He's not revealing his source.
I hope this is real
but to be honest, probably not
He's not revealing his source.
I hope this is real
but to be honest, probably not
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope it's real just so some retarded libshit tries to criticize it so I have more excuses to shitpost about garbage tumblr noodle-people and red noses
Please for the love of Kek let this be Barron's art!
oh god no
is barron going to public school?
Damn son, he likes anime! and girls with big tits and dinos.
It may look Deviantart-tier but he's only 10! That's better than some of the shit I can draw.
That's the old Spyro too!
Please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real
The little really guy likes big tits
There's no way Barron hasn't seen hentai before. > tfw Barron grows up to draw doujins
Ok this looks pretty photoshopped.
The future gets brighter every day
Legit though if it's really him he draws better than 99% of Calarts
good taste
and get rejected from art college before the great war
artfag here, this kid has potential. Hopefully he only keeps practicing as a hobby and not a career. Definitely a natural talent.
HE TRULY IS /ourguy/
holy shit
Checked and same
Great, that's all we need for the downfall of the west: to further contribute to the end of all good things.
It smells of tracing.
Why would he?
(((psychiatrists))) are going to tell us he's a gay, schizophrenic necrophiliac. Just like (((they))) decoded Hitler, right?
Barron confirmed genetically engineering big titted goddesses.
Oh, still afraid from last time?
Oh God I hope this is real.
These are like Sword and Sandal fantasy novel covers mixed with anime and Spyro the Dragon.
Barron confirmed for visionary author?
Heh, anything to trigger the feminists.
I'm 99% this guy's just dicking around, but on the off chance this is Barron's stuff I would be more than cool with him drawing big-tiddy weeaboo amazons fighting dinosaurs. Boy isn't a furfag, good lad.
Reporting in, skylanders stock flies through the roof
He gets it from sucking on Melania's rack.
looks like he found the "how to draw manga" book
better than CWC
Keep attacking Baron so Trump can ban you're outlet from the WH
Looks like his sister, but be honest; you cannot blame him.
I highly doubt this is real because google turns up nothing and I highly doubt Barron would just post his name like that on the internet. And, if he really did want to share his art with the world, wouldn't he just go to DeviantArt like any other ten year old?
I hope I'm wrong though. I want this to be real more than anything just because holy fuck
but Melania is latina
I would
Decent taste in vidya if we're talking about the originals.
I would
High probability of being fake, but even if it is an attempt to attack Barron, it fails. I don't mind a kid who likes dinosaurs and tits, it's the ones who don't who end up as faggots or sensitive fucks.
Kek, it's the path of a New Conan-like series.
I doubt he's ever played the originals, and no matter the veracity of the art, I know for a fact the kid's played Skylanders because I don't think there's a ten year old boy on the face of the planet that hasn't at this point. I bet his collection includes every single one ever made down to the rarest
Do you know who else was a great artist?
As cool as it would be if this was real, it's probably fake. There's no way they would have let him upload anything under his own name in 2016.
And those screenshots supposedly come from who vowed to move to Canada if Trump was elected, and raised money to do so.
He's not bad
once he gets rid of sausage limbs his art will improve by quite a lot.
He had talent. I think perspective is messed up in that painting, but what do I know? I'm not artfag.
so he was 7 when this supposedly took place? This looks like the work of an untalented adult rather than that of a seven year old.
source is some goon
I got the same feeling
Well, Slovenia is right next to Italy, where the original Latins came from so we can logically conclude is a fucking imbecile.
Checking trips, if this is real Barron is on his way to making Art Great Again.
w-what if they didn't mean Donald?
He is truly the offspring of the god emperor, praise kek brother.
If dubs, Barron Trump is Hitler reincarnate.
Kek confirms that there will be a resurgence in art led by Emperor Barron.
That's better than I draw tbh.
He got denied because his art wasn't "modern" and wacky enough, he just wanted to make realistic paintings but most artists in Weimar Germany were already making degenerate, marxist shit.
Was there a doubt?
There's this picture comparing Hitler's art to other arists from his era that did got accepted into art school, I wish someone could post that because it kind of proves my point.
I'd be angry if someone did that to me, that said it's probably fake
I mean everyone has drawn stuff like that before but to publicly display it would with a real name would be too much
Praise KEK
Hitler was good, but he wasn't great at perspective. Probably the biggest reason he didn't get admitted. The professors probably saw his art as something that had been done many times before, and it wasn't done so spectacularly that they would've accepted it.
Of course they accepted shitty modern art faggots, but that was about the whole "art movement" gay shit, and probably didn't help his chances.
Of course it's fake, if I remember correctly Barron gets homeschooled so the only way for him to own his art would be if he had been in Trump's house before and just took it with him without permission in which case he would be fucked.
No, sir. Not one bit :)
Do you guys think Barron goes on Sadpanda?
Probably didn't know what perspective is, he was self-taught. If only the accepted him, he could learn and become the greatest artist of 20th century (kinda wanna see what timeline like that looks like).
That image was taken when Barron was 3 or 4. No way was he uploading shit to a blog at that age unless he's a psyker.
Nhentai is much better.
Posting inspiration for Barron.
By the way, is there any footage of Barron talking? I don't think I've ever heard his voice before.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that the place he wanted to study had just decided to only accept ((modern art)).
I wonder if video games are even allowed in the Trump household.
Underrated post.
Oh I guaran-fucking-tee it. I can already see it now:
>The indigenous people are depicted as savages here kidnapping a woman! That's so racist!
Here is when he was younger, and it only says one word, but it is the only one I can find.
Since you're a cuckchan migrant I want to let you know that we don't do spoonfeeding here. Figure it out. The image is pretty clear.
Why is a sometimes funny FYAD poster verified on twitter?
It's amazing how anime never fails to make goons cry and get butthurt
*HE only says one word
Every day I will awaken knowing that a goon is triggered by the child of the god emperor.
yli actually
still you're not explaining your comment
It's fanart of Big Hero 6, they had a nigger character.
Holla Forums is always right
BH6 MC was a nip, wasn't he? I think we definitely have a weeb in Barron
holy shit, Barron is an autist confirmed.
I want to believe. . .
Perspective, scale, odd colour choices. He wasn't particularly great, nor did he have much original to say (at this stage).
As much as NatSocs like to shit on Egon Schiele it's clear the guy had an insanely good grasp of gesture and drawing the human figure, and stylised for effect (pics related). If Hitler had shown evidence of having learned more advanced ideas of perspective and interesting applications thereof, he might have stood a better chance.
Basically, Schiele had skill in spite of being a complete degenerate. As an artist I like some of his less wacky drawings because they're beautifully economical with line but convey all the necessary form information to read well. They remind me of the stuff you'd see in a good bande dessinee, and a little of Mike Mignola.
Having looked at the other students who were taken over Hitler though, their work was unmitigated trash.
The movie is set up to be Blacked so Barron is a victim of jewish brainwashing.
I almost feel sorry for goons. Imagine having so little in your life bullying a ten year old would be a bright spot in it. Then I remember they hate 2d and that they deserve it.
I won’t aim to please the foreign affairs establishment and the United Nations — a dysfunctional organisation which for years has disproportionately focused its activities on condemning Israel. Instead, I will ensure our country’s foreign policy will be refocused on the security and prosperity of Canadians.
