It's a common meme that all women were "equal in misfortune" before the advent of feminism - as a girl this is what I was always taught in anything related to civics, but actually, western societies/civilization have always treated us with more equity than our non-western/white counterpart societies/civilizations.
For example:
Why are white men so good to their women Holla Forums?
Women are the bringers of life and the weaker sex so it's men's moral duty to protect and care for their women. Extend this concept nation-wide and that's what you get.
Tits or GTFO.
James Stewart
Because white men truly love their white women
Carson Brooks
Cooper Evans
Because the white man is not a savage, but we seem to have forgotten that women are no different than children.
Gavin Edwards
Aye this. Because we also treat our children well.
Carson Johnson
Tits or GTFO
Elijah Turner
Jacob Lee
Because compassion and a deep appreciation for beauty is both one of the greatest strengths and weaknesses of the white race.
James Bennett
Pathological altruism.
Nathaniel Thompson
All self fellating aside for a moment. It's because we actually prefer our own women and we're the only race of men to actually think our women are the best looking and most attractive.
Every white man knows what I'm talking about. I've dated Asian girls. Shit isn't the same. Anything other than our own is a step down and we know it.
Lucas Hill
Because we want to breed them and show them how retarded they are by uncucking them. The reason women are SJWs and shit is they've never had a good dicking or controlled by a man. Women want to be dominated, and they can't naturally make their own decisions. They want a man that's in control. That's why so many coal burners exist, because theres so many white cucks going to college but niggers act like apes, which they find more appealing because there's no bigger turn off than being a pathetic cuck.
Any woman can be fixed if the the man is dominant and not weak low energy Jeb! tier. Once I find a cute white girl that's loyal I'll probably just stay with her seeing as it's very rare to come by women where I live that don't fuck niggers. Find loyal white gf, marry, seed, repeat.
Josiah Gonzalez
Our biggest strength and our biggest weakness.
I'd text her back
Robert Jenkins
would text her back despite being terrible about seeing shit on my phone and actually doing something about it.
Logan Myers
Because white men have a tendency to be betas who are too afraid of judgement to keep their women in line.
Dominic Morris
Modern cityboys, sure. It's no coincidence that almost all the white men you see in media are complete whiny faggots. Whites have some of the greatest warrior cultures in our ancestry, it just needs to be revived on a large scale.
Zachary Fisher
It's true.
When the fateful day comes and I finally get a gf, at least I won't cuck out.
Jackson Jackson
Oh, don't worry, this will change. All the "good men" are letting women tell them what to do, and cucking themselves into oblivion. A few generations from now, the only white men around will be the ones that keep their women on a short leash.
Jacob Taylor
Ephesians 5:25
The Bible literally commands it. Historically, white men have been very good to their female counterparts. In modern America today, white men find a whore on tinder, fuck her the whore and tell the fellas about how she is a whore. This is all women are good for to them. Don't fool yourself, chic… white men have become very degenerate without God.
Jeremiah Butler
I should also say that this is no accident. The jews and the saudis fund feminist groups in the West knowing how much it fucks up gender relations and destroys proper gender roles. While at the same time they do their best to prevent any of that shit taking hold in their own countries.
Feminism is anti-civilization.
Ian Cruz
(this doesn't imply white men will not treat women properly, I certainly care for what my wife has to say - but she doesn't have the last word on anything and she's well aware of it).
Luke Nelson
eh, white women have turned into obese delusional and greedy cunts bent on dominating and emasculating men of their own race because they had shit father's (and mother's) and the media tells them what to think.
to even be worth considering it would take a generation or two of deprogramming for things to workout. (men need this too).
i'm mostly speaking as a buger. the only women i've ever met that weren't horrible angry pig monsters that sneered whenever a normal white guy proches them are either foreign women or older women. meh
Nathaniel Garcia
I theorize it is a consequence of being socially cooperative and seeking to maintain it. Women as a group will sew discord within the tribe if they are not pacified in some way.
I once read about this native american tribe's process for selecting chiefs. The current chief when he got old would call for the next chief to be chosen. The men of the tribe would select 2 male candidates to present to the chief. The chief would then chooe one of the candidates and present that choice to a council of elder women who represented all the women in the tribe. If the women did not approve of the choice, the chief could still pick him as the next chief if he desired. In the end, the choice is entirely up to the chief.
This confused me for a long time. Why does he present his choice to the council of women if he just decides who he wants anyways? It then dawned on me, the chief needs a majority of the men to accept the new chief or risk civil war. If the women like the new chief, they will influence their husbands who may have wanted someone else to accept him. If the women don't like the choice, they will influence their husbands to defy him.
Asher Evans
Then get out of the city you racemixing faggot. Plenty of white men here on Holla Forums have found good white women.
Charles Martin
What men are good in your opinion, good user?
Leo Butler
So we can go to work and you don't fuck up our kids
Carson Campbell
White women are treated like shit and slaves for Jews. Jews will pay for their crimes against our women.
Noah Hernandez
any god that would allow his creations to be twisted into the monster's we see today is worthless and not to trusted.
Samuel Hughes
I've never racemixed, and I don't condone it. that picture is a warning, just like this one
Benjamin Ramirez
Be careful what you say, I'm willing to bet there's at least one fag on here with a smokin hot gf ready to prove you wrong
Justin Cruz
whats the point of a fag with a gf?
Lincoln Russell
Luke Edwards
Because men desire sex and women have the golden vaginas.
Jaxson Rivera
I want nudes of the pic related
Christopher Flores
Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
Brody Perez
I would add other examples:
Andrew Turner
user c'mon you know fag is just used to address the common user
Asher Phillips
You mean the prince of this world? And his synagogue?
Brandon Cook
Weakling detected
That magazine was written by Jews, who the Bible says are the children of the Devil
John Johnson
The whole "women were slaves before feminism" meme is supposed to explain why women have never contributed anything to western culture.
Easton Diaz
by that time period anybody with some cash (credits?) will be able to either rent a womb, or adopt and abuse children without penalty.
that thing could very well be a grandfather one day. just as many many horrible fagots and dykes have been already. nothing stands in the way of that anymore.
Sebastian Torres
I think women have contributed things. Not as much as men, but you're wrong to say we've contributed nothing.
Matthew Williams
all semitic religions are the devil's work
Joshua Thomas
This. Love is very important to whites since it bonds the males and females more closely together since they had to survive cold winters and constant warfare. Same for the love of nature and animals. IT's all evolution as it is evolution for nogs to abandon their brood in the hood like they did it in the abundant rainforest.
Joshua Nelson
I have a wife. Will I post photos of her or personal info? No. If you don't believe me fine.
But granted, I don't live in the US. You have to deprogram your women (and possibly check your diet for fag-inducing additives).
