Why is Abraham Lincoln popular presidential figure to Marxists?

Why is Abraham Lincoln popular presidential figure to Marxists?

He got a letter of praise from Marx himself
Freed the slaves
Some people think that if he wasn't assassinated reconstruction would have been more effective
Honestly even if he wasn't killed I don't think he would have done a better job at reconstruction, probably shittier actually


Lincoln was an avid reader of Marx's articles, and his bid to free the slaves serves as a sort of analog to the Marxist struggle to free the proletariat.

Lincoln probably wouldn't have pardoned all the old Southern slave owners and politicians, irreversibly fucking Reconstruction, like his idiot of a VP did.

The ten percent plan though
That was such a bad idea

Suspending habeas corpus was still pretty shitty though.

spooks tbh

Can't find the exact source of this one.When did he said that?




Leftists get called un-American so some of them say "uh-nuh, Leftism is American, look at this illogical essay I wrote saying that the American Revolution and Lincoln were Leftist!"

He never did

Lincoln is all things to all people. His image was so whitewashed after the Civil Rights Movement failed that he is no longer someone who stood for anything, just an ugly face that means "good".

He wanted to ship all blacks back to africa in liberia

t. liberal

Not when you are swapping one monarch for porky and his mates.

t. stupid liberal

Well… It's not. The French Revolution was a liberal revolution that replaced absolutism with bourgeois rule. It's a necessary historical step for sure, but certainly not intrinsically "leftist".

The left-right distinction is literally derived from the French Revolution


It's just Popular Front era CPUSA incoherence.

I don't think it's at all a bad connection to make. Lincoln was Marx's contemporary. People talk about "following the century-old works of a dead philosopher", but you never hear that when people bring up the writings of Lincoln or, for that matter, the Founding Fathers.