Stop the 8 years BS

Fam, please stop with this 8 years of Trump talk. This is wrong. We must meme Trump into at least a 3 term pres. Personally I think we should be planning for an unprecedented 4th term. Other shittier presidents got 3 terms. We should correct anyone who says less than 12 years and spread the meme. Kek will provide.

Also, I don't think President Trump is enough of a title. I know we like to say God Emperor but how about something normy friendly, like Supreme Chancellor Trump. Thoughts?

Say it!
Supreme Chancellor Trump
Unprecedented 4th term
Say it out loud and Kek will hear you

Urho Kaleva Kekkonen was the president of Finland for 25 years or so. Try to beat that.

Kek kek.

Gotta start somewhere. I think 12 years is a good place to begin, and help bridge the gap to Baron. Constitutions are made to be amended fam



Won't happen. There is no support for the necessary amendment, either in congress, in state legislatures, or with the people. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

You're not even from here. Go back to wherever you came from, you don't understand memetics.

Kek wills it

If dubs, constitution is amended



Gas yourself namefag. Opening up the constitution for more than 2 mandates is asking that a sack of shit use that loophole in the future to appoint his commie ass as ruler for as much time as he wants. 2 mandates per president, nothing more. In fact I'd even go as far as making it illegal to influence presidents. George HW Bush already manged to weasel his way into heavily influencing US policy for 6 mandates, 2 of his, the 2 of Reagan, which he used as a puppet and the 2 of Dubya. Those 24 years of have been a real shit show for the US.

Kill yourselves cuckchan.

12 years, and so it shall be.

This isnt going to happen because of the 22nd but it might be fun to meme just to piss people off.

12 years of Trump would completely devastate lefties though. If we make sure they never come back, there is nothing wrong with more terms.

You're assuming mercy will be shown to leftists such that they even exist anymore.

I like your digits, user. You speak truth.

You can never assure lefties won't get back into power. Jesus you blind trump suckers are dumb.

Get out.


If you're gonna shill, at least be good at it.

You are one stupid fuck.

I want to see Trump Jr in office and then I want to see Barron Muad'dib leading the Jihad.

Welp, that was fast. Why do you even bother posting if you out yourself within two posts.

How does it feel knowing that your kind is well and officially fucked?

Stop huffing memes, leftists aren't all getting purged. Maybe the most radical will be jailed but rest assured your average leftist who want free shit will still be here in 8 years.

Trump is elected, no need for believing the "god emperor" shitposting anymore. He's the best choice and so far is doing good but he's not even near a national socialist and he won't indulge in our purge fantasies.

Those are some mighty fine dubs. You better follow up that enthusiasm with getting involved in the political process and spreading our ideas far and wide.

I repeat: if you're gonna shill, at least be good at it.

it is decided by dubs then. Anyone who says any number of years other than4 shalt be corrected. Praise KEK!!!

My kind will be doing better thank you very much. Finally having job prospects which are less threatened by Pajeets is reassuring.

Memes are how we gained power. Memes are how we will end you.


SHit I meant 12… fuck, 12 years. sorry fam. 12 YEARS

I want reddit to die.

Nope, that means if we get Obama 2.0 (Julian Castro) they will want him in for 12 years. Fuck that. We want more term limits not less. You going to argue that congress needs term limits but the presidents terms should be expanded?


I'm down for 16 years and 4 terms. What say you pol?

Just institute a monarchy and name Barron the successor. Just make sure he marries a white person unlike his kiked siblings (I think he will since Barron is redpilled and Trump's favorite).

Fucking slide threads

he's 70 yrs old

fuck you implying he's not healthy and strong as an OX. He's been healthy his whole life, he might live to be 140 for all we know you TRAITOR!

And virile as an ox; he could easily plow your whore mother for weeks without needing sleep.

in 16 years he'll only be 86 wtf m8. why would you even say that

Not yet, but at the end when Trump has won for 8 years straight maybe we'll change some rules.



First, you'll need to repeal the 22nd Amendment. Second, you'll need to realize that the ONLY president to get a 3rd term was FDR and he was elected to a 4th. All other presidents have had 1 or 2 terms.

If Trump is attempting to pass term limits on other members of Congress, I don't think anyone is going to allow presidential term limits to expire any time soon.
If these past three days are any indication of how the rest of his presidency will go, I wish to fucking God he could be president for life though.

We should probably focus on memeing a political dynasty instead.

Holy sheit I didn't even realize he was elected to a 4th term, that means the precedent is there!
FDR and his jew deal is the closest we came to communism here in the us, so it only seems fair fam to get at least 4 terms out of Supreme Chancellor



meme the repeal of the 22nd amendment then (mfw)

It's entirely possible for 16 years of Trump, but he could also name a suitable successor who would follow the political precedents he set during his eight years. Hitler handed over leadership to Donitz in the end


fucking kill yourself.

In his first 3 days, Trump has delivered:
As long as he can keep up this pace he can be my president forever. I hope the man lives to 120 so we can have 50 years of Trump.
If kek would be so kind as to allow it.

Our first mistake was letting george walk away from kinghood instead of forcing it upon him.
We will be rectifying this with Trump.

You forgot he also took away public funding from abortions.

Now degeneracy won't drag away the national debt further.

Repeal 22nd, for the good of the country.

I'm going to have to just make this into an ever-growing copypasta as tribute to Trumps legacy to keep up with all the winning.

Trump has delivered:



Trump will stay president until his natural death.

kek I predicted this would happen on kikebook at the very beginning. Would screen it but they deleted me for posting anti hillary shit all over.

Praise kek!


Didn't read any further. Sub-human nigger…

President Trump, the God Emperor of all mankind, will reign for over 9000 years on his throne. kek wills it.

It's barely been a few days. have some faith.

Why stop at 50?