
give me a good reason why weed should be illegal

not an argument

Other urls found in this thread:

huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html?ir=Healthy Living

Have you ever met a fucking stoner? Weed is dopamine on command. I've witnessed a whole bunch of childhood friends become useless nigger tier deadbeats, and it started with regular use of weed.

Because growing weed and making bongs is not contributing to society you smelly hippie.

+soft, natural drug/relaxant/low addictive potential/kinda fun
+makes white people have haircuts like that faggot in OP

kill yourself you dope smoking trash. prisoners just need to be put to work to pay for their own burden. those who refuse are met with death.


Pot impairs driving and potheads don't think it does.

Seconds point should be a "-", ffs, kill me

Actual argument I've heard from a stoner. This is the logic they use.


It shouldn't be illegal. Hemp is one of the finest, most versatile fibers on the planet, and an amazing source of cheap protein as well. It's retarded to outlaw a plant that is so useful.


I support production of hemp for clothing and other products but anything with THC in it has gotta go.

It makes people lethargic, lazy and not care around the world around them. I don't want any of my whites to get infected with that, we already have too many weed addicts. Plus it makes you stink like shit.

IQ of chronic stoners degrades by 10 points across a decade.

Outweighed by deadweight loss associated with stoner mishaps.
Why do you assume that to be true?
Are criminals now suddenly just not involved in the tobacco trade?
If anything, the massive regulation in the drugs market makes quality tank.
Objectively bad. Stoner culture is a useful trap for our worst to fall into. These people would be ANTIFA radicals without stoner culture.
The point of the prison system is to keep niggers off the streets. The entire purpose of the "Drug War" is being able to arrest the guy for smoking a joint so you don't have to arrest him when he has a gun in his hand.

Kill yourself or continue rotting your brain. It makes no difference.

It hasn't been for over a decade

Sounds believable, guess we are all just taking your word for it

This. Sage

Thanks fam

However tedious, we need to repeat this shit so any newfags get it battered into our brains like we did, and become good, functional nodes in our neural network.


this ^

To feed a tyrannical government, no thanks
Suddenly law-abiding citizens who have never grown or smoked weed (and will somehow want to start) will be able to compete with hippies growing the stuff for 20 years, Fuck off.
This only matters to degenerates currently smoking this shit, good job outing yourself faggot.
You were never edgy, you were seen as lazy fucks that contribute nothing. I hated you fucks even when I was bluepilled for assholes that ruined every multiplayer experience ever. Fucking die.
Firing squads would take a burden off our prison system.

This man with an amazing ID gets it.

We should go back to prohibition, no weed no alcohol, no drug at all.

Uh yes, is it really so hard to believe someone with a agricultural education and industrial budget could produce better product then a home grower regardless of his experience?

Smoked weed for years. Quit. Had zero withdrawals. Had a Hydrocodone prescription for a root canal. Took as instructed. Terrible physical withdrawals.

Hate "stoner culture" and never made a big deal out of a fucking smokable planet. If readily available I'd do it again, but I feel no NEED for it. You're getting way too much of your opinion about pot from popular culture and retarded teenagers trying to look cool. You don't SEE the other people because they don't make a fucking scene and keep it out of sight.

I'd be fine with alcohol only being served in restaurants and bars. Being up to just pop out to the store and buy a whole crate of booze seems to have a psychological effect on people and makes them want to drink more than they would if they were buying it one glass at a time

creates jobs (growth, transport, sales)
brings in taxes

and by that logic all artist, musicians, writers sould also be banned

drunk driving is illegal as well, that's separate laws in and of itself.

again not everybody that smokes pot is the same caricature of a person that Holla Forums has told you about

no were near the extent they would be if it were illegal

is that what happened in washington colorado or california?
no, quality went up and customers are more satisfied so they keep coming back driving commerce.

so you think the government should be able to throw some teenager into a nigger infested prison to get raped and killed because he got caught with a joint?


It was legal in the Reich and produces a fine oil for compression combustion engines and clothes that do not wear.

Just to allow the spergs to form powerful mafias from bootlegging everything again?

No fucking thank-you.

DUDE WEED is a motivation killer, If you are smoking this past 24 than there is probably no hope for you.

