The Nation is glorifying black bloc which is a group of violent leftist thugs. The woman who wrote this article is Natasha Lennard. She is jewish.
The mainstream media is now advocating violence against right wingers. They must pay the consequences.
The Nation is glorifying black bloc which is a group of violent leftist thugs. The woman who wrote this article is Natasha Lennard. She is jewish.
The mainstream media is now advocating violence against right wingers. They must pay the consequences.
Other urls found in this thread:
Here is another recent article of hers praising the violent antifa goons.
Posting some of her tweets praising violent leftists and also some tweets by people supporting her.
This cunt has to be fired.
Proof of the violence committed by the black bloc on inaugration day:
This woman is praising the thugs who broke shop windows, burned limos and beat up innocent people on Jan 20th. I don't think the law and order President is going to appreciate this.
Pretty much all Jewesses at my college have a boner for leftist/minority groups that cause civil unrest. Really makes you think.
This is the first piece which criticizes Natasha Lennard and The Nation for supporting violence.
Reminds me of that cunt tara dublin
Let them chimpout, this isn't Europe. Not 2 days ago an antifa shithead already got shot in the street for starting shit, and shot by a chink no less
Antifa will be arrested. But this woman should not be allowed to keep her job for encouraging political violence. She even encourages funding antifa and black bloc by providing a link to it. Nobody on the right is encouraging political violence.
This leftist cunt has to pay. Pic related.
If justice won't be served, it's only a matter of time until some lone wolf starts taking out these journalists.
That's what happened in Putin's Russia, would be nice if that happens in the Trump's America too.
They did in 1917 and started killing millions of slavic christians. Trotsky, Yagoda, Kaganovich and Zinoviev were all Jewish.
Here is Dave Weigel who thinks Lennard's piece advocating violence is "interesting".
Doing us a favor in a way.
Black lives matter.
Black block.
So many bad things being associated with the word "black", which is good.
Of course the kikes are at the helm, but still, every little bit of contempt toward nonwhites (which jews belong to) is good.
Yeah we all know that, but it's important to know who is doing it in this day and age. Newspapers are a lot smaller than you think, especially these national ones. They downsize because everything is digitized so the individual mechanisms and people of the their work are more important. They're very vulnerable to Alinskyism.
I'll even give you some intel, Slate and the Washington Post's offices are actually connected. Same floor of the same building and you can actually throw a paper ball from Slate into the Washington Post's cubicles.
The presstitutes are extremely easy to get at. There are parties in Brooklyn where the entire editorial staff of multiple newspapers are there. It's insane. These people are on cloud 9, drugged up, and then they go into work and pour that bullshit like the Black Bloc article into facebook for high schoolers to read.
More leftist scum writers agreeing with Natasha Lennard's piece.
I just see a bunch of faggots who weren't quite blueman-group material but wanted to wear bodysuits anyway.
More leftist scum supporting her article. Check out the blue mark showing they are verified users.
I've seen a lot of politically neutral fence sitters, the ones that make up a large chunk of Americans look at leftists in disgust now.
They pretty much secured Trump's second turn.
Too little too late for the media. This isn't Germany where you can foster the growth of your little movements under the protection of hate speech laws/censorship. The internet will make these people look like the filth they are. Shame they didn't try this in 2008. They could have succeeded then.
More often than not the blue check simply means "globalist shill account".
Is this all these retards do? They just run from A, to B, to C and so on, breaking things? How ineffectual and stupid. Try that outside of the city limits you little faggots and see how fast you get put down…
Check out the thread here, it's a lot deeper than just leftists sperging out. Read it all.
I'm pretty fucking paranoid, but could this be a jewish plot to get people on the right to support tricky dickie by way of hating a common enemy, thereby tricking the right into supporting controlled opposition?
Here is the editor of the Nation totally endorsing the piece by Lennard and punching "Nazis".
These people are scum.
Oops I messed that up.
More leftist scum endorsing violence
Blac block is neo bolshevik
Their sycophants and neo bolshevik
These are weimar times and they call for weimar solutions
Look for any sources of funding ie complicity in terrorism.
She is an assistant news editor at Salon
No doubt but I just want to say that on my sockpuppet accounts I encountered political violence from the left
Not encountered
She is retweeting violent anarchists
Most of those celebrating her support of political violence are verified accounts of journalists.
