What should be done with the jews if one day us ethnic nationalists were to run the world, or even a country?
Gas the kikes is a funny meme, but it will not ever be possible, especially if we consider the fact that a goverment needs it support from the people - no people would ever accept going so far. The Germans abandoned National Socialism - not because they lost the war, but because they were told lies of a "holocaust". which was staged afterwards by the Allied Forces
I would otherwise be fine with putting them all in their own country, but like the past thousands of years have showed us, they always crawl back into our societies.
My personal opinion is that we should operate a genocide in a similar manner how white genocide is being operated - ban their culture and religion first, then just seperate them, put them around the world, make them get race mixed as fuck - or sterilize them, and then finally after all the suffering they have put as thru - be free of Jewry.
send them all to israel, restrict immigration and jam internet and phone signals
Levi Wilson
Delegitimize the State of Israel. Ban Jews from entering Israel. Ban Muslims from entering Israel. Allow Christian Arabs to dwell in Israel. Force Jews and Muslims to be scattered throughout the Middle East.
Juan Bell
We have to be careful about race mixing. We dont want jewry blood into any race.
We just have to kick all jews out of our countries. Now if nationalists were in control, the facts of the holohoax would come out and im pretty sure we could wage a bloody war on Israel.
Gavin Jenkins
bunch them all together on a small strip of land and periodically drop some cluster bombs on them and shoot their kids with snipers
i heard they like that
Wyatt Lopez
Kayden Perry
you are right, gassing them is too much of a hassle. We will line them up the walls and mow them down with machine gun funk. You can join them if you disagree.
then they can join them at the walls as well. You do this once in every city and suddenly the approval rates of your policy go up. Then the next step is to redpill goyim with your liberated tv stations and show them the true face of the kike. They will understand it.
very bright idea. They will just use their typical tricks from exile again and try to subvert you for eternity. They will finance femen and BLM, send them arms and ammo for civil wars and terrorism. You will never have peace until you eradicate them.
retarded strategy, takes too much time, too much room for unexpected happenings, sleazy kike strategy as well. Islam and Kikehood will be banned and the same day the cleansing will start. For the ones outside of reach we will have dedicated RWDS operatives who will hunt them down to the last one. If the chinks or anyone else gives them asylum they will be nuked.
Adam Young
The correct answer is found using container ships at the end of their life cycle.
Assume that the average jew is 18 inches wide at the shoulders, 10 inches deep front to back, and just to be generous lets say 6 feet tall.
That means that if you stack them like negroes with no concern for their comfort or safety, you could fit 300 jews in one 40' shipping container. The typical cargo container ship holds 3500 containers, so you can fit 1,050,000 jews on a ship.
Basically if you can find 14 old container ships that are at the end of their days, load them up with jews, you can just sink them in the middle of the pacific ocean and be done with the whole ordeal cheaply, quickly, and finally.
Lucas Ward
Declare the outlaws and make j-stars mandatory.
No legal protections for kikes. So people can just shoot jewish journalists, CEOs, professors, bankers, etc, at will.
Sebastian Jenkins
1. Send all jews to their own country 2. Do not permit their country to have borders 3. Do not permit their country to control it's own economy or media 4. Let them undergo genocide through all the methods they have tried to kill whites with
Essentially, force them to choke to death on their own poison. It is what they deserve.
Michael Baker
That's a complicated question with no easy answers.
Ethan Price
One of the reading recommendations I got from a Holla Forums literature thread was The Mote In God's Eye. The ending details the perfect way to deal with the entire middle east. Quarantine their area until they learn to behave or kill themselves, and, in the meantime, post guards to shoot the fuck out of any monsters who try to leave. Not just Israel with it's raw cunning and evil plans, but ALL of those swarthy barbaric fucks.
Aiden Jackson
Just send them to Israel and let them be the "light of nations", dont let them out though.
Ian Williams
First we take all of their shekkels and assets starting with the rothchilds/top down effect.Second we give dna tests to anyone in gov and finance to make sure none of those filthy bastards that have race mixed into the master race (Jewvankas jewturds) slip through the cracks.Third completely glass israel and all their settlements.Lastly sterilize all the remaining kikes abroad and anyone with kike blood and turn all their men into eunuchs then send them into unpaid hard labor for whites and as for the females since they can't have children FUCK EM TILL THEIR DEAD!!
