So since memes/meme magic got Trump in as POTUS…
Can we use memes/meme magic to fuck over and rekt Trudeau? Would kek will it?
So since memes/meme magic got Trump in as POTUS…
Can we use memes/meme magic to fuck over and rekt Trudeau? Would kek will it?
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Your dubs say yes.
Canuckfags, tell me - do people still like this guy? The only people I know from Canada are right leaning and they fucking hate this guy and say everyone they know does too, but I can't imagine that's true. A friend told me he was confident Trudeau won't win another election but since Toronto is like the LA of Canada something tells me that's wishful thinking.
You're gonna need better memes than that to make the magic work.
I want to live to see the day all you maple faggots overthrow the Democratic People's Republic of Leafghanistan and beg to be annexed by the Imperial United States.
Holy shit, that jeering. Faggot deserves it, too. Globalist, Satanist ped-Commie faggot pig git jeered lmao
Fuck, that gave me a laugh. Thanks, user, I think that does say quite a bit.
The only people that still seem to think of him fondly are on college campuses and in only the most pozzed cities. Aside from that, I cannot think of a single time I've heard him mentioned in a positive light. We could probably very easily meme the next federal election and win; that is, if Trudeau doesn't resign/is no confidence voted first. In order for Trudeau not to win the next election, East Canada must remain pissed off at him; we have a chance if that remains the case.
Trudeau is already dead in the water OP, as well as the left in general. The left will fall one by one.
Theres that word again
Then we fucking pepe and meme harder and get WikiLeaks on our side to dig in to see if Trudeau has any Clinton-like bullshit.
Nobody likes him but the lack of any kind of opposition right down to even kosher media outlets like a Fox or Breitbart creates enormous issues in mounting any kind of campaign against him. He's had numerous embarrassing moments but there's nothing or nobody to really apply any kind of pressure, and naming a somali refugee as immigration minister with the full knowledge that our opposition is so cucked they won't even think of addressing it, should give you a good idea of where we're at right now.
This, unfortunately. He's had a lot of blunders, and some of them do receive cover, but there are practically no right-winged news outlets here except for The Rebel and most people don't seem to take it seriously. They did report on Rotherham: Canada Edition though, and they reported it very well while every single other outlet didn't make a peep. We might get lucky and that media distrust sewn in the states reaches Canadian outlets. We did have our CBC pull a CNN and try to publicly racebait with Make Canada Great Again shirts, so who knows. I hope we get lucky.
God Emperor is a Trump card in his homeland. The North demands either a dwarf Lord, a mek Warboss, or a lich King. A wise but firm hand to keep the orcs and skaven in line. Someone with a Tesla ray, a passion for truth, and a computer made out of skeletons.
I think he's like Merkel and there's no viable alternative in the average Joe's mind.
Trump is going to fuck their economy up so maybe he loses but I doubt it as pozzed leftists are suicidal and just double down on their failure.
Meme magic could work but that's a shit meme. It's not even a meme.
I think thee still is widespread support for him.
People see him as the humanitarian option as opposed to someone who wants to run a country like a company.
Dubs suggest yes.
Therefore, what's needed is someone to run against Trudy. I'm not familiar with the current landscape of Canadian politics, but I suspect that if there were a strong horse already in office, we'd be hearing about him more on Holla Forums. Consequentially, the next place to look will be prominent members of the Canadian military, wealthy Canadian businessmen who might be convinced to follow the example set by Trump, or maybe even a hockey player. Quebec, given its unique position in desiring to preserve its own distinct heritage might be a good place to look; it may also be a prime fracture point to focus on should we fail to locate an acceptable individual. Meming an independent Quebec would strike a blow to Trudy and his peers while also encouraging fresh blood to get involved in politics. I'd also like to point out that Canada is probably small enough and in a precarious enough position that an ambitious Holla Forumslack could thrust himself into office by the sheer power of shitposting. It'd certainly be fun to watch a couple dozen guys hog the debates and media screen time with their antics while the career candidates stand in the background like the cucks they are.
That's a valid point; though I have to say it is really difficult to gauge properly. I may just be retarded, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of forum for Canadian discussion (I mean, we are a small country; I guess it makes sense). We also have to consider that the majority of Canadians on the internet are more likely to be centered in major cities, Liberal strongholds.
Though at any rate, that there are still large cities supporting him is worrying enough, since our voting system is practically popular vote.
Interesting you bring this up because in thinking about this, I have come to the unironic conclusion that pic related might actually be able to get it done if he decides he wants to do it. Internationally known with built-in huge name recognition, well-traveled, good looking, no language issues, certainly doesn't come off as left-leaning in his outlook towards to UFC, low-key, family first type guy who the Canadian public can really identify with. I don't think Trump-style personal attacks would work on him either, nor would the public put up with it for one second. Well off, but doesn't have Trump-tier wealth, although that's not necessarily a "must" in our politics. I was thinking maybe Gretzky (who openly supported Harper) but he's not the greatest speaker and probably isn't looking for a brand new challenge in his life. Who knows, but you're certainly on to something.
It doesn't matter how much people may or may nor like Trudy; the mob is an exceptionally fickle thing, and the people controlling public media are predictable. The man may be fundamentally eroded through public derision. Played off as a spineless wimp and constantly derided for his failure to show political backbone (where was he was the Rohingya/Rwandans/Tibetans/Victimofthemontheans needed him most? Some humanitarian he is!), he can be laughed out of office. As already demonstrated by Trump, the media is more than willing to give valuable air time to anyone capable of presenting that message in an amusing way.
