As a feminist, I find fanservice in video games p,roblematic.
Tropes vs Women Thread
Oh boy here we go
weak ass bait fam
is this it? am i le ebil es jay dubya now?
video games in general should be banned. Not only are they bourgeoisie and an essential part of the spectacle, but they're also heavily bigoted
No, we need more video games with more fan service.
It's the only way to overthrow capitalism.
the "i just discovered leftypol" word salad
ps youre wrong
Yes and you've proven that you've never actually played any of the videogames she grossly misinterprets in her garbage videos. Now fuck off to r/socialism.
objectification is natural. do these people really expect us to repress our sexual desires?
They are that stupid, yes. They believe all forms of entertainment should cater to their social views, regardless of the target audience.
as a feminist, I want to kill myself. This isn't a fucking joke. I want 2 die.
video games under socialism would be fantastic since they wouldnt be made to appease shareholders
The best way to do it is via suffocation. Hook a mask up to a tank of N2O, fall asleep as you wear it, enjoy your painless suffocation.
Are you a socialist? Why are you using an ancap flag?
i've been playing video games since I was in kindergarten
Why did you include a picture of male objectification and unrealistic and dangerous male standards in your shitty bait picture?
What a shitty thread.
As a fanservice I fine feminists in video games excellent
Good for you. I highly doubt you've played any of the games she uses her in videos. If you've played hitman, Bayonets, Dishonored, or any of the other games she mentioned you'd know how full of shit she was. The premise of her videos is moronic anway. The "objectification" of fictional characters has never been proven to effect attitudes towards women anymore then intense violence in video games has been proven to cause increasingly violent characters in real life. Anyone who sees a sexy women is something automatically shameful or thinks a women in a slutty outfit is automatically dumber or worth less because of it is clearly projecting their sexist attitudes on to the creators.
shitposting flag
feminists just hate women in general
Fixed that for ya!
anita clearly makes you very emotional
Hitman and Dishonored weren't mentioned in that video, and only a clip of Bayonetta was shown.
she never made that claim in this video
that wasn't the message of this video at all
What if I'm a grill and like fanservice in video games? Am I a female woman hater?
The best part is how he uses "bourgeoisie" as an adjective.
Yes it completely was. It was entire video whining about developers emphasizing women's butts. She ends by saying that developers should stop showing off women's butt so that the player can identify with female protagonist as human beings. It's exactly what I've been saying. The entire premise only works if you think that the "sexual objectification" of fictional women such as showing off their asses makes it hard to identify with them or real women. It's the exact kind of garbage I was taking about. It says more about how Anita and her boyfriend view women then how the Batman or Tomb Raider developers do. As for the other stuff I was talking about TropesvsWomen in general.
Nah just a bisexual girl who's down to get naughty with either gender. I think the real problem is that men aren't sexualized enough.
So you don't have to carry a red flag at demonstrations?
Dsmn straight. I'd wish western developers would make more attractive male characters like Japanese developers do. A pretty boy like Leon from Resident Evil is more my idea of a power fantasy.
Oh and one more thing. I never had any problem with identifying with Venom Snake just because he's shapely ass was in my face all the time in Metal Gear Solid V.
no it wasnt, you strawmanning and saying your strawman is the message of the video doesn't make it so. She makes the message clear throughout the video.
It's funny how leftypol can be so rational on some issues but resort to ridiculous anti-sjw opiniontuber tier logic when anything relating to feminism pops up.
no it isn't, not at all.
is not the nearly the same as
when it's constantly in your face and made to be a focus and them as ""people"" is put on the back burner then I imagine it does.
what does this even mean? are you saying that anita and her boyfriend believe that turning a character into what is essentially a sex object makes it hard to identify with female characters as actual people but games devs dont? Is this supposed to be an argument?
is this the 'anita says game devs are SEXIST women HATERS that intentionally do sexist things in video games'""""""argument"""""""?
and if you read
you would have saw that I wrote
video, not videos.
Anita seems to make you very very emotional, why dont you step outside and take a breather before you respond
vidya game having a character with a nice butt is not comparable to a vidya game that draws a lot of attention to a nice butt.
come on now, you know that argument was weak
Hnnng yes this. The real tragedy of western gender roles is how men aren't held to the same standards of attractiveness as women are. I bet there would be waaaay more male bisexuals if men were actually expected to put effort into their appearance.
Have you played a metal gear game before. It's literally the exact same thing is the majority of the female examples she gave. His butt is in the center of the screen for half the fucking game. Anita cherry picked games. You can usually find a crap load of male examples of the bullshit she complains about.
