The true stories behind abortions

This shit will you trigger you so hard. Muh strong women share their stories why they got aborted. This is so fucking disgusting.

Stories shared on buzztrash, this is what young women are reading.

I'm kind of torn. I think for niggers and spics and shit, there ought to be drive-thru abortion clinics with punch cards (buy four, get one free). But for White people, unless in the case of incurable illness or severe birth defects, it shouldn't be as easy to do as it is now.

But honestly, with few, rare exceptions, when it comes down to White women getting abortions, it's really just the dregs and the scuzzy sluts doing it. Better that their progeny is nipped in the bud, lest they further contaminate society with their tainted genes.

This is how it starts, I guess. And it's all down hill from there.

Thank God we paid for the fourth's abortion. So much so that it had to be mentioned twice.

i dont mind abortion in general. when she was raped, or the contraceptions fails i feel its okay. however its not okay to have an abortion every other month because you are to stupid to use birthcontroll. and its also not okay that those abortions are sacrifices to moloch


Basically blacks (low income) can do it often, and whites (middle class) will have to think twice. Bonus: make it state or federal so the cost is recycled back to taxpayers rather than a provate institution

Abortion is terrible and disgusting, and in a homogenous society women that have abortions should be punished with a painful, public execution. But currently abortion is very important for White interests, as the majority of aborted babies are non-White, and even the White ones are typically to r-selected liberal parents.



Abortion is a symptom of a dysfunctional worldview among the poor and middle class. They self treat their depression with reckless promiscuity. Only a woman who hates her life and themselves would be so shortsighted to have intercourse without contraception, when they don't want to get pregnant at that time.

Only patriarchy and a population of uber men can cure widespread female depression and nihilism. Feminism may have demonized men, but only men can save women from themselves.

this is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote

Would making abortions more difficult to access significantly reduce the number of abortions, or merely force more women to use illegal or older methods? I suspect it will be the latter. It may even be cheaper for the public health system to offer the abortions rather than pay for cleanup of failed abortions and injured/poisoned women. I imagine any war on abortion will have the same kind of success as the war on drugs.

One can only hope that hell is as bad as they say it is

Okay, personally, I support abortion. The way I see it, it's beneficial for all of society.

If someone decides that they don't want to have a child halfway into a pregnancy, without abortion you're left with forcibly terminating on your own, carrying to term then putting them up for adoption, or to carry them to term and raise them unhappily.

Imo, being raised by a parent who never liked the idea of you musn't be fun, and is likely detrimental. Forcibly terminating a pregnancy on your own isn't safe, and will likely result in suffering for you and those around you. Finally, adoption services and orphanages are already strained, and can hardly give a developing child the stimulation they need to grow properly.

If child suffering is the argument, killing it hardly seems to be the answer

This is what my new co-worker said. He said that his ex girlfriend got pregnat, and when she found out she aborted it without asking him and when he got mad she just dumped him, then asked him to not twll her parents about it. (yes, all in this order) pretty sad. He did tell her parents

Yeah, women are subhuman. This is just a return of matriarchy as civilization breaks down. Matriarchies always kill babies to a high degree.

I found out that my mom aborted what would have been the 3rd kid in our family. That could have been the little brother who I trained into being a hardass, taught about women, etc. He would have been the good one of us kids, I think. I assume it was because my parents didn't want to move to a bigger house, even though they got a 3 bedroom house for $35k that would easily go for over $100k less than 20 years later. Even though their yearly income > the current value of the house, every year, even when they were in their 20's. It was just too much of a hassle I suppose. So they killed my brother.

Fucking bravo you goddamn bitch. I still love my mom for being my blood, but I'll never be able to truly forgive her. She killed my brother out of selfish convenience, to me she might as well have drowned him in the bathtub when he was 2 years old. That's what I think about my mom now, she's a fucking murderer.

Child ≠ Fetus. Fetus becomes a child once it becomes cognisant/sentient. A child at age 5 having to realise that his/her mother would rather go out and get drunk than raise them will have severe repercussions on the child's relationship with their parents, arguably the most important one for a developing kid.

Destroying/killing a fetus stops another grown adult in tomorrow's society from suffering as a result of complications from a poor relationship with their parents.

Also, don't fuckin' meme me with that "hurr then are 1 min old babies fetuses" shit either.

And at what point is that? If you want to explore this line of reasoning with me make a claim, and I'll offer a counter-claim

I really don't give a fuck tbh. These degenerates have no reason to breed and most abortions go to niggers and spics. We can talk about ending abortion when all the beaners are gone, the wall is up, degeneracy is hindered and the blacks are put in check.