Carson Gomez
femanon here.
why aren't you volkisch enough to catch my attention, user? :3
Connor Brooks
Don't forget about trannies who freeze their sperm before they 'transition' so they can 'have' a baby with a donor in the future and pretend that they're it's mother
Parker Baker
because you are not young enough
Christian Edwards
All a "crazy chick" like that needs is some aggressive sexual domination. Keep her satisfied and she'll be a perfectly loyal and obedient partner.
Christopher Rivera
This is true.
Sexually dominating women will fix them, or make them dependent on you.
Jeremiah Jenkins
Women used to contribute the most important thing to any civilization. A safe and clean home with well kept children. If you scoff at this you have learned nothing from your search of redpills. Inventions, bridges, automation, technology overall are important *masculine* contributions but without the woman's role fulfilled you can have all the iPhones you want and see society burn around you. Sound familiar? When you say "women have never contributed anything to western culture" your buying the feminist lie that children are not "contribution to Western culture." That the only way women can be honored or "contribute" is to be shitty men with careers. Wake up call, user, shitting on women for not "contributing" to Western culture only throws fuel on the fire that in the modern feminist movement.
Jonathan Hill
Essentially the same thing.
Sebastian Howard
Where to find redpilled qt3.14s? Idk how to cold approach and I feel like it's kind of awkward and creepy.
Jace Anderson
tfw these dykes have done more for white people than most Holla Forumslacks
Juan Perry
Greater capacity for empathy as a result of evolutionary selective pressures.
So basically, there is s this gene variant which allows a greater ability to empathize with others.
Here comes the best part:
Michael Thompson
I don't get your point, sorry. I feel there is one but can't quite grasp it.
Cameron Perry
that meme is bullshit, only some women are capable of working like that. and hormone fluctuations can change that at any time. women are only as lowly as their body chemist tells them to be. unless you can control that variable its not a sure thing.
Chase Hughes
That's the greatest mystery of them all user.
Dominic Nguyen
ment "loyal"
Leo Gutierrez
Well if her body isn't absorbing your semen, it won't be as efficient. She needs to be dominated and gain the positives of your semen.
Josiah King
well that only works if you can afford tons of kids.
Luis Smith
What is an iud?
Chase Perez
lots of trouble depending the model you get and they fail all the time.
Elijah Smith
You don't control their body chemistry. You learn it and decide to put up with it.
Loyalty comes from familiarity, conditioning, and mutual appreciation of personal worth. If you appreciate a woman, give her affection, make her feel protected, and set firm boundaries, you're going to get reciprocal loyalty.
Caveat: don't stick around with trash for more than a year if you can't fix it.
Protip: Always be in an emotional position to walk away. Even after a hundred years. Mate for life and have many children, but don't ever let yourself be whipped or controlled by the importance of the relationship.
Anthony Watson
Kayden Hernandez
stop moving the goal post. There's tons of birth control where you can do it raw.
Nathan Nguyen
Stop spending your money on stupid shit and move somewhere with reasonable real estate, and you can afford a lot of children! This isn't a game, all you anons need to start having as many white children as God gives you! Anons thinking they don't have to contribute to white population growth…
Carson Bennett
This. We really really love them.
Robert Reed
Don't fool yourself, the concept of "white nationalism" is inhertly wrong, because those kids will one day become your enemey, just by the way the were brought up, also white nationalism is a thing that was born in America, due to the coexistence with over-abundance of other races.
White nationalism implies that every white is your friend, honestly i find this completely wrong, as "white" only implies the potential to fulfill a generic role in a western society, and bring other functional individuals.
Western societies not always are friendly with each other, see 1000+ years of Europe.
White nationalism has to stop being a thing once the race has passed the genocidal crisis, national socialism should be the end goal, every state taking care of its citizen, and not attempting to create globalism, in a world that cannot support it in a healthy manner.
The world is not ready for globalism, we need first to refine a genetic ideal of man, research high speed and decentralized transport, the end of scarcity, clean energy and space travel for globalism to become a healthy thing
Hudson Parker
Can we not at least agree, after we defeat our enemies, to not screw each other over?
From what I've read, if white people didn't turn on each other e.g. when the Brits funded the Japanese to destroy the Russians and built their fleet for them, or WW1, and had kept to the sense of racial solidarity people back in the 19th century advocated for us (not supporting non-whites above a white power) then we'd probably be better off?
Nicholas Cox
Aiden Reyes
Two generations ago your grandparents were in absolute poverty by today's standards. Yet here you are.
If retarded niggers on public assistance can afford children so can you. Learn a goddam trade. Get children's clothes and equipment secondhand. The younger ones wear the hand-me-down outfits of the older ones. Fight for public assistance if you need it: as long as we're making them available those resources are yours by right.
You can always afford children. The idea that they're too expensive is a lie TV Jews tell white people. Blacks and browns don't get this message from acedemia and the media. They get told "if you're poor and have kids there's help."
Samuel Peterson
It's really not if you have something. The problem I find they just go for the wallet to quickly, I guess that's what they've been trained for which would be fine if you could break her but there are so many men ready to prevent that.
Which makes me unhappy and her unhappy but her clock ticks faster than mine.
It was funny I once to freak a chick out with load ticking from a clock, perhaps she learned something after we broke up.
James Bailey
And all of it is garbage.
Gavin Miller
This. Anybody who is MGTOW is generally a person emotionally broken by personal tragedy in my experience (I've come across a few irl). Try not to take their vitriol to heart femanons. The real sexual redpill is that both men and women are very important to society and should work together rather than having feminism make them bitter and distrustful towards each other.
Kevin Lee
Meant for
Jeremiah Rivera
Well, none likes times of war except pic
Ayden Morris
Well you gotta fucking use something. Or don't, but having a condom on probably feels like shit.
James Bailey
i'm not moving any goal post, you just don't know how these things work and what the upsides and downsides are. I do.
if you mean that chemical bullshit, it has side effects both mentally and physically, only now are we leaning that it might have changed the way women see and interact with men. (it affects the female brain, and it might be why our society is fucked up).
TL:DR its an abnormal fucked up solution just like SSRI's
Adam Hughes
There you go.
Charles Nelson
This. So much this!!!
Easton Price
Name one.
Matthew Gonzalez
Historical they used to act as more of an asset instead of a liability. In many ways females were the everyday 'glue' of family, tribe and wider society while today they often act just the opposite way. Neither society nor most individuals have really caught up to the new development.
Matthew Lewis
I already grew up poor, it's not somthing I want to go through again, and it's not what I want for my children.
Juan Torres
Chase Gray
Then what do you recommend for birth control user
Dominic Green
>tfw can't get off wearing a condom
I've only ever heard Dickie Spencer use it to mean that, everyone else just means it as a general term for ethnonationalism in white countries
MGTOWs care far too much about women, ironically
Anthony Myers
Were you grown in a test tube? Literally all of society (you, me, all anons) is contributed by women. If you scoff at this, go don your pussyhat and join the feminists. This is literally the most important contribution to society.
