill someone.
Once they do it will be open season & nobody would care if they all got gassed. They get more & more insane everyday & even normies are starting to see it.


so lets give then a victory party


I disagree. Normalfags that are going to flock to the strong horse. Most normalfags will simply go with whatever side they see to be winning. Look at it this way, has the Hell's Angels recruitment fallen off because they use violence?

Isn't it that march for life thing today?
Will libtard's turn up looking to make trouble?

I like your thinking. Hanging these fucks shall hence forth be known as having a communist party.

keep thinking like a twatwaffle user, keep thiking that way.
Of course the normie population isn't ready for full on violence but they are all for self defense. Now there are two basic philosophies of self defense, one is to avoid confrontation and minimize damage if forced to fight. The one I'm fond of says that if you bloddy my lip I'll put you in the hospital ASAP.

I really don't see what you're getting at. The far right has struck terror deep in to liberal hearts. They're seeing literally Nazis marching about on the streets, in Congress, and in the White House. YOu sound like a TRSodomite out for some petty form of revenge.


This is stupid as hell.

There is an element of ">muh pr" but it by no means we do not strike back. You just frame it correctly; that these pieces of crap consider Trump-supporters Nazis, and they say its okay to attack Nazis. We report these violent bastards to the police when we have evidence of who they are; and we step in and defend the good people of the USA whenever we see them in real life by beating the crap out of them.

Simple. Believe it or not we ARE the good guys. These people are terrorists who are attacking people for no good reason. We are advocating defense, and now that they are proven to be hostile groups part of that defense includes patrolling our areas and keeping the rats out. We use force when we see them, but we never would have gone hunting them if they had not started it.

thats true, most people dont have hard set beliefs, they will just take cues from the people they see to be dominant in their "tribe". as long as you can play the role of the strong chief looking out for their interests they will believe whatever you tell them

I am pretty sure no one here is mad at them getting violent, on the contrary, more and more people can now wreck them in self-defense. The reason why many are calling them out now, is because they praise tolerance and non-hatred, and then go out of their way to do exactly the contrary. And you don't only make them go completely 404 by pointing that out, you also indirectly redpill normalfags that commies only are tolerant and non-violent when you agree with them, normalfags start to see the hypocrisy.

Also, don't fucking tell them that you'll punch them. As Trump said, don't give plans to your enemy beforehand, just like in the military, if you want to make them suffer, you just go and do it. Once they start getting pummeled without even warnings or any tips, they'll suffer twice as much. Also, no normies will see us threatening them online, and police can't put nationalists into jail for non-existing threats either, while the police can put any commie shit into jail who openly admits to violence.

It's a win win situation.

Precisely. While we MUST strike back whenever they start getting cocky we should always make it apparent that they are the aggressors, they are disturbing public order, they want to create chaos and break shit. The truth is on our side so let's beat them over the head with it (literally and figuratively).

The irony is in the very next paragraph, Lindrell basically says "the above rhetorical questions are ridiculous yet are commonly being asked in places like South Africa to justify white genocide"

And it's not because antifa is stupid or incompetent – they understand the value of propaganda. Most normalfags would be offended to see masked thugs beat people up on the streets for expressing their right to free speech, so antifa has initiating a disinfo slander campaign in order to justify why they must assault people in public.

I think the best way to phrase it is: Stand your fucking ground. What Spencer did wrong was getting out of the frame to lick his wounds when he should have been rushing his attacker, yes, the attacker wasn't alone, but you guys saw how they behave when even one of us rush them, they flee like filth they are.

The best way to fuck with antifas is to destroy their supports (cutting their funds, harassing the journalists and lawyers who support them, kill them, like in Russia) and their members, ever physically (beating the shit out of them or killing them like it is also done in Russia).

But the best part is, they are already doomed, I'm 100% sure these guys are already suffering from the Inauguration day fiasco. Who would join a movement where you will be pushed to do actions which could earn you 10 years in jail if you get caught ?

It's a totally win/win situation for us here, all the support for the antifas are coming out by congratulating them for their action and, if the campaign of 'We can punch someone for his ideas) continues, you can also use it. Against anyone.

you wont do shit

well for now. I bet within a couple of months they will do something so fucking egregious that chasing libshits out of town will become common place

What if they had lmplicit killed during the transmission, what would happened?