Oy vey!
So the media openly advocates violence and civil disruption now. This has honestly been fascinating to watch unfold, especially if one has ever wondered how a narrative is crafted against a public figure as happened with Hitler. The gradual escalation of hysteria has been stoked to the point of calling for actual anarchy, based on absolutely nothing in the way of evidence. If they win the Cold Civil War, this is what goes into the history books. If they lose, this won't even be a footnote.
I sitll need to read all through that thread, but I'm wondering if the leftist game plan is to foster these violent cells to cause havoc and then pull and appeal to moderation. First the journos egg on the violence, then as the right wing starts hitting back, they call for an appeal to moderation and an end to "all" the violence from "both sides". All it would take to accomplish this is instituting all our leftist policies like you did back in the 70's.
Another pro political violence article written at the Daily Dot. The author's name is Jaya Saxena.
This is her twitter:
I think we should start making a list of these people. It will be useful some time later.
What would our grandparents do to open communist terrorists who relish violence against white people and the destruction of "whiteness", ask yourselves this. I dont think they would send them angry twitter messages, for example.
The point is to make an example of a leading progressive. Someone of the stature of Bernie Sanders who is loved by leftist scum. It will send a clear message across to them and it will break them psychologically.
These fucktarded women are apparently eager to open their pussies for any violent mob. As long as they can watch the destruction from a nice safe space.
The thing is, the muslims and antifa morons they get so moist about would quickly turn their little power rape fantasies into actual brutal rape. And when they take off the masks, they aren't going to look anything like the tall, handsome Chad they imagine them to be.
So, what's preventing us from forming an opposition presented as simply a patriotic and logical answer to this? These people are openly anarchist and anyone criticizing such a movement against them would be instantly labeled as traitors and maniacs. I know everyone freaks out about alphabet soup infiltration and all, but that isn't stopping all these fuckers from burning our flag and rioting in the streets. Maybe with President Trump in office and the new administration in place, the shadows aren't the only place we belong.
Women "journalists" like this are why there aren't real jobs for men anymore. Stupid diversity hire to write garbage.
Jounalists want their words to carry more weight. Instead of people losing their jobs due to racist, misogynist, homophobic, or xenophobic comments. They want them attacked, beaten, and their property destroyed. They are delusional. They see the ghosts of Nazis everywhere. In images of cartoon frogs and in their dreams. In reality, they are calling for open attacks on Americans.
All of these so called journalists are failed writers and bloggers who have probably never studied journalism in their life. Every single one of these chuckle fucks write in that same style.
kill the female antifa in front of the men and make the antifa men eat the women's remains
What advertisers do they have?
Be armed, don't be alone. The rules are different now.
Welp, at least someone is bringing some ideas to the table.
I worry for my wife and children… as I am not too great with words so I fear I won't be able to express the glee and pride I will have when we finally take the war to these faggots.
i want them to taste death
come to the nightmare, come to me i'll bring death to where you'll be
same here user same here. i have two kids now son and daughter and i will raise then both to be white warriors. but the waiting for them to grow up is killin me.
The phrase
needs to make a comeback, except applied to these commies not us. It would be a favor to them.
Thanks for the endorsement FBI-KUN.
This sounds like a great party for one of our wolves to crash. Tons of free food I'm sure.
you're welcome. in real life physically murder these people. as in actually get off the comp.. get a gun and really actually shoot them to end their lives.. stab them . murder them. no mercy no quarter/
I don't think forced cannibalism is quite the route we should take. Seems a little, whats the phrase im looking for? Batshit crazy. Yeah thats it.
make them suffer great inhumanities, make them rape each other at gunpoint. cut the arms off the antifa men and use those to rape the antia women with. shove one of the cut off men's heads into the womens vagoo. make her cum on her comrades severed head.
rob them of their humanity
Racial tension in America was already in the news in 2008. Where the fuck were you? Coupled with assholes protesting the war and bush on street corners. Pics related.
just loving my neighbor
rip their skins off and force them to fry their own skin like bacon and eat it
Are we being raided by FBI?
But wait a minute. Who are they fighting? Are they saying the people who live and work in the streets they are attempting to wreak are 'Nazis'?
Is it a specific group, race or sex of people they are targeting?