Why would you willingly do a drug that makes you numb to everything when you should be forming productive hobbies and skill sets. It is an enormous waste of time and money, you get nothing out of it in the long run except unreliable stoner friends that are secretly using you.

because it's against the law

Its strange a place like Japan where you can get alcohol in a vending machine and drink it in public has less alcoholism then the US which has some of the strictest alcohol laws outside of the Islamic world.

The sort that is used for flax and oil is not banned anywhere, and grows freely pretty much everywhere in the northern hemisphere if you care to look. Hell, I have some in my back yard for seeds which my grandma uses to make hemp butter.

You can't smoke it. Well, you can, and it has some trace amounts of THC and CHB, but the drug plants are a result of over-ripening the plant before it starts gestating.

News flash: If they got these, they're already selling the shit. No law abiding citizen is going to suddenly start growing this shit with no experience because as soon as everyone starts production its a race to the bottom.

Cuckchan is the other way you degenerate. Destroying the morals of a nation is equivalent to destroying the nation. However, outlawing it entirely is inefficient, you need to give the people a reason to not use outlets.

Except this time we'll have an efficient government that encourages people to have values and work in society.

thats the problem

No because that doesn't happen. Its well known amongst niggers that if a white kid gets caught with a joint he'll get a slap on the wrist, warning or just taken down to the station while the cops wait for his parents to show up. The drug war has always been put in place to target dirty nigger and dirty niggers only

nice argument buddy

Are you implying all tobacco farmers smoke?

Go back to fucking 4chan. Is this a Holla Forums raid?

Marijuana kills sperm cells and can cause permenant infertility in men.

Doi: doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwv137
Article: academic.oup.com/aje/article/182/6/482/82663/Invited-Commentary-The-Association-Between

Enjoy your weed, limp-dick.

It's worth it to keep it illegal just because that pisses off the right people.

What's the difference with what's happening with weed ?

You ever seen a vegetarian chicken farmer?


Yeah, they should. In the past, artists all worked to glorify the temple. Egypt was the centre of art in the ancient world not because of modern-style artists, but because it was wholly a theocracy. This continued into Christianity, though Christianity as Jesus taught it was iconoclastic. Now there is no Temple, no Ziggurat, we have no God-Kings to glorify, so art is pointless.

Not really, it always made whatever studies I needed to get through more engaging and easier to memorize. It makes boring shit like doing the dishes or folding laundry entertaining. It HELPED me be more productive and motivated.

Is there something wrong with making shitty responsibilities easier to knock out? It does not make you a fumbling buffoon that can't scrub a shower or vacuum carpet.

Industrial hemp and weed are two seperate issues. Industrial hemp is legal everywhere but America.
Spoilers: despite it being legal to grow industrial hemp in the rest of the world, and legal to import hemp products into America, the "hemp revolution" has not happened. That's because despite what dope fiends say, hemp isn't that great by modern standards.
b-but hemp can be used for so many thing! Hemp is a jack of all trades, master of none.

But it's only illegal because of jews in the textile and tobacco industries and to justify bigger government agencies.

Being against legalization of pot is the same thing as being against the freemarket and smaller government.

what's your argument now?

So does running around with a baseball bat smashing up stranger's cars.
Only a fucking stoner would think of it that way though.

Potheads are likely to also be guilty of other more serious crimes that they're going to do a better job of covering up. Getting potheads out of society as a blanket action improves society greatly.
If you want to make arguments about hemp as a material, that's one thing, but you're still not going to smoke it.

Seeing how we've had this thread over 9000x, I can't even bother to cut and paste for you OP. Just neck yourself you degenerate. Weed is for faggots and niggers.

tbqh that's alcohol, not weed. Alcohol numbs you, weed intensifies sensation and emotion. That's why weed so often triggers psychosis in people prone to it.


A criminal element is always going to have violence as a form of enforcement since they can't exactly call the cops. Only niggers are going to kill eachother over bagged plant clippings.

Holy shit people actually still believe this

Where do you think you are?

Are you a Mohammedan, a Spic, or a Nigger by chance? Those are the only 3 who have dope as part of their culture.

No it doesn't.

Overcoming hard work builds character and makes you more adept at other hard work. If everytime something is a little hard or tedious you bust out the mind altering drugs, it'll make you dependent on it and a little bitch who won't do any hard work without your warm blanket.

