Archie has officially cancelled Sonic The Hedgehog.
There you have it folks.
Archie has officially cancelled Sonic The Hedgehog.
There you have it folks.
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What was the point of beating around the bush for so long?
Maybe Sega's planning to announce something at Comic-con.
Honestly, I've never actually read the comics(a few here and there) but I like like expanded canon lores, less known characters getting more love, and alternative stories. I hope this isn't the end.
SEGA was probably negotiating with Archie to try and keep it going. It's a shame it ended this way. It'd have been nice if the rest of Mega Drive could've been released and the writers had been able to cobble together a conclusion for the main comic.
I can hear Penders laughing in the distance.
Bunnie Rabbot an Sally are gone forever now aren't they?
More than likely. Though now that the western comic is 'dead' Sega might actually pick the characters up for their games.
Companies can be petty about shot like that.
I miss yo City of Heroes…
Yep, and so are the rest of the freedom fighters and every other character introduced in the post-genesis wave universe..
At best, they'll get a cameo in a future game or whatever future comic adaptation SEGA works on.
Atleast we still have Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces!
Good riddance. It was an autistic train wreck. The only reason I see people whining about the death of this stupid comic is "Muh furry waifus!" And fuck Nicole she's the most overrated one despite being boring as fuck.
And before anyone says anything, remember if Sega wants a new Sonic Comic series they're still going to want their limiting rules in place. You can't do much with the ever uninteresting Sonic Team characters themselves.
This inevitably leads to the same problem Archie Sonic had, a bunch of OCs starting to get created and taking center stage. Honestly, Sonic sucks. Really he frankly does. The only thing he's good for is videogames…whenever they bother to make a decent one because Forces looks lousy and ironically it also has the OC bullshit in it.
Nice bait.
R.I.P. best eggman.
he's right though
I knew it was coming so I don't feel anything at all.
Fuck off CWC
It's dead.
Is SEGA of Japan still not allowed to use them?
It's more like they don't want to use them.
Fucking hell this is worse than the pendering, we'll never see the "forgotten" characters appear ever again.
It hurts just a little.
I have been a Honeyfag since 2008, so I'm sure you know how happy I was to see her become a cast member in the comic. Now look at this, I was excited to see her gain. Fuck, look how happy she looks. Now she'll never show up in any Sonic media ever again while we're stuck with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy forever.
Her human version is pretty great, too.
So, what publishing company picked up the license?
We don't know. We don't know if any even did yet. Just "Sonic won't disappear from comics" and "we're heading on a new direction".
Probably gonna be IDW
MLP crossover when?
Fuck you Scoutdash is bestiality.
I don't think very many companies could be hated harder than Archie, to be honest.
I need a place to read this comic series. I've always shown an interest in it. But I never had a chance to read it outside of free comic book day issues and like randomly reading what copies I could run into. Also Sonic Comic humble Bundles which barely tap into the meat of the series. If it just so happens to have older fleetway Sonic comics that would be nice too.
I'd only read the first 50 issues, I have them all so I might put a torrent together.
There used to be a place that had every Sonic comic in existence from both Archie and Fleetway but ever since sales went down they decided to be cunts and take every issue down so sales could go up.
Go for it.
Thank you kindly user. Do you also have several of the spinoff issues like Megadrive and the Knuckles series?
Yeah I remember that. I was pretty mad. Especially since I KNEW the comic was going to die soon and wanted to read some more on the series. And they haven't updated the place since. Especially now that the comics are confirmed dead.
They deleted the fleetway comics too which made me really mad. Especially since Sonic the comic is still ongoing online. With none of the older issues for me to understand what the fuck was going on. Thankfully the site guys gave a nice overview but it isn't the same
Do you think they'll put everything back up now that it's officially ended?
As if getting strep throat on my birthday (as my insurance expires) and missing out on my friends' party and getting fired last week wasn't shitty enough.
At least Mania's still a thing, I guess.
... right?
Yeah that was the one.
I heard he thinks he can use the rest of the Archie OCs now that the comic's cancelled. I really hope he tries and gets legally fucked for it.
It'll be IDW won't it? Boy, I can't wait for him to team up with the ponies, Doctor Who and Data to fight the aliens from Mars Attacks.
Most likely. Although I kinda want one of the big 2 to pick up the license just to see the shitshow.
It just keeps getting better. Can't wait for Archie to finally die.