Big tittied amazon is back, and is fighting what looks to be a Jewel slime or some other slime from D&D or literally a shoggoth with a whip and dagger
A new green haired amazon receiving wisdom From Russia in a cave
Spyro fan, is also pretty much into hourglass women with massive tits
Aztec Mexican sacrifice hungry Blood god worshipers have captured Green haired amazon, one looks sorta like pinhead/larry and the other is HUEG and looks like he came from a legit Space opera/Flash Gorgon design department for the villian, this fucker is Aztec Ssazz Tam before Lichdom here, dem sharp
I did expect things to be more prophetic, but meh.
HAPA presumably since their aunt was white, but don't ask me why she has their japanese last name.
derp wrong fucking thread
This is the best timeline.
Barron already on the path of the superior 2D waifu.
Furry anime trump is a warning to the future of genetic animal-human hybrid mutant genitalia sex-slaves.
Trump also is one of the few gooks who depicted what a Kemono convention was like, as he is one of the earliest Gook furfags.
It was identical to the western ones, lacking fursuiters and the mass LGBT infection, and was instead about sharing the art and selling products primarily.
Modern Kemono conventions are pretty much the same as the ones worldwide now.
Even artists hate modern art. I feel for dragon tail guy.
On topic: This "found Barron's art gallery lol" is likely just some spergy little libshit playing for attention.
finngols go home
I don't get it, is it suppose to lure the wu-trans clan to hitler in search results?
I'd rather have a bad perspective detailed painting than a good perspective "minimalist" painting.
Konosuba season 2 is so fucking garbage its painful
Is Barron the Kwisatz Haderach?
Does anyone have a cleaner copy of the fuck artists pic?
Is Barron Trump a 10-year old anime Frank Frazetta? Is he destined to become a new incarnation of Confederate hero turned planetary conqueror John Carter of Mars on Earth?
The number 10 is part of something they will never have ever again.
Can anyone figure out how to find this on the wayback machine?
I doubt it's really his art, that said, if it is real, it isn't all that bad. Better than I could draw when I was 10.
Please somebody knows the name of the tune in that looping mp4?
Wasn't there some other guy that loves big titties?
Barron needs to make more of this shit.
Then you have astoundingly bad taste in art.
That's like saying you want a house made of gold and diamonds and don't care if it's built on a foundation of sand.
Pics again related, minimally-rendered John Singer Sargent piece demonstrating astonishing grasp of fundamentals and eye for accuracy vs overpolished modern digital painting with photorealistic texturing but very little solid fundamental foundation.
Got a link?
So nothing like a western furry convention?
Daru- nah, fuck that dead meme. It's Aryan Future by Cybernazi.
Hardly comparable to the modern art interpretationist garbage as shown in that original image.
Tell that to the board staff, we already kicked him out once
Regardless of the feelings you're hurting, this seems like some pretty interesting stuff. Have any more info?
Somebody needs to tell him that DFC > oppai
Sorry, by the same artist. Me >>>/cuckshed/
Fuck you two and your black and white view of art. Happy mediums exist between idealism, existence, minimalism and realism. It's all about balance folks. pic 9 is modern (as in recently made ) art too
FUck me, I meant pic 4
Have to keep that American image of big tits and blonde women.
Somebody you needs to fellate a gun
Someone needs to report you to the deportation squad.
lol of course he's from nyc
pretty good fine motor control for a 3 year old
It's totally comparable, both Sargent and Schiele share a solid grasp of the human form. Schiele chose to use that grasp of line and gesture to eventually create ugly things, but the point is he had the raw skill to begin with. Hitler didn't.
It just boils down to knowledge of artistic fundamentals. The pillars of art are perspective, form, value and colour. Tertiary concerns are quality/economy of line, understanding of gesture and how to capture it, and other less concrete concepts like sprezzatura (meaning the art of making the difficult seem effortless). Master one or more of the primary, and one or more of the tertiary, and you're more or less set.
I never said all modern digital art was trash. Just look at Ruan Jia, for example. Pic 3 is kind of awful though, just saying.
Delet this.
Who invited this kike to our secret club?
Right after your sister swallows the gun in my pants.
can't deport me from where I was born fam
Wasn't there some western comic that was about a ridiculously strong prehistoric babe who fends off dinosaurs? If this stuff is legit then Trump lets Barron see the good stuff.
Truly a connoisseur of the arts
Nigger you're gonna have to go back to the 1800s to deport me we've been here that long
>Oh no he didn't mindlessly praise Hitler's daubings! He's a kike!
Get the fuck out of here, this isn't a hugbox. Form a counter-argument or fuck off.
Budd Root's Cavewoman.
Good shit. Or maybe you're thinking of Frank Cho's Shanna the She-Devil. Either way.
much better
Full retard.
He's going places. Just hook him up with one of these, and get his autism meme energies running.
To elaborate, here's what I define as Idealism, existence, minimalism, and realism.
Idealism is the idea view of the human form, in pure idealism you have something with no essence of existence. Something that doesn't exist and will not exist, something unachievable. Sometimes less is more. This is where minimalism comes in. It could be closely intertwined with idealism, as most ideal perspectives of something like man isn't overly complex. I think you know where I'm going with this, pure minimalism could be a bunch of different colored squares on a paper. Pic 1 is pure idealism, pic 2 is pure minimalism.
Existence is the essence of actual existence an art work has. Pure existence would be painting the subject as it exists, plainly. And realism is essentially the same as existence. Pic 3
I see minimalism and realism, and idealism and existence as two very similar axioms from which a balance can be struck to create a truly good piece of art.
I don't think it is digital art.
I want to believe. And look at the eyes on those girls. No wonder Trump is going to make anime real. He's doing it for Barron.
Those look like ulcers.
I will shill my own stuff here from when i had his age.
Here is a very famous piece of art I would consider to be a perfect balance between those elements. Something lost in todays art. There is also an interesting debate to be had about art subjects. You notice in older pieces of art the subject is almost always nature, the human form (which is nature), and the divine.
Hello Alan you underage faggot
Hello user.
Did you learn this all in your free-time as a hobby or are you thousands of dollars in debt right now, heh?
Kid has his father's brain and Frank Frazetta's talent. I approve.
Also, Barron is a weeaboo. LOL this is twenty levels of awesome.
Surprisingly no, I didn't spend a dime on it. Just one of many hobbies.
There's irony in him having that character as an icon.
Anyone have the webms with the duck?
Being able to draw is just like being able to do anything else, user. You either start good at it or you will never be good at it and should contemplate suicide.
gibes me your PDFs collection
Did the tweet get deleted?
Link to the page in your pic?
Fucking this. I tried to argue about this with someone on >>>/4chon/ and they kept getting mad at me as I said it's not something you can really learn, you either pick it up and improve fast, or you can waste years on it and never get better (like that rubiks cube guy that took decades of constantly trying to solve the damned thing before finally getting it)
This one?
Can anybody find a link to his gallery? I want to make sure that this is legitimate.
this is really some next level shit
I hate this feel.
19-20 Wouldn't be underage
I am disappoint
On the more serious note, I think they're fake because the big boobs look like a setup to frame him for muhsoggyknees
Drawn something everyday, put details, contrast and perspective and one day you get there.
I found the actual reason you suck at things, user.
Iron is something they lack.
Keep at it, trust me it a accumulative skill. It help if get guides and study a bit of the human body and movements.
This. If you're naturally not good at it, you never will. No matter how much textbook work you do, you will forever and always be shit.
Don't have much. There was an user a couple days ago who threw down some art pdfs. It was in the Pepe OC thread. (pic related)
We would need to find what website uses (used?) the wording "My name is __ and this is my art work." then check if there's a pattern in the url, something guessable like if you get that you can retrieve old versions from the archive.
