Stream link:
/HWNDU/ #21
Other urls found in this thread:
Last thread maxed so posting here.
IDs are per thread you fucking dummies. I'm tripping to be identified and given ideas/feedback. If you don't wanna see my shit filter me.
So here's the deal with the racist shit.
It's at the cops' discretion if they want to do anything to us after a complaint of racism. It's legal, but the reality of the situation is they'll cite us the standard "disturbing the peace" clause and possibly arrest us even though it's not illegal. Welcome to the land of the libcucks.
I'm fine with playing partisan shit though, so pro-Trump works but is best left to the end because if they get riled up and try to fuck up our car I don't want to have to pepper spray and take on an entire crowd of people, 'nor does my friend want the felony for driving through a pack of libtards when they go apeshit.
The cameras don't capture all angles. We were off stream the majority of the last one, and the camera didn't capture Shia threatening us or the crowd of people who totally surrounded us and started taking pics/video of our mixer/speaker setup while they were still enjoying us playing Shadilay. Even scarier still was when we were invited in like a trojan horse and surrounded without being able to easily drive out, so I'm kind of glad museum security made us fuck off within a few minutes. Either way, the next attempt will have to be a lot more strategic than just drive up and blast tame memes. Believe it or not, I'm not trying to get myself or my friend's car fucked up over some Holla Forums shit, so if you're going to just complain you can go do something idiotic yourself and see how far you get, legal or not.
The songs needs to be subtle enough to give us plausible deniability so the crowd doesn't immediately go apeshit. This is why songs like shadilay and never coming down are so good, because it takes em a while to realize they've been bamboozled, but they DO eventually find out (ie: Shia going apeshit on us right before we left).
Either that, or we roll up in the middle of the night and go all out with Blink1488, but this is boring because there will be no one there in person.
he will knock the virus
[handrubbing intensifies]
how many pizzas did labeef just walk by with
I heard Hewilnutdivitus is a pretty painful STD.
Either I'm a hardcore racist or these niggers were scoping this girl out. Just seems funny to me when an attractive white woman gets there, a few minutes later these dark fucking niggers show up and start staring at her. I'm legitimately angry about it. These fucking niggers are pissing me off…
Deutschland Number one
I really can't come to grips with the fact that none of these people have things they're supposed to be doing. NPC theroy has never looked more valid
why is that merchant so small?
just play Erika while you punch Shia in the fucking throat you fucking faggot
Remember to join the discord for more organized shiposting:
that girl is kinda qt
Watch when the wind blows her coat flaps, she's wearing a $2600 coat. Who knows how much that scarf is. Talk about privilege.
Lad…u and I are on a board full of anime pics. We dont have anything better to do either
Thankfully not everyone has that attitude.
who is George Jeff?
you anons are too thirsty
I have a job and go to college
just some cuck who's been there for two or three days
Whatever you do, remember to stay safe DJanon. Shia seems like he's gradually getting more and more insane.
This is my lunch break.
That man still hasn't shown up to feed Lebouf his dick sandwich and I need to go back to work soon, that motherfucker.
i mean the one with the dark hair and camel coat
Funny isn't it, how a cop pulls up and a crowd builds, and suddenly the niggers start disappearing? I'm not even from the city and I can spot these fuckers. Why are these fucking people so clueless?
It was only a matter of time until crappy singers tried to use this to be 'discovered'
he's not coming m8
Play Johnny Rebel pussy
holy shit you're right I wonder if they were planning on jacking her right there
It's not about thirst, it's about spotting nigger behavior. Clearing they were hoping the crowd would disperse so they could pull something.
Yeah. I'm just peeved I wasted time listening to that dumb mantra.
fake blonde hair is retarded. almost as retarded as pink and blue hair
I just find it funny how people get so pissed when one of our guys doesn't show up. It's a monday. Why don't all of you get a ticket and go out there. Form a huge takeover. You can't expect one guy to do everything.
how has there not been a hippie drum circle yet?
Yeah. The moment they got there they were looking her up and down, stepping closer and closer. The shit was pissing me off…
fucking killyourself faggot
The better to
Nigs can't keep their shitty hands to themselves around white wimminz, user.
the niggers left after the nypd came
Now is the most crowd I have seen so far and dancing niggers.
brown jacket pony tail girl is CUtE
Welcome to Holla Forums, faggot
It's okay I won't filter, I will just stop reading them from now on.
Not all of us are NEETs.
stupidist fucking sign ever
The fuck ? is he karate chopping the camera ?
Shadily is pretty much the song that's been involved with this whole thing the most, so play that at some point.
He lied to us. He said he would be there 55 minutes ago
You won't do anything worth doing, and you're acting like every other self-righteous tripfag who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Yes, I will quite filter you, and I hope the mods have the presence of mind to remove you as well.
rump rustled much?
It's a monday morning. There's traffic. It's NY.
