What is Holla Forums's opinion on The Apprentice ?

What is Holla Forums's opinion on The Apprentice ?

5/5 pretty kosher :DD

The are pretty good, just the non celebrities one though, avoid those.


Only good when The Don is on screen


So do you hate Trump for being pro israel or hate him in spite of it? If it's the former would you prefer hillary won? Genuinely curious, if no answer will just assume you're another Holla Forumsack trying to troll your betters.


There are some seriously single track mind fags on this board.

So what's your opinion on the apprentice?

Not even a good dodge either, can see why you're trolling here and not on Holla Forums.

There is only 1 answer that i love trump, getting desperate are you.

The hate trump was a quote.

So you love Trump, the cumskin? Care to elaborate?

Must i keep repeating myself, he serves the interest of israel. You sure have poor memory or selective memory.

you're talking to a kike user, they don't see themselves as white, now just stop

So you only like him because he serves israel. That's the only reason and you're not trying to troll just express your admiration for a zionist cumskin.

Yes, he is good until he has given all he will give.

Sorry can't help it. Would think after 3 years on this site at some point at least one /lefty/cuck would be able to give an honest answer to a direct question. Nope.

Never bothered arguing with them. The quality of memes alone tell everything you need to know about the fags whose ideology is merely a lazy version of capitalism where fat fucks don't need to work to be sitting in money and power as long as they got a party member card, who would like to take everyone's guns so they get to be the only ones with guns in town, and then call you a fascist for legally owning said guns.

Hardly any talk on the apprentice .


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this?



Pantone #9


Dogalt Kompft

serious question are you a literal retard? I can't imagine someone like you functioning in the world

