Why doesn't Holla Forums like individualism?
Why doesn't Holla Forums like individualism?
why does pol post the same bait over and over?
False dichotomy tbh pls no bumping thanks
Individualism is for faggots tbh
Because it's largely a lie andxa smokescreen?
The unit of humanity has always been the tribe, not the individual. The individual cannot exist without the tribe, and is defined by tribal affiliations. To claim otherwise is to ignore human nature.
Because the individual is an oppressive myth, it's an ideological creation spontaneously arising from the current state of being. It's the same as asking under feudalism: why doesn't leftypol like honor?
What is the "individual" outside capitalist relations? What is an "honorful knight" outside feudalistic relations?
You mean the social, right?
We do. Why doesn't rand?
It's funny because Rand fit perfectly in her own twisted conceptualization of what "collectivism" is.
We do. Individual liberty cannot be found in some bullshit "non aggression principle", it can only be made real by giving people the freedom to do as they wish without unnecessary pressure of survival.
Capitalism is not individualist, you follow the herd or starve to death.
There are some things Holla Forums gets correct
"Civilization" only means that human society is no longer driven by nature. Self-sacrifice is not a necessity, is the hopes of a narcissistic man that wants to be immortalized.
We don't. Leftypol is a communist board. Kys, you illiterate teen.
Capitalism is individualism proper. Denying this is ridiculous, it's like denying the basic mechanisms of capitalist ideology.
Communists aren't and were never individualists. If you define yourself as an individualist, you can not be a communist.
We don't, and we never did. Communism was always against individualism, because it understands it as a kind of idealism or humanism.
Here's a question to you: what is the "individual" outside of the social?
Do you even know what individualism is?
Obviously he has no idea.
No it's a leftist board.
Rockwell ironically sounding a bit Freudian here. (= Jooish!!!1!11)
I am talking about individualism in the contemporary, mainstream political sense that lolberts like to use.
so corporations are people (with human rights) and humans are cattle (without animal rights)?
that does not at all sound like what you said in
because it's just an autistic form of egoism
Because it relies on a Kantian notion of freedom, that in itself is oppressive and more dangerous than any direct constraint, because of the illusion it creates.
I wont even bother.
A true individualist cares about the collective, because he know it's in his best interest
I am using their bullshit talk against them, not verifying their nonsensical views.
A true individualist cares about the collective recognition of the individual's respect for the collective true individual.
Cf. “The Soul of Man Under Socialism” by Oscar Wilde
A collective is a group of individuals fam. If you want to balance the rights of individuals against each other with the goal of maximizing the freedom of each individual, then you have to find a way to create the greatest freedom for the greatest number. Suddenly your pursuit of individual freedom leads you to seek out the freedom of the collective. There's a reason why classical liberals came up with utilitarianism in their attempt to enshrine individual freedoms.
Shitty samefag.
I want /r/socialism to leave.
What sort of individualism?
I consider myself a rabid individualist, but I don't act like individualism actually contrasts to collectivism. Humans are historical creatures, we are influenced by the social structure surrounding us. Authoritarianism is bad, not collectivism.
I also reject methodological individualism, just like holism, because it's economically and philosophically inaccurate. We are brought into a social structure, we have an extent of our own individuality, and then we are affected by our environment.
Ayn Rand isn't an individualist, she is an egoist. And a pretty horrible one at that, Stirner will testify.
No one can be a 'true individual' when the economic pressures upon them are continually (and completely outside their own control) determining the majority of their focus, their production, and their entire life. Only in a true communist state of society would people be truly free. If you have to slave for being merely allowed to exist, and engage, in the community around you - for the benefit of no one but the top capitalist elite, and for no purpose other than sustaining their control over your entire path of life, how the fuck are you 'free'?
Consumer capitalism doesn't bring individiualism, it brings conformity. The conformity to one very small elite's individualist tendencies. The only ones who are allowed to 'be individuals', in capitalism, are the capitalist elite. Everyone else is their servant, in a game which they control.
this guy gets it