Daniel Wright
What children.
Leo Thompson
Not to derail, but you and he agree on 90% of issues. And he's out there making white nationalism look good to unconverted whites.
Stop shitting on him. The left doesn't shit on their fellow travelers and that's why they've won for the last three decades.
Easton Hernandez
Adam Bennett
Anal sex your wife after you have your 3+ kids. It works for me.
Asher Myers
Filthy sodomite.
Robert Bailey
What a reward for her giving you 3 children! Fucked in the ass for the rest of her life. Feel bad for your wife, dude.
Gavin Parker
Doesn't that cause medical problems?
Asher Clark
You have no idea what you're talking about.
Mason Young
well some women can orgasem from anal sex alone but I would bet that they are fairly rare.
Hudson Green
Yeah. It's incredibly dirty, also a danger to one's health!
Jeremiah Kelly
then tell me how I'm worng. (if you can).
Hunter Martin
should always use condoms when working the back door.
detailed hygiene regimes are also a must.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
condoms are still very effective, advances in materials and an manufacturing techniques have made them feel pretty good.
Asher Carter
(checked) Women's hormones will change in response to the men in their lives and how they behave. Girls hit puberty earlier when they don't have a father in their life. Women act more masculine when the men around them are beta fags.
You imply that being a masculine male won't make a woman feminine, but that's not true.
Cameron Baker
You don't unless you're marrying a Holla Forumslack's daughter. Until then, you find a non-degenerate woman with a good family and cute enough appearance, and you fuck the redpill into her. Right now we don't find our waifus, we make them.
Ryan Davis
You contribute babies and you make the home pleasant. You give the man a reason to get up in the morning and work his ass off at work.
Good girl, buggery is absolutely vile and should carry a very harsh legal penalty.
Ryder White
Exactly this. Unless you're a beta bitch, your girl will copy your political views before long. Every girl I've dated became closer to my views the longer I dated them. The one I'm with now went from a typical liberal to hating blacks and Muslims and thinking Hitler was a good guy.
Jeremiah Mitchell
the simplest explanation? no man wants his daughter to be miserable or in pain its that fucking simple compare that to semites who sell their daughters to the highest bidder or niggers that give their daughters to the local medicine man for drugs the only other culture to come close to treating women as something more than just fucking property was in the far East in China, Japan and Korea
Dominic Morales
I just have a shower and wash it thoroughly with soap after and ive never caught anything from going in through the exit got more UTI's from oral than anal tbh
Elijah Hall
You! are my true brother
Alexander Kelly
For what white women have done to our civilization by means of being a willing accomplice in the subversion of the Democratic process, we should oppress them like Muslims do.
Owen Baker
no true Holla Forumsack capitalizes the names of the races/religions that must be purged from our blessed Terra/Gaia shitskin
Elijah Flores
I dont fully agree but somewhat. I dont think women should be punished as a whole, or laws like muslims have em. Thats stupid tbh. But the current coalburners, pajeet fuckers and so on should be. Slut shaming is a thing after all. I already avoid any girl that has dated pajeets, arabs n blacks like the plague
Connor Hernandez
Is that even a thing? Shitsharking?
Bentley Walker
it is its usually older women but theres a pajeet fetish oddly enough god knows why they stink like shit and their dicks are as small as koreans
Brayden Bennett
They date pajeets because they want the street cred of having dated a darkie, but they don't want to get beaten, raped, left a single mother, or broke. The pajeets that they date are the ones with money. They aren't dating the roughneck son of the Halal cart owner around the corner.
Charles Jackson
No it says the jews who call themselves jews when they arent, are children of the Devil…
William Parker
The bible has a lot of those contradictions. Amalek attacked the Kikes as they trespassed on the Amalekite homeland, so the Kikes returned the favour not by finding somewhere else to settle, or fighting with the Amalekite army, but by murdering every single one of them.
Landon Rivera
You're a retard. Some of us like using proper grammar.
Elijah Jackson
noone is by choice at least
(checked) aye but the chans have a long and respected history of being an absolute mess lurk m0ar and figure it out tbh
Asher Harris
user plz gas yourself
Lucas Martin
This still happens.
Anthony Wright
Gold digging thing usually user, given the fact US pajeets are uniformly upper middle class.
Same as when you see the odd white girl with an East Asian guy on the West Coast. Generally it's either a weeaboo or a gold digger.
Does any serious white woman actually look at some wrinkly old chink and think to myself "in 50 years, I want to wake up next to this creature, who probably has a big fat gold buddha he prays to in his bedroom"
Reminds me of Kipling's "The Stranger":
The Stranger within my gates, He may be evil or good, But I cannot tell what powers control– What reasons sway his mood; Nor when the Gods of his far-off land Shall repossess his blood.
Pay particular attention to:
I assume Holla Forums understands what Kipling is referring to here, right?
That being said, I do think we should shame women who date Indian/East Asian men more. Especially the weebs.
In my mind all white female race mixing is the same thing. The weebs who date Chang are the same as wiggers who date Tyrone. It's all a putrid mix of self-hatred and xenophilia, and the desire to feel part of a racially exclusive group by sublimation.
Jaxson Brooks
Fucking beautiful m8. Im going to marry a girl like this. Got anymore?
Luis Campbell
That girl has "CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM" written all over her.
Jordan Taylor
My grandmother's graduation photo from Canada in 1921 has her wearing a Japanese style sailor schoolgirl uniform. Plus ça change…
Gabriel Ward
Also note from my circle of friends, Indians are bottom of the list for all of them, alongside blacks.
The problem is that getting a straight answer out of us, as white women, is difficult because we don't want to be labeled as a racist. You have no idea how thirsty non-white men are unless you've actually lived it, their entire MO seems to be getting a white woman as a girlfriend/wife.
Also, when I say we should shame weebs, I mean the men too. But from what I've seen of places like /cgl/ female weebs are way worse.
Aaron Moore
Reminder- Buddhism is a white religion. Guatama and Bodhidharma were both described as having blue eyes and the region they were from was full of mountain Aryans.
Julian Gomez
Because they understood to keep their cock-holsters shut unless there was a dick in it.
Robert Torres
tbh, from what I've seen of Chinese people, they don't really have any deep spirituality on any level. Chinese Buddhism is basically just rubbing the Buddha's belly before you go gambling for good luck.
Whatever Buddhism was is long gone and disappeared when the Muslims invaded Northern India and more or less wiped it out there.
David Allen
thats because gommunizm removes religion and chinks have their own native religions which never died out and got intermixed with Buddhism in China
Jackson Nelson
The point is that most of these old hags are widowed. The ones that aren't can try to influence their husband to turn against the new chief…upon which she will find herself widowed too.