DC is handling the HB comics very well, I'd be interested to see DC's Sonic The Hedgehog. It would be hilarious if he was integrated into the JL universe.
At least there'll be no more sorrow now
Apparently Ian has been fired from Archie, does anyone have a source?
Ian is freelance, as are all the artists who worked on the book. He was never an Archie employee.
This made me feel so much better. Thank you.
Is that sarcasm?
So it's been confirmed, I don't think anyone is surprised.
It will be shit because it's a Sonic Comic.
It was only ever good because of Ian Flynn
It will be shit because IDW. Enjoy Sonic becoming a SJW mouthpiece, autists. You should have let it die.
What the fuck does this have to do with us? This is entirely Segas doing
Well actually got there first. Still they seem to be the company publishing stories about everything that wasn't originally a comic. Them, Titan or DC Thomson.
We all knew this would happen
Never say never.
Maybe IDW will release it
Well, that was fast.
So, guesses on what the IDW comic will be like?
Well damn
Penders may be a talentless fuck, but he's apparently not that dumb. If you have the rights you get paid when people want to make money using your shit.
They rebooted the universe just to get away from him. Why the fuck does he think they'll need him now
Yeah, as if Sega would let that shit slide. They hated his ass since SatAM.
Because he apparently has it in his head that Sonic would completely fail without his convoluted bullshit.
Reminder, this idiot still wants to go after Bioware and Sega for Sonic Chronicles.
Because he's stupid. He honestly believes his shitty OCs and fanfiction lore are an incredibly valuable IPs.
I still can't believe how irredeemably shit that game was. Like I honestly think it was worse than Sonic 06.
Why? He killed the Archie Sonic what more shouldn't he be satisfied?
getout weeb
I posted an anti-anime image
Look at this delusion.
No one ever asked you to.
Fleetway is superior.
God. No wonder the fans and industry alike hate this cunt
He or it, as I'm 90% sure that this fag has a bot doesn't care. If it's anime, it getting an >>>/a/.
Honestly, it's a little annoying. Because you can't even post a reaction image without triggering >>>/a/fag.
When both the IP holder and the general fanbase agree you're a piece of shit, it really is time to stop talking.
Best case scenario would be a combination of your first and second guesses. Worst case scenario would be giving it to the same people who draw the characters they're given completely off-model and ignore the guidelines of what they're generally supposed to look like, AND can manage to fuck a evil mirror universe arc.
That's not even the tip of the iceberg
Hopefully, though considering IDW current run of other franchises, its does worry me a bit.
Oh boy, its the user that bitches about /a/ 24/7.
Will this guy EVER fuck off?
Why do you keep posting this image?
Personally, I'd want game adaptations and stuff like Flynn was writing but that could lead to the same mess that made people hate the Archie comics in the first place, at least if it's written poorly.
As long as Sega continues to make Sonic content, no.
View at your own risk.
Good lord.
How long did he draw the Sonic book for?
From Issue 25 until he quit over a demotion because Sega called him a fucking retard.
How many years?
Some 12 at least. I want to say, from 94 to 06?
So, 12 years of drawing Sonic and this is his art?
No wonder they shitcanned him
He got worse at it, actually. He was never good, but this is actively worse than most of his stuff. He got complacent, basically, and going "I'm a veteran, I can draw how I like!"
And he never got shitcanned, it's more hilarious. The editor hired a fan to sort out the continuity mess of the comic, in what would later become the Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, and ended up also offering the fan to write a few stories. Penders got so huffy about sharing head writer role he quit, expecting them to immediately go "no, no don't go, here, we'll pay you more to stay!"
They never did.
Honestly, I'm willing to bet that Flynn getting brought on was just a convenient excuse, since I believe Sega was actually going to enforce style guidelines at the same time, meaning Penders would have to draw on-model or fuck off regardless.
He'd probably have gotten shitcanned anyway, yes, as SEGA was about to enforce their guidelines after they saw the infamous cover that's coincidentially being used as the OP image here and went "wait is this a comic of Sonic cry- WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HOLD ON". But point is, he wasn't, because he quit before he could be fired, thinking he'd quickly be asked back. And never was. Just another example of his arrogance.