Not on Holla Forums 4 years ago

People already kill eachother over green pieces of sliced tree trunk, what makes you think they won't kill eachother over weed? I image a bunch of people getting shot up because they didn't pay their dealer.


part syrian but out side of that i come from a long line of hippies, neets and military men

I think it should be legal, also for economic reasons. But your little calculation doesn't take into account the fact that legalising weed will decrease worker productivity because of its side-effects.

If combined with appropriate punishment for decadent behaviour however, then I see no reason to keep it illegal.

Alcohol is just as if not more dangerous a drug, but consuming it in moderation is acceptable by society, despite the countless deaths due to alcohol abuse, drunk driving and alcohol induced violence. Marijuana is one of the few subjects that Holla Forums exhibits blind retardation whenever its broached. While it's true that burnout pothead hippies are cancerous and deserve nothing but contempt, they are but a small subset of the population who ingests THC.

Don't expect this thread to be very productive, as pot makes Holla Forums super fucking butthurt.

Global report.

Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults

Cannabis Dependence

Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'

Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence

Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer

Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind

Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity

Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications

The Health Effects of Marijuana

Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds
huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html?ir=Healthy Living


Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults

Marijuana Said to Trigger Heart Attacks

Marijuana Smoking Tied to Testicular Cancer

Marijuana Use and Risk of Lung Cancer

Persistent Cannabis Users Show Neuropsychological Decline from Childhood to Midlife

Review of the Validity and Significance of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome

Regular Marijuana Use Bad for Teens’ Brains

Regular Pot Smokers Have Shrunken Brains, Study Says

Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample

Teen Marijuana Use Linked with Schizophrenia

Teens Who Smoke Weed Daily are 60% Less Likely to Complete High School Than Those Who Never Use

The Terrible Truth About Cannabis

Weed should be illegal because it shouldn't take a 'drug' to make people happy.. it should come naturally.

oh wait.

That was pretty smart I just filter link spammers

You're mistaking need with want. Everything should be in moderation. Just because you HAVE something that can make a shitty situation better does not equate to NEEDING it to get the job done.

Niggers are not people, user.

Alcohol tends to keep people productive. Weed does the opposite.

Ban ALL the degeneracy.

U wut m8?

All alcohol does is make me want to go the fuck to sleep.


Yeah, I don't understand why it should be illegal either. It should just be treated as any other intoxicant substance (i.e strict restrictions on minors, public use frowned upon/forbidden).

gas yourself kike

One of my closest friends started smoking weed and drinking heavily after cheating on his long-time gf. He used to be straight edge but has since spiraled into a fucking degenerate, after I tried to help him multiple times he still does this shit and I no longer talk to him.
My brother in law still smokes and it's cost him a paid electrician apprenticeship and multiple jobs. Now he's a fucking NEET who lies to his gf about his extra activities while my in laws enable him by providing him residence.
So fuck no weed shouldn't be legal you goddamn degenerate.

US notes are made from cotton.

Even ditch weed was uprooted and burned.

See, this line of logic I can respect, far more than the common "Weed is degenerate but a few drinks is alright and a cigar is ok once in a while." At least you're being consistent about what you consider degenerate.

When will we fucking ban this guy? All he does is shitpost.
>wanting to free niggers

exactly where did you pull this out of your head in your little cucklet brain?


Its bad for health, (everything bad should be destroyed, eg: alcohol except wine, tabaco, all drugs).
Those things are used to run away from reality, only people with sexual/ family/ mental problems do it (except retard teenagers messing with what is edgy even if its bad for health).
The human advancement is only possible when those trash things stop affecting the people.
All weed smockers are retarded as any group of people with vices and always shout they're retarded excuses to trick you into accepting they're vices while denying it is a vice/escape from the real world.

Every user here should chill and smoke a bit. If you haven't tried weed and you want to give an opinion on it - shut the fuck up.

That dude is a molestor.


You're acting like it is hard to arrest niggers for other crimes.

Every user here should chill and get fucked up the ass a bit. If you haven't tried gay sex and you want to give an opinion on it - shut the fuck up.
t. bootyblasted weedcuck that has no retort

Not every person who has smoked is a nigger, you tard
Are you fucking dense?

Those are some big fucking assumptions

Honestly I'd just say decriminalize it and MAYBE legalize it, but tax it like 200%

This entire thread is nothing but anecdotal evidence

Civilization was built by alcoholics. Teetotalers like Trump are an aberration.

Yeah, but you're not an alcoholic.

A mix of cotton and linen.