Scientific thesis for this? Or muh convenient feels?

When you are pregnant you are pregnant with a life that is not your own, a child with its own unique dna that unless interrupted by violence - will grow to be like you or me. We were all at that developmental stage and are writing here now.


I don't understand how we can call ourselves 'pro-white' if were sacrificing thousands of white children to kill thousands of non-white children.

We all like to throw percentages and stats, but the reality is that hundreds of thousands of white children are aborted every year.

Nonsense. The moment the egg is fertilized is the moment when it's unethical to kill it, for it is beyond all doubt that the fetus will grow into a baby (you won't get a giraffe or a motorboat, you'll get a baby).

Trump just ended foreign aid for abortions. Get ready for the groundswell of foreign birthrates. Since we don't have a wall yet, they'll all be comin' this way.

Prepare for enrichment.

What makes you so sure?

So the mentally retarded aren't people? How progressive and tolerant. Also, this line of argument is denial of science - a human fetus doesn't develop into a giraffe after birth.

the ride never ends


Summing up the picture for TLDR:

No normal woman would have an abortion, I'm certain of it.

Oh drop this "muh killing is always wrong" christfag argument. Killing has always been a part of nature, it's how species survive and evolve. Abortion is disgusting and inhuman because it's the mother killing her own child, the one thing in the world she should love unconditionally, the very extension of herself. Childbearing is the most fundamental part of nature and abortion is shitting all over that, it's completely morally unjustifiable.

However I have nothing against non-whites and liberal filth genociding themselves. It's immoral for them to do that, just like it was immoral for them to be disgusting whores before. It's not up to me to ensure that people who aren't part of my tribe (non-whites) or my enemies (liberals) live a moral life. In fact I want them to be as immoral as possible because it will only make them weaker.

Truthfully, I don't have the accumulated knowledge nor the desire to really seek out the information to give you an exact time or point in physical development that the fetus is considered sentient. That, as of right now, and how I see it, seems to be a personal choice as to when you feel it's right or wrong to go through with an abortion simply due to the points I argue. Personally, my mark would be 6 months in. After that point, I would only advocate for emergency abortion if the child poses a threat to the mother and has an extremely low chance of survival.

Also, thanks for being a nice conversational partner willing to argue, rather than meme. It's appreciated.

I explained this above, but in this case, it's personal opinion, you're right. I'll get back to you on it, but looking at the picture you posted, I disagree. Can't quite put it into words yet, but the lower quote might give you some insight.

I fully realise that abortion is a premeditated killing of a developing human life. I don't see anywhere that I said that abortion isn't killing, but feel free to point it out. My argument is that the killing or "termination" of this possible life can lead to a better overall outcome for those involved. Rather than leading a life filled with disappointment and disregard, we have someone who led a life filled with love and care, who is likely far better adjusted as a result.

That's an argument of ethical concern. In my opinion, it's more ethical to end a life that barely begun, than to induce suffering onto at least 18 years of an established one.

able to perceive or feel things.

having knowledge or being aware of.

The mentally retarded are both sentient and cognizant.

I don't think I implied that a fetus becomes anything other than a child, but if I did, again, show me. However, purposefully misinterpreting my argument only serves to weaken yours. Something to keep in mind.

That's a weak argument. That's still a baby, and at one point it was a fetus. Memes ≠ Arguments.

That's getting close to eugenics. Already tried it, and it failed. IQ isn't representative of overall intelligence. It's representative of how well you'll do in school. So what you propose will just result in a higher percentage of people enrolling in secondary education, which is a good thing, for sure, but as to whether or not it validates the rating of humans on how well they can take tests, I can't say.

Wao m8 we to drop your eager atheist spaghetti and do the atypical sperg rant.

If you agree abortion is wrong then I've little to argue about.

It's a mother killing her own child, are we a society that stands for it or not. Ultimately a major symptom of a great western decay if such a thing is to be applauded

Rather than leading a life *possibly* filled with disappointment and disregard *we should kill it*

LETTING DR COATINHANGÜRSTINE REACH INTO YOUR VAGINA WITH A PAIR OF SCISSORS AND TONGS CUT UP YOUR CHILD THEN SCRAP THE KID OUT with a SPOON AND SHOPVAC dump you're baby in a plastic bag to dump in trash or Use for (((medical research))) or to make offerings to Saturn . fucking degenerates
not murder at all


It's a mother killing her future child. Miscarriages are a common occurrence, so it's not as though our society has grown without the loss of future children. Sure, it's far more objectionable to seek out a miscarriage, you're right. Note here, however, that none of the women in the Buzzfiend article talk about they expected to be applauded for going through with the choice. This isn't a choice made on a whim, but it is a choice that goes against the norm. People applaud it since they all figure that the mother's life carries more weight than that of her unborn child, and they want to support her choice to end the child's for her own, or for that of those around her.

