Liberal protestors succeeded in uniting the country by torching a limonsine of a member of one of their most oppressed groups, a muslim. Great example liberals, you guys are amazing at destroying yourselves.
Liberal protestors succeeded in uniting the country by torching a limonsine of a member of one of their most oppressed groups, a muslim. Great example liberals, you guys are amazing at destroying yourselves.
because even the DC cuckservatives aren't dumb enough to leave personal property around animals.
I'd trust a crow to watch over a Rolex before I'd leave my car in downtown DC
Holla Forums does it again
They're almost as stupid as niggers.
They are behaving like bad kids.
don't diminish it, chaim. vandalism isn't kid shit.
The fucking second I saw that limo my first thought was that most limo drivers have to buy or keep track of their own limos, are not usually well off and/or non-white, and you'd have to be an ignorant ivory tower retard not to know that.
Likewise and behold, it bit them in the ass.
But look at their tantrums and can't cope without a cuddle. it is effing weak.
Spread this everywhere.
Cause infighting between them.
Let the traitorous antifa cucks know that they are fucking white males attacking muslim limos.
Trash cans so they can claim that they beat the poor trashcans down.
Liberals make themselves look like idiots, AND destroy a sand-niggers car/business?! Well done. Well done
Don't forget a whole lot of them also got arrested and will get slammed with a decade of federal prison for their troubles.
Is there a single group more pathetic than antifa?
They are just doing their part for the economy.
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".
Class 6 felonies pretty much exist to be pled down. Most of them will take a class 1/2 misdemeanor plea and get ~6 months supervised probation (more if they have priors) and community service/restitution/fines.
I have a modern take on it: "Never interrupt your enemy when they're chimping out."
God that's humiliating
I think there was a MAGA hat in it. They did it do a few, throwing the hats in the trash then pointlessly kicking the shit out of it and lighting it on fire.
for what purpose
guy just kinda stands there like I don't give a fuck
I will pay anyone $500 in bitcoin if they can show me an antifa member that does NOT have a mental illness or an IQ below 90.
Nobody likes antifa but similar groups.
Not even neo-liberals like anitfa.
Antifa never go to places like Detroit because they'd get their shit kicked in by the locals, ghetto niggers don't fuck around.
from nat geo
even when they try to insult us by calling us something small and insignificant they don't realise how strong the organism is. One of the first things they call trump supporters was trump ants, even reddit's centipede thing. these people are fucking stupid.
Nobody asked why an immigrant owns a fucking limousine?
haven't you read (((American Gods)))?
Many immigrants can start businesses tax free for a period of time. Not to mention he may have been upperclass middle eastern. He shouldn't be hereā¦ but he is.
might want to lay off the bottle a bit m8