Or do they believe Trump and the millions of people that voted for him are Nazis?
Are there Americans walking around in Nazi outfits?
Is anyone that disagrees with them a 'Nazi'?
I'm I right in thinking that hard working people that have a job to get to and the cops protecting them are all 'Nazis', and that the unemployed, masked, skinny punks running around disrupting the peace, vandalizing and attacking people are the 'heroes' that will save us all from something terrible?
Why the fuck are the cops not mass arresting the skinny little angsty teenagers on too much adderall?
Was about to say…
Not until we can get away with it…
Fuck off wimpcuck.
When will trump crack down hard on these domestic terrorists?
grow a pair you fucking softest.
hold antifa members down and use crowbars to pop their knee caps off, then make them chew the bone hahahahahahahahhahaha
Declare antifa a terrorist organization
They want to make america afraid again
We will never again bow to terrorists.
oh gee, I wonder who could be raiding our Antifa thread posting violent messages
I wonder who could be behind this
I wonder what their purpose is
It must be the real nazis you fasc-I mean faggot :^)
Pic related was the most high profile case. She was shot by a man on Putin's birthday.
Secretary Mattis please go
why do you not support the death of commies. i really want to know? do you realize not everyone advocating death is a fed. grow up
I'm starting to think the internet will get shutdown to cope with the leftist chaos.
They literally fall 100% for poe's law every god damn time. They can't handle it.
if you shy away from "violent" messages about the left.. WHYA RE YOU HERE?
fucking seriously. are you so soft you don't want to see antifa get killed? give me a real answer as to why they do not deserve violence committed on them?
god damn thats a lot of hits. that will never happen in this cucked country.
Hope Natasha Lennard is doxed. She will have to change her residence at the very least :^)
Especially here in Germany this happens every year in early may
Have fun Ameribros, I'm sorry you have to deal with this cancer.
But these people are cowards, in the video you can see a german right-wing demonstration. Some of our guys break out of the demonstration to run towards the Antifags far in the background. As you can see the entire Antifag-demonstration is running away in fear of the few right-wing demonstrators.
They are weak and craven but still very annoying.
This is probably very new to the US but you guys should really ask Trump for making them an illegal organisation. Because as soon as this keeps going on it will become as bad as it is here. Can't fucking wait for the creation of the Anti-American-Movement which will be demanding new pearl harbours every day kek
Why are they beating the trashcans?
> Editor/Publisher:
(((Every Time)))
Their approach is to become one with the niggers so they try to communicate in a language they can understand.
Oh, hey, bonus.
Starting to see pro-ANTIFA sentiment seep into my quasi-normie circles, too. They're pushing black bloc as the new cool youth rebellion™
Her husband is Stephen (((Cohen))) who is an expert on Russia. He is one of the few American Jews who is not anti-Putin.
Liberal tacticians, everyone.
The implicit non-neutrality of the police is perhaps the only reason Burgerstan does not have Euro-style ANTIFA running around. Cops here are generally rightist and are tired of lefties making their job even more difficult. They can rely on euro cops to be ordered not to punish them, but Clapistani cops will happily look the other way for you to punch some wannabe revolutionary wanting to start a riot.
From the level of insane brutality I'm beginning to think it's some Jap LARPing Nanking.
it is a well known and established fact that among black block are agents provocateur who are undercover LEOs
Toronto is right now in the midst of a massive government / media propaganda fraud. As events unfold, it is becoming increasingly clear that the ‘Black Bloc’ are undercover police operatives engaged in purposeful provocations to eclipse and invalidate legitimate G20 citizen protest by starting a riot. Government agents have been caught doing this before in Canada.
tl;dr they were undercover cops, not "leftist". same principle as "skinheads" that are actually FBI
I said it here and said it before
Push for antifa to be declared a terrorist organization
Whenever I get dubs it's almost always 55, what could it mean?
They're sure gotten over confident after that goon suckerpunched lil' Dickie, I keep seeing tweets giving advice on "punching Nazis". I can't wait for these limp wrists to challenge actual neo-Nazis and get their shit kicked in.
Arrested. They were lucky. Their punishment must be more severe.