The overwhelming majority of the board since election season are conservatives. Conservatives are natural cowards. They don't build anything, they don't uproot, they only preserve what is already present [in the case of the USA, that would be the postwar jewish order of multiracial democracy].

What you're seeing is basically what you can expect from them.

to be fair he did take a suckpunch from some faggot with a large wrench. But you are right, even though that likely did smart a lot… turning your back to an aggressor is never a smart move unless it is the only means you have for recovering your balance.

You take a hit like that and you must fucking assume they will follow up with another strike and therefore fight them as if your life depended on it.

You are getting gaslit. There has been a serious amount of shilling since the election. There will always be newfags that still cling to conservative neocuck thinking but the 'overwhelming majority' you are speaking of is the shills and the trs faggotry we had to deal with.

The nature of anonymous image boards means it doesn't really matter if they are shills or TRS. They are posting all the same, dominating the board all the same. And it certainly isn't as if the conservative influence wanes when you wade into the outside of waters of larger "right wing" sites. At a certain point you have to look at what we're actually working with here.

The wrench wasn't even in the same hand he threw the pruch with. Stop with this bullshit.

you have to go back, to (((trs))) oh wait..

The commie nigger deserved a knife in the gut. Spencer shouldn't have cucked out on that.

Anyone wanna watch Nationalists destroy a Commie HQ?

You know you do.

Yea, the commie needs his belly split but Spencer should shut his implicit mouth. He's a cuck, to think otherwise is a delusion. He needs to be brought down tbh.


This is what faggots actually believe.

Defending yourself =/= instigating violence ans proclaiming to kill all the leftists. I am by no means saying we shouldn't defend ourselves. On the contrary, that's what we NEED to do. But on the other hand, if normalfags see us going "yeah, yeah, come on you fucking faggot cuck hit me, I want to fight you", they're going to think we brought it on ourselves, especially after the media has been trying to frame right-wingers as ebil nahtzees to set off normalfag programming.

We must act as if we don't want violence, but we will reciprocate and not be intimidated by the left. That is the sign of personal and moral strength that will draw normalfags to us.

I do honestly wonder why the right hasn't embraced "Non violent property destruction", and done targeted property destruction. It would be even more funny if they targeted property of journalists who encourage "non violent property destruction" like Jesse Benn

Stay self-loathing my friend.

Because the left gets off from social and political consequences because of (((the media))) and (((the organizers))). Right-wingers don't have that advantage. Plus, property destruction does us no good for recruitment because it would scare off people on the fence.

Wrong. Open conflict in the streets will only invite international and non-state actors to openly interfere. Better we let the police handle it.

The Chicago Way

Deal with them as you see them. The most powerful image is of the common American standing up to them. Every time that happens people see it as Americans getting fed up. That is good. American and Nationalist should be one and the same.

Fair enough. The media ignores Starbucks burning down, but would publicize the hell out of anything the right does.

Fuhrer dubs of truth top kek

He was obviously speaking in general of other white nationalists. You're a fool if you think antifa can tell any different between someone like Richard Spencer and us – to them, even a random normalfag wearing a Trump hat is a "fascist". Antifa cannot be allowed to feel comfortable assaulting white nationalists in public, and declaring war on them isn't a defense of Richard Spencer but rather acknowledging that they're the far bigger enemy right now.

San Jose is an example of the worst that could happen in that context. Police can be ordered to stand down. To a degree, we need to be prepared to fight back ourselves.

Granted, however, the media would frame any self defense on a right-winger's part to be the right-winger instigating violence. but at this point, that might just get them to bring attention to what the left is doing, even if they don't mean to.

Having a few of you patrolling the neighborhood and talking to people would be good. Spread awareness that these antifa thugs are terrorizing people, attacking innocents on the street and claiming that all Trump-supporters are nazis who deserve to be assaulted for having their own opinions.

Great opportunity to meet your community, to red-pill people (might be wise to leave off on the jews - do not frame yourself as "actual" nazis, frame yourselves as nationalists defending the people of your community - after all that is actually what a nationalist is) and make it publicly known that good men will not stand by whilst cowardly communists seek to do harm to the innocent and vulnerable.