I think that in time, we might come to agree as to whether or not it's a better choice to abort or raise unhappily, but I do realise that it always is a possibility that a woman may regret her choice to not become a mother. As to whether that chance is greater than the amount of mothers who wish that they had gone through with the abortion, that's going to be a hard statistic to find. As for your strawman, it is of my opinion that the more well adjusted and happy people we have, the less time we need to spend helping those who are not, ultimately leading to progression in society.

trips confirm it

That is not your choice to make. If the child, after it grows up, decides that life isn't worth it, it'll commit suicide. But it will be its own choice, not yours. The "muh suffering" argument has no substance, as it is not up to the mother, nor you, nor some feminist hambeast to decide whether its life is worth living or not.

Abortion is child murder, and that truth has nothing to do with religion. You don't need to be a christfag to know that killing white babies is wrong.

This shit is nauseating.


Better the children die than be raised as Leftists.

Not all raised by leftists turn out to be leftists.

that twink you posted is nauseating

She not a twink, dumbass.

Why does it adorn chain mail as if it were to go into combat? surely you wouldn't have a lady fight in battle. whatever gender bender adventures float your boat, man.

From the Washington School of Medicine, by Douglas S. Diekema, M.D., M.P.H.

Adult patients have the moral and legal right to make decisions about their own medical care. Because young children are not able to make complex decisions for themselves, the authority to make medical decisions on behalf of a child usually falls to the child's parents.

Who has the authority to make decisions for children?

Parents have the responsibility and authority to make medical decisions on behalf of their children. This includes the right to refuse or discontinue treatments, even those that may be life-sustaining. However, parental decision-making should be guided by the best interests of the child. Decisions that are clearly not in a child's best interest can and should be challenged.

Going from this, it can be argued that if a child's life and development is to lead to suicide, a logical choice would be abortion. This cuts out the amount of suffering the child would have to endure before finally ending their lives themselves.

When can parental authority to make medical decisions for their children be challenged?

Medical caretakers have an ethical and legal duty to advocate for the best interests of the child when parental decisions are potentially dangerous to the child's health, imprudent, neglectful, or abusive. As a general rule, medical caretakers and others should challenge parental decisions when those decisions place the child at significant risk of serious harm. When satisfactory resolution cannot be attained through respectful discussion and ethics consultation, seeking involvement of a State child protection agency or a court order might be necessary.

Doctors (and arguably psychologists) would be able to weigh in on a woman's choice to abort or carry to term, and advise them on the correct choice to make for their situation.

Link to the article if you want to use it to supply rebuttal

https:// bioethx/topics/parent.html

he does have a point your Albino chain mail wafu might have a benis and that makes you a homosexual
and Abortion is murder 🙂

I wanna see you go to the hospital with your kid and telling the doc that it's your decision that you want the kid killed. You are mixing in irrelevant bullshit that was targeted at a whole another thing, and you know it. You must be desperate. Also, legality has nothing to do with morality

Being killed is not in the child's best interest

Not really needed. We are talking ethics here, and what some medical guide says about it is utterly irrelevant.

Come on guys. Man up and marry one of these whores. You don't want to be an MGTOW beta, do you?

Abortion should be available but have a high social cost associated with it in any respectable circles. That way good white girls would be pressured into not doing it and non-whites and degenerates would kill their own children and spare everyone the trouble of dealing with them. Obviously the social cost would be lesser for exceptional cases like rape, birth defects, or if the pregnancy was threatening the mother's life.

Wew lad, where did you stumble in from? IQ is a highly g-loaded test, and g - general intelligence - does exist (statistically, people who do better on g-loaded tests do better on all cognitive tasks). And IQ is well-correlated with lots of life outcomes like income, criminality, family stability, etc. IQ is real, and it matters.


It's simple: With every abortion, forced sterilization.


Only White people think this way…
Meanwhile, Shaniqua and Juanita on food stamps make 3-5 children paid for by taxpayers (i.e. shrinking White middle-class). Makes me so angry.