This shit is probably fake. Someone planned to bully Barron Trump in the future and went for the long con strategy.
this one
looks like it might be a tumblr or something?
Is Yahvee abandoning the Jews back at 70AD an argument?
4chon is not halfchan you retard
4chan and 4chon are two different boards
Here is some history for you: was shutdown, was created, later on moot made, and then one of the people from made wizardchan and Holla Forums, and Holla Forums was recreated Holla Forums
Also I spent years trying to draw and then gave up because guess what? I have shaky huge hands and can't improve. I have always been stuck at this same level of drawing which isn't really bad but it's not particularly good either. I tried different stuff like watching other draw or listening to the advice of artists and so on. Eventually though I realized it was a huge fucking waste of time and dropped that hobby in favour of other things where years of effort would actually yield progress for me. We're not all equal, we're not all cut from the same mold, some people will excel at certain things once they start learning others will always be shit. Deal with it you egalitarian cunt. If I am to listen to you, then I will waste even more years trying to do something I will never be good at.
Schlomo, that's the most obvious she-kikes I've ever seen in 2D. I doubt that counts as anywhere near human anatomy.
I wonder who Barron's waifu is.
he's only ten. he began drawing this when he was 4? wat
Fucking newfags
I already have huge libraries of other stuff that I actually research and thus it makes sense for me to have so much.
For this, I would much prefer only the best material, selected by an user like you; so I can learn the most interesting stuff without having to put in so much time going through tons of material that might not be as good.
Normalfags need to be gassed
Fine, okay, so you had the conversation on Masterchan, big deal.
>>>Holla Forums
If no one in your family ever took a citizenship test, YOU'RE NOT CITIZENS AND YOU'RE GOING BACK
make me faggot
That's one of them
He is the one prophecized to bring unrestrained heterosexuality back to comics.
Don't make me get the judge
Were you always trying to draw people? Beginner drawing should always start with the basics. Shaped, shades, perspective, things like that. Drawing people comes later when you have more knowledge under your belt.
Were you always trying to draw people? Beginner drawing should always start with the basics. Shapes, shades, perspective, things like that. Drawing people comes later when you have more knowledge under your belt.
That's not the judge, that's a steaming pile of hot shit. :^)
For attacking the son of the most powerful person on Earth…
I wonder: Who will destroy him first? Holla Forums or the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
The race is on.
Look out tumblr, the day of the ink is coming
git gud. drew brilliant comics for disney for 30 or 40 years, which were later mined for all the plots of 'ducktales' episodes. original gangsta comics hall of fame inductee.
The fuck are you talking about? I made no reference to or mention of duckman retard. I was replying to the guy talking about libshits criticizing a child's art. Try reading posts before replying.
How is that better? The duckman avatar guy didn't say anything negative or sperg out, he just posted the pictures. I was implying libshits would easily make up reasons to be tirggered by this and kvetch about it.
I doubt Barron is a namefag, he'd definitely insure his presence on Holla Forums was as anonymous as everyone else.
Suck my cock dude
Just like America
Even if you were awful at the sort of spatial reasoning and creativity demanded by art, it's only a hindrance and not a roadblock. You can still be a damned good artist. Art is a skill just like any other skill and all it takes is large amounts of deliberate practice.
No you newfaggot. Here, I just spent like 10 minutes putting together this chart for you to show the lineage.
Jesus fucking christ I don't know what to feel. Not the elation of knowing one of Trump's kids is basically one of us (and Trump and his two older kids), but also just what kind of fucking year this is.
The tribal bikini wearing chick reminds me of Rumiko Takahashi's series: Urusei Yatsura, just with blonde hair. Other than that I'm not up to date on my animu for what inspired this character.
Hot damn user, is that yours? It's pretty cute.
I see, so this took place on Ebaums, then?
Someone get the URL of the sauce from him.
Holla Forums the positive art community centered around complimenting mediocre paintings.
Especially Hitlers
Your artstyle is cute
I wish it was mine.
More updated.
So, I've got some suspicions about why precisely you see fit to stress wizardchan in these incredibly autistic and easily baited image responses. Care to confirm those for my amusement?
I draw alot, won't post it here because I'll be recognized.
It's not any of that. It's my hands. I may as well be an adept at all that other stuff but my fucking hands can't draw straight lines. I need more dexterity and stability. I can draw very well mentally by picturing a canvas vividly and drawing each part of the picture stroke by stroke while imagining a hand. I can't do that with my physical hands though, I have health problems that need to be resolved and maybe I will start to see real improvements in my ability to physically produce art.
At least you own up to it.
Oh hey Ben.
So are the leftist "top secret (((investigators)))" going to try and write some hit piece about Barron's art style being "offensive" and for liking animu? It'd give them away that they're a goon pretty fast, with people's outright disgust at media, this low hanging fruit at going at Barron here would only continue to backfire in their face.
But on a more serious note here's a freehand drawing of an image I saw kicking around on halfchan a couple years ago.
First one is "Norje the Warmonger", second one is "Peydeciden the Bridge-Keeper, Duke of Elcon", don't steel my OC plz
I'm in the same position as you right now. Work on your line control and drawing from the elbow and shoulder instead of the wrist. Improving that early on will make your life much easier, especially f you start with pen and paper instead of a mouse or pen tablet.
I'm just dumping my waifu :^)
Also seeing that the nigger in there, his hairstyle could either be typical nigger afro in shit like "pool's closed", but also kinda reminds me of Afro Samurai
The disconnect between your brain and your hands is a skill issue, not brain problems. (Unless you have actual issues with motor skills, like Parkinson's or MS.) It must be trained.
haha these are shit
The autism is stronk in this one.
Listen you, I know the full history of imageboards, I study where memes originate from and how and where they spread, I track where anons go and know them by writing style and the filenames the use on images they upload and the topics they prefer. I track topics. I don't usually start but I do read countless of the survey threads. I apply advanced analytics, cognitive techniques, and fact-checking to discern a great many things from the posts of anons. I know many different imageboards and what sort of cultural exchanges are happening, when anons are using multiple boards and how frequently, etc. I have been doing this all for a decade now and I work/network with some other anons who do this too. I know so much of the history of these places and I / my group has often been right about future developments well in advance of them taking off. I know the various moderators for different boards, the power exchanges, the dramas, who replaced who, etc.
I know my shit.
Adolf was destined for greatness no doubt
The Reich was also destined to rise
Here's some of my OC. Going for 80s look, think synthwave
I feel like drawing in lips and nose shadows makes it look too western (i don't want to drift towards tumblr's pseudo-anime style)
Leagues better than this faggot.
You can't even draw, faggot. Rofl.
Are you ready?
I wish it was more popular to draw like that, I really like it.
Kill yourself modernity apologist.
Art doesn't have to "mean" anything and you're defending talentless hacks and kikes. Hang yourself lad I am serious.
Holy shit I totally missed that. What in the everloving christ, man?
take that back
Charles Saatchi get out you posmodernist jew
saint george genetic memory
pretty good
hint: st george vs the dragon is way, way older than christianity
How can you not know this is the aesthetic of the gods, user?
Disgusting. Also, get some really good paper. not bad work.
Capitalize it it's proper noun
The rabbit wallows in the dark arts, do not trust what it says.
And all double Ls turn into Ys so obviously it should be
Cirno, tewi, and suwako are pretty adorable
You've got great style there, user.