You get to have top-tier PR whilst also having the freedom to attack any antifa filth that goes into the area where you live. The common man IS on your side, and will be if they are not already if they you start talking about all their crimes. Probably best not to emphasize their attacks on genuine "nationalists" (as in those groups already smeared by the media - defending Trump is fine) but take the angle of them attacking Christians, pro-lifers, Trump supporters and that sort of stuff. These people are a blight on humanity and the masses will support you - which in turn will make them support nationalism, which can eventually lead to being jew-wise. One step at a time lads.

Let them cry and wail like the impotent numales & dykes they are until they make a mistake and you can safely claim you were assaulted. Ideally with witnesses and vid evidence.
THEN you can lay into them with the maximum force that is legally available in your area and reload.

Not like those childish fags aren't as easily lured into noisy tantrums and violence as some six year old in a candystore, laughing at them and being smug is pretty much enough.

For guys like antifa, the best method requires going beyond eye for an eye. Ten of theirs for one of ours. Jews actually do this, and in keeping with their merchant nature call it "price tag attacks."

You want to frighten the Libs and the Jews in their ranks… go for this.

Ok FBI. But it's probably better to not go to jail for doing something like that.

Daily reminder, if you arrived in the last 4 monts
If you have not visited any REDPILL thread, you still BLUEPILLED.


Just understand that most of these people are not prepared to have violence done against them. They are young tards who just want an excuse to wild out, but when confronted and they realize it isn't a game, they stop. You need an overwhelming display of force to show them you aren't playing around.

This isn't an either/or problem. We do both. We point out the hypocrisy of the champions of free speech, dissent, tolerance and nonviolence physically attacking people for speech (and media outlets celebrating that violence) – AND we do to them as they do to us – or even who they perceive as "us." Don't let them get away with it, on any front.

Concern trolling isn't helpful. We at least need to be prepared for it and organized, so if violence erupts we won't be taken off guard. But don't join explicitly political groups because they will be infiltrated. The organizations need to be stuff like gun clubs or hobbyist clubs (drone clubs?), that aren't explicitly ideological, but are naturally "right wing." They don't need to be perfectly on the same page ideologically either, as long as they are generally "right wing," since they will be pushed to your side when the fighting starts just by circumstance.

I wouldn't suggest firearms to marches, at least not yet. CCW is fine if you're legal, but nothing beyond that. Show up with Ax handles or even simple quarterstaves. No one can possibly arrest you for walking around with a wooden stick. Put a small flag on them if you really must and call them flagpoles. Oh, and learn how to use them. Don't be the Antifa fag flailing about with a flagpole like its his wife's boyfriend's limp dick.

Yep. This is what the left does all the time. It's Alinsky tactics.

If they touch you then go to fucking town on their asses. But if you want to initiate it, then it's really difficult to get away with it.

The best would be shields, because that gives the impression that you are there to defend. Imagine a long shield wall of a couple dozen guys at a Trump rally or something, defending normie Trump supporters from vicious leftists. It is a good visual.

If you're going to do that, train together in hoplite and Roman shield tactics. And once you get good enough, train with live blades.

that would be amazing

I like this idea. Everyone's eager to grab video of altercations from these events, can you imagine someone getting punched and instead of shrinking back standing up and then tearing a strip off their attacker and all the bystanders, blaming them for all the violence that is to come? It would dramatically shift the narrative.

For us violence is a last resort. But when we employ it there should be no quarter given. The goal here is to make observers realize that literal nazis are more reasonable than these degenerates. Part of this is not appearing to be itching for a fight. In reality we want these faggots to attack us, so we can slaughter them while maintaining the moral high ground.

That's what got me into all this shit two years ago. Realizing that literal nazis are making more sense than the prevailing wisdom. And now I want to gas the kikes.

MAKE MORE OF ME. Realize that "muh PR" means diluting your message to attempt broader appeal, which always fails. Tactically feigning a reluctance to use violence will help our cause.


could that biker look any more tryhard?

Not a fan of the white shirts, but in concept this could work.

You can't virtue signal for gud boi points without a face to eat the tendies with.

