Cringe thread
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Is it me or Holla Forums is obsessing with Holla Forums and the alt-right?
It happens when alt-right is almost as popular as social justice.
it's just as if not more popular than social justice
Leftypol goes through waves.
There are times when it's only neoliberals and ancaps, threads. Times of "race realism". Times of feminist redditors… They come and go in general.
I think literally every last thing he says is demonstrably false.
It's popular BECAUSE of social justice.
OP, if I wanted to give myself cancer I'd just pick up smoking.
he isn't wrong.
mexican illegal immigration to the US
The migrant crisis is a pretty good example of people leaving their countries out of desperation because of capitalism.
But the US is more capitalist than Mexico.
But they leave to join capitalist countries?
In case you haven't noticed, capitalism is now largely globalized, migrations flows are largely caused by economic crisis, inherent to capitalism.
If you're going to write a wall of text (as far as most facebook posts go) use full words.
Are you sure it's not because planes exist, and are cheap and quick? As compared to sea travel.
Yes i'm sure planes are not the cause of immigration (and are not that cheap for some people). It's not enough to have the possibility to leave your country to actually leave it. You need a reason to do so, and misery is a pretty good reason.
"alt right" in a nutshell
Misery or opportunity. These are healthy looking men.
i didnt know malnourishment was a requirement to be miserable
Everyone is healthy looking in Syria. Until the building falls on their head.
Also, you think it's not the bourgies and petit bourgies that are leaving Syria? You thing the common people have the money to leave?
How Hegelian.
These are Aficans pursuing job opportunities. Malnourishment is an absolute requirement for misery unless you're a 1st worlder.
I didn't know wage slavery was "job opportunities".
Also, no it's not. Not all africa is "staving children" you know.
Poverty count less if you're from the 3rd world? What are you on about?
Anyway back on topic, i found this one funny.
The funny thing is that by definition the opposite is true.
Kek literally some little shit with unresolved childhood issues.
I think these are funny. I wish communists made some similar content.
y liv
You either are or you are not. The US also has less "economic freedom" than much of the first world according to conservative think tanks.
yeah this is the part i find funny
he wants to criticize blacks for acting a certain way and then he wants to act like them lol
ancap cringe is the best kind of cringe
we need to tl:dr posts like these
I'll be god damned if i wast an hour reading the Autismball Manifesto
mirror effect is pretty strong there.
they basically blame everyone for doing things they do themselves
that guy was obviously being ironic and self depreciating
Honestly, the part that triggers me the most is that she says "lets all wear red the color of the Republican party " while also explicitly mentioning communism in the same post.
Yeah, there's a large portion of them that plan on wearing red on voting day.
this post gave me dyslexia
look who has a youtube channel
Holy shit! Didn't they get the memo? Only super awesome communists (who literally everyone other than the super rich/super jewish hate) wear red! This is totes unbelievable, fellow proletarian global citizens! Good find!
Found this particularly cancerous subreddit:
Honestly makes me glad that they see us as such a threat that they would make these subs.
These people are gulag tier.
It's the other way round, I think. They drop by here to post shit and feel important. Neither is actually relevant to anything. It's the Environmentalists we should be scared of.
holy fuck
This means less regulations, Mexico and South America has more regulations than the US.
The scandinavian countries have deregulated heavily for the last decades
wew lad
We have more regulation here? Wow, I always though we had to few regulations the way the the capitalists and industries here get away with so much shit.
Then isn't it ironic that the ones who post the most links to reddit here are the ones complaining about feminists? Seems hypocritical.
wasn't there some furry nazi shit posted in the last cringe thread
fresh oc archive.is
It's like he just copypasted a 1960s history book