Why do normalfags think Spider-Man's only defining traits are being young and making quips?
Why do normalfags think Spider-Man's only defining traits are being young and making quips?
Because normal fags only know Spider-Man through the cartoons they watched, which always start at the begining of his story when he's young and makes a bunch of quips. Plus, his age and his talkativeness were what set him apart from other superheroes when he first showed up
because they like the "idea" of the character more than the actual character. It goes hand in hand with that culture that developed around people liking the idea of being a nerd. A lot of people don't realize Peter was a fucking poindexter, an outcast, and constantly having to sacrifice his social status with friends and family to save people to make up for the uncle he couldn't. That he was so charismatic and funny when he put on the mask as a means to get his mind off of how scared he was to fight.
Now he's just a quirky normalfag "nerd" who has spider powers to have fun with and makes quips because of the aforementioned quirkiness.
also, it could be argued that the original Pete was pretty ugly considering Black Cat's reaction to him removing his maskā¦or it could be because, like the normies who latched onto him recently, she liked the idea of Spider-man more than the man under the mask.
Makes me sad because Spider-man was genuinely my favorite comic character since I was a little kid and related a lot with Peter. Now I have to deal with the masses pretending to be fans of his and Marvel and Disney completely ruining him.
though I'm probably preaching to the choir here.
because they haven't read spiderman
She vomited because it turned out he was a kid and she was horrified that she was basically chasing jail bait.
But honestly, Ultimate Spider-Man is more of the 2000s teenaged Spidey than the 60s'.
It's because that's what spiders do.
You're right, his defining traits are being young, black and making quips.
You mean movies, right?
Morales never struck me as being quippy. If anything he seemed pretty mopey.
The sam raimi films only had him in highschool for the 1st act of the 1st film. The Amazing Spiderman films had him in highschool throughout their run.
nice pic
Honestly I'm more bothered by film makers thinking his most defining trait is having tragic shit happen to him.
No one has ever captured that anger and pain Peter had during the early issues. His aloofness always comes across cringey on film. It would be nice if people making Spider-Man stuff would actually read the Ditko/Lee run at least. That's the heart of the character.
That's because Spidey is the eternal betacuck and the normies can sense it. Most of them grew up on the FOX, jetix reruns or channel 5's for kids Spiderman with the SHOOOKEEER in it opposed to anything else.
That, and the PS1's two Spidey games, the Movie game 1&2 and ultimate spiderman.
The "movies" were close, but not close enough to a really good peter parker. Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon was taken from us too soon.
He used to actually be funny though.
He used to be more insulting to his enemies.
Getting his enemies pissed off at him with the use of harsh bantz was his skill, maybe moreso than his gay spider powers.
What happened to that?
The new Spidey movie made a fair effort to make it clear that Peter had pretty much no social life because he was constantly trying to be a hero.. except instead of actually needing to run off and do some heroing, he was fucking around doing small shit because he wanted to impress Tony Stark somehow.
So, instead of being "I must sacrifice everything because my sense of responsibility won't allow me to waste my powers" it was more like, "I need to impress the cool heroes so I can leave here and go do cool hero stuff"
Speaking of that pile of dung, does Peter even have actual Spidey powers or is it all in a tech suit Stark built for him?
He still sticks to walls, uses home made webshooters before getting the suit. He's straight up spider-man except it seems he doesn't have spider-sense or it is really toned down.
Writers said they explicitly did not give him Spidey-sense. They wanted to experiment with that, but keep the ability to write Spidey-sense into the next movie if they felt like it.
IMO Spidey-sense is the only thing that makes it believable that he can be stopping dudes with guns all the time.
Yeah it's a pretty defining character trait, one that should not be absent in any version of peter.
They fucked up.
Thanks for clearing that up.
It was hard to tell because he still acted cocky when facing small time crooks, openly standing in front of them relaxed while dodging their attacks which made it seem like he still had it. Then later he was constantly getting blindsided and I began to doubt it.
I think they should have kept the spidey sense. It's not like he's invincible, he just has a sense for danger and where it's coming from. Scenes like the rubble falling on him could still happen because it was so quick and the area it covered was so large he couldn't know how to escape from a vague feeling of danger.
I'm surprised during that bank robbing scene he didn't just go what's up doc?
Because Joe Quesada has a serious case of Oedipus Complex.
I'm pretty sure user is talking about the mainstream continuity, where Black Cat is upset and begs Spider-Man to put his mask back on after he reveals his secret identity to her because instead of being a dashing hero he ended up being a dopey science nerd.
Yeah no
I think if he can case a situation in advance his fast reflexes can save him
I always thought that was more of a female fetish.