The media's intention is to give Antifa the same status as BLM enjoys. What they want is an organization that is above the law, which can freely riot, destroy property, and viciously beat working-class Americans who they feel have stepped out of line. Is it a terrorist organization? Sure. But it is one that is organized and led by middle and upper class liberals. If blacks can get away with burning down cities, then they can get away with openly attacking Americans.
Or really anyone who isn't a dandy fop
Battle of Sacramento.
That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
Coma dindu finally died? Good riddance. Pull the plug on antifa.
These degenerate bastards need the noose.
It's all a matter of hitting them back. You don't become like Spencer who ran away from a coprophiliac cuck.
The antifa we've run into here in burger land are the same. Total cowards who break if the odds are anything less than 3-1 in their favor. So far they've managed to mangle some lone women pretty badly - one of them pregnant - but that's all.
Just travel in groups of 3-4 and you'll be fine. Carry if you can, and have an escape plan that isn't "outrun angry mob" (evidence as to why this is shit is here ).
Be smart anons.
The other thing is if you have to engage be brutal don't treat these enemies with any sort of leniency.
The right always disavows and disowns its allies for any impurity like you faggots did with TRS. The left never does. That's why they've been winning for the last 30 years.
Trump will do a lot to help us, but he's not going to reverse the three-decade killstreak the anti-white left has been inflicting on us. You need to figure out what solidarity means.
You need to go back.
you're an honorary jew tbh
TRS deserved to be disavowed though. Mike Enoch turned out to be a fraud.
TRS was disavowed months before Enoch's shit came out. The poster is correct.
I'd rather just hang 'em… no need to get all violent.
Just you wait, you Nazi! I'll beat you up!!!
crying out in pain while they strike you, I see
A bullet to the head, or their head to the pavement, would work just fine. Your weird, sadistic torture methods sound like kike fantasies tbh.
Don't interrupt your enemies when they are making mistakes. Rather than apishly flailing back at them, be gentlemen and meme the hell out of them. Just show how violent and uncivilized Antifa and these goading (((journalists))) are to normal people, and most will drift towards our side.
your dubs are thrown into the trash
dehumanize all commies with brutal rape and torture
Ages ago there was a nifty term for people like you.
I vaguely remember VICE doing a story on Black Bloc a few years back, but it was somewhere in Egypt during Arab Spring. Why the Hell do we Americans have Black Bloc operating over here on American soil? Was Dearborn the beachhead?
back to cuckchan with thee
Why is everyone here obsessed with Jews? It's bordering on autism.
Fuck off back to r/the_zionald
how new are you
Welcome to Holla Forums
Just curious.
fuck off kike, we're full
if you have to ask about juden here.. it shows you are from somewhere else.
Holy shit how the fuck did you even get here?
Or people like me, who are scrawny nerds who keep to themselves, that read about this violence every day and become wary of it. Their scare tactics work but not in the way they intended because I am not the type of person that likes to be controlled. So instead of submitting, I lash back – suddenly and with maximum force, in the hopes that the other party does not escalate even further. In other words, I'm physically weak and not good at fighting, so I have a license to carry a handgun. Combine that with a voracious appetite for alternative knowledge and you have a man who is more or less constantly tense when he leaves his home, the mental equivalent of being backed into a corner. What do you think happens when a person like me encounters a negro twice his size and with 4 of his friends who yell angrily about the injustices I've supposedly done? I wouldn't even let them breach my personal space without drawing.
Of course, being a scrawny nerd who doesn't get out much also means I don't have to encounter these types of people. For now. But I believe most Trump supporters are like me, just scared as fuck. Scared people are one step away from becoming violent. They have already bonded together for a form of political safety in numbers as much as to express their desires, and once you have factions violence is even easier.
Jews inciting violence? Praising terrorists? Geez, never seen that shit before…
Lift Moar faggot
I seriously can't wait to kill these faggots.
YOu sound like a twat. YOu should just join these antifa cunts.
BLM violence was in part what caused the Democrats to lose all control of the government.
Encouraging Black Bloc to be violent will ensure Trump 2020 landslide
Don't fight against it, subvert it, promote it, usurp it.
Supreme b8, well done.
Is it real or just some user pretending to be an antifag?
I'm not going to show any kind of solidarity to people who tried to do an hostile takeover of our community, especially after their owner is a jew, married to a jewess who worked for a three letter agency. TRS deserved all that it got.