Mason Moore
Muh PR and the mythic normie is a bad meme. They'll follow strong leaders to kill that terrorist Israeli state that won't stop bombing Palestine.
Blake Moore
top kek
seriously though, I've thought about this a lot. I don't think literally holocausting them is the answer. Even if they deserve it, I don't like the idea of letting them be right no matter what.
Instead, send them back to their stupid desert and remove all support, including disarming them of any advanced weapons or technology. Let the rabid muslim hordes (whatever's left) descend on them and tear them apart until they're no different than their shitskinned semitic brethren.
Lincoln Murphy
It's not a meme. We must exterminate every single jew that exists for the future of humanity. Propaganda campaigns will make it possible. If we have been lead to think so, others can too.
Anthony Perry
Isaac Davis
What about not spreading jewish genes but ending their lines? There is only one solution.
Luke Campbell
It sound good
James Gomez
Fuck off, they need to be purged
Nolan Collins
Nicholas Parker
Indeed. They must not be allowed to pass on their genes at all. Erase them completely.
Anthony Perez
Gas the kikes, when will you TRS fucks ever learn, every European country kicked the jews out at some stage and they just came back later and now push for your genocide.
Luis Walker
Kill them all. No more Jewish gene shall remain in the universe.
Ayden Phillips
death squads put bullets in them
Benjamin Morales
We just advertise the fuck out of how great Isreal is. All the Jews ever wanted was a place to call home so they could stop wandering from land to land.
Well they finally fucking did it. They have Isreal now. Return home to glorious Israel for the glory of your people.
Easton Richardson
Send them to Israel.
Josiah Kelly
no need to complicate things
Angel Cox
Nolan Williams
Do you not understand they do this willingly and for nefarious reasons?
Angel Mitchell
Deport them to Madagascar like what was originally planned.
Joshua Davis
Kill them all, you worthless fucking faggot.
Jonathan White
How about just sterilize them, take their material possessions in our custody, and put them in their own land, from where they will never be prohibited to leave from - where they can wait for extinction. This could be considered much more humane, and therefor could not be used as a weapon against us in a similar manner holohoax is used as a weapon against us.
Jack Peterson
Jayden Ross
Fuck off FBI
Brayden Sanders
Do you seriously need to ask?
Camden Ward
Reported. Kill yourself.
Ayden Sanders
I meant to say "will be prohibited"
Eli Cruz
70 years of torture is not "humane" neither is the disgusting world kikes have created.
Josiah Sanchez
VX Gas major jewish population centers. Nuke Tel Aviv.
Carter Walker
What is not humane in not letting them live there peacefully and die naturally? They would still have food, respective burials, good accomidation, a possibility express their religion, be with their families - they would have all of human basic needs, except the capability to create offspring or be in contact with the outside world.
Jack Rivera
It's quite simple, really: let anti-Semitism rise in the West (courtesy of Islam), which lead to more and more emigrating to Israel.
Concurrently, we cut off the foreign funding without that small strip of desert cannot sustain its bloated military.
Once they're largely concentrated there, our efforts can concentrare on bringing the JQ into the public mind so (1) the Israelis won't be tempted to flood into our countries again and (2) the influence of the remaining, cosmopolitan Jews will be lessened and they'll be ostracized.
Once they're dethroned and/or contained in their promised land, we can finally focus on de-arming them and let their Muslim neighbors do the rest.
The sterilization is key in case for whatever reason you fail that filthy race is extincted no matter what. (((They))) already employed this on Europeans hence the low birth rates & the faggots everywhere except they also added in invasion by non-whites, alienation from each other and degenerate leftist/guilt propaganda into the mix…. we could always return the favor in full.
Carter Fisher
Nice try david
Benjamin Lewis
You don't get it. It's inhumane torture for whites to know those parasites managed to keep their possessions and are still alive in their own world for the rest of their lives after doing everything they did.
