So when you gonna talk about the racism and murder facing the black community?

So when you gonna talk about the racism and murder facing the black community?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's included when we talk about the racism and murder facing the international proletariat.

Post some moar and I might start.

Shoot back!

We do. Like every friggin day. If you got some great insights or points, you can just go ahead and post them.

When are YOU gonna talk about the causes of black murder (capitalism)?

No can do.
We are an intenational community and this is a US problem.


when you stop letting cucks like metokur BTFO you

You mean one of the symptoms of capitalism?
What about it?
you better not be that stuttering muttering mess worsie

I think most people here are well aware of it.

There are some Holla Forumsyps around though.


Her name is Lulu Simmons


If he keeps posting this Lulu Simmons girl, there's no reason to sage this thread

you've got my attention

so black nations which are full of nigger on nigger killings, fun stuff and all evils of the world are capitalist?


here have some ethnic friendly board
>>>Holla Forums


God bless you, comrade.

Yes, the capitalist mode of production dominates in sub-Saharan Africa. There are very few places where this isn't the case.

Goddammit comrade



You're one to talk about someone being idpol when you post in every (anti)feminist thread. No small wonder that someone who reads "righteous wives are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them of the teaching of God, then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them" wouldn't support a woman's push nor movement.

i love you anfem

There's no need to turn away Blacks who are genuinely concerned with the issues facing the Black community. Just as there's nothing wrong with women being concerned about women's rights. If anything, it's on us to show how these things come about because of capitalism, and to stand together with them as comrades against a common enemy. If they stick to liberal idpol regardless, then it's on them, but they're still our proletarian comrades.

Hell, I'd even say the same thing about white nationalists, given that they do seem to have some vague idea of how capitalism works against their interests. Or rather I would, if I didn't know that any white nationalist who shows up here is a Holla Forumsyp troll whose only goal in life is to shitpost.

Black nazis can go get fucked, though. They're just a different flavour of stormfag.

You said every tranny without any exceptions is bourgeois.

1-there is 2 or 3 islamig gommunists here in Holla Forums

2- i don't even think that i am a mudslim ideological conflict ;_;

3-When it comes to feminism i only take Simone de beauvoir ideas of rejecting the social pre written narratives and that is no IDpol feminism aka the best feminism

I never bitch about the hellhole that i live in the middle of
i reject ALL and any identity that was given to me by others "color race gender etc…." and only see myself my identity as a creation of my own work and my own believes
I am free from my own

And you want to tell me that because the next fucker have the same color or talk the same language is someone i need to fight for because he looks like me ?
IDpol plz

One day you will understand what i mean
you just need to read lacan

No, I am saying that you should fight for him because he is a fellow proletarian. However, if your community was plagued by a specific set of ills (and let's admit for a moment that Blacks and women have suffered disproportionately under Capitalism) it would be reasonable for them try and understand and address those ills, and they shouldn't be reprimanded for doing so. Again, I draw the line at supporting the liberal order when it touts representational diversity as the one-stop cure-all to society's ills, but there is nothing discussing the issues relating to women and minorities from a leftist perspective.

would irrelevant shit with/10

Cease: it will go so much better for you.

That is already too many! JK Ah, but who am I to complain. There are many others tarnishing my flag too.

Well, if you were, it's your duty to follow Mahomet more closely when he says "the most perfect in faith amongst believers is he who is best in manners, and the best among you is the best to their women," rather than the purposely obtuse interpretation of that surah I quoted.

I like Beauvoir too. Inspiring stuff.

irrelevant shiting is irrelevant shit now? wow, what retard had a need to censor this

Its been like that for a loooooooooooong time newfag

r.acemixing* fuck this site lel
I need a list for all censors.

I only noticed now. I know about many other censors tho.

Can't you just miscegenate, you illiterate?

Read anything else :^)

It's ok.
You're both shit.


Seize means of production
Everyone has a chance to work
Everyone has access to needs such as food, water and shelter
Anyone who commits a crime against their community is exiled/killed/or just plain imprisoned.
If anything, I imagine there would be harsher penalties for anyone committing crimes in a communist community.
But there will be no cops supporting the capitalist hegemony. Racism will be a crime.
Basically, real equity.

Most blacks are killed by other blacks but most murder in general is people that know eachother somehow so it's not too unusual they do that.

There are a ton of serious problems facing the black community, but the nonsense spouted by BLM only makes a mockery of them, which is probably why they have been given media prominence. The issue of police overreach is far more complicated than white cops shooting innocent blacks, even when this is very obviously the case i.e. Tamir Rice.

To be fair, murderers that aren't cops don't get away with it later. You can't stop someone from being a sociopath, but you can stop them from exploiting a public office for it.



To be honest BLM is turning me racist. I try to shrug it off as a subcultural thing but when these are the black people I am exposed to most I cant help but think how stupid they are. I want to leave the country to get away from them and see some civilized black people but they are invading other countries.

But the race of the cop and the race of the victim has little to do with that. It's all about the militarization of the police and their sense of power over others.