You do understand that the psychoactive period is not the same as the time it spends in your body, right? If we're going to ban shit for the time it takes to be totally metabolized, then that is going to be a long fucking list.

A disproportionate amount of niggers (surprise) are arrested for drugs charges. Wanting to decriminalize it because you want to smoke it is exactly betraying everyone so you can have you degenerate herbal jew drug.

The only faggots that smoke weed are degenerate low lives, shitskins, and depressed faggots that are never going to get better regardless how many drugs they do.

Apples and oranges


Only reality

Being a fag is a choice

Decriminalization is stupid. It creates a culture of disrespect for the law, even moreso than prohibition.

All you have done is wasted your own time fool. The effort (((they))) go to, to keep this plant out of our hands is abhorred behaviour. This bullshit differentiation of "hemp" and "marijuanna" is horseshit, its the same fucking useful plant and saying it should only be used for one thing and not the other is just as pathetic as banning it in the first place. I am appalled at you Holla Forums. The general consensus through this thread and countless others is ridiculous. If there are any sane people here who are generally interested in learning more read "the emperor wears no clothes" by jack herer. And the rest of you can go race mix with the Nigs.

exactly the same faggot. you are arguing a leftist angle.
kill yourself degenerate scum. go back to 4chan for your MUH WEED threads

And Egyptian Pharaohs had opium in their blood stream, should we all start doing heroin.

Giant tits salope.

The same way that is to deny the holoax in Yourop.

Wow you sure proved me wrong, stating your opinion as fact for the 3rd time now

Its the fucking kikes that have been trying to keep it from us you fucking dolt. There's been a systematic worldwide effort to eradicate the plant from the face of the planet but nature (or God, however you want to put it, since Hemp is one of the 'original crops') won't allow it. In every country, they spend millions of dollars to to cut as much of the shit down as they can. For instance Japan has something like three native species of hemp that can hardly even be smoked, and the government still razes down as much of it as they can every year.
I was a straight edge burger for twenty years before I tried weed and I shudder to think at what a stale, boring, socially inept piece of shit I would be today if I hadn't. All burgers should try some weed once in a while so it can pull you out of your own ass for a little while and see what a fucking awkward burger you are and how you've been fucking up.

Opium is good for creativity occasionally….heroin is not.

Bottom line
Weed is a plant. Humans are smart enough to decide if we should be able to smoke said plant or not. We are deprived of this decision.

Anyways, i could care less what the law says ;) Hf anons

leave anytime, weedcuck
take some more psychoactive drugs. maybe that'll make your life less shit and accept your lowly life.

I think you are really failing to grasp how many people smoke and act as perfectly functional and successful people in society.

They're not going to tell you because they can tell you'd fucking narc on them.

Make being busted committing a nig-tier crime while under the influence or in possession a compounding crime.

There are plenty of low hanging fruits to put Jamal in the clink for.

I think what he is getting at is that it is strange to have such strong opinions about something you've got no personal experience with.

You fucking wut m8? It's the left that's been pushing "dude weed" all this time, and we all know whose funding the left.


At least we can all agree LSD, DMT and the such are fucking brilliant right?

Right Holla Forums????

No I do. I was talking about all "my friend did 3 pots and just hasn't been the same :(" posts

Did their laborers?

It seems that most of these arguments ITT are either based upon the notion of people blazing every day, on top of the usual REPORTEDposting spastics.
Only idiots and depressed losers get drunk every day. The average weed-using person is not going to go all Snoopy Dog retarded just because they can do it with impunity. Just like most alcohol drinkers don't get drunk daily. Especially with education on the dangers of marijuana addiction, psychological damage, schizophrenia-awakening, driving impairment and so forth, there is no danger of the average person frying their brain.

No u wut?

go away nigger.

doesn't work here.
try >>>/cuckchan/
the kikes have been pushing it.

i like your liberal talking points. >>>/reddit/

yes of course only pick the long hanging fruit. let's not get rid of all niggers.
you are right now arguing that we should not get rid of niggers and shitskins in every possible way.

No, that's just your perception. As user above stated, you underestimate how many people actually smoke because nobody would ever fucking tell you. Thanks for providing such an amazingly thorough argument though.

Are you a fag?

Industrial hemp is legal just about everywhere except America. Your "jews hate hemp" hypothesis doesn't hold water.