Joshua Moore
They'll self deport like is going on in France.
Alexander Long
Blow your fucking brains out, idiot. We're killing them all..
Chase Lopez
Many people here have very strong opinions on the Semites, user.
It's understandable once one becomes aware of the malign influence the Jews have exerted throughout the centuries, but we also have to be aware that there's no political will do Holocauster them or to nuke Israel. After all: during WWI, the calls to try and hang the German Kaiser had reached a fever pitch (encouraged by the British government), yet once it was done, nobody gave a flying fuck anymore. Certainly, a world without Jews and Muslims would be a better one, but there will be no political will to hunt them all down once they're expelled more or less voluntarily.
Jordan Stewart
If we were in control it very much would be doable. How do you think people would react to learning they'd been fooled by the greatest lie ever told for the past 70+ years and it was all to work towards their extinction. How did you react?
Zachary Edwards
be serious for a few seconds kiddo, you want to keep winning don't you?
Carter Robinson
All this talk about humane this not proving them right that is exactly the fucking problem.The inner altruism of the Master Race should only be reserved FOR the Master Race only period.Don't dare let those GD POS trick you into feeling sorry for them EVER!!You look at what those cowards are trying to do to us and then ask yourself if they or any other sub human non white would treat you humane ?It should be pretty obvious by now they won't and are incapable of it because they aren't human.
Christian Peterson
Yes it will.
No it doesn't.
Charles Bennett
Well the problem really is that most of the jews are "just regular people", sure, they still are jews, but they do not play any kind of role in the white genocide, media brainwashing, rap music promotion - any of that.
Sure, we have to get rid of those jews also, because they are jews - they can produce zionist offspring or they can get their jewish pride up and running for theirselves. Most people aka normies, which are the majority will always believe that only inviduals should be punished for their crimes. That is the big problem why I do not believe that in modern world would a genocide by means of execution be allowed for such a big group of people that has lots of "innocent" ones in it also.
Genocide by "humane means" would be accepted by the public and it could not be used as a weapon against us.
Blake Collins
This is 100% false. They are all complicit. Go back to cuckchan.
James Richardson
Jonathan Morales
Wrong, normalfags will always believe what the dominant culture tells them to believe. 100 years ago tons of normalfags thought niggers should be in a zoo. Now they think niggers should be given extra rights and whites should be collectively punished for being too successful in the past. Normalfags are basically NPCs.
Cameron Peterson
You deserve a (you) for the reference. Good fucken book
Jacob Hill
This and that
William Butler
Serb here, zero fucks were given when we heard entire muslim villages were wiped out, when our irregulars encircled and besieged Sarajevo, we all knew full well what was going on over there, and there were zero fucks given, most of the population cheered. You are thinking under a soft cunt fallacy: you are presuming everyone is a soft cunt.
Step 1) Take over hollywood/celebrities/mass media. Deprogram the population. Step 2) Have an actual war. I am talking eastern Europe tier war, not your faggot wars. For example in ww1 ==OUR ENTIRE MALE POPULATION FOUGHT== and ==EVERY FOURTH MALE DIED== In your societies, hell even in your armies, only 2% or even less of you sees actual combat, and yet over half of you get meme diseases like ptsd. Your societies are too sheltered, you are all too delusional. Hence why faggotry and feminism and leftism has taken over. You are all soft cunts. Meanwhile eastern Europeans accept charging machine gunners with bricks and broken chairs, as we did in world wars, a fact of life and a fact of war.
Basically make a mandatory one month forest survival in all elementary schools. Remind people how the world works. Reminder that you have to kill to get the meat. Reminder that fat is not beautiful, cos you cant hunt shit. Remind them college girls of both sexes that only half of them can carry heavy stuff.
Jose Perez
go back to fapping to a serbian film, fag. it's not killing which should be glorified, but protecting your people. Being proud of 1/4th of your male population dying horribly is idiotic and shows a lack of respect for your fellow man. what you see as delusional is a hope for what man can actually become, and not blankly accepting the hideousness of our base nature.
Henry Martinez
Damn, the number is the same as the holocaust meme. Were the kikes memeing their fate?
