McCarthy literally saw commies eveywhere.
Why did he hate communists so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
He was pretty spooked.
McCarthy was a pig
Why do you hate evidence so much?
It's funny that the Venona transcripts pretty much proved him right about widespread Communist infiltration of FDR's government
Yeah, we're gonna need a [citation] on that, given how hard FDR slobbered over "Uncle Joe's" cock and his genuine belief in a "Popular Front" with the USSR
Read "The Devil's Chessboard" you fucking faggot.
FDR literally tried his hardest to save capitalism in the US
FDR imposed a moratorium on bank withdrawals. It was the 1930s version of Too Big to Fail.
Because as a young man he was cucked by a commie. It's sort of like how that guy who gets friendzoned by a coalburner turns into a Holla Forumscuck
Do you seriously not know the answer to this question?
this is the only meme answer
I have that book and I can't find anything about FDR's intended "purge" of Communist agents and sympathisers in his cabinet/government
And given his political leanings I find it difficult to believe that he intended that - it'd be like Dubya saying he was going to purge Rumsfeld, Cheney and the other neo-cons
You pinkos are fucking retarded if you can't recognize your own playbook.
What does bank withdrawals have to do with agitating, educating, organizing or revolution?
He didn't hate gommunism so much as he loved the power and influence he got from his crusade. His first speech about communist infiltrators was delivered to a small women's Republican group. It unexpectedly caught fire and led him to begin his crusade, which made him one of the most untouchable men in the Senate.
He was in the right place at the right time to get a massive signal boost from Porky, until he pushed things too far like the sloppy drunk he was and alienated the public.
In a way he was kind of like Zoe Quinn. An incompetent huckster promoted by the capitalist establishment to lead a witch hunt, then abandoned once his fuck-ups became too much to defend.
Alright pigfuck, tell us, how exactly does halting withdrawals help the communist cause?
Why would we care about bank withdrawls? Contrary to what you probably believe, communists are not just driven by an impulsive need to make others miserable.
Literally the only reason McCarthy ranted about gommies was so he could character assassinate or even imprison anyone in the way of his career. Did the same to gays, actually. While it is true that the Soviets did have spies in the US, this is practically unrelated to his career.
Yeah my Texas history book also said they found noah arks and it proves the floods happened 3000 years ago.
Because he was Irish.
Pretty much the only people that deny the veracity of the Venona transcripts are historians that (surprise, surprise) are avowed Communists themselves - and even then they don't actually bother refuting the evidence, so much as they muddy the waters with weasel-word shit like "Some historians disagree with the Venona transcripts"
Mc Carthy was right about everyone who he accused. We NEED McCarthyism to root out jews and deeply triggering and problematics and commies from White countries. McCarthy did nothing wrong
G A S T H E K I K E S R A C E W A R N O W !
A N T I W H I T E S*
Let's say he was right. There were spies of the Soviet Union in the US. The US was shaping up to be the ruling empire of the world, after WW2, and enforcing their capitalist rule and lord of any and all markets all over the planet.
First of all, it would make perfect sense for those that were to be the new enemy, to want spies in the empire. Secondly, when you stop looking at this like some kinda-sorta "game" between 'two groups', and "one is just good and the other is just bad", and start dealing with communism and socialists on the economic level; who do you think would be on "Your side"?
What is this communism that you think of? Some weird group of people who exists somewhere, somehow, plotting to… to what? Insert themselves as capitalist overlords, as monarchs?
What on earth do you think communism is? Who do you think the proletariat, are? Another segment of the elite?
You're fighting a shadow made by the capitalist elite, trying to hide the reality.
I don't even understand the issue you're trying to bring up, here. What does spies of Soviet, and relations during times of war and geopolitical conflict, have to do with - or argue against in any way - communism?
And what does it have to do with the witchhunt that was made, during those years, used solely to whip the populace into adherence to rigid capitalist "greed is good" dogma, and "free market fixes all"?
It's like you're showing up saying potatoes exist. Thank you, I know.
In regards to the type of madness that all the propaganda (the anti-communist propaganda, by the way) created, a lot of those in the US elite went nutty as fuck. Witchhunts rarely, end good, and fear and paranoia become traumatizing. This in a time where the CIA and FBI were in their golden days of 'doing shit for shits and giggles'.
