College Politics Cringe Thread

I'll start

first day of poli-sci class
this is going to be a long semester

to think these people all want to work in government one day.

When was the part where you destroyed them with your superior political knowledge?

Hardly anyone who studies political science in university ends up working in politics.

t. disillusioned lawyer

I did an economics degree at uni and the amount of cringe I suffered on a daily basis is astronomical.

About 90% of the people there were An-Caps, Conservatives and Libertarians, there was a 5% group of Soc-dems and this one Maoist kid I sat with in class (no, it wasn't Jason Unruhe).

Basically, there was a circle jerk about the free market day in and day out and I was challenged many times to refute their points, which I did, quite easily. But considering most the class was built up of Free Market Fuckbois and a bunch of Socdems I was always considered a loser. Safe to say, me and Maoist-san went through quite a few bottles of whiskey by the end of the year.

There was this one time when one of the An-Cap kids started to use the Black Book of Communism in class and I basically just wanted to die. I could even see on the lecturers face he wanted to die.

Just before I finished we all wished eachother the best of luck but one of the An-Cap guys told me I had to pay him to shake his hand so I told him to fuck off and pushed him over a bench. He split his head open the fucking cunt.

bro this is first day of classes i'm not going to come out swinging with revolutionary socialism.

such as?

Trolling liberals is far funnier than "destroyiing them" aka going full ideology.

Remeber, dialectics is about making them say what you want them to say, without telling them.

it's a win win

Good job being and envoy of socialism you troglodyte.

I came from just thinking about the relief and satisfaction

guy thinks ron swanson is what a a good libertarian should be like

I don't give a shit about how are you.

I did comp-sci back in cooledge so I never had the displeasure of taking poly-sci classes, but goddamn I would have loved to troll some ancaps irl with the low-hanging fruit like "but what will prevent child slave markets and assassination markets when the government is gone?" or "how will business owners prevent workers from taking over their businesses without police?"

the PMC that they can all afford from the profits of the nuclear AIDS™ bomb sales to the local kindergarten brothel/mcdonalds FUN CENTER©.

disclaimer: The Mcdonald's™ FUN CENTER™ has the legal right as dictated by the ARBY'S™ "we have the meat™" private freedom court, to abduct your children and place them in Ronald Mcdonalds™ uranium mines/ meth center for the rest of their lives.
dumb statist

i didn't realise ancaps actually existed outside of the internet

I have no idea where this "liberal indoctrination center" stuff comes from. The closest thing I guess to that at my college was that one professor was openly pushing global warming as human caused and a threat.

Anyway, the ***ONLY**** active college politics group at my college was a Libertarian group. All I did was snarl at them once, but this was 2012, during peak Libertarianism so maybe it's gotten better.

Judging by my experience watching C-SPAN, college students who actually raise their hands during a politics lecture never have anything original or entertaining to say.

confusionism is the last resort of the bourgeois in decay. it's a dangerous tightrope they are walking. (my hunch is this is why the deep state exists, SOMEONE has to know what they're doing)

This, somewhat. Good luck pulling it off.

I also had my first polisci class today. Most people in the class are standard Shillary supporting liberals. I mentioned out loud in the class that I read Marx and Hegel, which got the instructor interrested because he also teaches some class on modern political theory, but I haven't gone full Communist in class yet.

Though when the time is right, I plan openly discussing how all the porkies should be sent to the guillotine. I'm going to be a very edgy Marxist, like I was in my high school gov class.

I might end up becoming a bureaucrat, does that count?