If you see a co-worker stealing, even just a packet of gum, what will you do?
Under the current system - fucking nothing. Maybe chuckle.
Under socialism - report them or something.
But your question is too general because if I were to actually find myself in such a situation IRL I'd probably do something completely different depending on the conditions.
Like, join them if I like them, or fucking obliterating them for taking my food from the fridge.
Only report them if they are a white male
Say what he want to hear if i need the job, and i'll do what i want anyway.
Report them to massa…i mean the boss, like a good slave…i mean worker
Don't respond to it
If it was a cute grill I would give her the option of either sucking my dick in the bathroom or being reported.
Anything else I would just shrug and not give a fuck.
this is actually what you're supposed to say
fuckin hate interviews. the most disingenuous shit and i think even managers know it is
Obviously lie so you can get the job…
i bet yer white and cis as well 2 u fuggin racist, homophobic, woman hateric male piece of sh cis t
i try so hard
missogynist is woman hater
Don't worry newfag that's just Chan culture
what else gets transformed like misogyn ist?
Comrade basically answered OP perfectly, anyone who disagrees is a propertarian and not my comrade.
So, a friend of mine who is a fresh outta high school food service prole posted this today on fedbook
If you are going to get a free water cup and get soda or grab a bag of chips that you know you didn't pay for etc please take into account that the food service employees are the people that you're fucking over. Soda and chips are not necessities. They are luxuries that if you don't pay for someone else will have have to. If you can't afford them then please don't take them.
I get that stealing is a thrill and you love anarchy and whatever but you're screwing a food service employee who only survives off of minimum wage, a food service employee who smiled at you and laughed with you and asked you how your day was. I hate confrontation and by you doing that you're making me walk over to you shaking and anxious to ask you to pay pay for your stolen items or give them back because if I don't I can get in trouble. It makes me look like I don't care. Also the only people who I see doing this are either well dressed high schoolers using their parents debit card or people who obviously have money because they order a ton of food for them and their friends. I understand that you think it's small and unimportant but it isn't. People are getting in trouble because of your seemingly small action.
What would you say to that?
Some classcuck (manager at a slightly upscale burger chain) already dropped a load
You'll have to play to find out
"I don't care."
fair enuff
A few other terms that people often misuse. You're going to have to lurk to figure them out. You also shouldn't try to get personally insulted, I could tell you were before and you tried to reply with a shitty satirical comment.
Didn't really try to get insulted, but wanted to make a joke, albeit a shitty one indeed.
How do you "avoid noticing" this kind of thing? I don't want to know that someone stole, and then get fired later because they name me as a witness, or from seeing me near them in security tapes. I also don't want to report anything. Wat do?
fuck me too, i dont know how to actually come off as human while still giving the right answers
Read Marx.
Or don't make jokes this bad.
Not sure.
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