Austin Long
I went to school in an area with lots of them and I never heard of a white girl with a pajeet or chink, don't recall ever having seen any in public either
Leo Perez
See Buddhism in Tibet, Burma, and Thailand for surviving sects that are still more or less intact.
John Phillips
Tfw slowly red pilling my white gf Tfw she has a couple of tattoos but has only slept with one guy and she's 26
Thoughts anons? She's incredibly shy and reserved. And I know she's telling the truth because I did some background check stuff.
Got her to admit she hated the idea of ever having non white babies yesterday.
Zachary Allen
Sounds promising, but women often lie about their partner count. Keep an ear to the ground for hints about the truth on that one. She may be telling you the truth, but don't take it as gospel.
Eli Young
Dirty home, dirty mind.
Jaxon Garcia
Mahayana fer lyfe. I'm still hoping we can forge some kind of Western Buddhism where we can worship Freya, Zeus, and why not throw in Jesus to placate the Christians. Connect it to nature and ancestor worship and you basically have an honorary Nipponese version of Shinto.
Nolan Roberts
It's not that we treat them so well, it's that others treat them like shit. White men aren't niggers.
Ryder Sanders
I'm not seeing any tits yet and you faggots are still bumping.
Austin Fisher
Historically the family unit has been extremely important and women are an integral part of that. Why would you treat someone like shit when they are going to be doing the majority of raising your children and looking after you?
plus they are fucking qt
Grayson Nelson
And you think that may have something to do with why western nations are so liberal?
Jeremiah Carter
Robot women will take their roll, which would be a male invention.
Daniel Mitchell
Let's see how that turns out in a few months kek
Logan Collins
Noah Murphy
Being loud and shrill is not glue. Most feminists that fetishist it are seriously mentally ill, we need more institutions.
Ayden Nguyen
He runs a (((pyramid scheme.)))
Jacob Jenkins
Matthew White
If they're frigid, yeah.
Jaxson Rodriguez
A couple of reasons.
One is our old religious structures had a big raging boner on the subject of the whole circle of life/nature thing. And whats more natural than a woman squeezing a wailing infant out of a hole in her body? Fucking nothing.
Other cultures didn't have this sense of a mythology rooted in the material world. A materialistic viewpoint if you will.
So their response to women was: "ewww unclean but unfortunately necessary"
Meanwhile European "savages" response to women was "Part of nature same as us" followed by everyone singing the circle of life. What this means in a real context is that they recognised women as equals in nature and saw more of nature in humanity.
In a lot of ways women were our main obvious link to nature. The proof that we were part of it as we reproduced in the same way as the beasts.
When christianity came along it brought a less materialistic and more empyrean view of divinity. To the hebrews from whom christianity is derived the material world is repugnant and inferior by nature. Divinity is found in an unknowable heaven. The woman they also regarded as closer to nature, but this was not a good thing in their eyes. To us originally divinity was all around us, it was the air, the trees, the water, the two squirrels having sex in that tree.
Noah Reyes
Holla Forums Your number one source for thoughts about squirrel sex.
Jackson Rivera
My thing for asian women existed as long as I had no irl contact with them.
Carson Evans
For some reason I'm being reminded of Tacitus' Germanica.
Jacob Brown
because man isnt an imperfect being fallen from grace Man is a divine beast a creature that pulls lightning and fire down from the sky with his bare hands his shoulders carry the weight of heaven he pulls dirt from the Earth which he forges with flame into steel from which he carves his fangs and claws the entire world is subject to the whim of man because we are the beast that conquered nature instead of remaining subject to it
It doesn't seem like you're interested in discussion, just MGTOW stuff, which generally isn't accepted here.
Brody Kelly
You know the shill-to-oldfag ratio in /r9k/? You gona have to try harder.
Benjamin Green
I don't know, but MGTOW/MRA stuff is rightfully looked down upon just as much as feminism on Holla Forums.
Landon Hall
Michael Lewis
The second reason is social organisation. More specifically labour. Women worked. Throughout history in Europe they were expected to contribute and do their part. There was no pussy pass to get you out of back breaking labour despite being physically weaker than men. The women didn't run around all day cooking and cleaning. Fuck no. You got up at the crack of dawn with the men, made some food while the men got all the tools and shit ready, then you ate with your family quickly and it was right out into the fields. Farming with nothing but hand tools is hard fucking work. No herbicides. No pesticides. You gotta weed it and check for pests BY FUCKING HAND AND EYE.
That would chew up a good chunk of your day. Then you'd bugger off home. You'd get to work cooking, cleaning, etc while the men busied themselves with fixing stuff, hunting for meat to add to the cookpot or any number of tasks that needed doing.
That would be most of the rest of your day. By the end of it you'd both be shattered and eager to rest. You'd get some time to yourselves and then sleep with it seems a brief waking period in the middle of the night where you can do some other things (not sex usually it seems) and then more sleep followed by a repeat of the previous day.
Even in the cities where life was easier. You were still expected to work. Unless you were wealthy, in which case you had other concerns. Oh yes in Europe a wealthy woman had concerns. She ran much of the day to day affairs of her husbands household. Had to keep a budget to ensure they didn't overspend, had to ensure proper entertainment for guests, keep an eye on her husbands reputation, look after and provide a lot of the basic education for the children, maintained clothing, if they were wealthy enough to have a staff then chances were she was responsible for said staff. You were effectively a full time manager, accountant, community organiser, child carer and teacher.
If you were in the upper class? You may not always get the frontline role but you're still most of the above AND a politician. Even if you were just some major figures husband. You had to ensure you could support your husband, or survive his fall.
Even until today this hasn't changed. The roles of women changed little until the last few decades. The overwhelming majority of women worked full time.
Ayden Walker
Only in the context of 'don't have kids.' In no other way is it like feminism.
Julian Wood
He's right. Holla Forums favors making white babies. It's still impossible to do that without white women. MGTOW/MRA is one reaction to feminism. The other is to realize that the majority of hard-core feminists are lolcows, and won't get a man anyway. The pretty ones won't stick with it, unless they earn bucks from it. Most will find a good man and settle down. They may be more trouble, but just be man about it.
I find all the MGTOW arguments valid, but it's more like picking up your ball and going home than staying and straightening things out.
Alexander James
They are both movements which see men and women as inherently antagonistic rather than complementary.
Noah Russell
That's not the point user, i never mentioned about those meme moviments or what they say.
John Harris
MGTOWs generally don't do that well with women. It's so fringe it makes the alt right look mainstream.