Nathan Nelson
user… You need help to do this. Where do I sign up?
Elijah Collins
Julian Edwards
Why…. why does he have a tiger cub ?
Jayden Ward
Henry Jenkins
Sage and Report and secondly after everything the Jews have done yes the people would.
Kevin Foster
I'll agree with you to the extent that gassing kikes is horribly inefficient. Bullets will be quick and cost-effective.
I disagree that the people would not support genocide of jews, especially considering how politically apathetic 99% of the normalfags are. No one either has heard of or gives a shit about Holodomor, Armenian Genocide, etc because it's never talked about yet people have "muh Holocaust" drilled into their heads in every history class every year of their lives. People are remarkably comfortable justifying the Dresden bombing or Hiroshima/Nagasaki nukings because there's no stigma regarding these massacres – when we write the history books and control the media, we'll simply present the new jew genocide as something to take pride in.
Jeremiah Lopez
Quick death and a mass grave somewhere deep.
Nothing gruesome or sadistic.
Adrian Gonzalez
OP, everyone knows we won't actually gas the kikes. It's incredibly inefficient. That's simply not how genocide works. You just throw them in a ditch, fill in ditch with garbage, cover ditch with rocks, sand, then straw, lil topsoil, and sod. We want to leave a nice place for our descendents.
Aiden Jones
John Reyes
Apologies for the strange greentexting. I didn't mean to do that.
Jackson Taylor
Bentley Johnson
Robert Davis
send them to Israel, cut aid. They will either survive for some time until the arabs chimp out and genocide them, or somehow manage to jew all the middle east and genocide the arabs
Ayden Thomas
Do as Arkan did and fucking shoot them. Shit thread tbh.
Angel Young
Deport them all to Israel. Then deport the "refugees" in Europe to Israel, and encourage them to rape every last Jewish cunt fifty times each. They will be rapidly bred out, the same fate they intended for Europeans.
Besides that suggestion, I don't think the practical equivalent of "gassing" them is that unrealistic, considering they are the most hated ethnic group in the world and there's only 15 million or so. The vast majority of which are either in Israel already or in the USA, where the population is extremely well-armed and would be extremely resentful if they understood what the Jews have done to the nation. 9/11 redpill alone would probably be sufficient.
Lucas Moore
All I am saying is, you western kekolds were too removed and too sheltered from the nature, and this is why you are all delusional today. And the more sheltered you are, the more schizo your society becomes. Face it, western societies are all extreme hedonistic degeneracy dens. When was the last time any of you had a war on your own soil? When was the last time reality reminded you that you have no human rights, that if you cant swim you sink, that killing is a prerequisite for survival, that life forms contantly compete for resources? Nope, you all fall to your welfare nets, while welfare here is science fiction. This is why cowardice and weakness and faggotry is allowed over there. This is why you put your women in the army. This is why you have leftists. This is why you have shitskin mayors and presidents and generals. This is why you have miscegenation. Political correctness. This is why you have 'fat is beautiful' movements over there, no one is required to run. Basically everything bad that is going on over there can be blamed on all of you having your bacon, but never having to kill any pigs for it.
You lost your manhood because you didnt need it for so long. And now that your survival is challenged, as it always is from time to time because nothing in life is granted, you might actually wipe yourselves out of existence.
Brody Clark
"Hey guys, the cockroaches in the pantry are leaking into the rest of the house. It's okay, we'll just give them their own cabinet. So what if they're leaking into the rest of the home, that's just diversity!"
Josiah Gutierrez
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. There's a good reason we are trying to meme fascism into the political mainstream. It's a necessity, even if only long enough to remove merchant and friends. If you really want the people's support then good, truthful propaganda and education can go a long way. This requires a fascist government though, there's no way around it.
kek, never change
Jack Jackson
I think hes proud at the fact that his people actually stood up and paid a price for doing so than lying down and letting everyone pay said price.
Didn't /k/ come up with that, some of the stuff in that thread was borderline insane.
Wyatt Powell
Checked. It's the only way to be sure.