Well, at least there's no danger of Sega filing a copyright infringement claim against him
Archie killed it. The entire company is going out of business under current management. The humongous fanboy hate boner for Penders is amusing though. Maybe Archie wouldn't have settled with him if they knew they didn't break the law.
this sounds like a bullshit version of what happened to make one party look better than the other, Archie were and still are greedy jews, you need to keep that in mind
Oh I know Archie were greedy jews- I don't buy the "the contract was burned in a fire" shit, for an example. But Penders is a greedy arrogant jew too. Really, in the end, the whole thing was an absurd shitshow of arrogant idiots with some decent people mixed in- Jon Gray, who sadly grew up into a full on black sjw, Ian Flynn, so on.
Is it some kind of meme to pretend to be a fan of this comic and want Penders to die? Because as far as I can tell, the comic was all Penders before Flynn, and Flynn was specifically a fanboy of Penders. I would be more willing to buy this narrative if Archie's history wasn't full of people who got rail roaded and treated like garbage after breaking their backs for the company while the owners got rich. Research the Dan DeCarlo fiasco as a good example, which involved a similar lawsuit. Also Archie Comics was behind the CCA. That's something no one ever talks about anymore.
He even thinks he owns Sonic recolors? What the hell!?
I don't get your point. Do you need me to specify "Penders is a delusional cunt, but legally he was correct, and I'm not trying to excuse Archie"?
…I'm suprisingly ok with this
Ken Penders sued Archie and Sega purely to exert control over Sonic the Hedgehog, and won. At that point, most people negotiate for royalties or recognition, but not Penders. His demands amounted to royalties and creative control over the book.
You can read it from the horse's mouth here
Penders is an arrogant, delusional autist who wanted to control something he had no part in creating. Stating that fact isn't support of Archie. If anything, it's an indictment of Archie that they allowed that human-shaped malignant tumor to act like he owned Sonic the Hedgehog.
So with the cancellation of the comic does he still retain the right to the shit he argued over in court?
Is this like F4 comic being cancelled because of licensing?
What exactly is his thought process here? Why does he think he owns Knuckles recolors?
IIRC when he introduced a new character he filed a trademark so when he got fired/quit he took it all with him and then got into a legal slap fight with sega and archie.
He still says he owns everything that had to be ripped out before the reboot. The only 'original' character that is even possibly safe to use anymore is Scourge, and even that is still disputed by the autistic fuck.
But how can you, for example, trademark an 'evil' Sonic? Can I trademark and evil version of Micky Mouse?
It would have to be legally distinct from the source material if you want to avoid the legal team of the copyright holder so I don't think you call anything "evil name". I think the only reason he was able to get away with it was that archie wasn't able to produce the work for hire form. With it they could have proven that all works created by him would have been legally owned by sega and avoided this whole mess in the first place.
Scrolling through his Twatter account it seems he was arguing over IDW using scourge with some other autist. Penders got quiet when it was mentioned that once the 'evil sonic' Character became Scourge, he was basically a recolor of evil Sonic that Penders had no control over. Penders didn't reply, which is telling. It could mean there may be a loophole for at least one pre-boot character.
The funny bit is that Penders keeps talking about wanting to make a deal with SEGA. He has no idea what burning bridges means.
It's from yesterday or the day before, so you won't have to scroll long.
Msn thats thorny
At a minimum, you'd have to give 'Scourge' a different origin story so that he was never evil Sonic, but that might work.
I still don't understand how someone can get the copyright on an evil version of a character they don't own. That's like copyrighting bearded Spock.
That's just how fucked up the copyright and tradmark system is in the US.
You can't. Filing a copyright with the US copyright office isn't the same as owning the copyright. The problem is that Archie and SEGA ignored his filing. Then, when it went to court, Archie ended up settling to avoid a protracted and expensive legal battle. Had they fought they probably would have won, there are laws on the books regarding derivative characters.
This is part of why people are assuming Scourge *might* be safe to use with some changes to his backstory. Penders can't possibly have any rights to an evil Sonic, and even if he did, there is no chance he could have any rights over a recolor of said character he didn't make.
Any records of it in particular?
Wait. If this is Penders' own artwork, it suggests that the creepy-ass Lara-Su Chronicles concept art was his, or at least, that the CGI artist was on model.
Whenever Penders trys to draw Sonic characters, they end up right in the middle of the uncanny valley.
We truly live in a Brave New World
Honestly, I hope this happens just because the salt form Sanic autistis would be biblical. I still think it's hilarious he won his lawsuit against Archie.
Thank Disney.
