US Debt to break 20 Trillion
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Like fucking clockwork
CNN headlines tomorrow:
Sometimes it's best to declare bankruptcy and start from scratch. Just out of interest what would happen if Trump did such a thing? Would everybody die?
It would be extremely painful.
For Jews
Dollar loses reserve status, US enters prolonged economic depression, decent chance of civil conflict happening sooner than the expected 2020s
So you could say the federal reserve system is completely untenable and won't survive this year.
And remember, you need to take debt to invest and stuff! Most preferably, in defending Israel, 14 more billions on wars!.
Never before in history did multiple nations posses the ability to make every place on earth uninhabitable.
That's the biggest flaw of capital building capital. Once you get capital its easy to build much more capital from it. Loans are a form of capital, interest rates on loans function to build capital from the capital of the loan.
The current financial system is flawed because it rewards people for having currency rather than working for currency.
They've always mattered. The only matter was if the jew media would report on it.
get a clue retard
Karl Marx pls go to bed. You're drunk.
this tbh, it doesn't matter if it's dem or rep, it's a huge issue
T. Trump
End of the story
Brought to you proudly by: (((CNN)))
I'm not sure about willingly, they put their people in economy/gov/media to promote living like that. Manipulation/corruption is not "willingly".
I was talking on the personal level since you brought up "it takes money to make money".
At a national level, I agree that we shouldn't mortgage out our children's future so we can have more gimmes now.
This might be a stupid question but can't we just default, telling China and everybody else to just fuck off?
Its blamed on king nigger instead of trump
Most debt is owed to US citizens
Defaulting means we lose reserve currency status
This means US will end up losing their empire
The people who run the US won't allow this
Oh my, how unfortunate. But don't you worry! A small loan of 6 quadrillion dollars (very low interest!) will solve all your problems…
Strong military beats a gold hoarding military game.
They have the shekels, we have the manpower.
See above, the best method is to get the shekels back through force now.
We need to switch tactics into full military mode to either secure capital or eliminate the threat.
The military needs to act NOW otherwise we'll find ourselves falling behind in this game the jews want us to play.
Also don't forget the middle east and china.
T-bills would drop precipitously, making a large number of institutions holding them, technically insolvent, going the financial route of Detroit and Lehmann Brothers.
The problem is, USA runs a deficit, which means they need to borrow money. Telling your creditors to fuck off is not good for you creditworthiness.
Strategic analyses suggest the window is closing in which USA would be able to defeat China, due to China's growing industrial capacity and USA's lack of same.
Triffin's Dilemma
The US government needs to constantly increase the budget deficit in order to keep supplying the world with more Dollars to retain it's reserve currency status. It also has to run ever-increasing trade deficits to get those Dollars out of the United States. Debt is growing much faster than productivity so ultimately the debt will not be considered valuable. At which point some kind of gold backing may be enacted to retain it's value. But if foreigners can exchange their Dollars for Gold it won't be long until Fort Knox dries up. Therefore when the confidence is lost in the dollar it will not return until the debt is gone, gold backing would just deplete US reserves in addition to removing it's reserve currency status.
This is a systemic problem which can only be solved by fighting a major war which destroys productive industries in foreign countries and increases their debt, making your books look good by comparison (WW2). The US has orchestrated another solution, the replacement of the USD with the SDR issued by the US established IMF. This new currency is composed of a 30+% USD component and the US has the only veto at the IMF making this a more graceful and less destructive decline for the US and world.
In my opinion Trump should crash the economy as soon as possible and blame Obongo (every president does this). Then he should simultaneously raise tariffs on foreign imports, ally with Russia (one of the biggest oil producers and only potential military rival) and destroy the middle east's oil production by instigating war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This will destroy the Chinese economy and make them dependent on North American/Russian oil. If China attempts to engage in the Middle East conflict this gives perfect rational to bomb Chinese industry and invade North Korea, the result will be lower Chinese productivity, increased debt and improved geostrategic control for the US while also retaining world reserve currency status.
Honestly I hope they devalue the dollar to shit paying off the debt with monopoly money and we all switch to cripto currencies. Fuck the kikes.
That was the single most Jewish thing I have have ever read. Fuck the world into total shit just so you can keep on jewing.
theyll keep up the meme that our economy is fine until people cant survive without living 5 to a single bedroom apartment, then people may realize shit isnt ok. then confidence in the market is shattered and hyperinflation occurs.