Chase Gonzalez
Link to thread archive? The only thing insane is thinking the Jews deserve to exist in any capacity. That's just kicking the problem down the road so our grandchildren get to deal with them.
Isaiah Morales
I might tolerate one going so far as to suggest it's likely that some jews do not fully comprehend the ramifications of the their actions, but they are still guilty of jewry regardless. They all help promote and contribute towards global jewry and white genocide directly and indirectly in one way or another. The same goes for leftists in general and most shit skins living in white countries their ancestors contributed nothing to.
Thomas Bell
Simple. Move all kikes to israel. Nuke all of israel.
Seems like most of you anons dont understand this basic common fact that your society wasnt conquered by some foreign military might, but instead it was pozzed and subverted from within. The way I see it as an outsider and impartial observer is, you have no realistic morals anymore. The jews are no threat. The shitskins or muslims or leftists are all also not a threat. None of them have any physical, martial, militaristic power over you. The real tragedy are your own morals.
Feminism? They will see they cant build equal shelters or hunt, and will beg to go back to picking berries. Equality? They will see that nature oppresses everyone equally. Complaining? They will see that nature doesnt give a shit. Muh human rights and free shit and welfare? They will see a bear mauling trough all of such imaginary concepts.
Brayden Jones
genocide is the only answer. otherwise it's just like splashing water in a puddle. whenever you take your hand away the water rushes right back in and fills the spot. how long did it take the jews to gain back control of germany when once hitler was removed? the only way to win is to remove the water
Andrew Myers
Get rid of them, then remove traces of them and perhaps the Semites from your nation's history and culture. For example, many names we have today throughout Europe are Jewish or Semitic in origin, like David, Joshua, Hanna, Aaron, Abigail, Adam, Eva, Delilah, Dan/Daniel, Caleb, Joseph, Mary, John, Ben/Benjamin, Noah, Elizabeth, the list goes on. The line can't just be drawn at Jews though, as other Semites might have some influence as well, especially as you reach further back into history when there were more than Arabs, Jews, and the small pockets of Assyrians, Armenians, etc.
Kevin Jenkins
We make them into lampshades and make the lamp business great again. Pretty simple OP, lurk moar.
Hudson Bell
Hate to break it to you, but the Wehrmacht was full of savages too. The Yids might have hugely exaggerated their victimisation, but rape and mass murder were daily occurrences. War turns men evil and it's foolish to maintain hoity-toity ideals in the face of slaughter. In fact, those who give themselves over to barbarism are generally far more effective than those who struggle against their nature (only only has to take care not to get caught).
Our violent nature is perfectly fine, as long as that violence is directed against outsiders and not against one's ingroup. If you want to see a society which has forsaken violence in its quest to become "better", look at Sweden.
Gavin Lopez
This is the sort of innovative, out-of-the-box thinking that we need to solve the challenges of today.
Isaac Sullivan
yeah it's just a joke bro. Keep telling yourself that Moishe
Josiah Cox
Sterilize and deport, or alternatively gas:^)
Jackson Bailey
im really not into cuckold porn, so no thx
Oliver Baker
But it literally was possible, in Germany. Obvious fucking TRS faggot thread
Austin Parker
Send them to a different country than Israel, they want to be in Israel, take em to Pakistan or Iraq some bumfuck Muslim country.
Blake King
Well it is clear they all have to die and be completely erased along with their religion which I haven't seen brought up yet.You could brainwash Aryans into believing the talmudic bullshit for themselves and they will act just like the (((rats))) in time.Their entire existence, blood and religion is a fucking cancer.Not all jews are the half breed asian/mud mix not to mention their infiltration of the master race and still need to die.Kikes are a symptom of the real problem which is All non whites have to go period,seems only the jew has been able to infiltrate and pretend to be white when it suits them and inwardly hate the fact they can never be the Master Race on this planet no matter what their stupid desert scrolls tell them no matter how much shekels they make as just looking at a Aryan standing next to their disgusting unattractive frames reinforces how inferior they are.
Isaiah Cox
was zum fuck fuck are you sprechen about?
that's the plan, numbnut. they wanted it, they will get it. lampshades for grandma, bitch