Jaxon James
We are better to our women because our women are better, and so are we. Western Civilization is unique in so many ways, and this is just one. Third Wave feminism is just one facet of the Jewish attempt to bring down white culture. We'd all be a lot happier right now, and getting along a whole lot better than we are now, if it hadn't been for the Jews and the Third Wave.
Adam Smith
I don't know. Most men I know feel something along those same lines. It's hard not to. Men have all the responsibilities, and very few rights in relationships. A woman can keep or kill a baby at her whim, but if she keeps it, the father is on the hook. And she'll lie about who the father is if she finds someone with more resource than the real father.
I don't believe most men or most women fit these extremes, however.
Henry Turner
He might be a mangina, but he was correct in that one instance.
Nolan Brooks
Women are complementary when they have no power. Feminism is not about seeing men as antagonistic, it is about getting more attention and more free shit. If they were actually antagonistic they wouldn't be focused on getting shit from men or trying to demand more from men. Notice they never demand things from other women exceot that they all fall in line. MGTOW is recognising women's nature and making the step which we usually have a problem with, the disengaging. Though considering how many of the old MGTOW's had kids first, even that isn't always an issue.
You can pretend we are currently complementary all you want, won't save your ass down the line.
Lincoln Kelly
What are you doing on a white nationalist board if you believe feminism is the final boss?
Shouldn't you be on some GoyimGate related outlet? Perhaps Sargon is more up your alley.
Andrew Thompson
Grace is all around us. It is the air we breath, the water we drink, the trees we build with, the poop we left in the bushes. You see it most heavily in Britain of course. But Europe had the most hilarious nature boner. We'd have fucked the earth itself we could. Image related.
It wasn't until the latter days of the industrial revolution when early industry gave way to modern industry in the first half of the 20th century that we saw large numbers of women enjoying a lifestyle that was in the past utterly unknown. A lifestyle born of the wealth industrialised society brought. The stay at home wife. Who maintained the home but due to the lower wealth of her husband had minimal duties and so was capable of performing all of said duties herself. She could put a lot of effort and care into these duties. You see that facebook post screencap of the woman who does those hilariously stereotypical 1950s housewife photos but really massively done up? That trigger feminists? That wasn't what most women did but it is an extreme example of the level of care they could afford to put into it.
And most of them? Most of them fucking loved it. They were liberated. Fucking liberated. No more back breaking day to day labour for them, they could focus on the home. The things that were important to them. Industry and its riches had freed them and created a better life. Not one without its downsides of course as any man could tell you. The wealth of industry was quickly co-opted. But still women aspired to this freedom and men were keen to deliver it for the benefits it could bring them.
Modern feminism regards this as some kind of prison. You could argue it as a guilded cage, but not exactly a very good prison considering the ease with which you could walk out of it. Back into the workforce, back into the days of labouring for your own survival. Not exactly the most compelling of options. If your choice is daily hard work or a life of relative ease with the odd smack from an overworked husband. Most women are happy to take the smacks.
So the feminist seeks to find a way to retain the ease of life but acquire ever greater freedom. They abandon the men and hear the fields calling them back to work. Makes them nice and easy to manipulate riddled as they are with fear.
Second pic related is the most likely outcome of this state of affairs.
Other cultures did not regard them in the same way. They were property, beasts. Most expected them to do little more than spread their legs and look pretty. They relegated them to basic household tasks as it was all they felt they were good for. They had no expectations of women and so when women fucked up they weren't shocked or surprised. They rarely let them try to accomplish anything to begin with. Meanwhile Europeans had expectations of their women and when said women fucked up, they were disappointed.
Kayden Gonzalez
I'm convinced that a huge component of the asian fetish the combination (in white women) of hypergamy and anti-femininity.
It's not just that they lack femininity. If they were just tomboys that would be fine. It's that so many of them have been told that femininity is an expression of oppression, so you have to actually make an effort to do the opposite of what "the patriarchy" wants.
So as a result, even in high school, you have loud, obnoxious, fat, blue-haired, tattooed cunts.
Add to that, hypergamy. A top-tier male (again, even in high school) is fucking two or three girls on a rotating basis. The girls love the drama. Average guys get nothing at all…or if they do luck out and get a girl, it's one of the anti-feminine ones. This guy: knows what's up. A lot of women women are just completely ruined.
So, for an average guy, an asian chick is his only hope of fucking a girl who is smaller than he is, and is thin, and whose voice isn't an octave higher than his.
I don't condone this. I don't advise young men to date asians. I personally would be ecstatic to meet a virtuous white woman. But I'm being realistic and looking around me and I'm just not seeing it. I'll keep looking. But it seems really obvious to me that dating is a numbers game. For me to marry one good woman, I'd need to date two or three at least. To date one, I'd need to meet perhaps 4 or 5 (probably higher - most will say "no" to the date). So already, that's 15 good women that I need to meet in order to marry just one, and that's a very conservative estimate.
I've literally never met one. I meet overweight, loud, non-feminine women. It's been that way since high school. I did four years in the military to pay for college. It's been this way everywhere I've traveled, everywhere I've lived.
Kevin Parker
shit, forgot to add: It's been this way everywhere I've lived except korea
Now, I know they were trying to get a green card. I didn't get married. Relax. All I'm saying is that the way I was treated by low-class, shit-tier women there (what I mean is, I wasn't fucking supermodels or high class girls - I was basically fucking the korea version of white trash race traitors) - the way they acted and treated me was very different to what I meet back in the US.
Jonathan Peterson
You shouldn't have said that.
Jonathan Wood
Another kike lie
John Reyes
Anthony Stewart
It's true what they said, Holla Forums really is mostly bluepilled normalfags.
Benjamin Baker
Yeah alright, being opposed to low hanging fruit feminism like Sargon is definitely just as risky to your social capital as being a white nationalist.
Bentley Miller
Josiah Martin
Sure, but you can't always afford to raise them. That is a statement of unbridled ignorance and shortsightedness.
Aiden Rodriguez
I know what you mean. I've never ever met an Asian girl I was sexually attracted too although several hapas
What I don't understand about MGTOW is why they jerk each other off all day about it. Nothing wrong with devoting yourself to other things if you choose too or there wouldn't be if our race wasn't dying out, but they seem to spend much more mental energy on thinking about women than the average man
I've seen many many WMAF couples much more than any other racial combo, and I think the primary reason is that they're so much easier for these beta, herbish guys to get.
I don't think it's really to do with feminity, since the Asian girls with white boyfriends I've met usually seem quite androgynous.
Angel Miller
squirrel sex is the last stand of implicit white identity
Cameron Williams
Ryan Sanchez
You've got to be one of the most unlucky men in the world or you're a subtle anti-white shill. I'm usually a shut-in but when I do go out I have no problems meeting decent women. Not to mention, you can form those generic get along to go along liberal women to your will. My standards are pretty high on the physicality portion of what I want in a woman so while there are several women that interested in being with me right now I'm not sure or not interested in making the final move when I know there will be even better as I move up in the world while accomplishing my personal goals.
