SJW university?

So I'm a college freshman and so far all of the leftists I've met here have been SJWs. They're always talking about this or that oppression, all the white/straight/male people feel guilt about their identities, and they severely underplay class as an issue.

Now, I'm a bi trans woman (inb4 gross tranny; I pass as cis) so I thought I would be able to sway some of these people away from a social justice mindset, but whenever I bring up how left and right identity politics are the same they just get offended and end the conversation. They are literally just as unreasonable as the people in my very conservative hometown.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is how I can make dialogue with these people? I thought I could maybe use my identity as leverage, but they won't listen to any evidence or arguments that run counter to their ideas. I even had someone tell me that "facts were maleable" earlier today. It's like they're all the real life manifestation of what Holla Forums imagines leftists to be.

Any other ideas about stories about anti-idpol on campus would also be appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gross tranny


Did you actually try to use your identities as leverage? Or did you just expect that to happen on its own? "As a bi trans woman I say solving issues of class is more crucial to the well being of all" and "you don't deserve the right to speak for minorities. It is being authoritative".

Anyone else want to improve on this?

You're wasting your time, friend. They've drunk the kool-aid already. If you dissent in any way, one SJW will tell another, it'll spread like wildfire and you'll be come to be known as the next LITERAL rapist. Your problem is that you're in a horde of these people, and you'll be forced to be around them. Don't shit where you eat, understand? Don't talk to anyone, about anything, at all, ever. It's for your own good, don't fuck yourself.

its because Holla Forums is always right

SJW'ism is like the pornography they consume, it's incremental, there always needs to be more, more positions, more contortions.

You can't undo such a state of mind in an argument, it doesn't break the spell, it only reinforces it by casting you as an enemy within.

bring up the fact that making black people CEOs isn't going make the world any less shittier

No, I didn't make it that explicit. I would kind of cringe if I actually said something like that.

I just hoped they wouldn't be able to call me sexist or transphobic or whatever when I brought up my opinions. I think they're just confused honestly (never heard someone of my identity spout those opinions or heard of the anti-idpol left) but nonetheless get offended because that's what these kind of "leftists" love to do.

Been kind of considering this honestly. I was a bit of a social pariah at my high school (would go days without talking to a single person IRL) but oddly enough I feel like people there got less upset when I questioned capitalism than people do here when I question idpol.

Nonetheless, I want to find some way to be able to get past the "trigger" some people have when someone questions idpol and be able to actually converse with them, then I feel like I could make some progress.

Yeah this is pretty much how the LGBT and left community treat me here. Really frustrating tbh.

Tried that, they just said I "can't understand the struggles of black people because I am white". I even told them that slavs (me) aren't considered white in some places, but they wouldn't listen to that either.

Are these people just totally closed off from new ideas or something? It's like they're all hive minds kept in line by fear of being socially ostracized for being too "priviledged".

iktf, save for the passing part

In a situation where something like this happens to me I just start quoting Žižek and expanding on his points ceaselessly until they walk away from me and leave me to my business. Works every time, and sometimes they're more apt to consider an actual leftist position.

P.S. good luck at school; do well in your studies.

Where do you go to school? Literally the only SJW I've seen on my campus was this feminist sociality teacher that made everything about "the patriarchy". The men just looked away uncomfortable but the women were really vocal with how much they thought she was full of shit. In my ethics class, when feminist's ethics came up everyone in the room agreed that it was complete bullshit and the professor just smirked and said he was required to teach it. I honestly don't know where all the SJWs come from I've never met one. All the girls who browse tumblr I know are usually pretty nice and we have a lot of the same interest. Then again the only brony I've ever encountered was adorable mild mannered Jewish girl instead of the autistic rejects you see online. So, maybe I just have good luck.

You have to speak their language for them to understand.

Oberlin :(

I like the fact that it's very leftist, but not the fact that it's so idpol. To give you an example of how crazy this place is, everyone says their pronouns when they introduce themselves, ```as if people can't assume that based on your fucking physiology```.

Women who have pixie cuts and men who have long hair are "non-binary". This places makes a fucking joke out of both leftism and LGBT.

The resident lesbian anarcha feminist poster isn't even a real woman?

Oh boy…

I'm not the lesbian anfem. I'm not even an anfem.

Sorry for the confusion. Carry on then.

That's like becoming a member of scientology because you like sci-fi.

Well what university is better than that in terms of leftism in the US or Canada? I feel like in general the "old left" is hard to find.

I guess I figured that an idpol left university would still have some non-idpolers, or at the very least some who are open to non-idpol, but so far I have been very wrong. It's only been a week though, so there is still hope yet.