He sued SEGA too. He is NEVER going to work with or for them ever again, no matter what he thinks.
It's amazing to me how he killed his golden goose for some donuts
He didn't even really hurt Sega, they were never going to use any of his characters in a Sonic game anyway. It was more of a pain in the ass for Archie, but the ones he really hurt were the fans of the comic. He likes to talk about how he stood up for his rights, but what about the people who actually made his work matter? He fucked them harder than anyone.
Making comics for a living is a really shitty job. Honestly, some people in Holla Forums have no self awareness. Archie doesn't even have full time employees, they have third party contractors so they can bleed them dry. Imagine working a job for over a decade without being a full time employee. I'd be fine with the Penders bashing but it all it boils down to is autistic rage about their autistic crappy lore being messed up.
What a bunch of assholes! I mean Penders didn't do nuthin.
No one's saying that working with Archie was easy for him or that he didn't get fucked over by them, but that doesn't excuse him being a prick in general.
Oh fuck you and your hate-boner for Archie. Anything remotely Archie related you just have to shove your throbbing hard-on into, going on and on about how Archie is bad. The only problem is that every bad thing Archie has done is what every fucking comic company done. It can't be particular to Archie if it's fucking industry standard.
And yes, working in comics is a shitty job, which is what makes Ken Penders' case so mindblowingly arrogant. Here he wins his case, something old-school work-for-hire types used to dream of, and instead of immediately negotiating a royalty, he demands creative control over the fucking book. He just took a situation where he would be able to get income and threw it in the trash because "muh ego".
I need to be very clear here: Penders didn't demand that he have control over a book about Lara-Su or any of the other 224 characters he created. He demanded control over, basically, the Sonic The Hedgehog comic itself. His entire case wasn''t to get his characters back. It was a scheme to force himself back into Archie, sans any editorial, or even executive, control.
It gets worse. He thinks that he owns Eggman since his personal headcanon is that Eggman is "a robotic Robotnik from another world." Yes, this is something he actually argued in court.
And arguably, control over the direction of the entire franchise, using Sonic Chronicles as a bludgeon.
I barely post here. I don't think I even opened up Holla Forums for over a month. Do you seriously think I'm the only person who thinks this about Archie? Their reputation has been shit for decades. Almost everyone who has worked there and left talks badly about them.
Can't one hate Archie AND Penders?
Now, yes.
Archie is bad, yes, but you can't just put all the blame on Archie. Penders is also part of the problem. To be honest I really want to see SEGA burn the entire Sonic old comic continuity to the ground and start fresh and new. This is why I actually support their decision to move to IDW.
I know that making comic without editors sounds freeing to you, but it's pretty idealistic view. Only small handful of people successfully did that. The problem is the majority of comic artists and writers went over their head when writing their stories and lores it ended up a jumbled mess.
Sometimes, editorial is a necessary evil.
We can't have both sadly.
What's that even supposed to mean?
I think she's a diva? And devious? And Penders is autistic? That's some Chris-Chan level wordplay.
I tried…
You're using Penders as a skapegoat becuase he's the fandumb punching bag. Archie lost the license because Archie as a company is going out of business because of mismanagement by John Goldwater, who inherited the company through bloodline succession. While the Penders stuff was a shit show I seriously doubt that's the main reasons. Archie's sales have completely collapsed and people in the business world are aware of this. Certain Archie titles are printed like once a year at this point.
Total falsehood. The biggest and most successful market for comics is Asia, and manga faces far less editorial interference than US comics. The problem is US comics is a scam where companies like Archie use creative talent like big corporate fruit farms in California use migrant Mexican workers. In that context, I'm fine with someone like Penders throwing a wrench in their system and forcing them to actually make an attempt to follow employment laws.
Just shut the fuck up already. You have nothing new to the conversation, you fucking casual.
The thread was about Archie ending the Sonic comic, and then autists derailed it to how Penders is Saddam Hussein or something even though he hasn't been on the comic for years. I gave the real reasons the comic was canned, but you can't think about anything other than Penders. If the IDW comic fails, I'm sure that will be Penders' fault as well. Usually these conversations are just a circle jerk, so maybe not sperg out so bad that I gave an alternate opinion and discussed the actual OP.
Maybe it's a synonym for goblin face
getout dambass motherfacker weeb and faggot
It hurts to live.
That is just a creepy Knuckles! He uis even wearing a hat like the one he wore in the old OAV.