I seem cursed to be drawing in pretty much what amounts to animal crossing with this barbaric chibi shit (excluding the red noses on villagers) when trying to draw full stuff like yours or the user before you. Then again, I'm not that great on making clothing detail more pronounced, but I'm not a drawfag drawing every day.
It's from a sketchbook with shitty 50 lbs paper. For actual projects I usually use bristol or sometimes watercolor paper for ink and mixed media, and 80 lbs paper for ebony and graphite
Anyone notice that the Blonde Haired, Blue Eyed Waifu is fighting a snake that is hoarding a pile of gold and gemstones. I know we meme a lot but really, how redpilled could Barron have been when he made this? How old is this stuff, is he still drawing today? What is he's a top tier meme machine?
Fucking hell, Barron
No shit, he's ten. He probably drew these when he was even younger than that.
Apss iqoyftsh
That shit you posted is all awful.
I want to see what kind of shit he draws now.
Hitler 2.0 Confirmed.
poy sounds really cute
I knew of him already
He draws some messed up stuff too though
Holy shit how tall is he?
Take into account that Donald is 6′ 3″ and Melania is 5′ 11″ He will be probably taller than his father and even more taller than Eric who is 6′ 5″
It seems there are some artfags in this thread, any tips for a hobbyist? The balloon picture I did when I was 16, the unfinished picture I'm actively sketching. I taught myself everything, so it may not be very good(I need to work on getting dimensions straight, but my concentration is so shit.)
kek and that looks good!
Oh and for the sake of this thread I just dug up a couple drawings I drew in '99 I believe. Couldn't have been older than 12 at the time. IIRC I drew these at Toy R Us in exchange for promo cards they were handing out (they'd give you stamps for filling out activity sheets or playing games and could redeem for rare Pokemon cards jej).
At least I am really fucking good at being at analytics, tracking, social engineering, propaganda, subversion, and other such things that are effective tools to help the white race. If you can draw so well; why aren't you drawing nice memes to spread our ideas and mentality?
dumping more inspiration for Barron
sketching masterrace reporting in
In the original BH6 comics they were all Japanese, actually.
Disney turned most of them into Americans and changed the setting from Tokyo to Faux-California for some reason.
Also Baymax wasn't a buffy cute robot, he was a weird green insect-looking megabuff thing.
Good idea
Barron watches hentai and anime, this is confirmed. Little fucker probably shitposts with us here too.
Reminder this is a direct quote from Trump
I have actual issues and am going through some stuff right now that is pretty intensive and will take maybe 6 months at the minimum or years to recover. Afterwards I should be able to do fine.
oy vey
Couple other clues in the pic that make search terms a bit more obvious, but tbh after a tiny bit of search didn't turn anything up, I think it's best to leave the kid alone. It may only fuel commie fire.
Fuck the tism may have got to him, and not in a good way. Next thing you know he will start making some horribly cringey webcomic.
So you want to draw dem anime tiddies?
I wish I were a better artist, but i've only started since summer 2015.
It's just the imagination of a 10 year old who likely plays a lot of vidya and watches tons of hentai . Give him a break.
No user, he'll be making Trump Comics™
What the fuck user? Here's a pallet cleanser.
2007 was ten years ago.
If he was ten then, he's 20 now.
Since we're all attention-whoring ill partake
Artistic talent is not something you just learn you pozzed kikes. You're born with different degrees of talent for different things. It's something you can sharpen with practice, but the gains from it will be much less than what your betters will experience in the same time. You'll still never be able to reach past a certain ceiling that a 20 year old might easily pass doing it as a hobby even if you practiced 8 hours a day your entire life.
It doesn't matter if it's painting, music, math, sports, craft, leadership, anything. Talent is ingrained and genetic, skills can be practiced but practice will never free you from the yolks of talent. Get your feel good commie shit off this board.
Kek I just came across a couple more. This was before Gold/Silver were released so the only known name for Umbreon was it's Japanese name 'Blacky'. As a ~12yo I didn't realize how hilarious this was :^]
Learning how real tits work is a great start.
Fucking this. Plus anyone who wastes their time at something they don't have any natural talent for may find that if there talent lays somewhere else. They are wasting their time if they keep persisting at something they just will never be good at when some other thing they could be doing, they could actually succeed. Lots of people also will just never be really talented at anything and are only fit for run-of-the-mill jobs and merely enjoying their life.
bretty good
Everyone knows you have to start drawing from basic shapes and add details/abstractions later.
You draw good animeme when you learn the basics of actual illustration.
This said to you by the guy who sucks dick at adding any detail to his shapes and often skips the time he allots to drawing by shitposting on imageboards instead
It's not bad, it's more stylized but art doesn't necessarily have to have 100% realism, that's for kikes who have no fantasy
Stunnin, did you teach yourself?
Pretty good, reminds me of something off a Burzum cover.
Gotta love that loosely translated Japanese.
No I hardly tried to draw people.
Dude, I have some serious problems, that once fixed I am sure drawing will be easy. Imagine you're drawing while mentally impaired and just having been through some incredible emotional shock and being distracted. In my case I can concentrate for hours and hours but my body is always experiencing constant adrenalin rushes, constant stress, and sleep deprivation. I should probably try drawing again because in the last few weeks some new therapy I've been going through has been making me a shitload better but I'm not quite where I should be and shouldn't rush.
Tell me about realtime imageboards
Barron is our next king check my digits for confirmation
I spent some time in art school but am pursuing another degree. These ones are from life
So imkampfy was a turkroach all this time?
this thread is taking me back
This is fake as shit.
Gib any tips?
so is ur mom xd
Doesn't exist.
A man who has mastered an art no longer finds it difficult. Any impression that he is making the difficult seem easy is merely a projection of the spectator's.
Well thanks captain killjoy
I fucking knew it
Have a better OP
Practice drawing from life before you do fantasy shit. Also art professors will try to get you to do ridiculous shit like wearable art. I'm not in a sculpture department but they at least get some decent craftmens skills like carpentry, welding, etc
"Stylized" is becoming a codeword for "I lack skill and am pretending it's on purpose"
Nigger i know you saw my post about why pure realism is garbage. And if what I posted is what you call kike painting then you should kill yourself.
Better artist than I was when I was 10
Cool imo
I like your taste, user
They will regret it if they dash his hopes as an aspiring painter. They would be wise not to sully his efforts and to make him refocus on other things.
This is confirmed fake
That quote, sounds like classic Thatcher.
fuck this cunt
Truly, he is one of us.
More like
They never learn, the kike's message of "oy vey we must be shure it nevah happens again" has as much value as their lampshades.
he kind of looks like soros.
Is the woman in the first picture supposed to look like a dysgenic googley-eyed whore?
Trash art. Trash opinion.
Have some old OC of mine.
Barron's artwork is further proof that Trump will make anime real.
Praise Kek.
Maybe the bags under his eyes, but that it.
Why has no one reverse searched the image yet?
[Spoiler]crop out the painting and reverse search the result. No, I am on mobile or I would [/spoiler]
It's probably a hoax.
Shadman you bastard
t. knower
Tinychat Blart is a 4chonner that is the prime suspect of being rachposter/kamphy. He's known for adopting pre-established personas like LC's Rach and subverting communities.
He was the one that killed 4chon, LC did Wizchan though.
I think they're the same, neither is Berkay. I know Berkay from Ylilauta and he's confused as shit. Thinks Blart/LC hates him for "racial inferiority"
you keep that gun in your vagina do you?
Yet you still fail to grasp the beauty of simplifying.
