New cartoon Disenchantment by Matt Groening picked up by Netflix

New cartoon Disenchantment by Matt Groening picked up by Netflix.

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Sounds like Futurama mixed with Shrek.. but bad.

Can this guy do anything besides genre takeoffs?

Did Matt come up with those names on the fly as he was making the pitch?

Oh good, another un-feminine, strong independent womyn who don't need no man.
It'll be Jessica Jones in a princess' dress.

The only animated sitcom worth a fuck is Rick and Morty

The only good thing about rick and morty was season one.

What's with this surge of a return to fantasy settings in media?

Hi reddit

Trying to cash in on Game of Thrones

So she fucks the demon while the elf beta-orbits her?

Fantasy and the medieval setting was full of brave strong white men doing brave strong white things and women mostly were white women doing womens things. These stories could inspire the youth to be good, upstanding, traditional people.
So of course, the (((entertainment industries))) have to pozz the fuck out of it.

Of course. Can't let something that's not broken just do it's job. No you have to now break it violently with a hammer them scotch tape it back together with glue and glitter then spray paint it with hippie bullshit. Then say it's better than before. If you disagree, you're a racist homophobe who hates women.

Holy shit why do they do this? I thought it would be that they release a pilot to test audiences but just ordering an entire season off the bat? That shit didn't work for the Cleveland Show and FOX was stuck with that for like 4 seasons worth.

I get that it's Groening but jesus christ unless he's got a stellar cast of writers then I'm not too optimistic.

Only Amazon does that

Will he too be infected by the grinning potato disease?



Can't be worse than that Futurama mobile game

Well that's how he came up with the Simpsons.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

How bad is the art going to be?

The hack practically invented them for fuck's sake.

It'll have the same Koren sweatshop as his other shows

Better then what's currently popular.

Frig off
You just dislike popular things
Your facade of standards or taste is amusing.

I'm sorry – are you claiming that current year Simpsons is good?

I hope we can get nice qt mythological creatures we wont

user was clearly so upset that someone insulted his favorite show, rick and memey, that he couldn't even reply properly.

Delicious summer snacks all around.

Inbetween Shrek, Adventure Time, and those episodes of Futurama, I think it's kind of been done. Is there nothing else he could come up with? I think I'd rather see a show about his rabbit characters.

He came up with The Simpsons because he didn't want to sell the rights to Life in Hell

Oh boy, I can't wait for more overbites.

Oh boy, I can't wait for the episode where the independant woman character does a tough, non woman thing in spite of her woman-ness to shut up those terrible, evil men!!

Matt greoning is a name and netflix just throws money at thing.

See video, hopefully mat isn't complete trash these days.

Looks like cartoons have finally died.

That's what FOX thought when they greenlit Futurama

And more signatures!

I'm not holding my breath. That was years ago.

Matt is barely involved with these shows anyway

Oh wow, another deconstruction of medieval fantasy settings.

I only watch this if Princess Bean is just Barney in drag

We'll see.

Now keep in mind that Netflix is owned by Soros and has produced shit such as

Hulk Hogan's court case against Gawker Media sheds light on wealthy, powerful figures who challenge freedom of the press in order to silence critics.

Among may other forms of pozz.

Things work a bit differently now, plus he's much richer. If he wanted to do a Life in Hell animated series and still keep the rights to the characters and comic strip, he probably could.

What an appropiate title.

Again with the Soros meme, who cares as long as Netflix produces good content?

Let me explain it in terms more familiar to you, my big-nosed friend. Imagine if your favorite gefilte fish place was run by Hitler and all proceedings went to sponsor the Waffen SS. Would you care about that, as long as they bake quite a good matzo?

Funding the Jew in any way should be a punishable offence.
And Netflix doesn't produce good content.

Summerboy is just trying too hard to fit in.

Take a hike, Mike.

It's gonna be Your Highness, only animated, isn't it?

Where would they show it though?

Hopefully is better than whats currently airing.

Fat chance one in maybe 10 shows

Well the Simpsons certainly are.