Daily reminder that Ken Penders is a hack that couldn't peddle his OC native American astronauts shaman comic idea to anyone which is why he latched onto a completely unrelated and original comic, proceeding to turn it into said comic about native american shaman astronauts using Echidnas this time, when his amazing idea in the form of Knuckles spin off GOT CANCELLED BECAUSE OF LOW SALES like any responsible professional and taking the fucking hint, he then proceeded to shovel his manure of an idea onto the main line comic, turning it into the trainwreck that it would become up until he got fucking demoted for his brilliant idea of having SONIC THE FUCKING HEDGEHOG curled up in a fetal position crying like a bitch after getting literally cucked by princess Sally, and turning the comic into "Knuckles the echidna and this relatives" featuring Sonic the hedgehog from the Sonic the hedgehog series.
Thanks in part to Walmart actually breaking off their distribution contract with Archie over a particular issue of said spin off.
Oh, and let's not put the entire blame on Penders. I mean, it's not his fault that his editor for his last 8 years at Archie was a lazy slob who actively encouraged all the writers to suck his dick while his only mandate was "make everything high school drama." Yeah, I don't think he was expecting the Archie offices to devolve into actual high school drama.
Go on…
There really isn't much to tell about it. Issue about the "Life Touch," basically a speech about the Birds and the Bees, soccer moms got asshurt, Walmart listened to the soccer moms because this was the late 90's and unless you were Pokemon, you were going to get your ass blacklisted.
no user I've seen in the sanic comics before, he not a sonic
No, unlike evil Spock, he own character with a backstory, history and ect. if they tried to copyrighting a sonic but evil clone of you're self then maybe but there are other character like evil deadpool that would count as there own. So it guess its more to do with really minor or extra being copyrighted, or you making bull up to make yourself look cool like a redditor.
They haven't been good since 2012. Especially after they ended their Popeye run.
Remember when Walmart kicked out super hero comics in the 90's because Christian groups complained? Walmart fucking sucks. I wouldn't blame this on Penders for referencing sex. Archie has editors for crying out loud.
They had a popeye run?
Could this user actually be Penders?
Who would fucking pay for this? Also, he has fans?
Yes, and it was great and faithful to the source material. It was as if EC Segar and the Fleischers came back from the grave to make more Popeye media. The OG Wottasnozzle bonus stories were hit or miss though.
Anyone willing to storytime?
And surprisingly, they managed to find the shittiest editor of them all. Someone who outright refused to do anything more than add a couple back issue references and tell the Off-Panel artist to make a comic about how cool he is. Seriously, he didn't give a single shit that three of the writers were retconning each other every other issue in some petty power struggle for years. I'm honestly surprised Sega didn't straight-up can the comic when they found out the shit Archie pulled, but I suppose that after Sonic 06, they had to take what they could get.
Of course he's Penders
Id be up for some Popeye
Its a 50/50 deal
Don't forget the pandering gay walrus sex.
Before the pendering I remember a lot of his fans on Deviantart were begging him to do something about the comic because they hated the robotisized Sally arc.
Here we go.
Holy shit, you cannot possibly be a bigger autist. Even CWC isn't crying his eyes out over this shit like you.
Bumping for a storytime.
What's wrong in being invested in Sonic?
Sonic is the vidya equivalent of MLP, and the shitty comic was even worse autistic fanfic bullshit than the games could dream of being.
The solution as always is head canon.
Meet our newest Lesbian converts.
And more good things continue to be ruined.
To think if the comic wasn't forced to end we would have ended up with Korrasami 2.0.
Ian, please.
Oh my gahhh, he actually got Batman's mask wrong.
>People pay good money for this
Is his only exposure to Batman the Michael Keaton films?
The Keaton costume didn't look like that. Penders just straight fucked it up because he can't fucking draw
Back in middle school there was a youtube channel the scanned in every comic. I think it was called Soniccomicworld. But after he got every single comic up archie took him down. If you look it up their might be some mirrors here and there. Though who ever ran that channel was clearly autistic.
