“The paper of record for our beloved republic, The New York Times, should be absolutely ashamed and humiliated,” Mr. Bannon said. “They got it 100 percent wrong.”
“The paper of record for our beloved republic, The New York Times, should be absolutely ashamed and humiliated,” Mr. Bannon said. “They got it 100 percent wrong.”
This man gives so few fucks that he instead demands them.
Best reality. We deserve all of this for our hard work.
Fucking based
Is this what 4d chess looks like?
That's quite an antique you've got there
I love this timeline
Well he basically went full Goebels.
It's a lie because CNN showed a picture from 6 hours before :^)
When can we finally kill these shits?
Based Bannon
Why doesn't he get more love here? He seems to be one of Trump's main influencers, hence why he was brought along for such a long time.
How is this response now acceptable? It's a fucking faggot response, even though it's totally warranted. Is he subtly trolling them?
these dirty jewish bolsheviks need to be purged……
At this point I think it is better for America if CNN etc keeps bashing Trump. No one believes them and it provides us with entertainment. I vote for the MSM continuing to double down just for the luls.
he's from breitbart. purple-pilled is the gravest sin on these hallowed imageboards
Which is really appalling. You'd think more than a few of these fucks would get it, by now.
What the fuck are they celebrating, here?
I think it's from during the DNC, Hillary's nomination.
degeneracy complete with shitty hippie music
I wish this was them during the start of election night.
I wonder if Spicer will bring out special guest Bannon to yell at the press.
Whats always with this "muh got it wrong"
Bannon just call them a bunch of propagandist like they are.
Repealing the telecommunications act would be the only real fuck you that can be given them.
I'm beginning to warm up to Libtards & Centrists because I'm seeing a lot of them warming up to the truth.
It's possible for us to be both intolerant of degeneracy and welcoming. The left is not welcoming at all. They continue to accuse the undecided and divide themselves, in spite of LeBeouf's cowardly mantra.
This is key to their loss. They've been on easy street since at least 2005. The dems, the media, "academia" etc. They gave GW a pass for a short while after 9/11 but since about 2004-05 they have been bashing republicans relentlessly. Not using arguments, just ridicule ala daily show, colbert tier "arguments". Same with the network news. Lazy as fuck there is ZERO investigative reporting going on these days and there hasn't been any in 20 years. IMHO they barely did any on Trump either, they thought they could just coast along on the same old ridicule track they've been using on Republicans for over a decade, many of them getting tips and writing stories from shit that happened on Twitter.
as soon as the final deal is cut
Its great to hear that a big influence in the trump campaign explicitly realizes that the media is their real opposition. The democrats have never really hurt republicans. Its their media attack dogs that do the damage. And they are the real threat to the trump presidency. Its good that he seems to be ready to campaign to undermine and de-legitimize the press. He will never get them onside, so he must destroy their power.
What do you mean?
Either I'm retarded, or the tide is shifting back to libtards. They're not being rebuked hard enough - Bannon is being too soft is what I believe is saying.
The populace is programmed to go into a malaise after the Presidential election. They're used to just not caring and going back to whatever they were doing. The Jew always takes advantage of this by pretending the past never happened and only doubling down, making them seem intimidating to the average person.
The average person only understands intimidation and who is 'winning' - and so do libtards. It's about perception of power, not actual power.
the answer is you're probably numbed to just how much shit is getting done and how much the media has been having its shit pushed in. The people's resentment of the MSM is known, but never made known. Bannon and Spicer's shit they do day to day is wearing the (((journalists down))) by verbally beating them to the ground and not taking any more of their shit. Plus, the MSM and (((others))) are getting overloaded by how much Trump is doing and by the frequency. He isn't doing this to get as much shit done as he can like the jew crew would like you to believe. He's doing this much because it keeps forcing the MSM to have to report on what he's doing and let it go for the next day. Otherwise, them trying to focus on one story not only leaves them behind to other competitors picking up the story, but it also makes that media company reveal their hand plain and simple if they try to turn it into a week's worth bit of news drama like they've done in the past. By the speed and ferocity that Trump is moving is basically forcing the MSM to do their job, or else they easily oust themselves and face the drastic results of it, along with a resentful populace that's grown to hate the media spin
That's what they want you to do. Centrists and Libtards are still completely salivating at the idea of returning to the old way. They're not hardened against Leftist kikery and will still fold when they're called 'racist' 'nazi' or 'fascist'.