If you're advocating the removal of all niggers, then FUCK reasons. Get the rope and start the removal.

So all of that and your rebuttal is? I didnt say that everyone has to smoke it, and the whole blacks argument is pathetic. In the 30's they said weed is bad cause it makes niggers walk on whites shadows and makes them murderous …. Seriously you are defending Henry J Anslinger here and his inane legacy. You have no argument that I couldnt refute, you are a deplorable human and the only thing you are doing is throwing shit and hoping some of it sticks …. I think you need to go back to 4chan where you will find sollace amoungst low IQ kiddy fiddling porn addicted msm narrative loving faggs. Come back when those whispy white hairs on ya sack get some colour.

Don't answer, I already know.

ill show you the average weed using person

It isn't though lmao did you not read what I wrote?
Fuck there's a lot of prudes on here. Must be the christfags. Makes me glad you guys will never win this argument. Nobody considers staring at a fucking wall all day stone cold sober fun. Good luck getting your perfect aryan waifu you cold, boring motherfuckers :)

stop all this bullshit liberal tactics to "reason" with having god damn weed. if you want to smoke it, go right ahead.
but don't go ahead and advocate for niggers and spics, all the while pushing the jewish agenda all because you want to smoke weed

lmao kiddo im older than you. go back to >>>/reddit/ and take your ellipses with you

i want cuckchan to leave

Nice to see all the gov brainwashed "AHH weed is bad" Holla Forums folk popping out :)

Now please.. get back into the shadows your fun is over.

Same for OP. If the argument is low energy, the counterargument can be low energy too.
Mexican drug cartels create jobs too - corrupt politician, corrupt policeman, (((lawyer))), drug dealer, pimp, sicario.
Stoners aren't exactly the model taxpayers.
What part of "outweighed by" do you not understand?
You just had to pick the most liberal parts of US, huh? Oh wait, you did because dude weed lmao only appears in blue places. What a cohencidence.

And no, I'm not a degenerate, but I like beautiful women and I like being with them. Does that trigger you? Because you seem triggered as fuck over it. And I'm doing pretty well actually. Better than I would be if I never tried cannabis.

Absolutely nothing here that disproves OP's points

The way I see it let the plebs poison and destroy themselves while the two prescriptions come out on top; regardless, it'll make them even more susceptible to becoming useful idiots





You haven't posted a single piece of evidence for any of your opinions, just mass reply with shitty

Nice to see all the "dude weed lmao" reddit folk popping out.

wtf i love weed now

For the record, I want the war on drugs to end, but drugs should remain to be viewed as negative by any decent member of society and they should remain illegal.



That's retarded.
If cannabis were indeed banned for those reasons (excluding the pharmaceuticals, of course) then these companies would be using it. It would be a restricted substance that requires a license only big companies can get.

LOL knew i could trigger some of you. Hope yall have fun being miserable peasants whilst i smoke a nice cone.

>he can't red text because >>>/cuckchan/ doesn't allow it
topkek. please fry your brain. no one here is falling for your typical tricks.

>this is you

Here's the problem, you guys attach anything you don't like to reddit as if you guys worship that site so much it always must remain as one of the top items in your brains.


Wow … You truly suck at debating, why do you fail with every comment to make a point? That whole sperg shit you just replied with makes no sense, and this whole hurr durr im older than you hurrr, is beside the point. For the record Im 25, there run with that as you will. You are failing to refute any points I make, you greentext like a kike, and you still are yet to make any claims as to why it should be illegal. You are supporting a world wide ban of a plant that started in the 30's by means of deception and supporting the mass imprisonment of innocent end users. If you truly believe the plant has no usage then link your evidence. But wait … Since the 30's the DEA and the WHO have made sure NO studdies can be conducted on the benefits of the plant only the negatives, and to support the claims words like "may" and "could" have to be used … So goodluck finding any reputable sources that havent been paid off by big pharma …. Seriously you are failing here …


Kikes actually killed the entire Western industrial Hemp industry after WW2 though. It's getting back slowly now, but only because people make enough profit from non-hemp products and because there are better products now in many applications, though it's stell very valuable. Between 1940 and now, Hemp could have been one of the backbones of western economy to be honest.

Cash me ousside how bah dah

Sorry this thread is way too funny for me to argue seriously.