I hate this "reveal" for the exact same reason I hate Korrasami, it's out of nowhere and has no real build up. Except unlike Korrasami where Korra and Asami almost never interacted this is using the various interactions Sally and NICOLE had and claiming "subtext". It's the laziest fucking thing and it always bothers me when media turns a long running character guy for no damn reason. Even Spark of Life, which was the most NICOLE focused chapter never read as gay, just close friends, exactly like they always have. I don't hate Ian but that subtext bullshit is just as bad as Penders saying he planned for Rotor to be gay after he left the book. If you want gay characters introduce them, don't take a long time straight character and make them game, or at the least don't half ass it and claim subtext where there is none. I hope that if Ian goes to IDW he drops that shit should the SATam characters return.
So the western Sonic fandom is screaming at IDW to keep the Freedom Fighters and all the old Archie crew, and IDW says it's "paying attention". Not sure how I feel about this.
They are going to lesbo the fuck out of Sally now.
Despite the whole Sally/Nicole situation, I think he's still the best bet so far for the comic. I'm worried most other people brought on either wouldn't know how to write the characters or would go all Penders again and bloat the comic with stupid shit no one else would let them write.
Please no, even as a Sallyfag I'd prefer her to be left out of the new IDW run.
I don't know, this is how it starts just look at the Korrasami thing. Ian has made SJW statements before but now he went out of his way to say reboot Sally and Nicole are lesbians for each other. Seeing what IDW did to Transformers I can see him having free reign to do whatever he wants there.
It may not surprise you to find out he's a goon.
It always comes back to somethingawful, doesn't it?
I don't think Ian would get free reign at IDW- SEGA seems extra anal about how they want Sonic handled. I heard they even had a rule for Forces that the player's OC couldn't look cooler than Sonic. If they're that specific, I couldn't see them letting anyone hired by IDW do whatever they want with the comic.
Would they really care if two characters that didn't come from their own shitty lore end up as carpet munchers?
I told you assholes that Ian would infect the comics sooner or later with SJW bullshit but did you believe me?
If their carpet munching is cutting into Sonic's spotlight, yes.
As much as I hate this kind of pandering, I agree.
Making Sally and Nicloe lezzies for each other is actually kind of stupid given that its an anthro chipmunk in a relationship with a sentient computer program.
Despite that, it actually keeps Sally from being a romantic plot tumor for Sonic and increases the chance for Sonic x Blaze in the new comics
Which I guarantee will happen after seeing the latest Korra comic.
Depends, how steady are the sales.
What the fuck is that what he actually looks like now?
why does this keep happening
You've answered your own question
I'm pretty sure Sega had a specific no gay policy for the comics. It's why Rotor or Mighty couldn't be explicitly gay.
Some people dont age well.
Most companies had one back then.
No kidding he looks like one of those ugly guys from hentai.
He looks like a an over grown goblin.
He looks like someone from the sex offender registry.
everyone who was a milquetoast motherfucker, or a goon, or a trollshielding faggot in the early to mid 2000's became an SJW.
Get laid, kids, or else you'll become a cuck.
Given how SEGA was on Archie's ass, I highly doubt IDW is going to get away with doing much other than spouting retarded shit on twitter like Ian has been doing.
Naturally he's saying this shit now that he is no longer bound to any SEGA contracts as his time with archie and SEGA, are over.
Who's to really say they would have ended up gay in the comics? SEGA would not allow that shit. No romance, after all. In fact, with the last arc, it seemed like Sally/Nicole, etc were already being written out by the time the comic ended.
SEGA wants nothing to do with SATAM, Archie, or any fucking side characters. Japan Sonic became the official canon in 1998, the western publications have just been fighting it.
The only other canon that exists is Sonic Boom, which exists in its own self-contained universe.
To be honest while I liked the satam characters I think it would be best if we were to move on. It's been two decades since that show got canceled.
This shit.
I watched SATAM when I was 6 years old.
I'm 30 now. I saw it again for nostalgia's sake and realized I was only clinging to it like I did archie comics up until Sonic Adventure (and SEGA bringing the Japanese canon to the west)because it was the only Sonic cartoon and sonic storyline we got in the US.
It was shit, even with rose tinted glasses, reeked up typical DiC adaptations to other franchises and basic plot structure.
The only thing that made it somewhat good was Ben Hurst's writing, and Jim Cummings' voice acting.
As an adult I can appreciate AoSTH more than SatAM. It didn't pretend to take itself too seriously.
I see those cartoons as the western media moguls trying to filter a foreign property out for western kids not realizing that kids can adapt better than they can to new ideas.
If IDW continues the Archie storyline, it will fail, not to mention Mr. Penders will probably sue them claiming that Ben Hurst would want him to sue to protect the freedom fighters or some lame shit.
