By Sathish Simon and Kranti Kumara
31 August 2016
By Sathish Simon and Kranti Kumara
31 August 2016
fuck yes
Good. I hope we see more general strikes in the third world. They shouldn't work for pennies. An iPhone costs about $250 to build, start to finish and sells for like $800. Also fuck Apple.
They aught to channel the third world powers of Jason Unruhe for this one.
Lets hope it blows up into something they cannot anticipate or control.
Hell yeah
India just might be able to achieve socialism. They work much harder than south-americans, are quite inteligent, have first-hand experience with imerialism and have strong desire to make their mark in the world.
Interesting how both of these articles are speaking about the same event, but attribute them to different causes. I'm assuming that both are correct ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know very much about the people's war in India very much, but is it true that the CPI Maoist is at a strategic defensive the past couple of years due to operation green hunt? Also what's with one of CPI Maoist predecessors ( forgot which one) support for the Khemer rogue and thinking that DRK was socialist?
I wouldn't quite say they're on the defensive, but they've got to be playing defense more often now than they would have before.
I'm not sure about that, but those beliefs don't apply to the CPI(M) today.
What's a "Magadh Bandh?" General strike?
A bandh is more or less a strike, Magadh refers loosely to the area of the country.
150 million workers on strike
Bandh in Panjabi means to halt, stop, cease, close etc but I'm not familiar with what Magadh means.
Magadh = kick
Bandh = ass
Go on then
(There's no THE, m80)
POOr India…
Really though, good luck India. Hopefully this is the start of the developing world demanding better treatment. I wouldn't give two fucks if an iPhone doubles in price as a result of this.