Is this overused?

is this overused?

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meme potential ITT

Not as overused as Satoshi Kon's work in Aronofsky movies.

cartoon fag detected

At least they're not eating babies like in mother!

For a while it was.

Someone post it, you know what I'm talking about.

I always think of the old tsunami vids when I hear it


The good part was cut out.

Thats the same old guy who was jerking off to Natalie Portman in Black Swan


Mike Judge cannot into capitalism.
This is how America works:
We don't have enough smart people.
Import smart people from poor countries.

Even if they'd underpaid in America, they're being paid a king's ransom in comparison to the other brown shiteaters.

Why does this remind me of old youtube?

i saw this movie years after i heard that song in what feels like hundreds of memes. cat jumps through hula hoop. tv show recap set to the music. grandma on the toilet.
then, i sat down and watched the film. hearing that song in so many silly contexts, then only to finally hear the song in the original context, ruined those climactic scenes in the film for me. it at least made me laugh when i realized what had happened

I recognized this song but it actually didnt take me out the kino. I saw it like a few months ago and just did, oh this it where its from! and then went back to see the kino.

The fag here is Aronofsky because he bought the rights to that edgy animu movie because some scenes looked cool

i should rewatch the film with this in mind. the song's inclusion just gave me such a surprise

at least this one wasn't music for a glorified TheMoreYouKnow.jpg after school special-tier morality play. Requiem for a Meme literally exists to manifest ass-to-ass. The Fountain was flawed in its execution, for certain, but the music was never compromised. A classic example of a soundtrack being substantially better than the film itself.

I'd rather use It's Hard to Say Goodbye, but its a personal preference.

I fucking agree. That soundtrack was awesome.

A somewhat anachronistic scene when the film was released, and it's definitely aged badly now. A lot of younger viewers wouldn't understand that this was meant to represent the lowest possible degradation of a woman, rather than an average night for a sociable young woman i.e. your future wife.