IDW is better off listening to SEGA and not trying to repeat the mistakes Archie, DiC, and early Sega of America made in the 90's by trying to be all like "Hello fellow kids" and push some stupid bullshit that appeals to them more than what the property owner and the audience really fucking want.
The sonic boom writers are the first motherfuckers who get it. They know the source material is shit, and they have gone nuts with it. Kind of like how the AoSTH writers understood enough that sonic was a bit of an asshole with a heart of gold.
Not some princess saving loyalist faggot bent on serving a king voiced by urkel.
He looks like he's going tranny. Was Lara-Su his self-insert?
Your eyes must be broken.
He looks like Chester the molester.
No that was Knuckles. Originally, anyway.
Rotor wasn't explicitly gay because Penders was retarded. I mean, SEGA probably wouldn't have liked it either, but Penders kept it as "hints" that made no sense regardless.
Never heard anything about Mighty being gay.
Could be, wouldn't sunrise anyone really.
Oh my. Google says Hustler ran a comic strip for years called "Chester the Molester", and then the cartoonist got done for child molestation.
Storytime when?
IDW should hire Penders just becuase it would make the autists sperg out and go on autist shooting sprees.
Oh fuck off. Not treating the material seriously and doing meta shit is dime of dozen. A cartoon taking it seriously would be a breath of fresh air at this point versus the postmodern hipster meme shit that is everywhere now.
Sonic Boom was special because it's one of the few modern cartoons to understand its limitation of animation budget prevents serious storytelling. And so goes for a more humerous approach. And it works as it has a lot of material to work with. Also the writers actually have a sense of humor.
Trust me if it had a budget it probably would have gunned for a more fleshed out concrete series. And Sonic Booms setting I think is good enough of a reboot-verse to have a nice comfortable new universe to develop.
I just like the idea of a Sonic the hedgehog verse based off of the games, or the Boom series or the Archie series. They have enough strange and wonderful material to do so. I just want a good sonic comic series. Just give it to me goddamn it. I've read fanfics that are better than this.
Good for them its a shame they wont get a third season.
I am not fucking surprise considering the safe space and circlejerk environment he developed over at his bumbleking forums.
On one hand, that means no needless pandering or virtue signalling bs, but on the other, if the comic happens to get a good writer who isn't into that kind of shit, he'll be severely limited to what he can do with pre-existing characters like Shadow. One of the few things I legit liked about Archie was that it gave Shadow's story closure by allowing him to find a descendant of Maria and thus giving him something new to fight for and protect. As well as the whole Shard the Metal Sonic thing.
Just forced shit on his part since the cartoons clearly showed that the walrus wanted a robot waifu. Shit new AI gfs were the future.
I fucking knew you were here Penders, you piece of shit.
Why are there so many deleted posts in this thread?
Sonic Rush Adventure sank that ship faster than that iceberg sank the Titanic.
This. Also
About damn time. Only good thing that ever came from that shit was Bunnie and Antoine (it'll be a shame to see those two go, but I guess its worth it to not have that extra baggage and the Archie lore that is now sadly tied to it). Everything else aside from Bunnie and Antoine were shit, especially Snively, not sure why they kept trying to make him relevant, even his design didn't fit with the rest of the characters. Although I wouldn't put it past them to try and introduce donut steal versions of the SatAM characters. Although, I can see them giving Amy most of Sally's past traits since that seems to be what Forces is doing with her.
As much as I want Archie Sonic to continue. You have a point. If a new company was to handle this it'd be best to just drop it all and start something new. The baggage from the old comics is too great of a burden. From both the fans and Sega. So I can completely understand if they start from scratch. Might have to weather the autistic fanbase for a bit before they get the ball rolling but that's part of the fun.
The current rumor is that it's going to be a hard reboot, so Archie stuff is probably done anyway.
I imagine it'll be based strictly on the current games
I hope so. Starts completely new and fresh.
The best case scenario.
Sucks, and always has. SATAM/Archie has always been superior, even with all of Penders' faggoty ideas polluting it.
too bad for him that Evil the Character isn't copyrightable
Lol, no
if you think furniggers on mobius featuring sonic the hedgehog and a fat fuck dictator who calls himself Dr. Robotnik.
is superior, then yes.
What happened to the posts about how they Korrasami'd Sally and Nicole?