Close lol, its that fucking race traitor cunt Churchill.
fucking greeks and their weird idolization of tiny peens.
Your imagination is flawed. It is an abstraction on abstraction and has no connection with reality. Drawing is not taking imagination one-to-one and making it manifest. It is much more complicated.
If what you think is true, then anyone who can control their hand should be able to accurately reproduce what they see. But that isn't the case.
perhaps hitler's art was good but not great, but isn't that what art school is for? I can see if you're talking about them both being graduates and him not being successful, but he was applying to school to learn to be great. I would say the paintings I've seen show he has a basis of the fundamentals, from there he could branch out into the more stylized fields if he wanted. By the way, the stuff you posted looks like shit. They're just pencil sketches. You can say "yeah but they're good pencil sketches and they capture the essence of the human form" but it's just pencil sketches and objectively is not as good to look at as a full color painting.
My penis is like that until it get's hard, it reaches like 16cm when it does, I thought it was supposed to be like that.
no user
some are growers and some are showers
Same here. I get up to 6.5 inches. I could probably use more girth though tbh
Same. Starts at about 3 inches and goes to 9 inches. Balls look bigger than dick when flaccid.
Please, KEK, Meme it happen.
I think our boy is getting into anime, look at the eyes on the bottom left.. big anime eyes. Now look at the legs and crotch on the white pants in the top left - almost looks like he was taking that style from somewhere else he saw, or something. He is on the internet, just waiting to be roped in here where he belongs.
You rock on little man
Sean "Asukafags deserve the gaschamber" Spicer must have introduced him to toonami
It was probably actually because he was trying to become an artist, oriented entirely on paintings and other such things.
If I recall correctly, he submitted work for admission several times and was finally told, "Dude, you paint like an architect. Be an architect instead."
But by this time, he'd already gone through his schooling and his grades were too poor to attend university for such a profession. He'd planned his efforts entirely around being an artist, or rather, didn't apply himself to keep his options open.
That's probably the most sympathetic thing about him, really. Being wholly devoted to your cause, going to war, being injured, getting medals, and eventually leading your country out of their own personal Hell? Yeah, entirely commendable, but your average Joe can't sympathize with those things. He got rejected for the one path he wanted, and finding that his talents would be better applied elsewhere, only to find that he fucked around in school too much to get into college for it.
That's something more than a few autists here have done, I think.
Don't bost that gif D:
That is so completely wrong, I don't think you've ever gotten to doing something at a high level, or working with an expert who does high difficulty things.
I've watched a few neurosurgeries and open heart surgeries surgeries performed by really experienced surgeons and talked to some of them afterwards. They make it look easy, but they most definitely don't think it's easy. It's easier for them than it is for less experienced people, absolutely, but some stuff just does not stop being hard to perform.
You think sculpting from single marble pieces ever gets trivial? I'm no artist but I imagine it doesn't, and the pressure of fucking up the whole thing with one mistake that could come months, years into your project is not, I imagine, something that gets particularly easy to deal with. But to an outside observer, seeing the stone take a shape the onlooker could never do, it would seem effortless.
post-disney western animation is a product of modernity and cannot be decent.
That's why gooktoons are so good, because they just took the style disney pioneered and took it to logical extremes until the jew came in and started pushing moeshit
Barron Trump is secretly the head of a multi-million dollar animation and video game development empire from the comfort of his bedroom at age 10, making America great again.
Most of you are well over double his age and what have you got to show for it?
Is British politics always filled with this much banter? They all seem like they're having a better time than American politicians, who look like they'd rather be anywhere else in session.
spike technically doesn't die because the whole series is set before any of the characters are born, watch the movie, they're all in pre-life.
It's probably just Donald's artwork which he shows under his son's name because he is still just learning and doesn't want to be criticized.
Checks out.
user fuck right off, he died, get over it, the series is utterly pointless if he survives, total cop out, leave it as it is
Of course. two years from now, after every evil has been purged from the world, Trump will make anime real.
Because his son likes it.
these are fuggin noice
t. pen pro
I see 0 wrong things with that. At his age I was drawing dragons with machine gun hands, hamsters and shit.
His hentaiverse character is probably on level 250.
watch the movie, it's full of ascension symbolism and the bad guy basically explains that their whole world is an illusion and they're basically all in pre-birth purgatory, also implies there's some matrix shit going on
bebop legitimately is 2deep, it's fucking retarded and I wish they had left it alone
I enjoyed that doujin
Time is cyclical
You're reading into the movie way too hard user, the whole point was that Vincent was legitimately going insane, Spike's reflection on it is representative of his reflection on other existential shit that went on in the show, It's also canonically supposed to be right between the Una bomber episode and the fengshui episode
You should have left me to my mistake, user.
Asuka's parents were race mixers
he wasn't though, the whole thing was drug-induced. He wanted to expose everyone to the drug so they would "die" and wake up for real, which ultimately happens to spike and is implied happened to Ed and the doggo
This is getting into derail territory so I'll just sage and admit you're right.
This would be glorious
Barron being the first child
>Reifags are this desperate
Asukafags absolutely BTFO
You mean the "first children", right?"
Guys, did we do this to him?
why the long gaze at your sister, son?
Probably through the Weird Twitter connections. Goons have their tendrils in a lot of shit.
Her parents are canon racemixers user, face it, your waifu is officially shit
Actual best girl coming through
I feel like I should watch NGE because I want to get in the waifu wars
We give wise counsel to the Once and Future King.
are we shilling art now.
artfag here. i sadly can't teach barron how to draw better anime though.
maybe i could send him a better pen.
Come for the waifus, stay for the inspiring message about humanity, and then leave I
Don't get distracted by the /m/ and watch it for its message. Still makes me sad not a lot of weebs have good sound systems to appreciate NGE though.
Its ___ok
I am accomplished artist and computer programmer. Neither has really gotten easier.
Programming I feel more confident in many things I do, but I am always pushing the edges of what I am able to do. There is always more to learn and develop, even in the realm of the 'easy' stuff.
Art, everyone should be aware that that journey is never ending. You always feel like you are shit and could do better. You always look back at older works with contempt. You are always struggling to get to the 'next level'. People marvel at how simple and effortless it seems as I develop the forms in an image, while internally I am frustrated as fuck with my ability.
Fuck everything, actually.
I wish I had the opportunities that Prince Barron has available to him now. That young man is now youngest and brightest son of the Trump dynasty, poised to live beside his Presidential father while his adult children run his other affairs. The reason Donald Trump kept getting remarried and having children is because he knows that a combinatoric approach to breeding might produce exceptional children. Don't most of his children have brown eyes, and Don Jr. looks a little swarthy… Tiffany looks a bit like she has fetal alcohol syndrome, I suspect that's why Trump moved on after one child. Melania gave him the blond, blue-eyed, tall genius that Trump secretly wanted all along, someone exactly like him or very similar and at least with the ability to achieve greatness. I think Barron will become an important figure in the distant future, certainly more powerful than, say, young Prince George of Wales will be.
Who cares who is best girl? At this pount it is a great excercise in shitposting.
You are meant to connect the dots, man. You can't just turn to the page, take a photo and say you are an artist.
the eternal struggle of the artiste never finding peace.
That new Godzilla film which I haven't seen is said to have a nationalistic message.
the eternal struggle of the artiste never finding peace.>>8977131
don't u dare knock on my stippling
Try drawing anime like a real man.
