Making a ROTK edit, will post link it when I'm done

Making a ROTK edit, will post link it when I'm done.

Aiming for 150-170 minutes

revenge of the kuck?

What's the goal with your edit?
Removing some of the silly/pointless scenes?

Have frodo just ride the eagle to mountain dewm.

No one cares. Film yourself committing suicide instead.

Yea pretty much removing the pointless stuff but keeping a little of the stuff from the extended that should have been in the theatrical. Might be 180 minutes or the same as the theatrical but the goal is to make it not drag as much and to leave in only whats really needed to move it forward at a good pace, make the battle and the climax between the battle of minis tirith and destroying of the ring faster and just focus on frodo and sam. The length doesnt really matter as if its used well it wont drag.

fan edits are a mistake unless they're adding scenes back in

dumb autists always cut things out that are actually important

mfw XD

these movies are property of Peter Jackson™ and Warner Brothers™, I'm reporting you to the authorities.


me too

I'm adding some scenes from the extended and deleting some

Fan edits are 100% legal

Using Adobe Premiere Pro

Both the theatrical and extended versions suck for their own reasons

how would you go about getting this nowadays


monitoring this thread

I'd like to see a fanedit that removes everything that's not featuring hobbits.

That would be extremely easy and yet it wouldnt be good

Edit it so that Mordor wins.

OP will never deliver

OP said it would be ready in 150 - 170 minutes.

Hey guys I'm halfway through the hardest part is going to be figuring out how to edit the ending, because chopping off as much as possible is what is really gonna bring down the runtime, since I'm working with the extended version theres like 40 minutes or something after they destroy the ring.

That was the runtime I was aiming for, its gonna be at least 180 minutes now

anyone that feels the need to trim the ending clearly doesn't understand these movies or tolkien at all

meanwhile if you want to cut out shit like gimli blowing on ghosts that's fine and dandy

Must be a pain in the ass dealing with the Army of the Dead & Battle of Minas Tirith scenes.

What about the Gandalf/Witch King showdown? I could have done without that in the EE.

Most of Gimli’s antics should have been cut from the films.
I am really glad they scrapped Tom Bombadil from the films – that was the best decisions Jackson made.

I think there is a lot of shit with Arwen that was scrapped from the films as well, especially her showing up at Helm’s Deep.

Wasn’t there a fan-edit that attempted to cut the non-book material and make the films follow the books as closely as possible?


If I don't trim the end then I'm gonna barely be making any trims for the second half of the extended. All I will trim is showing the ghosts boarding the ships and some of the battle scenes.

As stupid as that gandalf/witch king scene is and by stupid i just mean how out of place it was (i actually find that part kind of cool) it sort of makes sense to include it because later on you see gandalf without his staff
so in the theatrical youd be like why is gandalf just using a sword here at the end where is his staff? so continuity makes sense to keep it

Isn't there something like hours of footage that were supposed to be released but never were?

The important bit was the journey through the old forest and the part when hobbits found those magic "swords". That should have been retained.

Also they should have made the end fight for the shire and have Saruman die in the shire when worm tongue stabs him.

what about that pajeet in a wig ie the so-called "elf" Legolas? his antics and dialogue need to be cut down as well.

Speaking of Saruman I'm keeping his death from the beg of the film, because cutting his character completely like in the theatrical is retarded.

That was a real stunt and pretty cool. He's antics only get blown out of proportion in the last one.

No, that was clearly and obviously CGI.

Even in the books Legolas had is elf antics, like walking on top of the snow - they included that in the films as well.

Elfs are way too OP if you ask me.

CG looks too good for pure CG they could have CG'd his face on to the stunt guy though

There wasn't a stunt guy, it was all CGI with Orlando's face.

Trim what should be trimmed, trimming for the sake of some autistic mandate is fucking retarded

wonder how she felt that her action bits were cut out because of autistic tolkienfag screeching

I trimmed a whopping 7 minutes off part 1


she was still a bad ass in the films, she saved fordo from certain death and countered i forget how many of the ringwraiths solo. Not to mention being the personal sheath of the king of gondor himself. Please stick to angel reruns if you need to get off to stronk girlz on film

if you aren't putting the sauron fight back in, then fuck you and fuck your edit, i don't wana see that shit.

Not since 3rd Edition, when humans got AN EXTRA FEAT as their racial ability.

It was CGI and it looks horrible like they reversed the film, well only Legolas anyway.

Sure, I don't care about being Op its fine. What I care about is the silly antics that they took a bit too far in places with that bad horse mounting CGI and later when the elf slid down the stone steps of helms deep with an orc shield…. that was just retarded.
The dwarf/elf kill count slillyness was in the book but the way some of it was presented in the movie with bad lines or counting at inappropriate times took away the from the film's tension.

It started in the two towers and go worse in the third one.

The actress was pretty I wouldn't mind seeing more however she should not have been forced into parts she didn't have in the book.
I have not read the books in a while but I'm pretty sure she wasn't supposed to save Frodo in fact she's barely in the books at all from what I can recall.


She is at the feast when they come to Rivendell and at the end when she comes to Minas Tirith to marry Aragorn.
And she weaves the flag of Gondor that is given to Aragorn just before he goes to the Paths of the Dead. That's it. hardly a paragraph in the whole book.
Eowyn is the main female char.

But to be honest what Jackson did with her char and her arc is superb. For guys wanting to fugg her and especially for the female audience trying to be her.
Especially this scene is chilling and kino.