Orly? You like toilet plungers?
I remember researching these guys a little back in the day. they claim to be for political objectives but it is literally just a pack of edgy faggot teenagers that didnt get in enough fights in HS and go around breaking peoples public property and running once the owners come out, and acting like they are "Smashing the state"
bunch of no good larping cuckolds that need to be executed for being useless, i dont even care what stupid politics they believe in
Except that was an actual righteous cause of the left. THe war in Iraq was foolish and then everything afterwards was executed even worse. As for the people who say the surge worked it would only have worked if america was willing to continue to pay the sunnis not to be terrorists forever.
Does the word "virtue" mean any thing to you, retard?
fucking liberal logic
Apparently antifags only riot in pozzed areas? Anyone with a concealed carry could shoot if they assault them, right? Defending yourself against a mob of masked retards seems pretty justifiable. Antifa will fuck right off if their little window smashing parties turn into a meat grinder.
Pretending or not, he's right about antifa actually facing charges for once. It's not Holla Forums doing that, though, it's Trump.
Guys, what would happen if all the strategies used by Zionists was used against different factions within their movement?
Would just literally meme into existence all the stuff they meme in other countries but within their own groups.
Does anyone have Intel on the different ideologies in the Zionist movement?
Yea one is left wing and the other is right wing. As long as the jewish state isn't put at risk they let their useful idiot kikes do the leg work. While the banking kikes use all sides to keep the goys bickering.
Did you not read user's first pic?
(((Somebody))) is funding these faggots. Vid related
Is that really what they are though? In the words of that former KGB agent (paraphrased)
Do they not enjoy autonomy?
Side note, user brought up "wait until they fight real neo nazis." That would be the fucking day. I'm surprised skinheads aren't going out in droves to fight these leftist faggots, but then again, their lack of presence goes to show a few things.
At the end of the day I'd still like to see some actual neo nazi gangs tear up some leftist faggots. Dunno why there isn't a false flag yet. You heard it here first folks.
Like the ones in the US who are not LARPers? I doubt we would see that. They are involved in organized crime, loan sharking, run small business, and have investments. I doubt they would want to get arrested for beating up a bunch of spoiled kids. I doubt those Antifa faggots would dare attack them either. Many of them have the presence of a killer.
ps. this is dave, filling in at steve's desk. his family had an emergency. all our agen… anons wish him the best
So much leftism is funded by intelligence agencies and wealthy jews, shielded and managed by all sorts of sleazy whites and homosexuals within the media apparatus. The whole thing would fail almost immediately if it relied on anything approaching organic support and not these hidden and not so hidden elements.
Their felony prison stays should take the edge of their commie asses.
this is the only instance of nigger rape i can conceivably condone. i hope much damage is done to their colons. i hope they are gangraped repeatedly. made to drink urine and eat feces. i want to hear about brutal gang rapes of antifa members by jamal and his crew. i want to hear antifa talking with tw dicks in their mouth. maybe some prisoners have some hidden rusty iron shivs to kin their scrotums with. i hope the gang members fore the male antifa to crossdress for them . if you cannot tell i loathe commies. best regards.. Dave from the "office"
i also want to see video of a female antifa member getting a metal rod inserted vaginally and torqued so it rips the vaginal walls. then pack that wound with feces
Inb4 she's a race mixer
We Weimar now?
Women love violence, as long as it doesn't touch them.
so what can be done to make it "touch" them?
Commissar on the right at end of vid: that's it, roll that symbol of oppression into the street! We're going to change the world!
They're antifa. They'll do that willingly.
Just give it a bit of time. Let them keep shitting all over themselves. This is pretty low-level violence and larping.
I would never advocate violence toward the "journalists" encouraging and celebrating this thuggish behavior. I would hold it up to their peers, their bosses, and their investors, asking if this is the kind of reportage the American people need.
damn you got me there
all those that support antifa.. journo or not.. even if a single white mother of two kids condone them EVEN IF TEENAGERS THAT ARE 15 YRS OLD CONDONE THEM…. cleanse. purge. kill.
my god… don't any of you want to EXTERMINATE ALL LIBERRAS NO MATTER WHAT? if your answer is not yes then you deserve all the horrible things i have mentioned
The spitting kike getting bitch slapped is gold.