Let's just go over some other kike ideologies here
And you're going to try and convince me that weed doesn't fit into any of the above categories? You're going to have to supply one hell of an argument, user. By the way, do you smoke weed? Because it sounds like you're arguing for us to support your degeneracy.

How many posts now and you still won't deny you are a faggot who likes sucking cock and is disgusted by beautiful women. You lost.
MFW watching all the christfags lose their shit over a cancer-curing plant.
"but muh reefer madness! but muh govt propuhganduhs!"

Right there with you brother. Thanks for the show hahaha


Checkin my own dubs because ofc i am right again


This is the best part, young kids will stop thinking its kool.

I agree OP make it legal, you will have less problems in the long run. But aren't "What does Holla Forums think if X threads banable?

glad to know the weed made you think that. any other interesting ideas of this conspiracy that is yet to manifest itself and only those few sparks in your brain could produce just an enough of a linear story to be typed on the dirty keyboard of a weedcuck.


Wouldn't that contain THC and thus be useless for any day-to-day use on people, such as soap or food?

checked you legend

>prison–industrial complex
Spot the libcuck who wants to save a bunch of niggers and spics.
I dare you to post a .gif bigger than 3mb.
Protip - You can't.

i found your favorite comedian, kike.

Wouldn't that contain THC and thus be useless for any day-to-day use on people, such as soap or food? We can't have crane operators accidentally getting high off their lunch.

Weed should be decriminalized, not legalized.
OP is a dumbfuck pothead, if you use pot you're a degenerate end of story.
Benefit of decrim. is that you're not putting lesser offenders in jail where they're just going to learn to be better criminals, and also not enabling "big weed" (which is largely jew-owned) to come in and fuck everything up for both pothead faggots(who are getting high-THC weed with no medical benefits and making themselves more prone to psychosis) and normal folk who don't want to see it.
I'm old enough to remember weed before "medical" weed, shit was fun, not this pseudo-psychedelic high that you get with this new shit. This "quality goes up because it looks better and delivers a more intense high" is a fucking shit-tier meme, you're just frying your brain quicker.
also if you want to get high the right way just get some DMT off a certain marketplace for alpha-males and never want weed again

sage, kill yourself

>no man. they need to get high. it's just another trick for the white man jews to keep us down!
I like how their talking points are ripped straight from the opposition. Just change a few words and suddenly they think they're us.

Because it's degenerate.

Weed is legal and defacto legal in much of the United States. Why are you shitting up the catalog with your faggotry? Can't you just get high and leave us the fuck alone? Low energy bait too.

No, not all cannabis contains THC, see: cannabis ruderalis.

1. leave
2. don't come back
3. kys when you realise how worthless your stoner life has been

Everyone against cannabis here literally knows nothing about cannabis. Hemp seeds don't contain any THC and the seeds are probably the most nutritious and well balanced protein-filled plant-based food you could consume.

Kek is with us

Alright I've got some shit to get done so I'm taking off. Have fun fucking around on the computer for the rest of your day, you lazy bible thumpers.

also for fuck's sake cuckchanners, 4chan is not banning you cucks anymore for creating and posting HWNDU threads, go back and spare us the trouble of reporting, saging and hiding your shitty bait threads.

Not an argument.

Again you seem incapable of forming an argument, yet you think you're winning this discourse? Seriously do you even know how this plant became illegal in the first place? Have you even tried to read a book before or do you just do what most idiotic human beans do and read three paragraphs of an article and formulate your opinion from there? Do you know how the DEA began? Seriously make a point, give me something to work with here to attempt to convince you otherwise … All you are doing is attacking my character not my arguments. And then claiming moral superiority over all who partake in something you clearly know nothing about!

seems like your time is up, weedcuck. just smoke up. perhaps you can just give up on doing anything that kikes don't want you. be a good goy.

our general was pretty fun before cuckchan showed up, was having a great time for the first two days.

Thank you for your (and others here) fem nazi level triggering entertainment - I am satisfied for now.

1, take off your fedora, redditard. You talk like a faggot.
2, he's a shitposter. Just shitpost back or filter.

lrn2IDs, faggot.

Yeah yeah, you're the only one who knows anything and have to educate us ignorant masses. Guess what, not a fucking argument.
Holy shit, this is some serious goalpost moving. Last time I checked, stoning wasn't about eating hemp seeds, it was about smoking weed.

How about I give you this question, weedcuck.
Exactly when is the last time you have not used ellipses? This isn't r/weed, cucklet.