Logan Cox
Are you talking about e-celebs? Why do they do anything? Attention.
Back when I read mgtow stuff, they would all write for a couple years and disappear. It takes a while to get over indoctrination, and then you move on.
James Anderson
(Witnessed) Interesting analysis user. It rings true I'm glad the shilling has died down and we can read novellas at our leisure again
Jace King
Asian women might make by far more proper housewives than contemporary White girls but there can never be a genuine mutual emotional bond between a White man and a soulless gook. Slant-girls are only motivated by hypergamy, aka your wallet, social status or/and your masterrace genes, they can never genuinely perceive the vastness of unconditional affection of the White psyche. There's a reason it's called "romance" and not "pekinence".
Jason Ross
Pistachios! Tell us who you really are, young lady.
Andrew Campbell
Because you're our mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, coworkers and friends.
Dylan Adams
Because whites consider all human life precious, even females. It's a consequence of the harsh climate in ancient Europe and also why we favor monogamy in our societies, at least without Schlomo's corrupting influence.
Is it bad that my first thought from looking at that picture is "GAS THE KIKES"? Even before "she's pretty"?
Angel Morgan
I don't understand how anyone can look at an asian aside from asians and be attracted to their face on a deep level. even the ones I do find cute, like the top tier japs and plastic honorary kikes that are shilled by the gookposter, are cute like I see a cute puppy. I want to see their cuteness but I have no desire to be with one. never have I been awestruck from any girl that was not white.
Lucas Mitchell
The males seem incapable of romance on any significant level, the girls are just as romantic as ours. It's white men that are the most capable creators and lovers of romance/romanticism – which of course varies, and even most white men are not very romantic, but the white men that are simply understand it well beyond most other creatures in human form.
MGTOW is an inherently jewish philosophy/ideology, it exists solely to stop white children for being born and is almost as bad as feminism in that regard.
Luke Sanchez
Because white women used to sacrifice for the tribe. Even Roman historians would describe how Germanic tribeswomen would furiously attack Roman soldiers when their men were under attack.
Although women were rarely seen in war, shieldmaidens were a real thing in North European culture. That is women that chose to become warriors. These tails were also woven into the old mythology:
Women if Europe kept doing this up until very recently. Take the Finnish Lotta Svärd an auxiliary and paramilitary organisation wholly made up of women, who during the war placed themselves in harms way to nurse wounded Finnish soldiers.
Although few Lottas died in the war as their primary role was, for obvious reasons, not to be at the front line, they still showed courage in the face of danger. Something which the once who fell got recognition for. All fallen Lottas were buried in war heroes' graves.
Before the jew corrupted our white women, they were an honourable part of our society. They did their duty with pride and honour and because of this we rewarded them with the right to vote. Which sadly, once the jew propaganda came in, turned our women against us.
Our white women are the most precious thing we have. They are the key to the future of our people and we need to do all it takes to save them. We need to reverse the course of history and remove their right to vote and to re-establish our old ways. But let us not forget that although many of our women cause us to get grey hairs, we still need them.
Jonathan Anderson
Camden Reed
No this is exactly it. It's hypergamy. Mostly the lower white men on the male hierarchy are what you see with asian women because women choose.
This also ties into the OP question though. In Canada I asked asian women why they seem to like white men and they tend to give either appearance related reasons ("I like blue eyes" and they're scientifically ignorant and think their children would have a good chance of inheriting this when that's not the case at all, or "looks good" or so on are common answers) but also they say "they're kind" which is of course contrary to jew propaganda on evil white men but does explain why we treat our children (and by extension women) well.
Jordan Richardson
Were shield maidens really warriors or were they women who accompanied men to battle, carrying their shields for them and then tended the wounded?
David Sanders
White men.
Luis Perez
They fought.
Matthew Myers
Apparently Himmler couldn't stomach executions, even if they were Communists and/or traitors, had to leave when they were being conducted.
John Long
Jace Campbell
Women were rightfully understood as the source of life. When they were properly educated and they knew they role in society, women deserved to be protected, as to ensure the future of one's people. Feminism was created by kikes to exploit that traditional duty and turn it against men. It was the single most destructive force against the nuclear family and it , like many other cultural destructive forces, were used by Marxists and communists (All of which came from Jews, the original parasites), is made to destroy humanity.
Julian Gonzalez
If really femanon, spread all those arguments to women, mostly young ones, before they get brainwashed by old manhating kikes who spread feminism. Do it and shame all the disgruntled dry old cunts.
Adam Morgan
Where do I find a decent man? Unfortunately around a city area full of cucks so that doesn't help.
Dominic Hughes
Jaxson Sanders
dont know about decent, but you can at least find redpilled men at meetups
Brody Wright
There are many meetups in Aus, well not that I'm aware of.
Matthew White
Lincoln Torres
A time machine.
We are the hollow men, we are the stuffed men.
Jaxon Johnson
Desperation, user. Better to go out and fight and even die next to your man than be raped by your enemy because that is a fate far worse than death.
Matthew Ortiz
Is there no hope? You would think a man would take someone who wants to cook, clean and look after their household…
The ones near me only want leftist art girls with tattoo's and coloured hair and I die inside whenever I see a good looking man with one.
Evan Thompson
plane tickets, assuming you dont want a bogan boyfriend and also want to stay in straya.
Matthew Lopez
you're talking to Holla Forumsacks. Find one of us and create it instead of posting on our board about your love issues. For what its worth, I feel the same way with women in my city. One too many trolls under the bridge.
Benjamin Walker
*dont want to stay in straya
Zachary Nguyen
My issue is finding one of you in person. Trying online currently and it isn't going well. I guess I'll keep at it and try find new places to search.
Camden Fisher
That's not nationalism.
Logan Jenkins
Jaxson Rivera
David Kelly
wow I havent seen one of you in years
Samuel Kelly
I didn't ask to feel today
Aiden Peterson
lol fuck no they don't
Ayden Lopez
That's all I seem to be seeing, I don't get it
Aaron Davis
John Morris
Move to the country. Aus cities are breeding grounds for leftists and shitskins.
Dylan Harris
There I fixed your post. no girls on the internet. Tits or GTFO.
Isaac Roberts
Henry Long
Yes. Funny enough, feminism is just an extension of traditional gynocentric chivalry, just politicized and shoved down our throats in all walks of life. It's the same shit with a facelift pretty much.
Women have it easier than men in western society, but I have no problem treating white women better than all other women. White women are THE top women! All other women either look up to you or they bitterly hate you for being pretty and happy when they are not.
Noah Barnes
I'm gonna die alone. Haven't had a gf in nearly 2 yrs. My life is a mess.