My mother had an abortion before me, then decided to leave my hippy dad after I was 2/3. My dad got his life on track and stopped his degeneracy. Mother did not. I grew up in a degenerate household with one half brother and two half sisters. Left them behind because mother continued being a degenerate and brother was heading down that path. I regret not taking my sisters with me to this day, but not leaving the woman and my brother.

Fuck women, fuck abortions, but most of all fuck whores.

I'm Native American if anyone is wondering. I look asian, if not mongolian. I must have been

Women entitled to millions of dollars if a rich man raped them.

Why aren't children who're born with birth defects entitled to a large sum of cash for having birth defects due to their mother who either Consumed alcohol, used tobacco products, or did drugs while pregnant?

Women are able to sue companies for causing birth defects.

Abortion is just wrong on all levels.

Jesus fucking christ user

These are probably the only exceptions I could be willing to understand. Other than that, literally everyone knows and is taught the ultimate potential consequence of sex, protected or not, so I don't see any excuse outside of these extreme cases being valid. Both parties know what could happen, both willingly accept the risk, and both need to take responsibility. If neither party wants the kid, put it up for adoption, then the mother will still have to face the consequence of having the child and giving it up. In addition, there should be strict and harsh laws/penalties in place for any deadbeat that wants to bail after knocking some bitch up. Also personally, and correct me if it already exists, but I think that the father should have the right to a discreet, no-questions-asked, paternity test immediately after birth.

I don't support abortion at all, but on the other hand I don't particularly like babies either. All pro-life arguments boil down to "muh feels" and "look at this beautiful babby, how can you let someone kill this?!"
I really want to feel empathy or fondness for a baby, but when I look at one….there's nothing. I feel nothing, like I'm looking at a toy or something.

I'm not a sociopath, because I find baby animals cute, but I don't get the same overflowing adorable vibes from human babies. I want to like them, but I just don't.
How do I fix this?


No, you’re a Beringa Invader. Caucasians are the natives to the Americas.
No shit, faggot. Where the hell do you think your people came from? Modern continental east asian music sounds basically just like Indio music.

Your existence must be extremely painful.

Kill yourself probably

These people are subhumans. But in all honesty, I'd rather be aborted than be raised by cunts like these. Basically, cunts who fuck up and choose to abort don't deserve children in the first place.

What actually pisses me off is how this selfish act is exonerated and even praised by normies.


quality post

A pregnancy offer on Fetlife will pay for that in a few hours user.

So because she was raped, a woman has a free pass to take that out on someone else? if I get mugged in the street, do you also feel it's okay if I then murder someone completely uninvolved in the mugging?

would you want to bring the genes of a rapist into the world? probably a first class mudslime rapefugee. i dont think so

Get over it. My mother did the same thing, and then abandoned me and my brother shortly afterward, taking her $2000+ tax refund (this was in 1990, when the dollar was still worth something) and fucking off to Florida.

Death is preferable to foster homes.

The government should just pay people to sterilized themselves.

was there ever a time when "take responsibility" brought to mind a woman, instead of a man?

if you even consider an abortion you need to be executed. obviously you are not a responsible or good person.

this is an issue that can only be resolved once nonwhites are eradicated though.

Jews and MGTOWS are at fault for these women's behaviour. If you manned up and stopped being bad examples of the male gender, none of this would happen.
I know you've all been waiting for that kind of post

If your point is correct then is fine that your race is dying…

Fucking fedoras.

Pretty much. It's a matter of culture, which has gotten way out of hand in favor for women. The only way to counteract it is to simply value good, honest, loyal women who want children, and shun the whores who use abortion as birth control.
I've seen threads calling for meme-ing "be a good woman" type of things for propaganda, but in my opinion, we'd have an easier time reaching guys and telling them "simply reject sluts. That is all".

The appealing to nature fallacy (natural=good).
Cancer is natural. There are gay animals. Even trans animals (those retarded squids who pretend to be females in order to not fight with alpha males, and instead just go to the females and fuck em). Nature is in many ways a degenerate whore (animals eating their own cubs comes to mind, also incest galore), so don't appeal to it as an ethical standard.

That's the problem right there. If niggers breeding wouldn't be gonverment subsidized, they'd stop pretty damn quick.

