Even pornstars are """alt""" right. How do we stop these madmen from recruiting more?
Alt-Right pornstars
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We already have a male porn star that's hot as fuck though
that's cool
I hope his porn name is Red Dick
Why live?
bonus feel points for me because I live in Baltimore county.
Isn't porn a jewish plot against christian values and the familiy?
Isn't Jesus a Jew? So Christians are worshipping a Jew.
no fam porn is a cultural Marxist plot to destroy the family to bring Stalin back from the dead
alt-right is a meme
what do you mean "even" pornstars?
the "alt-right" is full of idiots. it's not surprising nor is it concerning.
Memes aside, is a savage hypocresy to be social conservative and a porn star.
What are some public figures that are not primarily known for politics and have become alt-righters?
Literally the only one I know is Tila Tequila.
everything is a jewish plot, fam
this is true
that's why alt right is basically "alternative lifestyle" right kek
for all i know she could be some ancap autists
Mercedes Carrera was big on the Gamergate train too.
I know personally a couple porn actresses and from what I know, they're often pretty conservative and deeply religious.
It only makes fapping to them as a commie so much more gratifying.
This is going to end with you in real gas chambers, the garbage must be taken out.
maybe fiscally? i find it difficult to belive they would be conservative on social issues as pornstars
most likely spirutal hippies or something, i doubt they would go to church regularly
GG was meaingless and achived nothing except for memes.
Most often it's the "fiscal conservative" spiel, but it's also in social/cultural matters at times. By now sexual promiscuity is the cultural norm so just because you screw on camera for living doesn't mean you care about queer/women/minority/whatever issues.
Same for religion. In at least a few cases I know, some girls were heavily into church just prior and immediately after porn, and still had a "personal relationship with Jesus Christ" type thing going on during their career.
But it was also a gateway for a lot of what is now called the alt-right.
lumpen are reactionary
who knew?
Was it really? I think it only helped new atheist anti-sjw youtube crowd who now make lots of money of "hurr durr triggered tumblr" bullshit.
that's exactly the breeding ground the fascists are feeding off
No, what triggers fasicsts more is the migrant crisis, not video games.
you're smokescreening
they did profit out of the anti-sjw ridicule they latched onto before refugees became an issue
they're using the same tactics portraying themself as the tough guy antipole to oversensitive goody two-shoes
Factory porn is gross.
I'm just saying that they're irrelevant and mostly deal with irrelevant issues such as people spering out on social media. How is that smokescreening? Unless they're advocating for mobs ready to lynch immigrants or are apologists for sexual abuse against women, then it's not an actual threat to anyone. Only thing GG did was make actual feminists and social justice activists fighting for change in societiy look bad due to actions of a vocal minoirity and they (antisjw new atheist youtubers) exploited that and made money of it on youtube. It's actually very simple, these people are not fasicts themselves and neither are (most) of their followers, actual facists are gaing power right now precisely due to failure of EU goverment to deal with immigrant crisis. You're giving things like GG to much credit.
This tbh comrades.
So much good amateur shit out there.
the Alt-right is Edgyness politicized, they basically gave a political credibility to retarded edgy kids.
you'll never see any mentally healthy grown man calling himself Alt-right.
from Milo, Evalion to Tilla Tequila they all do it for the sake of attention whoring.
this, alt right is a meme
fucking skinheads have more credability then them since at least they're honest about their racism
you're not giving them any credit at all, and that's where you're wrong
they were the first to establish the anti-sjw yet still bourgeoise mainstream bullshit and opened this train of thought i described already
i'm not saying they are fascists, they just gave the fascists something that they'd use to gain popularity without directly sperging out about "jews, niggers" etc
same goes for idealistic "atheism" and their "critics" against islam that's just reeking of US centric social chauvinism and condescending attacks against arab workers who are just casually religious people, whitewashing the christian background of US imperialism
doesn't mean that this made the "alt right" big, but you can't ignore the fundamental reactionary core of those bourgeoise ideologies that did end up helping them set foot in the bourgeoise moderate center
gonna have to agree with this.
but its not the only cause.
internet and arability of echo chambers/circle jerks like Holla Forums gave them the ability to shit out their idea without having to deal with social shame or debate.
at first they were hiding behind "shit posting" excuse "its just a prank/sarcasm bro", to avoid getting their ideas debated, then they moved to ad hominem attacks against anyone with different ideas (as usual for totalitarian).
Moot created Holla Forums as a containment board to stop them from shitting all the place.
but he severely underestimated their cancerous.
what he did was give them a safe space and time to achieve critical mass.
now their not only spreading on other boards they're also leaking on social medias.
immigration crisis and terror attacks made the general public more inclined to listen to them.
its more of a general xenophobia trend than just racism.
they hate everything that isn't a white strait male.
make no mistake, fascists always pretend to be tolerant and not show their true face.
but if you go to their safe space you'll see their true nature.
as all fascists and totalitarians, they have imperialist goals, they won't stop at just a country border.
after purging their country they'll go after others.
thats why they should never be allowed in power.
don't let them spout their shitty meme outside of their safe space freely.
prove them wrong and shame them in public.
maximum kek
So did she do cuckold porn or interracial?
She actually does interracial.
Holla Forums on suicide watch!
it's literally the first picture lmao
How is this not obvious?
We need radical left porn stars. Considering how many consume it in all over the world, it could make an actual impact.
The only one I know of was a Spart in her youth and actually wrote an article on the ICL website. Cant remember her name tho.
No. Nobody cares about the political affiliation of the hot body getting pounded in their wank material, about 1% of porn viewers are the creep types who follow their favourite porn stars on social media and care about what they think.
What about hentai?
we don't need stupid people to make us bad publicity.