Something that speaks more directly to the parliamentary nature of Canada would be the idea that Trudeau will be incapable of having a good working relationship with Trump. It's not a hard sell to the citizenry, and it's a practical argument for the other ministers who will be eager to push themselves as being better suited.
Max Bernier seems to be the best conservative frontrunner, despite his lolberg nature
May Trudeau die of Commie-Aids!
East Canada hates him, but how the fuck can West Canada still support him after he singlehandledly fucked the oil-exporting provinces with that west-coast tanker ban?
Hello Maddow poster.
I don't even know someone who voted for him
If Kek is real he should uncuck Trudeau - that is a task worthy of a God.
kek wills it
let the uncucking begin
The lefties I know all think he's too right wing, and visa versa. I don't know anyone who actually likes him.
Remember the liberal party only got about 39% of the vote last election but they still won a majority in the house of commons because our system can work like that.
Let's fucking meme him so he either gets uncucked or booted out of Parliament.
As far as I can tell, everybody hates him. I'm absolutely serious. I have no opinion on the man, he's a product of his environment, and it merely shows how fucking cucked Canada is as a country.
I never understood humanitarian efforts to other countries while your own people starve and lack basic necessities
How does one use carbon?
This right here is the essence of being a good goy. Once the well-intentioned Canadian becomes aware of the foreign aid racket, it's over for (((them))) and victory is ours. This is why it will be crucial to vote for Bernier.
you guys better have signed up for voting in the conservative elections
He bought the youth, stoner, and aged hippie vote with his Dudeweedlmao promise. It will probably be the only promise the fucker keeps.
He's not well loved, here, outside of the University of Alberta. Those faggots would suck his cock if he had one.
Is this meme about some canadian inside joke? Because if not, you guys really can't into meme magic
It's fairly simple to destroy Trudeau, as with any of these so-called leaders: Attack their legitimacy, challenge their power and take away the illusion of consent of the governed.
No, faggot, he's literally selling us out to the muz.
if you put out the fire, the fire wins
Nah not just them, to pretty much everyone who isn't white or a faggot.
Trudeau isn't even the problem. He won't win reelection. We have to make sure we have an anti immigration conservative candidate or we will have to wait for that candidate to leave office then wait for the liberal replacement to be replaced to get another shot. Ten years of 250k muslims a year is a lot of raping. We have to get this right the first time.
Problem is we have 3 partys and they are all run by kike puppets. Trudeau is just a faggy version of our last PM.
I meant the wording. OP's image is not wordy like a leftist's, but it evokes absolutely nothing. I thought leafs were supposed to be good at shitposting these days, aim that 'tism at him. More along these lines
This leaf needs to be burned.
Harper sold us out to China but was against Syrian refugees. Trudeau sold us out to the Muslim brotherhood mainly and a bunch of other countries secondary. Both are bad but Trudeau is way worse.
I hope so, I sincerely do.
If only there was a way to get rid of him before the country is too fucked to get back on it's feet…
CHECKED dubs say yes
You've been trying that since 2014 guys. Last year I figured out it was actually Truudeu's people forcing the meme.
Sentimentality. And his kooky crystal lady coal burning mom connected with old boomers.
Well, the trend is to the rock star politician. Wayner would be fucking interesting. He's a total whore like Trump.
How else would we feed and house the refugees and subsidize their wages (if they work at all)?
Anyone think Chris Hadfield might be good as PM? He's driven as fuck, but I'm not sure where he is on the redpill scale of things.
We don't need a "good leader" we need someone who agrees with our politics first and foremost. They need to be openly anti-immigration as a major part of their platform or there is no point at all.
That's the one sect you never hear from: the Ismali muslims. I think it's less because they're innocent and more because they actually know how to keep their shit on the down-low. I worked for one, once. Things were all hunky dory (Not really. He was tighter than a Scottish Jew about money and he lied whenever it suited him) until the subject of 9/11 came up, one time. For a guy who claimed to hate radical Islam, he sure as fuck started getting hot under the collar when I suggested the hijackers were assholes.
Yeah, basically the govt gives them about 25,000$ CAD a year. I believe that is wether or not they have a job. AKA they could work for up to a certain amount of money and then stop in order to keep the govt fundings. Disgusting.
Reddit hero-obsession Chris Hadfield?
No. We need to fucking blast him the fuck out of office sooner so we can drain that goddamn swamp and red-pill this fucking country.
Just saw this.
I feel extreme sorrow and pity for this lady.
That said, we need to fucking tell Trudeau he's not welcome in Canada, and get him fucking kicked out of office with his fraudulent, sand nigger-loving Islamic-Satanist ass out of this goddamn country!
Unfortunately for him, everyone noticed him give several billion to the Saudis under the guise of fighting climate change. Everyone also noticed when his friends put in the "carbon tax" in his attempt to cover it up before people started wondering "fuck is my money bud?".
Now people are beginning to see that he never kept any of his promises and all his fame comes from taking photo ops at gay pride parades. At this point even the hard lefties are starting to see the extent of the lies.
Boy have I had a good time telling everyone, I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.
Not that Harper was much better.