Just to be clear, finding Anthropomorphic Females attractive and just that is okay, right Holla Forums?
Just to be clear, finding Anthropomorphic Females attractive and just that is okay, right Holla Forums?
I imagine most people would be lying if they said they didn't find at least one Holla Forums related anthro character somewhat attractive.
Kill yourself Holla Forums and your shitty thread.
>>>Holla Forums
post some leggy lamb
Also your consensus crack is shit. "reddit and memey" is low tier. You can't just put reddit and meme in the title of a show and expect everyone around you to start hating on it.
sage negated
Best I can figure, the slight attraction to furries and anthropomorphic characters that people sometimes get can be attributed to the eyes and the body language.
Nothing wrong with speciesmixing
Animals IRL suddenly become anthropomorphic? What effect would it have on society?
thats probably a better question for /tg/
Mass extinction because we wouldnt have enough food and computers for all.
Eddie Redmayne pls go.
As long as you don't want to be a furry yourself. Also, since they are cross species, there shouldn't be pregnancy involved.
My god. Shame the art is putrid, but that detail alone made me pretty horny.
Yes but insecure people will lie to make 2005 something awful think they're cool.
Well thread is in Auto-Sage. Fuck this shitty place and fuck the shit eating trolls who ruined the thread. This place is no different than 4chan, it is shit. Just with less traffic and as such less reason to even check it out, as if this place can afford to Auto-Sage threads given how dead it is already at the default.
I think that it isn't so bad to have an attraction to anthropomorphic characters, as long as they're of age.
They'd rather be king of the cinder.
But to be fair, they didn't know that cartoon anthros would be discussed on a cartoon board. I mean it's just such a foreign concept.
4cuck likes your dumb furry shit
Furries will still be degenerates