If they don't support at least Trump, they need to get out of the way. They're actively working against the interests of the American people so they can feel important with their identity politics bullshit or by 'helpin muhnorities'.
If you want to be alt-kike, go to T_D, 4cuck or Kikebart. This isn't the place to be soft.
We are welcoming - if they change and do what's natural (tribal behavior for the race) (recognize what's right in front of their faces: races being real). They won't do that until the kikes on the Left stop having any power whatsoever to damage them by calling them 'racist' or anything such as that.
Centrists and Libtards basically have no directio if they're not with their antifa friends.
They have to choose between Reich or AntiFa/Commie. That's, at least, how they need to perceive it, because if they try to stay in the middle, then they're just going to go right back to being goaded by leftist calls of 'racist', etc. when it's all over.
How objective of them.
Yes, him moving fast and keeping the train going at high speeds with substantial changes does shift what's assumed… Every day they're not allowed to kvetch over one executive order, they're allowing it to go through assumed as if it was always the case. I get that.
Maybe I just crave some more edgy things rather than having the edge soften while things get implemented - the edge forgotten, allowing the Left to slowly slink back from their shit while people forget, if they'll forget..
Hopefully Trump instilled some primers somewhere to make everyone remember: like his rallies and saying certain buzzwords.
Reddit is melting down, the salt mine runs deep
The best part too is, that if one news outlet tries to pull their jew trickery, then either one, a few, or the rest will turn on that one as they're eagerly gobbling up the slots for the story left untouched for coverage. It's a two-sided play that has a trap waiting for the media to turn on themselves, because once one falls, the rest start kvetching and fall too.
You have to have a real appreciation with strategy in order to see what's going on and what Trump's doing by all of this. It was already discussed during the primaries and gen. election that the 4d chess he plays isn't just a meme, he makes his moves that play into his favor, even if not at the very moment, later he comes to reap the rewards flawlessly.
user you need to center yourself and watch things unfold. Trump hasn't even been in office a week yet. Shit is just getting started.
Hitler dubs here gets it.
eyes. always the eyes.
Original Zelda Pig Ganon is Best Ganon
Watch out guys, CNN totally just BTFO all of you!
What's next, are they and buzzfeed going to crack out another "leak" they got from and blame it on the russians?
Saturday is the true beginning of the Year of the Fire Cock.
Things are about to heat up.
No Carlos.jpg, there's already an executive order declaring he has to go back
Kek be merciful on my sides, please.
Wanting to be "not like the left" is what kept conservatism fully cucked all these decades
Spicer talked about people who watched it, including on TV and online. The lugenpresse is saying it's a lie, saying that fewer people watched in person. Gee, did all the threats of riots and other forms of terrorism have anything to do with that? That's their angle.
As if they can even keep track of how many people actually watched it, with streams-streaming-streams, alternative sources in general, etc.
I don't know if Spicer's figuring is accurate. I'm just saying the media is deliberately misinterpreting Spicer to say that he's lying.
They were celebrating Hillary's eventual victory due to her performance in the second debate. It is a highlight of their delusion.
No, Kikebart is made up of jews and shabbos goyim who need to be given the prussian blue pill.
What's fucking secret about it? You have to be braindead to not know Jews run the media.
What makes you think Kikebart is any different?
They haven't faced any real opposition in years, so none of them actually know how to fight their corner. Things have been so cushy for so long that they can't believe what's happening.
Victory has defeated them.
And when the fuck did I mention Breitbart in my post?
You're in a thread about the shabbos goy who founded it.
This thread isn't about the founder of Breitbart. Breitbart was founded by *drumroll* Breitbart. This is a thread about Bannon. Frankly I don't care what publication he came from. It could be fucking Haaretz for all I care. What's important are his comments in that article, and they were fucking based.
My original post in this thread simply pointed out the bizarre situation that exists where people are free to look up the owners of any newspapers and TV stations, but still think of Jewish ownership of the media as a kooky conspiracy theory. At no point did I imply Breitbart are any different.
Your line of commenting reeks of D&C derailing Nice sage downboating btw
Mmmm… got any more? :'^)
Bannon was one of the founders.
It's because the media stands with Dippin Dots.
Truest truth ever truthed.