Who's left then? Not every "slut" will be open about her whorish ways. Also, keep in mind that even nerdy, clumsy or seemingly religious girls get sex pretty easily, so just because a girl looks like wallflower, doesn't mean she ain't getting the D on the reg.
Think of it this way:
-The average Western girl starts going out on the weekend at, let's say 18.
-Friday + Saturday = 2 new one night stands per week
-52 x 2 = 104 per year
-If they go on holidays with their girlfriends you can make that one new guy every day = 10 days on Ibiza = 10 guys
-Add Tinder/instagram acquaintances
-Round this up to 125 sexual partners per year
-Around my parts, women settle down in their early 30's
-15 years x 125 sexual partners = 1875 sexual partners once they reach their 30's.

And if the average penis size iz ca. 15cm that would make 28.125 kilometers of dick.

I'm an Eastern European so what you're implying sounds pretty fucking apocalyptic to me (You're saying that ALL your women are whores).

After that you go into sperg overdrive and try to copy the "miles of dick" meme. Mediocre.


Pierre Woodman would like to have a word with you about the chastity of Eastern European girls.

I can't refute that our village girls are easily corrupted by slimey westerners, and become whorified. But still, the majority of women here are religious conservative types.
We have 0 SJWs around, and gays are openly hated. Anyway, I think it's a gross exaggeration to call all your women whores. Look harder, or accept that your wife is a degenerate who'll fuck you up (after she gets fucked by Tyrone).
Pretty Swede-tier mentality.

Sociopath kike.

Honestly guys I'm kind of on the fence about this

The number of mexicant kids and niggers are going to jump now, birth control isn't free so they don't wanna pay for it. I don't like to doubt the emperor, but this isn't a white only country.

besides what if I get a cute girlfriend, I don't wanna wear condoms, apparently they're shit

Condoms are good unless you want to leak stinky, burning liquids from your dickhole.

Semen contains anti-depressants which will make women enjoy sex with you more. Besides, how can you express love between you two if there's rubber between you?



When he said burning liquids he didn't mean cum he's taking about STDs you dumbass. Condoms aren't only for stopping pregnancy, if Faggots could wrap their shit instead of being like "it's not like you can get pregnant brah" they wouldn't be swimming in aids. Wrap your shit user. There's no guarantee she'll abort the baby either, so if you get her pregnant and she decides to keep it good luck nigger you don't get a say.

Ye cats, user. I'm so sorry.

Just had a thought…what if he's actually your dad but you got a dose of that "stored DNA" stuff?

Well I wouldn't stick my dick in vagoo if she isn't stable, but if she is and she gets pregnant and wants to keep it I wouldn't see it as my life is over. Seems to me that the greatest joy adults I've met comes from having kids. You're never ready to be a parent, user.

But whatevs. I'd fuck her with a condom first and if it sucks for me or sucks for her we will work it out. Or at least if she can cum while I fuck her with a condom.

Holy shit why? What a self centered cunt.

I am not responsible for my actions.

That makes no goddamned sense. She decided a child over a cat? The 19th amendment was a mistake.

Greed at its finest. We need a crusade to purge heretical filth.

You're a kike.

If a woman is raped the entire family should lose it's social standing either for failing to provide an adequate escort or permitting the female to engage in activities that are r-selected and therefore a high risk for rape.

You'd wanna make damn sure she's 100% clean, the popularity of apps like tinder has seen a massive rise in STDs - a lot of them won't show symptoms frequently too.

I would ask her sexual history and if she has dated niggers before I touch her. If she has a problem with that and gets upset shes obviously a whore.

You do realise women can lie, right?

On subject, my thoughts are abortion is a-ok if:
A) It's a rape baby
B) It's retarded
C) It's non-white

An user once posted pictures of a partial birth abortion on here, that was goddamned horrifying and any woman willing to do that to a healthy baby is a monster.

I've stalked enough girls to find out these things regardless of if she tells the truth. I dunno man, sometimes you just gotta wing it. I think everything happens for a reason.

Contraception fails, including (((the pill))) and some of our women are very fertile. Widely available abortion promotes promiscuity because white women use abortion as the last line of defense against pregnancy. Here in CA I've observed that the college educated women I've gotten to know well have had an average of three abortions by age (about) 30. It's hard to find anyone who hasn't had at least one abortion! I need to move, and abortion law needs to go back to the states.

truly we are living in a nightmare

Fuck off, Christcucks. The less mud babies, the better.

naw I support eugenics user

ITT: Christcucks who think that all life matters

also abortion should be banned for White couples, they should be forced to marry instead


sorry I have a life outside Holla Forums

Take your Godly Niggers, and get off this board.