Henry Thomas
Aryans have an innate desire for social justice, no matter how co-opted that term as become.
Me too, my last, and only girlfriend was 6 years ago, maybe 7.
Lincoln Kelly
Look here, pleblords. Not having a girlfriend for any amount of time is no problem. You can summon your confidence at any moment and begin talking to women. You want a girlfriend? My buddy got put in the mental hospital and came out with a cute ass girl saying "I love you." I don't suggest it, but the point is, it's not hard to "just get a girlfriend." Getting a quality WIFE, not girlfriend, but a quality wife is a challenge today. For many of us, it just may not happen. But that gives us a chance to refine ourselves to liberate from samsara. Brush your teeth, learn to be funny/charismatic, and you can get laid. Love may or may not happen. May dubs be upon thee.
Adrian Stewart
I brush my teeth, and have been told I can sell ice to an eskimo, and asked if I study PUA (kek), it doesn't do much good if you don't meet women.
Michael Myers
The glory of being in a terrible location. What's sad is the places without women are the places you want to start your family. To this I say you have three options (1) move, (2) pray the internet gods bless you with a random white woman interested in you, (3) pray the earth gods bless you with a random white woman interested in you.
I was in a similar boat. Moved, now I meet plenty of women but… alas, standards.
Jaxon Ramirez
Women are everywhere
Chase Cox
The chance of finding even just a GF that has a reasonable cost/performance ratio is almost nil these days. Dealing with GenY women is like babysitting and about as intellectually stimulating.
Jack Smith
Ride the tiger brah.
Samuel Jenkins
Not in my room:^)
I live in a fine location (a college town in which the ratio of women to men is high, apparently), but I have no friends and the only place I go is work. Where the fuck can you go solo? And cold approaching is in bad taste, I think. I think I am a lost cause, to be honest. It doesn't even feel bad after a while.
Ryder Foster
Relax. You just pointed out that you are actually in a great spot. Shadilay. Now you have to get over your fear of going out alone and cold approaches. If you go out to eat, sit at the bar this will increase your odds of meeting male goyim and female offspring production facilities. You already said you're charismatic, so now the only thing holding you back is fear and social anxiety. Let it go. You can be anywhere alone. All you need to do is make friends with one guy who has a great group and then not be a twat. Try and find something contextual in the environment to make off-the-cuff remarks to women. A great strategy is when in line like the grocery make some kind of comment about what you're buying, what she's buying. Be funny, but don't try hard. Let her follow-up or not. If she does follow-up then keep the conversation flowing and ask her to hang on so you can get her number before parting ways. You might make her day.
Dylan Bailey
(Checked) Sound advice, I suppose I can stop ordering things off the internet and try going to actual stores to start. What is a good method to not be a twat? Part of my charisma comes from being a master of banter, which usually is somewhat confrontational in nature, which usually only helps in group settings, I usually don't have anything to say to someone I don't know a thing about, though I can talk about anything, the grocery talk is good stuff.
Brandon Smith
Because we're cucks clearly.
Henry Gutierrez
Nigger, i suffered from social anxiety throughout my intire teenage life. I'm 23 now. Just work on yourself (training, good healthy diet, etc). Also start a martial art, that will get your testosterone firing like crazy and you wont give a shit about what anyone thinks of you ever again.
Take it from me. I could barely leave my house due to anxiety. Now it's all in the past.
Ryan Thomas
I don't know what it is about me but I seem to be flypaper towards cougars twice+ my age and trashy tatted up smokers. they've been helpful in draining my autist perma virgin spaghetti reverses, for that they have my thanks. seems every girl near my standards and age is taken before I even speak to them. I don't know where I can meet decent women
Charles Wood
They used to deserve it.
John Morris
Thanks. Try and find every opportunity you can to go outside, including going to buy even small items. How to not be a twat? To be honest I quit trying to not be a twat. But what helps is to have a genuine interest in everyone you encounter. Even if you have to fake it at first, you can usually find something to appreciate about strangers. For example, if you're in the line at the grocery be charismatic with the Google cashier in order to setup the convo with the pretty Aryan behind you.
Bantz can work in many public situations, even if it is confrontational. I suppose it does depend on what you look like and how people take to you at first. I build trust quickly. Just know that there is nothing wrong with approaching qt 3.14s on the street. Sometimes, the hottest 10z complain about not getting hit on because guys are either too shy or think the girl gets hit on too much and doesn't bother.
Aiden Ortiz
This "good dicking" meme needs to die. You think those feminists are as prude as they make themselves out to be? No, they just do it out of spite for control. Women enjoy sex even more than men do, all feminism did was bring back harems. What they say is different than what they do. The more they say how strong and independent they are, the kinkier and more submissive they are. It's no wonder Islam is taking over in Western Europe ever since women got voting rights because it's what they want.
Juan Bell
I truly feel your pain, user. Meeting skeezy women is no problem, but the moral, loyal white girls feel difficult to find. I've even thought of going to Church…
I suggest living your life the way you want your future wife to live her life. In that way you will come upon her. In the meantime, always work on self-improvement and refinement of the soul.
Jayden Lewis
They really aren't. And this is coming from someone who has dated asian girls and has a lot of asian friends.
Asian women aren't really idealistic and tender-hearted in the same way white women are. They're tougher, more resilient and so on. Ironically they're better suited to the whole "independent woman" lifestyle than white women are because of this. But as a result, their attempts at romance and gentleness come across as a lot more like affectation. It's like they watched a romcom or a romance anime and are just apeing what they saw in it.
Noah Lewis
That's only because of
When they had free time, freedom to not become jaded by pragmatism and were not corrupted by (((feminism))) White women used to indulge into poetry, romantic literature, aesthetic sensations and were cultivated to the point of being the emotional pillar of a relationship and a household. Gook girls today are similar but are orders of magnitude inferior in that aspect than what White women used to be.
Nathaniel Thompson
You phrased that better than I did.
Eli Sanchez
Also dat hivemind. Seems like we are soul mates plz be in London.
James Perry
It's not good to be friends with single women imo user.
I do agree it's important for moral Holla Forumsacks to love, respect and take care of our mothers, sisters, female cousins etc.
Alexander Ward
I stick my dick in non-whites but only date white women, so true.
True, but women need borderline abuse or they fall the fuck out of line. I'd rather be in charge of 20 young buck-wild recruits than a dozen women, because the recruits will learn discipline, women never will.
This. For the moment.
Leash? You mean chains right?
Landon Ramirez
But I'm a guy user.
I am in London though.