Conservatives are like

When 83 percent of whites are killed by other whites

Really makes you think…

user, the media is actively trying to warp your perceptions of people. It wants you to think blacks are, well…orks, just as it wants nonwhite viewers to think whites are greedy Machiavellis, which is partially where SJW come from. Literally divide and conquer.
Also, African immigrants to Western countries usually do quite well. The European migrant crisis and resulting crime is because of lumpens taking advantage of the commotion.

Sure, but the BLM controversy is how this militarization will be legitimized. The media and corrupt police share a common goal: an overly scared populace.
Fear of crime is so disproportional to actual probability of crime that it is one of Western sociology's biggest hot topics.

Not to mention the vast majority of this majority probably doesn't live near minorities.


Also America should be nuked into oblivion


The BLM controversy is largely the media painting them in a bad light.

MLK used to block roads and shit too and advocated riots.

You're also extremely more likely to die of either than of being murdered, so it's a false equivalence. Cars are also not people with rights.

No, some of the criticism is legitimate.
There's a lot of black nationalist elements lingering around them.

Not yet, but one day soon..

I know the media distorts things but when it's coming from the BLM people themselves clearly something is wrong with them. I havent had the best impression with black people on a personal level either. The black community in the US has a lot of sexism and racism in it. I actually used to idolize black people thinking they were cool when I was younger so I originally came from the opposite bias. Also to be clear when I said "they are invading other countries" I meant BLM, not black people in general. Im still willing to give black people a fair judgement as a whole and as individuals but Im through with a lot of the American ones.

Just because MLK did it doeesnt make it any better. Blocking roads is only acceptable if youre blocking a business doing something harmful without causing problems for others but they are off doing things like blocking students from going to uni. It's just a horrible tactic

when you gonna talk about the racism and murder coming from the black community?


And literally no one cared or even knew what BLM was before the media fiascos.

I think I see where you're coming from, but I think most Americans are just stupid dicks in general. "Black culture" is just a national urban descendant of Southern culture.
I live in a US state with a lot of Somalian immigrants (how they can deal with the winters is beyond me), and the difference is like night and day, they were mostly very pleasant and diligent people. When I saw American black natives being dicks afterward I saw a lot of similarities with how people in the US act all around.


You sound like a bootlicker.

I've lived in several states and I do still see a difference between different races cultures. Sure you could say it's an offshoot of southern culture in the case of southern black cultures but I don't see the connection with the urbanised (ghetto) black culture except for a similar mindset on some subjects. This culture or cultures seems to cover more than what you see in the general public with similar cultures. It actually saddens me to see how low they bring themselves in behaviour and attitudes.

America just isn't a single country in cultural terms, shit can get third world level awful in some places. That people have given up on civility comes as no surprise to me, they are asked to fund and die for a nation that does not care about them; in a heavily decayed urban area it's every man for himself.

You made of women blacks arabs fags etc.. a set of communities castes outside class structure by false identity
You literally made them UP
I have no good justification to lump them together into a communities in the first place why do i but those guys together ? skin color ? why not eye color ? why no penis length? etc…
You are giving them an identities that they as individuals didn't make them selves they have identities they have no control over and it is wrong

There is never too many Islamig gommies

Apologizing to me for a quotation is an obscure act and a accidentally dismissive attitude towards my individual as in you see me as PART of another body of believe unintended of
I used to be a theologian in my teens years and i understood Islam when i used to be a subject of it as a set of mechanics but after reading Hegel i begin to see a positive self destructive mechanics in Islam that is there on prepuce to liberate the individual from the boundaries of the doctrines i will one day write an essay or a book about it

Beauvoir is best philoaifu

then let me read your dick fag :^}

there is never enough user
never enough

BLM's tactics are shit because they are the equivalent of a flash mob and culture jamming. MLK was a meticulous planner, he wouldn't walk from Selma to Montgomery just to cause 'disruption'. They knew what laws that wanted repealing and some time-framed goals like 'hire a black man in 90 days'.

There have been over 100 BLM protests but it's achieved very little tbh… they wish they could compare what they are doing to King

Bumping for Lulu. Also, this topic is seriously under-discussed on Holla Forums

It's not, because it's peripheral.
Keep posting pictures of Lulu though.

Say what you will about emancipation, these women must become my property.

I thought you'd done that on purpose and was making an /n/ reference.

Welcome to the fold, see Herr Kole for your new badge and rifle.

The difference is how much of those are a result of shuttering all the asylums.
spoilers:this actually solves both problems due to so many modern negroes being crackbabies, ergo, eligible due to a variety of 'cranial aberrations'
also if ya'll not realised it yet it's just pure glorious uprising/corporate lackeyism now. The nationalists gave up like 30 protests ago.
They jus regular nationalists now. wh00pwh00p!


DA is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you

Thank you for the rare flutter butter

Provide evidence first

I'll never get used to how s m o o t h some Africans are. Wish I had that kind of skin.


i'm really tired of people thinking they're that special. let's talk about capitalism and what to do about it. that's what's killing EVERYONE. black btw

you shouldn't let emotions cloud your judgement

i agree with this wholeheartedly. marketing is everything, and BLM has failed to deliver the message clearly, or in time. as a movement, they make my race look bad. we could be smarter, work harder on a local and state legislation level, stay out of the limelight until critical laws are pushed through, plan strategic boycotts - idunno, almost anything is better than stealing the mic and starting fights.

Black women are so superior it's not even funny