Is the pope the antichrist?
Pic from the pope's audience hall. It makes one wonder…
Is the pope the antichrist?
Pic from the pope's audience hall. It makes one wonder…
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I wouldn't be surprised, but time will tell. He's supposed to be the last pope, anyway.
The Swiss guard have always interested me. They look like a cross between a ninja and a soccer referee.
That's because pizzagate exposed their shit to the general public and they'll go down.
No, according to prophecy the anti-christ will be a Jew and a very popular politician.
How? They're the one western institution with age old child rape rings way beyond the volume of pizzagate.
What the shit is that postmodern crap? It's disgusting and actually horrifying. How blind are they, or are they really that obviously Satanic?
And I'm not even a Christcuck.
Jesus rising from nuclear fire.
Looks like David Icke's reptilian hall.
He never provided any proof but dayum…
Great OP!
report, hide and sage.
what the fuck is that supposed to be? its about the most demonic legion-esque thing I've seen in a while.
I'm not so sure that's really supposed to be Jesus. I think it may be a certain leader of the Heavenly Host who decided to try a hostile takeover and got his ass shit-canned for it.
there is no antiRabbi Yeshus. Kike superstition is for buisness only. They worship a cosmic being size of our Jupiter
I don't know but he's definitely creepy as fuck.
Anti-pope actually
Who's bright idea was it to let a (((jesuit))) lead our Church?
Why is this a Holla Forums thread? Take it to >>>/rel/
The vatican and pope have a lot of political power and tons of shekels when their bank doesn't get jewed.
That has been there since October 1977.
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the anti-Christ has to be loved by everyone on earth in order to be called the anti-Christ? Well judging the fact that Holla Forums isn't 100% christian and hates him I think it's safe to say the answer is no.
ITT: People who don't know the previous pope had this statue as well.
Holla Forums is probably less than 1% Christfag at this point. We are against mental illness, not with it.
who is everyone?
White people are what ….8-2% ( correct me if I;'m wrong) of the world's population. So if a bunch of the shit skins love him that's enough.
Aside from that, please don't start another christian vs non-christian shitshow, thank you.
According to the Bible there is absolutely no support for the idea that there will be a person who is 'the antichrist.'
There are, however, two beasts in Revelations, which COULD be construed as the jews and the goyim that serve them.
There is no shitshow. There is people discussing real ideas and people shilling for a mental illness (religion.)
I can absolutely say "we" with certainty that 2017 Holla Forums is still against mental illness.
oy vey.
Reported, go back to Godlike productions and post your rubbish there
anyone who thinks the antichrist isn't going to be the mudslime mahdi needs to an hero
oy vey
yes that's right its not about jews at all.
Is X an imaginary character from one of my beloved jewish fairytales?
No Kike, the anti-Chirst will be a young JEW. This is a known fact
St. Peter's is built over an ancient Pagan Goddess temple. It's directly beneath the dome (a breast). Pic related: you can see the vaginas on both side walls.
Vatican city is actually built over a Necropolis. (a large graveyard)
The whole Catholic (((church))) has been an antichrist religion from day 1
That's argentinians for you.
Hang them all.
The jews have been memeing the pope (and other leaders) as being the antichrist for centuries. This thread is somewhat suspicious.
This is what is looks like mirror imaged
>the meme magician is usually depicted as a person pointing towards the sun and the earth
No. The Antichrist is supposed to be an Israeli Jew. The only people who say otherwise are zio-christian heretics who support Israel and worship jews.
Yes because he made himself the vicar of Christ.
Kek worship is the biggest psyop on this place. If you worship kek even ironically your a sucker.
looks like a goddamn alien monster is what it looks like
wish you goddamn christ cucks would wake up and see your god is a demon
Gotta admit though, the last one was creepy looking too. Looked like fucking Palpatine. But looking into his life, seems he was a pretty decent guy, a kind of quiet intellectual and theological writer. This guy is a Jesuit. Pope = Black Pope this time around.
No, from what I remember he will have control over the entire world, people equate that to head of the NWO. So good chance he'll be a Jew, the pope is just a puppet.
So Bernie Sanders?