The entire idea of fictional women being "sex objects" is flawed and that putting an emphasis on certain sensual body parts doesn't make someone less human or easy to identify with unless your someone who already holds a negative view of women's bodies. Once again it relies on the premise that the "sexual objectification" of fictional women has some kind of tangible effect on real world values towards flesh and blood women or implied that the developers must hold de secretly women hating views or that you can't identify with a sexy character because they've been "objectified". Otherwise why would anyone give a shit about sexy digital women?
Yes and I made a statement about her and her ideas in general. Maybe instead of a being a smug asshole, you should try and see things from other people's perspectives. I was speaking in general. I know you were talking about one video. I was saying all of her videos were shit and that you're a jackass for listening to her. I don't put much attention into Anita. I'm annoyed that there's someone on leftypol that's such an obvious liberal idpoler then what verbal diarrhea comes out of Anita's mouth.
I've got to disagree with you. I think we should place less emphasis on women's looks. Men are already starting to care to much about their appearance now. It's bad for people's self-esteem, that being said, fictional characters and even films shouldn't be held to the same stand is real life. It isn't real. Fiction is a way for us to explore or fantasies and desires in a safe and healthy way. That is if the puritanical though police don't have their way.
"As a feminist"
Kill yourself OP
Congrats on bumping your own bait thread after it had reached page 6.
The same? No, similar, yes.
and pointing to MGS isnt an argument, 1. Anita says near the end of the that sexually objectifying men isnt the answer to the problem 2. MGS is one of the few exceptions.
Not at all. When the game is constantly shoving 'look how sexy she is, oooo isn't she sexy, oh look she has an ass' into your face(and even before you even play the game) the character usually becomes nothing more than a sexy woman doing things instead of an actual person, it has nothing to do with having a negative view on women's bodies, it's about promotion. And yes, when you focus only on a character's body part instead of who they are it does dehumanize them, they're turned into 'sexy woman #****'. You see something similar with black males and BBC/black male sexuality obsession in different forms of media where black men are essentially just walking fuck toys.
The idea that anita puts forth in her strategic butt coverings video implies none of that(especially that ridiculous second one lol), and she doesn't claim that you cant identify with a sexy character because they've been objectified, she claims that the focus on body parts makes it harder(not impossible) to identify with a character as a human being.
I think we're dont here.
im not
try again
Why does the spectacle have to go deeper?
NPC lives matter!
Using one "meme" isn't insert memes every where. Although you are a dumb frog poster so you shouldn't through rocks in glass houses.
Yeah because there isn't a problem in the first place. There is absolutely nothing wrong with putting emphasis on certain body parts. There fictional characters. It doesn't hinder people's ability to identify with the characters. People like catwomen and Lara Croft. They don't view them is fuck dolls are something. Even if most people did there isn't anything with wrong with because they aren't real fucking women. They don't exist. I can think of tons of sexualized men from Japanese games and some western games. People still like them and have no problem identifying with them. The problem is Anita can't identify with sexualized characters not that the audience for these games can't. Oh and making it harder identify with isn't really that different from saying you can't identify with. It's still relies in the same fundamental premise that sexualization is dehumanizing. The same question still comes up why does it even fucking matter if it "dehumanizing" unless you believe it can have negative effect on the real world? What the hell does it matter if a fictional women is a fuck toy unless you think it has negative ramifications for women in the real world or attitudes towards women in the real word? A point you continue to gloss over because there is absolutely no evidence of videogames influencing young men into holding woman hater attitudes even if Anita's faulty premise and cherry picked examples held up to any kind of scrutiny which they don't. Now we're done here.
Her overall criticisms of vidya I thoght were fine.
But she seems to be crusading against a videogame industry from 20 years ago. A lot of what she was pointing out was a little too subtle to make a snappy click bait video about.
I just don't like her over all because she's one of those feminists that tries to divorce women's issues from class struggle. I got the strong impression from her videos that objectivicstion of women in culture was the sole root of oppression of women. Ignoring porky completely
Faggots are not productive to the collective.
More like Male Power Fantasy
Post dong
Having to use dangerous steroids and having to risk your life for a badly paying job while using a façade to try to maintain some sanity while being forced to kill people, all because society deemed you unnecessary otherwise, is a male power fantasy?
Fuck you, bitch.
This is where you lose me.
epic fanon. that'll get you far on r/kotakuinaction
ITT: polyp falseflagging. Expect screencaps of this on Holla Forums and Holla Forums soon.
t. woman hater neckbeard from /r/kotakuinaction
Shaming men for liking girly stuff in the same breath as you're accusing them of hating women.
I guess it wouldn't be modern feminism if it made sense.