David Jenkins
I actually have all the signs of being high test, I'll be 25 in a week. RIP
I definitely know what you are saying about the 10's, I have been telling people that for a long time, I had a 10 into me in high school, but I am dense and because of that lost out. Thanks for the help, brother, I will work towards it for you faggots and the Aryan people. Though, still with little hope.:^)
I actually have a bit of advice for you too, drop the google and skype shit, that meme is deadshiggy
Jordan Flores
Find some sort of club for a hobby that interests you unless you really have no free time at all, in which case idk Not sure which ones would be best for women, maybe some other user can help you out
Tyler Sanders
I didn't intend to come here to coach, I don't mean to presume, user. I hope it was at least helpful to motivate you to do what you already know how to do. You don't need me.
Good advice. Sometimes I'm just too dank for my own good.
Noah Hill
Where in the fuck does one find a club?
Dank. Maybe I will just forego a family, and start an Americanized version of the NSDAP.
Jaxson Cox
> Naht-zee
Checkout the Nordic Resistance Movement's English platform if you haven't already. Interesting read for the modern day.
Caleb Brooks
B-but I thought we were all little girls here…
Juan Murphy
They're cockwarmers, and everyone knows it. You know it, he knows it, and deep down they know it. They replicate their internal wounds and unnaturalness externally, and every man knows that they are time bombs. They also happen to be really easy to fuck, so in lieu of any good women, they do.
Just hang around men, act classy, and the ones worth their salt will gravitate to you.
If this doesn't work, you could always try to reform a beta. The key in that endeavour is to be a cheerleader, not a mother. However, I wouldn't recommend that unless you are desperate.
Colton Price
Funny. That's basically my situation. Trashy older biker whores tend to be all over me. I don't know why. If not them, then desperate milfs.
Jaxon Wright
Only on Thursday my man.
Parker Allen
I've advocated militarism in the strictest sense to restore order, stability and hypergamous relationships. Essentially, having a powerful and all-reaching state is key to accomplishing much of our goals as it provides an outlet for men to earn higher incomes and provide a steady source of living for women and the children. However, this agrarian ideal of being somewhere out in the fields with a woman holding cut hay and little bare-foot kids running around seems trivial to me. I've never considered women my friend, not even in the slightest and never put it past them to fail in my achievements. Pussy is pussy and the ability to raise a child is golden and the highest standard; the question is now, do we cut off as much as we can and try and re-grow or absorb what we can and try and let it heal?
Undoubtedly, all of you think you're capable in some way and in researching theory we have to come to the conclusion that we must start anew. The next (Great) war will be conducted by 3D printing of cheap plastics, light materials, drones and actual clones. It will be done entirely through air power, nearly, with minor action on naval terms. However, the next war will be likely, civil in nature and in the US. What will fall out of a civil conflict in the US will be a junta, pro-white and anti-globalist and eventually this will fall in conflict with the Jew once more. Think of it as WW1 and that leading to WW2.
What we're arguing is the setup after this "WW2" or "freedom from the Jew, the final step." My solution is white harems, with perhaps non-white concubines. Men should partake in some military training and considered soldiers of the state and can be drafted for risky explorations into space and into the sea, while women, at least the privileged ones will reproduce. What will come is factories, where women are born at an artificially high rate to skew the ratio of men and women so that women will never have power again. An extreme patriarchal society with absolute control of the lesser races.
Jacob Baker
MRAs are as bad as feminists. There's a saying that goes along the lines of "every great man has a great woman behind him." Good men see work, prosperity and scientific knowledge as great, the female brain is wired for socialization such that in a male-female relationship the male can offload the bulk of the socialization (raising kids, dealing with neighbors, organizing community events, etc) to the woman so he can focus on things that drive society forward. When you don't have that you get modern society where the bulk of males end up doing insane liberal shit to fulfill their social desires because they still exist regardless, though often without reproducing because there isn't that much spare time. The reason MRAs despise feminists is because they are having to take on both roles at the individual level and the reason feminists think they can do it is because society as a whole still provides that prosperity to them.
A mistake was made for certain in ingraining that prosperity in society without reinforcing the pair bonding need to obtain it, remove that (essentially the things MRAs bitch about courts doing plus the media) and shit gets resolved. Regardless though, it's fruitless to bitch about it like MRAs do, they take the need to socialize to an extreme with their bitching, actually adopting one of the tools of women in the process.
Both contribute to society, unless they are feminist or MRA.
Grayson Robinson
My issue with the whole MGTOW/MRA crowd is twofold.
1. They ignore the logical conclusion of their belief in women being infantile - namely that women shouldn't be held to the same standards as men by default.
2. The whole ideology is premised on liberal assumptions about bullshit like "unalienable rights".
MRAs/NIGTOWs are just liberals.
James Harris
Fucking use or if you don't feel like trying to pick up women off the internet.
Blake Reyes
Go to church. You'll make new friends.
Tyler Stewart
Fuck you user I did nothing to deserve these feels.
Asher Walker
Kevin Baker
Wow wow sorry, not this, i posted without reading the last part
Fuck off kike, there will be no globalism
Christopher Bailey
sounds a bit wimpy tbh
Christian Sanders
dont worry
No father of, what, 4 girls? enjoys seeing people die all die.
but thankfully he still had them executed!
Christian Gomez
Asher Perez
Isn't this old marxist atheist argument dead yet?
Jaxon Parker
You must have a strong masculine vibe from all the strong masculine thoughts you have thanks to /pol
Mason Reyes
"SJW" is a bullshit term. It depoliticizes leftist pathology and turns them into "just another group of kooks".
This is why people like Sargon are able to spin the tired old "we're the REAL liberals!" line over and over again.
There are no SJWs, there are white liberals and non-white racial tribalists using lefty language to justify open borders to get more of their own kind into the country. Simple as that.
MRAs are filth.
Christopher Sullivan
You act suspiciously like a woman.
Benjamin Green
It doesn't exist because it's just a useless and redundant term for a leftist.
Call them what they are, they are leftists.
Brandon Powell
Mods, plz delete MGTOW/wizard thread.
Isaac Jenkins
This thread was made by a woman, you stupid fucking retard.
Liam Price
Fine. If men and women can't be held to the same standards, then take away women's rights and stop letting women have it so easier over men in western society. Women only recently have been allowed to have their cake and eat it too. They should not be allowed to have feminism and chivalry simultaneously working on auto-pilot, supported by men around the clock, so they can have it as easy as they currently do.
MRAs, feminists, and so forth would be dealt with that simply.
Blake Gomez
With intelligence comes reason, instead of mindless reaction. And white men would hear the complaints of their women and actually consider those complaints, instead of simply reacting by beating them into silence.
Whites are the most intelligent species of mankind, overall, so they are the most reasonable.
Michael Jenkins
Kayden Russell
Because caucasian is best race.
Andrew Lewis
Yes user, but how can you raise them in a world like this? Transfaggots all over the place, liberal crazed bullshit, pornographic sex in their face 24/7. They'll grow up dysfunctional.