Does public image really matter at this point? The media is outright calling everyone who supports Trump or leans right a nazi. I don't think we'll ever get rid of the stigma associated with the word. I don't think we'll ever have public sympathy. We might as well be the terrifying boogeyman they want us to be and start beating them in the streets.

This is stupid. The point is to change the public's perception of the word "nazi". That means we aren't the first to attack. That means we're the upstanding ones, we're the noble ones. The point is to confound their pre-programmed beliefs. They expect nazis to string up niggers and smash jewish stores. They don't expect us to use restraint, to be reasonable. And when we're finally pushed to violence let there be no question whether it was justified. The objective is to convince normal white men that we are good and that he should join us. Randomly beating up some blacks on the street is nigger-tier behavior.

When it's time for us to use violence it will be organized, controlled, and absolutely final.

You guys talking about Danielle Spencer? No one should hit that, I really mean it.


Kys Jew scum. The right in America is still mostly cucked Israelophiles and love to point out how they can take an ass beating. However, considering most attacks by leftist are as harmful as a school yard fight why bother? Antifa gets rekted on a daily basis, bad genes, bad job, no sex, no money, no culture, no nothing.

You deserved those trips. Best advice in bread.

I think it's inherit for every man on here. If we have a bunch of skinny millennial betas who came here because of video games then go learn to fucking fight. Enough prepping and larping. It will build a better character in you that will last the rest of your life. 99.9999% of the violence you will experience in your life will come from physical altercations with no chance of you going to your gun safe or even thinking it was going to happen an hour before it does.

Also remember the magic phrase when cops come "I feared for my life"

Wait until this autist figures out the Russian for comrade…."tovarish" it will be even more pathetic.

They have a childish obsession with playing dress up and putting on masks too.However I'm a bit disturbed at the amount of anti-fa that started appearing recently I understand they are funded by groups controlled by jews still that amount of anti-fa in the US is disturbing.

we already have the high ground we simply need to push for self defensive action, an armed republic, and better policing


I think you're absolutly correct. I only believe in rights for the in-group anyway, non-whites and traitors can fuck off. It's america, conceal carry, defend yourself. The god emperor is on our side. These antifa scum deserve to get shot on sight anyway, they're just giving us a convient legal excuse to blow their brains out.


Seriously though, I think gamergate was closer to violence than we are right now. During the peak of gamergate people were getting doxed left and right and it was frequently implied that somebody might hunt somebody else down. Both sides were doing this. I was waiting for it to go violent. It was about one step away from outright violence

This. Antifa always attack in groups so lethal force will hold up in court 9 times out of 10, when CCW reciprocity gets passed we are going to see a lot of these faggots getting goodified.

Heroes of Sweden.

You do realize how blatently obvious you trshills are for trying to slide that expose on implicit dicky are right?

no such thing…. this is a jew talking point designed to erode standards and allow compromised people in groups to destroy them or allow already compromised groups to have some illegitimacy…..

They have been assaulting trump supporters for the past year and a half.


We have to be smart. We are fighting to bring the center further to the right. The more the center moves right, the more the left is oppressed and the more of our agenda gets accomplished. The Trump revolution is an example of this.

The center is comprised mostly of stupid sheep who care only for virtue signalling. If you can show them virtue lies with the right, and not the left, they will move to the right.

In that sense, we are like the sheep dogs of the interwebs corralling the normies to the right. We have to keep up pressure that they are immoral and above all:


For the time being just be tolerant. Over time the center will crush the left for us. For example, riot police smashing Antifa vs a few anons with baseball bats.

The oldest and strongest emotion of Mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

Lovecraft also hated mass-migration and the amorphous hoards of foreigners. He was a great man, and a literary genius.

They dig their grave when they do this stuff, just virtue signal until we've built enough momentum. Behind the scenes do what you like though.

Oh! So does that mean it's okay to punch someone in the face when they say "Kill all straight white men" and "white people are all evil?" No?

Then you don't get to punch someone else over ideological disagreements and claim the moral high-ground.

Keep in mind, that escalating this conflict is probably the main strategy against Trump. This is your Color Revolution.

This, actually.

build up momentum, let nationalism/protectionism work.
let boarder control work. let though on crime and terrorism work.
virtue signal when the anti-fa attack.

get the righteous position. show the people why the right path is the correct path.