I see that you said some words we don't allow here mr N__ C____
Don't worry come with us we want to talk a little
Btw mods KGB flag will be hell a lot of fun plz give us one ;-;
Stay triggered.
At least the McCarthyist "witchhunts" didn't end with tens of thousands dead in frozen trenches kek
And I don't know what you're trying to argue - the Venona transcripts ultimately showed extensive infiltration of the US government by Soviet agents, such as Alger Hiss, Julius Rosenberg, etc. Which shows that "McCarthyism" was a pretty reasonable response, and not just another Bircher Society conspiracy theory like how President Eisenhower was a Soviet agent, or that Soviet spies were secretly supplying drugs to American youths to "undermine American morality in preparation for Soviet occupation"
McArthyism wasn't reasonable, the witchhunt was used as an excuse. Spies have always existed, there was nothing significant or special about Soviet's infiltration. There was absolutely nothing unique about it. There are spies probably in every government, by almost every other. The witchhunt had little to do with that, and more to do with propaganda.
Also, I can't even pinpoint what war, between capitalist states, or otherwise - or which policies, or which era (though I'd imagine it would have to be after modern warfare, but no… not even that, battlefields of hundreds of thousands dead, even in ancient times); that you're trying to relate to with the "tends of thousands dead" comment.
Obviously, you're pushing the "commies are bad", but even today there are tens of thousands dying in conflict, or of starvation and malnourishment, and millions before it, all due to capitalist policies and subjugation.
Right, the U.S. has never killed an innocent person.
Fuck yeah do this now
Mostly this.
Couple that with the fact that it was a convenient way to discredit political opponents and topple any legitimacy the actual organized left had in the US. By the end of McCarthy's bullshit, all of the parties that were even remotely left of New Deal were essentially forced out of public relevance if not outright banned. A real shame too considering there was fertile ground among a populace who had suffered through both the Great Depression and WWII.
This wasn't exactly news: it was pretty much assured that the Soviets had agents in the US and vice versa, along with almost every other globally-relevant nation on the planet at the time. While VERONA did sniff out a few headline cases, it was STILL used as grounds to prosecute people who were only tangentially related or not related at all. Take Ethel Rosenburg who, by most contemporary accounts and analysis, probably was not directly involved in the espionage and was executed on the grounds of not turning her husband over to the firing squads earlier. Most of the people who were taken down as part of McCarthy's witch hunts were at best members/sympathetic to various domestic socialist organizations, or at worst anyone who he could spin as being part of the aforementioned group. To him, anyone on the political left, regardless of standing when it came to international politics, was a foreign agent. At least that's the story he peddled, which completely ignores almost half a century of pre-Soviet socialist organizations in the US and a number of breakthrough works of leftist theory that were produced by Americans.
You have to remember that some of these red spooked guys were genuine paranoid schizophrenics.
The significance of Soviet infiltration of that period was that most of those involved in spying did so for ideological reasons.
Most of the spies uncovered by Venona were previously actively involved with the CPUSA or other Communist-aligned causes. You'd have to be a fucking moron to see shit like Fuchs, Rosenberg etc engaged in atomic spying, and not be slightly concerned about where the scientist wearing an "I Heart Stalin" t-shirt's loyalties lie.
Considering the Soviet equivalent to "McCarthyism" (i.e. Stalin ordering the execution of almost anyone with some connection to foreign states), it's not much of a comparison.
And again, given that almost all those uncovered by Venona were avowed Communists (and not engaging in spying on behalf of a foreign power for the usual venal reasons, i.e. gambling debts, blackmail, etc), suspicion of people with Communist connections was what any sensible person would do.
And ultimately I bet most of those killed in Stalin's purges wished that their persecution stopped at failed vetting for entrance into a sensitive position
And most of the infiltrators that the US empire did were completely brainwashed anti-communist freemarketer pushers. The witchhunt extended far beyond the US. The western powers, and the US as the front, in the name of capitalism - engaged in widescale, full blown infiltration and funding of death squads (in the name of capitalism, "Freedom", for parts of the domestic capitalist elite within that nation, as well as merely the dominance of US capital investments and expanding their markets- via force)
This was all done on the surface as a "ideologically motivated" drive, a push against the horrors of the rabble trying to take control back from centuries of exploitation by either feudal or capitalist states.
