Or technocracy?
That's no way to treat your comrade
My own brand of Anarchism, i shall call it… Anarcho-snowflakism.
You should stop being a revisionist and become a Marxist-Snowflakist
Anarcho-anarchism with anarchist characteristics.
Ban this filth and delete this thread.
what color flag you want fam
white pls
Wouldn'it be just Trotskism?
Anarcho transhumanism, if only because their posters are the least insufferable.
But don't they want to use anarcho capitalism as an intermediary stage, as a device to send production and innovation in to hypermode so they can get to their technological utopia?
The nihilists are much cooler.
transhumanist/FALC here. this is completely incorrect.
Yeah? Thasa good. Could you point me to some good literature on the subject?
Nihilist-transhumanist socialist technocracy.
Fuck anarchism tbh
Or bad literature if that's easier. Just some kind of explanation of what the hell it is.
that draw need a shart
youtube.c om/channel/UC74BaV6RcVo2_IIFpJ97SCQ
have a video
lol what
Thanks, will check it out.