Stop being retarded. We were talking specifically about hemp oil from hemp seeds.


My useless stoner trash sisters smoke like an Auchswitz chimney. They don't get jobs better than fast food because they don't want to drug test. That shit smells like dead skunk. And they spend their time staring at the wall.

The "weed dundo nuffin" stigma is bullshit. It makes people okay with being dirty useless sacks.

you sound like a 17 yo edgelord

You've got this fixation with reddit that is starting to border on unhealthy. You're starting to look like the guy that goes to the park and yells at the geese.


This is fucking retarded, I was one of the biggest potheads around in highschool and came to the same conclusions "professionals" came to just by witnessing how others used it.
99% of people cannot handle cannabis and become dependent on it to some degree, it's more of an obsession than a chemical addiction though, also have seen many people get into crime because of it and turn violent.
I used it for magickal reasons, because magick is easier to perform when you're in an altered state, it should be used as a tool or catalyst and nothing else, your average street-nigger or bluepill/NPC should not have access to it.

just because i BTFO weedcucks doesn't mean i shitpost, fag.
quit acting all enlightened. clearly you sympathize with the weedcucks.
leave anytime, weedcuck.




it's easier to be psychic when you think you're psychic :^)

All your post is a desperate cry for attention. You haven't garnered much responses. Sad!


yeah keep argumenting how weed makes you lazy and unproductive and is for niggers only

This is satire, right? Worked so well in the past.

You're not wrong that degenerates use weed, but blaming a drug for people's abuse of it is like blaming guns for violence. I have a friend who became a giant stoner, it wasn't until he started drinking heavily that he really started fucking his life up. Degenerates are always going to find a way to degenerate, stop blaming individual substances.

Not everyone that disagrees with you is from Reddit.

Let me guess, you still listen to the Dead Kennedys too.

Should add, I'm almost straight edge so it's not that I'm rationalizing my drug abuse or some shit.

it should be a state's rights issue, and up to individual states to decide its legal status.
sage because shit thread
weed is only degenerate if you abuse it, like alcohol. smoking every day is just as bad as drinking every day. likewise, just as having a couple beers on friday night isn't a big issue, neither is a couple of hits off the bong. be fucking reasonable and do everything in your life in moderation. excess of anything is bad. don't drink too much, don't smoke too much, don't eat too much, don't play video games too much, etc. i used to smoke every once in a while (i don't anymore), and it didn't mean anything.

Give us a reason first on why should not you kill yourself, my dude.

but i want to ask…. why did you stop…. these favorite dots…

lmao. the meme always makes me giggle
i'd like to see you reason how that is any different than a whore.

It's not.

yup. sounds like those who want to make a difference do smoke weed. prove me wrong, weedcuck.

Because of the types of people who smoke it

Lots of niggers use guns too. Should we ban guns?

id be a weedcuck any day over being a wagecuck. go work for the man you faggot

Check the ID ya dip. I'm not the ellipsis fag.

Just f-forgive me. It was my college years! We all were wild back then!
Stop advocating for freeing niggers and (((decriminalization))). It's more disgusting than a coal burner.

way to go, bucko.

You don't really seem understand the mechanics behind drug tests or how they only weed out niggers who can't get some drug free piss. Almost no job requires a cockwatcher to watch you.

it was only a joke.


you're a teenager arent you?

Can we ban niggers?



Oh god just stop


It is entirely possible to smoke pot and have any of those jobs. The only thing easier to fake is a female orgasm.

I'm not asking for forgiveness, I'm asking for amending a law that made pot semi-legal in most states. I don't think you understand the legal subtext of "decriminalization" - by making the substance "legal" and making the sale of said substance illegal you make it easier for law enforcement to target the genuine problems of rampant sale and use.
Meaning all the "legal" pot-shops are now illegally selling something and all their medical/recreational protection disappears.
Legalese is fucking garbage, but a proper decrim. campaign like with opium poppies will enable LEA to curb both culture and use.

to be fair academia, LEA, political establishment, and scientists have largely bought into jewish kool-aid.

get the fuck off my board

Go smoke a high THC sativa strain and try to argue that it makes you lazy.

i use hemp to stuff out door furniture with at work its like $89.00 for 2 35 lb bundles and its legal in USA if you smoke it it will not get you high .

Bring on the Fourth Reich and a doobie and I will be a happy man.