Describe your best day ever in a communist utopia.
Describe your best day ever in a communist utopia
Tbh i am more interested in the average day under communism but heh lets give it a try
>we play vidya practice hardcore theory read lacan and exercise in the communal gym
;_; one day
one day ;_;
get succ
I would hug and sob tears of bliss into Marxs soft beard whilst he comforted me like a child as commie classical music would play in the background…
that's it basically.
I fancy the epicurean commune thats all to it
still proud of that
when transport is free and people are welcoming I'll be somewhere new every day
Fuck Yeah
I dropped that show after the terrible CGI boulders kek
Watch a random episode of K-On. That's it, basically.
the cgi was really really bad though
Polygamy is a shit.
You must enjoy ass to mouth because you've got shit taste.
What the fuck guys. Watch zizek. You have no imagination. Most of these describe my day already.
Because we were born capitalism and have no other frame of reference. To us socialism and communism will always mean being able to work a lot less, if at all, and have more of life's pleasures avaliable or available more often. I can't do everyday because I spend 40 hours a week working and more going to school.
Maybe because communism is not that utopist ?
We will still have emotional existential family and social problems
Stop making communism the left version of the "American dream" and mythologize that point of full communism
I petty those who can't enjoy love for what it is
Not in our life time, etc. etc.
Polyamory =/= polygamy.
M8 this is a utopia you can get therapy for free
dead rightists is a good thing. they are good dreams
Oh fuck im describing socialism
Damn it.
Its supposed to be an ideal fantasy I don't actually expect to be unanimously elected.
I mean maybe where I currently work because there are only like… seven people who work there and I am the only one there who knows anything about socialism so in a socialist society they would probably all vote for me but that is besides the point.
This is supposed to be an idealized fantasy.
Shit nigger my fantasy takes place just after the institution of worker control. We still have wages because reasons
Read a book
What are we going to replace wages with exactly because the labor theory of value is retarded.
Labour vouchers (which arent the same thing)
underrated posts
I shiggy
I wake up and I don't think of others as "customers, sellers, drivers…" but as people. Like me. Alienation is over.
Everyday is best day in communist utopia.
What will we shitpost about under communism though?
He said utopia, not even more empty than now.
pic related
I don't ask much of the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen, an astounding discovery was made today. Here we have a leftist who doesn't understand basic Economics. lol.
>implying you wouldn't be worked to near death on a collective agricultural community/factory and if not, get a bullet between the eyes.
Dead on.
Ladies and Gentlemen, an astounding discovery was made today. Here we have a Holla Forumsack who doesn't have reading comprehension. lol
Y'all mothafuckas need money or labor vouchers.
this is why mutualism is a meme
I actually managed to find myself a roll of toilet paper for the first time in a year.
History proves you wrong if you weren't a child who would pick up a book.
We will never return to a state of primitive existence, you are simply a genetic dead end who's emotional connection to your trappings will seal your fate.
tankies sure are some spooked motherfuckers
wait for it to collapse after 2 weeks
fucking normies
Just to be different I'm gonna do my best day under market socialism
I don't see how that would help……… but if it makes you happy user.
i don't
they do
I kill myself, like Antigone, because I am no longer of use. This is not to say I am now.
Travel with Borg crew to elevate other species out of pain and into perfection.
Also what was 9 get? >>900000 >>>900000
dunno about best day ever but that's a rough idea of what I think a good day might be like