Also, this whole experience so far has made me feel like the modern far left has moved very far away from my actual ideals.

You're part of the problem, degenerate freak.

I have no idea which university suits your leftism the best, but I do get the sense that you would fit in better if that weren't your criteria.

I think I see your problem right there. What are you studying? As a minority, I understand where you're coming from. As a tranny it wouldn't be comfortable in a conservative school even if they didn't know. I can see why you'd feel more comfortable in your skin but I think a tiny liberal arts college was asking for trouble. A mid sized university in a big city probably would have been fine. My university has been fine.

>>>/lgbt/ is that way, degenerate

I know you don't like it but I love you

>>>Holla Forums

Kill yourselves pls

But then the choice is between SJWism and crapitalism basically…

Is the old left really so dead that these are the only choices we have?

Oh yeah, another thing, no one here actually knows about the tranny part. Maybe that's hurting me or something?

t r i g g e r e d

Clearly you must not of heard of "internalized oppression"

You bring up you're a tranny, you get one of two responses:


Now have some reading material.

Yes it died like 30 years before we were born. The decline of the Soviet Union was the end of the old left.

Stay away from her I call dips.

You could try infantilization

don't go to the point of "goo goo ga ga baby poop his diaper wah" (as they typically did in response to gamergate. It's at that point you actually lose the argument and start underestimating your opponent), but next time they say something stupid, just say "you're adorable" in a condescending tone. Should they be taken aback, you have the opportunity to say something

That sounds like a fucking stupid idea that'll just antagonise them.

Have you seen arguments on here? We're all terrible debaters. She shouldn't have asked us for advice.

making them mad with minimal effort is another manner of victory

You know, there is a professor on campus with an IWW sticker on his door and tons of other labor stuff. Maybe I should start there?

(plz don't let a wobbly turn out to be an SJW)

Who knows. A guy from that generation could be anything. He might have been one of the proto-sjws that become disillusioned after the USSR died or soemthing.

ED has some ideas…

Here's some dumps of stuff I got against SJWs.

what are you, 12?

Pleb detected.


>still browsing ED

yeah no, you're the pleb




You know, my dorm does already have a Marx quote up on the wall. I think putting this up on my door would trigger/confuse them.

Oh yeah, my dorm also has this huge mural featuring Che, Fidel, Ho Chi Minh, Mao, etc. Kind of cool even if it is idpol socialist.

You thought that troll was sick, wait until you see mine!

(Check your double dubs priviledge, shiplord)
Remind them.

…well…let's see it then…


Ugh. Why are idpolers so hypocritical with who they support? I remember feeling the same way when the Orlando massacre happened and the mainstream left was talking about "islamophobia". Actually tempted me to vote for Trump for like a day when I was scared out of my fucking mind.

Can you buy a gun? I did, and I carry it with me everywhere (in a backpack). I've never felt safer.

Those quotes were when he was young and still formulating his own views during his early travels throughout Latin America. I thought that would be common knowledge on Holla Forums of all places.

Yeah that massive piece plastic in your backpack will definitely save your life when you get shanked.

Still working on obtaining a handgun tho. At least I'll have a significant advantage against hostiles at further ranges than a conventional handgun, such as if they have a rifle as well.

Post dong

Have you ever tried explaining how their identity politics generally just end up reproducing the unsavory logic that at least claim to dislike, and perhaps the emancipation they seek lies in the negation of concepts such as race, gender etc rather than the affirmation of such?

Holy fucking shit

Hi Prickly

So, everyone's the problem and you're the only sane person left there? Honestly, half the people in this thread sound like the demographic you're describing.

Any suggestions?

Yes. For starters, move on to a real aka non-meme college with actual standards. Go there because being surrounded by people leaps and bounds smarter than yourself usually helps with your situation.

I needed something to start fires how else am I going to light a molotov? :^) so I figured why not? Better than a plain silver one.

what utopia is this?

was this locked on accident?


This is one dumb GIF. Had this household owned a gun, that man might have just downright shot and killed the girl.


How? He only has fists.

We know it was under rehabilitation

Be subtle, talk about praxis, talk about how actual solutions to resolve inequality are going to involve structural change

You've seen the light! You've been exposed to both forms of ignorance, many people I've met haven't.

Oh except you havent' dealt with lumpens yet…you will some day I'm sure!

Teach them some new jokes. They won't listen otherwise. Their goal is social currency not muh truth sets muh free. They would just as well have sent a postcard about a lynching they attended 150 years ago.

I love this shit.

Way to fight those oppressive prescribed gender roles!