Then you strike


Alex Jones was there. Top Kek.

I've realised the only reason why they record the incident on their phones is so they can claim compensation. Its the same as when Russians jump in front of cars in the hopes the dash cam makes it look like they were intentionally hit (it never usually does though which is why they're so fucking stupid).

Also I've found my new favourite thing. Watching Lefties getting their shit kicked in by security folk.

The man is civilized, albeit crude. He wouldn't sink to their levels.

This but unironically

Oy vey! Who could possibly be behind this?

Good. Let the bodies pile in the streets.

In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

I hate nazis, along with all socialists. State owned sucks dick. private business is far superior.

But I REALLY REALLY hate communists.

If any left Marxist commy fucker attacks me and lays his greasy manbun hipster numale rat claws on me for supporting Trump and calls me a "fascist" I am to the point that I will draw down with my Springfield XD compensated and double tap some 135 Grain Federal Premium® Hydra-Shok hollow points into their traitorous larynx and piss into the bleeding hole.

Someone has to start this fucking war.

Might as well be me.

if you get punched, hospitalize them, but don't go out of your way to get in trouble; they're getting in trouble all on their own, dont interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake

stopped reading there

Can I not be a white nationalist capitalist?

Why the fuck do i have to incorporate Jewish socialism into my ideology in order to love my race?

Fuck off moishe

Sign me the fuck up. I'm going to punch Nazis until I'm sure I've punched you.

There are more of us than there are of you.

Yes. Second against the wall when the revolution comes. We'll clean up the shit on our side of the aisle once we've dealt with you lot. The fatties are especially good at soaking up the first few swings of the truncheon.

When CCW gets passed, we'll shoot you right back.

Funny how this quote scarcely existed until recently.

Political correctness is just a modern organized religion; people pick and choose which part of their belief system helps them most and then they scream that part to the rest of the world.

Nice numbers, and ironic shilling still gets you hung lad

Good luck using bricks and pepperspray against our guns.

Embed related.

must be your first week here. national socialism and marxist socialism, "socialism" means 2 different things. natsoc the socialism simply means the nation exists to serve the people. it has much less of an economic undertone. the german natsoc economy was pretty much free market private business but the state had the lawful authority to step in if kikery/corruption was occurring. pretty much existing to keep ancap memes from becoming reality.

marxist socialism on the other hand is an entire system full of redistribution of wealth based on utopian ideas of "equality" and "oppression".

you are also noguns because nobody uses compensated handguns unless its for competition

lurk more before you post

Before Scalia was assassinated, you could do this anywhere in the country then appeal to the supreme court.

Everybody has a right to defend themselves EFFECTIVELY, including the small the old and the female. You don't get to suprise-jump people then act like they're supposed to follow some kind of rules in defending themselves.

what about this violence?



I agree with OP. I live in a rural area in Appalachia, so it's all trump love here, except for the college dropouts projecting their insecurities as pseudo intellect.

No rallies or protests for hundreds of miles. But you can bet your sweet ass I'd be there with a body cam dropping any smelly antifa or even hippie who touched out threatened me

ok watched it 3 times and still don't see what's going on. did the jew perform a citizen's arrest on the traffic warden?

Can anyone just picture this fucking child sitting behind his phone right now, just coming off of Holla Forums because him and his niche IRL commie friends are all angsty to fight some ebil natsees?
Christ almighty kid I hope to god you have the muscle to back up your words when you eventually get your ass handed to you in a gift basket by your average conservative.

That's antisemitism goyim

I live in a stand your ground state with no permit concealed carry. If any of you faggots try starting shit here I guarantee you will be shot and killed, and it will be completely legal.

Can't punch Nazis when your wrist is continually limp, cuckster. The only thing you're going to punch are the keys on your smartphone so you can tweet about ebil nozzys and feel good about yourself without actually doing anything.

Tar and feather these bitches, humiliate them and break them. Reserve the violence and suffering for their handler's.

Same here, even the antifa and their pet nogs know better than to start shit where they will get shot and killed. Seems only in places like Chimpcago these scum run wild.

Unlike Dickie Spencer we punch back and some of us will shoot you dead. :)

That was really satisfying, thanks user.