I know what you mean. I study foreign languages, and I've gotten pretty good at German, to the point where I can read tracts of Fichte, a notoriously difficult writer to understand, proficiently. However then I switch over to another author, and my reading pace suddenly slows dramatically, because I've just grown accustomed to the sentence structure and word usage of Fichte, that particular author. I dunno if this happens in other pursuits, but there does always seem to be another level just out of reach.
I'm not that great at art myself but I can point out a few mistakes Uncle Adolf made. Bear in mind that these are all really simple mistakes that could have easily been corrected if he was given proper training by someone who isn't jewish. Anyway:
His perspective is off, parts of the structure that should be along the same vanishing line are not, which makes the pillars and building look slightly deformed and, dare I say it, crooked.
The two story building that is close to the viewer is somehow smaller than the first floor of the three story building further away, this makes the two story building look squashed and messes with the size of everything else.
The side of the building had a lighting gradient making it look curved, but it's clearly meant to be a flat wall and some of the lines indicate that, making it look weird
poor choice of colour, it looks like the squished building is extended through the archway
They have the exact same pose, and the cart also has some perspective problems making it look warped
But again, these are all amateur mistakes and Hitler was exactly that, and amateur who did it out of a love of his craft, he would have been able to rectify these with ease under proper guidance. And there's a lot of good in this work as well, the people are properly proportioned, the tree is very nice (although the branches at the top come out of nowhere), the dome is well done, and the picture thumbnails very nicely. Hitler had a lot of potential, the jews just redirected it.
This is the best decade for anime. You're a man of exquisite taste.
Is this the new sniper pasta?
That which can be proven without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
the underlying image is so degraded lol
steal his look.
More wymyns to inspire Barron.
Does he have man boobs, or is the lighting just weird?
I'm relatively certain I saw this somewhere on ED once upon a long time ago, and it was not Barron's artwork
The large oval is clearly meant to be Curved. It is shittily done, but the intent is rather clear.
From seeing some of his works I can understand why they wouldn't admit him. They have the choice to bring in people and teach them fundamentals or bring in already wide developed artists, that may not possess some of the further skills he has, and build them from there.
You also have the issue of unlearning all the poor habits he has an artist which people naturally resist. This slows the whole process down.
What I would be interested to see is not just his works, but the works of people who were admitted around that time. That would be most illustrative.
That's why he tried to get into art school in Vienna. Unfortunately Christian Griepenkerl was such a prick and rather to advice him he vehemently rejected his works twice.
Unfortunately that asshole died before he could pay for his temerity.
That… is muscles, user. Do you see other humans in your life?
I've seen muscles before, those are clearly manboobs.
spoiler that shit
barron should stop drawing that almost naked woman and start a man in her place
aint good for his psyche if he projects himself into the girl; better if he projects into a man
Apparently not, given you have failed to identify muscles on a human.
Damn, she was a feisty, funny ginger. I enjoyed that greatly.
Unless you can get a pic of the goon without a shirt, we won't know for sure. But those seem like mounds that lift the shirt, not muscles. Besides, the rest of his body seems like he doesn't work out, and he has the hipster faggot face.
Japs don't have the capacity to produce blue-eyed gingers, faggot. Asuka is obviously the product of the glorious redhead ubermensch cucking the tiny-dicked nip that paid for Asuka's mother's vacations.
Your torsos are too rigid, other than that the style is excellent. It's really tough to "animate" the torso, so practice up! I recommend trying out different foreshortening tricks to give it a dynamic angle.
For a 10 year old it's pretty good.
Holla Forums remember someone else who was a rejected artist?
Will Barron finish what Hitler started?
I've no idea who the fuck that is. You do it.
You do the work, besides all I know is that apparently the fag in the pic is the same person in OP's pic.
All shit aside, we really need to find the leak in this chain. No offense, Barron's work is great, but obviously someone is sharing shit where they shouldn't be. Counter-dox. Destroy.
top lel
Barron is Barron Atriedes. He is Muad'Dib. His art must be a killing word.
The novels get better. Season 3 will be better.
Perhaps to a Magnet School, probably Private School though.
he's either be Private Schooled or Privately Tutored
Eh, I think it really depends on what kind of habit the person's developed. All Hitler needed was a ruler and a change of color pallet. While somebody who draws exclusively with tumblr noodles and red noses is probably beyond help.
what are they missing user?
I know at least 5 turkroaches who actively post on Holla Forums. This place is a magnet for turkroaches because they can never get enough of right wing authoritarian fascism.
Now that you mention it… he could be a powerful psyker
fucking trash. give me unique trash over boring trash
That OP always hit me right in the feels.
You can't hide that horse dick from us user
The biggest issue I can see is perspective
How do I into art?
As a hobby, not a career
It really doesn't. Any nationalistic message is quickly swept under the rug when they realize that they needed the help of some other country whether it be the US, Germany, or France.
good post. the narrative that Hitler wasn't accepted because muh degenerate art is stale and blind to his faults as an artist.
dear lord this is bad
She looks like a German+Slav combine tbh. Probably why Barron doesn't look much different from his dad.
He probably plays those monster hunter games.
creepy, apparently he knows about (((reptilians)))
After some googlefu, literally nothing comes up. If there were an art gallery online, Google should have indexed it.
Interestingly, none of the art actually comes up on reverse image search either. Did this guy make artwork this autistic just to shitpost with?
Also, how did this guy get verified? What exactly does he do?
Also, could this have come from this inside? Are we seeing another John Miller?
someone pointed that out way earlier
This fucking faggot is pushing interracial and cuckoldry in the same picture.
Lucky you.
maybe you are the newfig here
Tarl Cabot would be a better fit for what those feminists deserve.
Right. Some people, really, most people, are born to mediocrity, and there's nothing wrong with that. Honestly, I think it's one of the most noble positions, to have enough humility to respect your limited talent and work towards being as good as you can be in whatever you do excel at. Humility more than anything is one of the things that modernity has really managed to eliminate and we suffer so much for it.
Life isn't about indulging in your childhood fantasies of being an astronaut. The mark of maturity is learning your limits and your exceptionalities.
Even if it's his shit, can we perhaps act like fucking grown ups and leave the kid out of this?
You know, to show some common decency which the left has lacked so far?
if that show was still around, people would go apeshit
good times
I need some source before I get too excited about this supposed artwork.
I got caught with homemade hentai drawings myself when I was a kid so I know how less open minded people might react. Still I was so good that the principal congratulated me and said I should focus on bettering my art. I got in-school suspension (basically a slap on the wrist) and thankfully was spared a more demoralizing end.
Stylistically he has a method and with refinement he could be a great artist.
All memeing efforts should be focused building him up to keep him from going down the CWC path. We don't need that kind of autism from Barron Trump
Even moe and idolshit can be great user.
They're not going to leave his wife or child out of it. They feign sympathy for Melania but you know they'd string her up if they had the chance. And I actually feel bad for Barron. He didn't choose any of this and regardless of what anyone says a lot of fuckers are gonna use him as a punching bag for the next four/eight years, as if it wasn't tough enough being the president's kid. The worst part is they had conniptions any time someone said anything even slightly demeaning about Michelle, and I don't remember anyone talking shit about Obama's slutty pothead daughter.
Shoji Kawamori having military clearance to observe U.S. Air Force operations suddenly makes a lot of sense.
Soon we will weaponize anime and drive the Jews, Goons and the leftist into space where the final battle will begin.
I stopped drawing thanks to just being able to do balloon tiddies.