Bump for the Stock market PUMP
I don't know why people keep pushing this
Russia won't ally themselves with a dying Imperial power, especially a power that they've been in conflict with for the last 72 years straight
Russia will ally with the US for it's own self interest.
the message means well but it's just so cancerous
Bombing Germany in two world wars instigated by Britain has not lowered German productivity relative to that of Britain. Only unlimited immigration, after a destructive war, of counterproductives can effect that, in the China case of Indochinese and that universal wrecker, Muslims, eg. Indonesians, since by that time, China will 'need labor'.
Why not have a global debt jubilee?
Britain and USA will alienate Germany in their attempts to break up the EU. As a consequence, the rump EU will seek economic cooperation with Russia, allaying Russian demographic fears.
London hopes for a third Punic war to finally wipe out Germany, delusionally believing their mongrel population to have the same patriotic fervor as the British one in WW2. USA will make a similar mistake. As evidence I point to their panicked response to the rise of 'right-wing movements' among the populations being replaced.
because then the goyim might realize we were lied to and kikes bled us dry for decades
solid shitposting, lads
That scenario rests on the assumption that Russia will accept US promises not to screw them in the ass once China is defeated. Russia knows what US promises of non-aggression are worth.
Pensioners would die. Pension fund have invested in t-bills.
1. Confiscate the reserve bank by force
2. The US owes itself 20 trillion dollars
3. ????
IIRC Germany was in a similar situation at some point after WWI, and there was some really famous guy who fixed it but I can't remember his name or what he did.
The hyperinflation in Germany in the early 1920's was caused by France seizing by force and by occupation of the Rhineland the goods due to them by the Versailles treaty, after Germany had evaded delivery several times. The resulting scarcity in Germany drove up prices.
No thats not what I'm thinking of. Damn, I wish I could remember. I think the guys name was like Alfred or something.
That's a positive, not a negative. We are quickly running out of men on the right side of 50. Wanting to wait another ~10 years is suicide.
Good quote here:
'The government and the banks had two unacceptable alternatives. If they stopped inflation, there would be immediate bankruptcies, unemployment, strikes, hunger, violence, collapse of civil order, insurrection and possibly even revolution.[35] If they continued the inflation, they would default on their foreign debt.'
Why? Does food instantaneously evaporate the moment bankruptcy is declared?
It's in Russia's self interest to calm things down with the US. It's not in their self-interest to attach themselves at the hip to a deeply indebted niggerized hellhole coming off a string of military failures that is seeing it evicted in near-totality from the Middle East.
won't let me embed
Pensions would disappear as pension funds would go bankrupt. Without money to buy food, pensioners would starve and die.
Pepper. Your. Angus.
Pensions would disappear as pension funds would go bankrupt. Without money to buy food, pensioners would starve and die.>>8949732
What does that mean? What country is that hellhole it is not interested in locking up with? USA?
It's more general: Russia knows once USA splits Russia from China, it's doomed, it will be next. They won't make that mistake, ie. Putin won't. (((Oligarchs))) will, the questions is if Russians will let them.
So Democrats are going to be full on muh debt tho, now, right?
What if Trump announced he was creating a new currency and eliminating the huge debt "owed" to thieving Jewish bankers, like Hitler did? What would (((they))) do?
I agree entirely, it's already going to be bloody enough and the longer we wait the harder it'll be
This, and almost a century of bad relations doesn't disappear with a single government switch either, especially not while most of the US government does want Russia to be balkanized
Already explained in thread, US loses status as reserve currency holder and the country probably crashes into major depression and probably a civil war
Probably not, what the politicians complain about is the deficit, they avoid talking about the debt as much as they can since it's a huge time bomb and "debt doesn't matter goyim, ignore it!"
(((They))) would do what they did to Hitler.
Wheres the problem? Other than theyre jews
Normal people find unprovoked attacks on others repugnant. Some people such as you don't get that and find only attacks on themselves repugnant. Instead they interpret that repugnance as bias against them.
So food can't be distributed unless there is ones and zeroes on a debit card? Are we planting greenbacks in the earth now? Seize food and distribute it if the currency collapses. People have had hunting, farming, and raising livestock long before we had money.
Why can't we bankrupt the DNC with the wall?
Would you rather make the DNC go into bankruptcy,or would you rather make Mexico pay for the wall?