What gets me is the hypocrisy surronding this issue. They say it is a clump of cells and not human life but when they are going to get a baby they would never call the child growing within them "A clump of cells". Either you think it is human life or not. You can't pick and choose just because you would feel guilty as fuck to admit you are deleting a human being from existence.

It's cognitive dissonance at its core.

The terms is fetus and yes that's what professionals refer to it as until birth.

Honestly its your fault for not using a VPN

If anything, abortion worsened niggers and spics. It highlights the fact that they prioritize materialism over any other human life. Did you think that their high crime rates came out of nowhere?

Like it or not, every nation and culture starts with the family. If you make any attempt to disrupt the family unit in your country, then it's inevitable that you will be replaced by any outside force that cares.

Interesting how crime is decreasing as abortion and birth control become more accessible

The cost is too high. You want to corrupt your race so you can control the others. There are better options – just cut off welfare. It's not as if California will ever ban abortions.



And what happens once someone in power uses the arguments your using to force abortions? Stating the fetuses do not have rights?

exactly this. why do women want people to cheer them on for doing this. its fucked up no matter how you look at it. the more the left screams about abortion the more they show that it needs to be justified, and therefore they are doing something wrong in the first place.

17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication."

think of how many womens careers have been made because they sacrificed their child for theirr job

abortion is the epitome of the moral debasement of women. they succeed because they sacrifice children. just ask why the get abortions, because of their job. their lives are built on the blood of unborn babies.

Outlawing abortions doesn't stop abortions. It just means women will start doing it in back alleys with a coat hanger, then chuck the fetus in a field somewhere like they used to do.

Christfags dumping quotes from the bible now. This thread is basically over.

Still going.

You're right, they should quit and just leech off the state. I love paying for the insane medical costs of raising down syndrome retards and unwanted children with a whole host of mental and developmental issues that will likely become criminals. How dare those women put career and country and their own personal happiness before all of that.
Literally the only people against abortion are christfags. Otherwise you would be capable of objective reasoning.

I think you should also be aware that when anyone other than a fellow christfag sees you posting shit from the bible like that, they immediately check out. You make yourselves look like fucking loons by doing that but you lack the objective reasoning abilities to actually realize that.

You'd want to have the child of someone you didn't even want to have sex with? What if your wife was raped and she got pregnant? You'd be okay with raising her rapist's child just because 'abortion is wrong'?

So is giving birth. Should we stop giving birth too? Lots of things are disgusting, doesn't mean they shouldn't be done

There's a difference when it's rape or a miscarriage.

Doesn't change the fact that she's aborting. By your own logic, NONE of it is acceptable. There is NO objective difference.

Check the IDs bro, I never said that.

Why chime in then?

Then you better man up and marry her. and if she isn't marriage material, don't fuck her.

Because you said something I felt should be commented on

Yeah I know I've seen the info threads about it. Happier marriages less partners etc…

Which I said to someone who clearly doesn't feel as you do

The simple solution to this is: don't fuck women with STDs

The 3rd world has massive amounts of welfare, plus government subsidies on food and fuel. Charities donating various goods. This makes the problems worse by encouraging the lower classes to reproduce more.


You have to actually look pregnant to get fucked by pregnancy fetishists, and by the time you look pregnant you can't have an abortion anymore.

You really don't understand what terrible and disgusting means in this context, do you? No, "there's a bunch of blood involved and it hurts" does not make something terrible nor disgusting.

If that's not what its about, why bother telling people to watch the shit then? You're a fucking hypocrite dude and you just got nailed.

Who cares?


I'm pro-life for white women, pro-choice for everyone else.

You think it's disgusting but then you want these people to have children?

These people are a natural part of a cycle. They are weeding themselves out. Remove propaganda from the universities and these people because a minority very quickly.

Pretty sad that anyone with that isn't submerged in complete moral apathy are labeled as "christfags." Sustaining a healthy culture isn't all about killing niggers, you retards.


Jesus fuck user, you really are retarded.

The term your looking for is mirco-chimeraism, its not well understood yet (take a guess why), but it would only account for a small percentage of genetic material if it can be passed on to the child. His mother is mostly likely a whore who fucked some random guy and blamed his father on it.

you know DNA tests aren't that expensive( some are around $100), if I was ever put in that situation I would want to know.

We're not, we're sacrificing thousands of future degenerates to remove TENS OF MILLIONS OF NIGGERS.

My grandmother was effectively stuck at the developmental age of a 12 yr old. She was taken advantage of twice and conceived twice before she was sterilized by the govt. Her two children were the first in their families to get college degrees, one of those children actually got her Phd.

Food for thought.