>inb4 his waifu is auska
You're right but personally I wouldn't actively go out and dig up stuff about him. It just seems morally wrong. Better to bash the Left by pointing out how deplorable their behavior towards an innocent kid is than get involved.
This everything this user said is how we should operate in regards to this. Now if the Left digs up more stuff and reveals he is an even better artist now so be it.
The boy has excellent tastes. When he inevitably gains power I foresee him deploying tactical smugs on the battlefield.
We should all chip in and buy him a daki. :^]
Fine I'll check my own double dubs. Weaponized Anime confirmed!
They actually dug up info on Barron, and as it turns out he actually attends a private school in Manhattan.
It raises the possibility that either his "autistic" behavior in public is all an act, in which case he's smarter than he lets on, or most likely it's a normal 10-year-old being restless and just mistaken by internet experts as autism because projection bias.
Another thing when they get called out on attacking Barron is that supposedly Obama's kids were also harassed, so it's apparently hypocritical for Barron to be protected.
Can't be, her tits aren't big enough.
That's actually effective now that Trump is in charge. There's already casualties with 2 SNL comedians fired after they called Barron a school shooter in the making.
It's only a master of time till we find out Trump himself is an anime fan.
Come on user this is common knowledge.
You fucking wot mate? Moe has been there since the beginning. You grew up with Adult Swim and Dragon Ball Z, didn't you?
It would've had to have happened one time for it to happen another time.
The hell ?
I don't think he likes the media. He only acts like that around them. there is video and images of him being rather normal and seemingly pleasant when no one is looking, like when he is playing with Ivanks's kid or when he was laughing and talking with president Trump or when he was roughhousing with Don and Eric. He honestly seems like a normal kid with a lot of disdain for the media which makes a lot of sense.
His dad should be proud.
holy shit give me back my sides
holy shit that called the feminist nonsense out that far back?!
Has nobody noticed the huge girl dick in the snake drawing? kek
Not an argument.
Oh shit.
oh no , it is a dick now that i look closer.
pretty cool barron, see what he's into :)
He likes big tits. DFCfags forever btfo.
Well, it looks like he took it after his old man.
Fuck, this song hits me with memories. It's been quite a ride, these last five six years, hasn't it?
Thats a spyro Im pretty sure. Same colors, horns, everything. I figured it out. Hes playing Eric and Jr's old PS1 and 2 games.
Looks like it was just the initial attempt at the leg. That entire leg is a jumble with eraser marks too etc.
Would you watch it?
Hey, have one that I made some time ago
That doesn't make him a bad painter, he wasnt a professional, you come out of school with those abilities, you dont go into it with them.
Also, just compare his works to some of the degenerate trash of the day, which was deemed of high quality.
It is spyro, but a new version, not the original.
Why is my browser lagging?
It's one of the new abominations, the other characters on the page are from Skylanders.
fucking feminist
just like his father, fake fake fake and needlessly hyperbollic
Also it appears to be the legend of spyro version.
Cool stuff.
were any of those next gen spyro games worth playing?
Barron confirmed for Channer.
I think theres a little irony in the fact that Spyro is heavily themed by oriental/Chinese culture, given Trumps stance on Choyna.
What a pathetic excuse. Everyone knows where he lives. His life is public. You can't dox him. The real reason he doesn't want to give the link is because he faked the whole thing.
Did no one notice one of them has what looks like a dick?
I hope & I'd say it's just scribbled over lines, no 10 year old should be drawing traps.
Att is about beauty, not meaning. What's the message of a flower? A flower.
If it doesn't have beauty it will just become trash eventually, forgotten by everyone, interpreted differently at each passing glance and the word "beauty" won't even be uttered.
He just needs the right motives not some anime shit.
Thats a reeeeal kind of stupid. Its like he didnt even watch the god damn show.
@vrunt = Nate Lamagna, some jewy looking nu-male leftist who apparently works as a social media guy for LEGO. He's saying on Twitter that he wants to bully a child. I think it would be pretty easy to get him fired.
Btw that faggot is on right now if you want to shit all over his twitter. He just responded to me.
Spotted the goon
Update: This guy is full pussy mode and cant even fight back. Feel free to unload all over his twitter.
Duckman, for people who enjoyed George Costanzas jewish mannerisms, but didnt find him edgy and degenerate enough, and would prefer it in a medium more accessible to soft headed children.
Sadly duckman would of been more successful now than its previous release. We needed that voice now more than ever.
I remember watching a couple episodes when it released, more recently I watched the clip of him having the back and forth with the feminist bears, which is pretty funny and easy to find yourself agreeing with.. but then I saw another clip where hes ranting about comedy, and how it needs to constantly be offending people or else its garbage, how people need to seek out being offended, etc etc.. Pretty much saying "comedy is a subversive tool and thats its purpose, agree with me or youre an authoritarian asshole, heres some Louis CK on daytime television, tough shit goy"
It's a real pain how you people spam your shitty autistic English dancermans article without even listening what others say about his arguments or the counter-arguments against it, you treat it as if it was some sort of infallible piece of evidence, which is not the case, I have provided arguments against this bullshit 2 times now and I've just been ignored by you cancerous lot, and I'm not going to do it again.
DFCfags truly are cancer
I understand the concept of modern art, but it always bothered me when people give value ONLY to modern art and act like everything else is dated and unrefined.
Underrated post.
Well look at it like this:
It was a show that actually pushed boundries. No person ever had never had said or done something disagreeable. You will never like 100% of someone or everything they do. I would take away from the comedy bit that when comedy stops being offensive over all it loses its edge. It becomes censored and censored comedy always feels a bit…bleak and void. So while you might not agree with everything, for the most part Duckman was pretty legit with most of its rants. It spoke out about a lot of issues like Comedy being too censored and watered down, feminism and women being double standards and identity issues.
Barron is said to have spoken on an episode of Larry King, when him mum and dad were on, but I can't find it online.
Is that scale photo shopped in pic 3? It looks like it was pulled off a legal website.
It's a weeb world, normalfags just live in it
Japs don't have the capacity to produce blue-eyed gingers, faggot. Asuka is obviously the product of the glorious redhead ubermensch cucking the tiny-dicked nip that paid for Asuka's mother's vacations.
Another artfag here, I agree. What may seem effortless to some is tucked away in the drawer that reads "I guess I can always take these shitty shortcuts that save time but don't actually allow me to improve in any way and look like trash" that majority of normie clients think is exactly what they wanted. Then you pour your heart out on some other project, really push yourself to the limit and the client just goes "hmm, I'm not feeling it, maybe change the colours a bit or do it like usual" where the "usual" is the low effort tier shit.
It's a profession that is equally as fulfilling as frustrating, but without that struggle I'd probably be losing my marbles at an office drone mcjob rather than being able to shitpost on the internet in my downtime. Sam Hyde is right, it's better not to try this shit at all and it's only worth doing it if nobody can talk you out of it. It has to burn inside you to the point of driving you insane, otherwise you'd be better off working a fucking tollbooth because a shit job like that is far more consistent in effort to pay to amount of work ratio than anything creative.
Turkroach here.. Was born in Australia. I mostly just lurk here.
Why are so many of us attracted to right wing authoritarian fascism? Im legit curious, i dont know why myself
Kek, it was my signature
Perspective is one of the hardest things to grasp
Perspective is a bitch.
He needs to stop putting fingerprints on his work.
Sheesh barron.
Pretty average art for an 11 year old.
Like the anime style he's trying… wait, is he a browser of Holla Forums? Seems autistic enough.
