Will you be voting for Kaine in 2024? Because that is what we're going to get if Hilary wins.
Don't forget.
Will you be voting for Kaine in 2024? Because that is what we're going to get if Hilary wins.
Don't forget.
We're going to get spooked by neo-liberals pretty badly.
her vice president, imagine her if she was male
oh no, the horror.
I know this board got balls deep in B████'s run at the nomination, but do you really think anyone here is voting for Hillary?
I am. Aren't you? Trump is a racist.
sick false flag Holla Forums
True accelerationism with dank hip hop beats
Actually what we'll end up getting is the next Hitler. Neoliberalism is a dead end and people, thinking it's all the "left" has to offer, are just going to turn to the Right for salvation.
I think most of us are voting for a third party or not at all.
I'm voting primarily to try and unseat the Repulican dominated government in my state. Tepid liberals are still a hell of a lot better than the reactionary asshats that have literally turned this state into a punchline
I will mainly go out in November to vote for the local libs downballot. If Jill doesn't get on the ballot here I might just vote Trump. I live in the most class-cucked. christ-cucked, reactionary, and spooked state in the entire union so it doesn't matter anyways.
that's so retarded i hope you are getting paid for this trump advertisement because if you were trying to troll i have to tell you that it is neither funny nor original.
If Hillary wins, she won't get 8 years. She's so rotten that the Republicans will be able to win in 2020.
This. Everyone is waiting to turn on her.
The same goes for Trump. Whoever wins this election will be a one term President. There's no way either of them will be able to get enough public support for a second run.
She will most likely get killed in office in the first half of her presidency, or ends up dying to due health problems. Then we will get he even shitter VP as President and we will get no where.