The US was also the only ones who actually did use the atomic bomb, in addition - to specifically threaten the Soviet Union. A battle in which you refer to, the US essentially started, while engaging in ideological nonsense, and while engaging in a massive world wide "conspiracy" of infiltration and spying, to take over, for the benefit of a really small, rich, capitalist elite.
Almost like everything the propaganda about the gommies said the ebil gommies were doing.
Like one massive dildo filled to the brim with projection, spraying it out, all over the world, while clinging desperately and aggressively to ruling and lording over the peoples and resisting any and all legitimate democratically elected governments, any notion of true democracy, and certainly any notion of proletariat control over society.
The level of entitlement to rule, and the blindfulness of its accusations while wallowing in shit, almost acts collectively - for that small capitalist elite - as an extension of the more stupid monarchs of old, the kings and the queens and the tsars. They sound just the same.
Really, when you read history, almost everything out of the empire of the modern day is just one long, boring (and dreadful) list of projections.
Yeah, tell us more about how he was "forced" by American capitalist aggression to annex eastern Europe.
And no-one's "whitewashing" the United States, so much as saying there's a fucking world of difference between what the '50s US did to people it perceived as acting against US interests in the name of an aggressive foreign power, and what Uncle Joe did to people he perceived as acting against the USSR's interests by mere association with foreign powers
kek, yes, tell me more about how Stalin and the USSR respected the rights of all the "liberated" peoples of Eastern Europe, and if they didn't…well, you're still lynching negroes-I mean, supporting South American death squads
I'm not talking about Stalin at all. I'm talking about the mass amounts of revolutionary socialist and communist movements that existed at the time or that had potential in building towards it. Including the Soviet Union, yes.
The world had just come out of a massive war, and the US didn't skip a beat into pushing for more. The allies after WW2 could probably have deescelated the whole situation, but instead anything related to communists were tossed aside and they started squashing anything that was a threat to the empire.
Whatever you want to say about Stalin, or any communist, they rarely hold a candle to the complete psychopaths (nor even the number of dead) that the empire supported and does support, nor the wars it inflicted upon others.
[citation needed]
Ethel Rosenburg directly recruited women to recruit their husbands. Rodina controls lefties even from the grave!
No. These were not just socialists, they were Communist "fellow travelers" and Communism was controlled unilaterally by the Soviet Union. Anyone who called himself a Communist while refusing to promote the cause of the Soviet Union was persecuted as a counterrevolutionary. EVERY Communist party in the world was forced to take direct orders from Moscow. The US had 2 different Communist parties that disagreed fundamentally yet one had to be absorbed into the other because Moscow said so.
The Soviet Union paid its agents in diamonds, gold, pearls, and caviar instead of in cash because they were more easy to smuggle. This easily would have enticed people who'd grown up poor their whole lives.
Because Stalin's actions in eastern Europe made it clear to anyone with their head screwed on straight that FDR's fantasies about the United States and the USSR leading the world into a new age of peace and prosperity were just that; fantasies.
I guess we're going to ignore post-war co-operation between the US and USSR in areas such as Operation Keelhaul, ignoring the pleas of the Polish government-in-exile in Britain, etc?
Yea you're just a total anti-commie brainwashed shill aren't you. Even the European allied powers saw the US war thirst as due to not having experienced the total war that the other allies had experienced (including the Soviet Union).
The Soviet Union, nor China, started the hostilty they were subjected to post ww2. It was entitrely initiated (by nuclear bombs, no less) by the other allied powers. Just like Communist resistance groups within the very same nations that fought against Nazi occupation were kept secret, ignored and even persecuted. Even though in many cases, they were the only ones who put up a real fight in a desperate situation. They just didn't fit the ideological dogma that supported the rule by the capitalist elite, that the US empire wanted so solidify as the only way for the world to work.
Piss off. You got nothing, economic theory you avoid completely, and your historical knowledge is essentially The Times (or modern day CNN). You're a mainstream little shit with zero arguments other than constantly resorting back to propaganda, by the empire, from 60 years back in time.
What is communism, by the way?
What is a socialist?
What economic structure to they propose, and what economic structure do they fight against?