He's like me at aged 11.
although pic is fake, it was still funny
This will cause a huge storm in fantasy matrix land.
If you didn't play with toy dinosaurs and tonka trucks as a kid you are not a real man.
Daily reminder Hentai is degenerate trash and you will get the chokie.
This is a half jap with two half jap/half euro parents. Probably both carried the genes for the haircolor/eye color.
Because our countries are being overrun, Mehmet. Who else is going to stop it?
That kid is either very shy… or a little odd.
snake guarding a pile of gold, hmmmmm
Is that meant to be a siren?
mild kek
It's strikes me as an odd cross between Cobra the Animation, JoJo, and Spyro.
I'm one of those people.
I know this feel.
Though with music.
I hate wannabe physiologists like you (and also real ones). Not everything is connected. He only likes big titts, that's all. But it does not matter, there are probably not his pictures, do not believe everything a random idiot claims.
I also think I've seen it.
More dejavu, or have I actually seen it before this time?
It does have all the hallmarks of deviant art. Tits and looking like it was drawn by a 10 year old.
I support this idea, dubs picks the girl that we need printed
How is this fucking shitskin a mod here?
But it's current year + 1, I can't believe you're so racist right now! Get in with the times, spigot!
There was an earlier wave of it back in the early to mid 90's when this show was airing.
Because all you need to do to become a prominent figure in any online community is to suck enough cock in the circlejerk.
I write most of my posts in xed before I even paste them into the reply box on here.
You just made me check the size of my Holla Forums folder
You had one fucking job
I was much the same. I can't remember the last time I drew anything. I've given up on my other hobbies as well. Haven't interacted with friends in three years.
How much autismbux will Barron Trump™ commissions be worth in 2027?
Megumin is best wife
The date is 2009 you fucking retards
is this how the sharpie in pooper meme started?
Man, that is some impressive art for a 3 year old.
Loomis is a meme tbh. It's more useful to start by copying than drawing from imagination
What the fuck is that song, why is it so addictive? Sauce please?
Music is an art too, you guys.
Apologies in advance for the absolute garbage laptop microphone, you're gonna wanna turn the volume down a lot.
Do they even make Spyro games anymore?
what did he meme by this?
There were some shitty ones for PS3, but nowadays he's just milked in Skylanders.
user, read the dates on the waybackmachine in
This blog started when Barron was 3, there's no way it's actually him.
kek it's still funny that some faggot tried to frame Barron as a trapfag.
You can tell because the watercolors were applied before being inked, whoever did this is skilled and wanted it to look infantile, and as we all know it's hard to pretend to be bad at something once you're good at it
Consider the >implications here: Regardless of whether or not it's actually Barron's art,
song ?
I saw someone talking about Weimar Germany on twitter today observation of the normalfags and leftists. Jew unironically claimed it was a good time for the country.
Only if you consider a horrible amiibo-tier jew collectathon thing with tons of faggy characters made up just to sell toys "spyro games".
The "real" ones were shit too.
Your autism is showing. The implication is that some classmate or friend of Barron would have given out the information, which isn't fucking likely.
Here's a rare moonman my lad made.
>tfw u were a highschoolfag when you watched this babbys first anime
>but Trump is president and you cant feel bad
He's a bit off. Might just be shyness from a sheltered upbringing though.
That's a dagger you numbnuts. You can see clearly the fist holding it.
I wont be shocked if he grows up into a shitposter on imageboards. Feel bad for the kid, he's got a rough 4 years ahead.
Watch as it's actually the guy on the first pic's tumblr
Is it just me or does imkampfy look like this guy minus the neckbeard?
We ought to make this into a Tolkien-esque tale about elves.
What the fuck Holla Forums, I came here to see barron's shitty drawings and discussion about possibly making cartoons great again, not to see Holla Forumsviantart dump from faggots who wish they were half as good as Hitler.
Is this real?
Yea some faggot on 8/k/ made these.
Did he actually shoot someone with it?
Shit if I know, but clearly the bag says "EVIDENCE" so yeah probably.
big titties, massive pecs and abs, anime….
its definitely autism.
All of your opinions are objectively wrong.
You still got a lot of shit to save, lad. I promise.
Cute kid. And the way he said it I really didnt detect any hint of him being off in his voice. He's just a kid. Also Trump probably raised him to know that he shouldnt talk to jews with cameras.
god i'm so glad the internet wasn't so big and permanent when i was 10
some of the wacky shit i drew…
DFCfags should kill themselves already
To be fair, it's an Amazon, so they're functional Hermaphrodites, and have a difference of hormonal functions compared to men and women.
Infact, I think there was a published paper on Actual amazons existing, women who didn't have any of that shit that females have that made them the "lesser sex" and they were all tall as fuck.
They went extinct or got swept up at some point past the Roman empire.
There is a tribe of Slavic Amazons, though not the Themisciran sort, they did BTFO a fat femicunt once tho.
A woman with large breasts doesn't necessarily have larger glands; having wide hips, on the other hand, is important. A woman with small breasts and wide hips is superior to the woman with narrow hips and large breasts. Though pic related rules supreme over both.
Well done!
I'll check your digits, but do you have even a single fact to back any of that up?
He's a fucking 10 year old.
Just because he's nearly 6 feet tall and wears a $3K suit doesn't mean he is more mature.
What did he mean by this?
No, I must learn art even though I suck at it so I can draw my waifus
I wonder if Holla Forums get's tired of losing all the time :)
When I was a teenager, a so-called "friend" told me that I was never going to be as good as another friend, so I might as well give up. I gave up for a few years, and picked it up again. Got better. Significantly so. That other friend basically stagnated because everybody praised her for being such a great artist.
Futas are superior.
He'll be one of us soon enough
Needs some training from good ole BennyG as his mentor.
And later on when he gets older he'll become a demimaster like he is!
This hits too close to home. I really hope he never sees that it's been leaked online.
The truth is a lot of """degenerate""" artists from back then had great foundations before they experimented. Look at Picasso.
Like doing copy-studies?
Same as you except I remembered to myself when I was a teenager when I started doing it.
I still have Frazetta's sketchbook next by to me, just like a manual of picture instructions.
Graphite mustardrace it is.
Digital art ruined my chances in art life.
Day of the ink when?
Same here. Even Shitposted about it My works in the last post.
Motherfucker you're still one of us even if you drew your mom.
Tableguy Watup.
True. Our usefulness must be used in the will of the memes. We can't just argue about whose better at drawing, just like programing code is code no matter what.
I used to remember someone said realism can be performed by lots of simple operations at once.
Could happen to me if it wasn't for drawing.
What about the MKUltra effects of mental training the Secret services were doing to some artists? Again not all of us have these implanted genetics to be kick-started out the boat.
I do agree of the statement about maturity.
Heh I'm 20 I have nothing to worry about this until I reach 25 years then my brain stops learning anyway.
That's the End solution. Sometimes the human brain can only enjoy processing simple ways instead.
I find myself seeking for Mental Freedom away from the insanity of life.
lel I used to like Holla Forums when itsparked my interest until my skills became more serious.
Hadn't been there in a long time.
How about me, as a career?
No, /n/ was shut down THEN /new/ was created.
Couple years ago
And that's how anime saved USA
It's a miracle, ordained by Kek Himself. This boy is our once and future King.
Your lines look just as awful as mine, but your sense of proportions is A+.
Those lines look more like rough gestures yet strangely smooth than finalized clean line-work, for what you're talking about.
I love Cromartie but through your video I found something else to give me some nice nostalgia goosebumps