The fucking sign is about to be divided
The cops are going to have a permanent patrol at this shit.
wishful as fuck
Nah. I think he bailed, It's cool though. The night time is when /ourguys/ come out.
Shia started hitting us with his water bottle.
how long until all the bums post up at this shit for free food
It's dark. And we're wearing sunglasses.
Wow Shia has so much rage.
I wonder if this is going completely opposite of what he planned. Maybe he trained for months in advance of HWNDU hoping to use this honeypot to lure nazis to takedown. Every chanting faggot mocks his dreams
Can people not keep commitments because of traffic? Is that how the real world works?
I consider it like Holla Forums's Midnight Channel.
like do responsible people not plan for traffic when they make a promise?
i think he's been binging on meth to stay up for this fuckery
I've come to the realization NYC has about the ugliest stock of leftists I've seen so far. That melting pot meme really fucked their shit up and they almost have a right to be mad, bunch of mud goblins.
too bad soros shills fuck it up
too bad that theres gonna be shills there
Dylann Roof 2.0 when?
Underrated comment.
At least that's a valid reason to be against building that wall. Gotta keep those meth prices down.
Burberry's back.
Maybe nigs will feel emboldened if the crowd grows large enough to hide them
every libchick has the same glasses. like a cult.
I think you can get rid of them pretty easy if you trigger them hard enough. Like that Jew Lady and Based Italian.
atleast you tried
even better. more people for the skellys to spoop and stacheman to call out
Is Moustache still a no-show? I hope no one recognized him and initiated a gang-bang.
All these people look so fucking weak.
Play Leekspin.
When did that spoopy skeleton come?
Is this the whore from last night?
yeah i misse that wtf
the girl opened her jacked and exposed her large breasts in a white tube top and it is making me all hot and bothered.
This white woman is so out of place amongst these niggers and beaners. I heard her say she's not from there but works around there or something. Clearly by the way she dresses she from a suburb or something. I'm not form NY so I don't know where this. Someone needs to smack some sense into that dumb bitch before she gets herself raped slumming it with these bums.
Doesn't seem like it.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
please play this
He was there all along.
It was very brief, about 3:30-4:00 NY time.
checked and keked
calm down satan
between 2 and 5 in the morning I think
that nigger half breed in the front is making me uncomfortable
she's from just a few minutes ago i capped her salute
Dat nose doe.
yeah i was in bed like a responsible person, well i went to bed at 3
moonman notorious kkk
johnny rebel quit your bitchin nigger
and some autistic weeb shit
Pervy satan is pervy.
Is that Zyklon Ben?
pretty late
only lasts like a minute
Shia seems pretty proud of himself he got 15 idiots to chant in the cold.
Oh god the fucking nigger slave chanting is starting…
what's UNCI?
United Niggers Confederation International?
You and I D Y
Claire Huxtable and Ice Cube were really getting into it.
I wonder when CIA sends the kill command
How did you manage that lad?
dubs confirm the obvious
If I was there I would play it but I am in commiefornia.
Haven't tuned in since pic related. Did any big memes happen in the meantime?
meme magic
How much$$ is this bitch wearing
user taped the division equation from Holla Forums to the wall
not sure if its still there tho
the retard party going strong right now
Stays up as long as the stream does.
i should do something productive today and not just lie here watching this beating off
do they have no self-awareness?
You know i just wanna be from the side of a building or you know a balcony and watch this unfold while doing something like working from home being comfy with some hot chocolate. The camera is really overstating how many retards are there.
Is Stacheman coming back to fight Shylock LeCuck?
if trump was actually hitler you just know these faggots wouldn't pull pussy shit like this. how deep into the virtue signaling layers are they on.
hideous slut more like
TFW already thread 21 and is been just 3 days.
We have more energy casual shitposting than those fuckers wither their "protest"
They don't go together.
/HWNDU/ #22 will be the ONE
I think Trump also watches this for his amusement.
As expected.
I fucking hate white women, man. They're so god damn oblivious to dangers, it's insane. She's in the middle of a mud den flaunting herself. These is why these dumb bitches get raped so much. At what point do we just stop giving a shit?
that black womyn with the shadow the hedgehog hairdo too.
what the fuck is that thing on the right in the beige coat
He's too busy making america great again
Co,pared to the rest of the shitains that show up on the cam she is.
don't worry the beta orbiters will save her by letting themselves get raped.
what the fuck am I doing with my life?
Thats photoshopped right?
Has anyone thrown the idea of subtly chanting "he will UNIFY us" as a way to subvert Shia's following?
It seems they are already weak and demoralized, the whole HWNDU chant is an admission that these people are weaklings who let outside forces affect them.
Why not it be us?
she's mine i've already tagged her with my came
wew lad
whens sanic gonna show up shadow's on the loose lmao
i havent been watching for 12 hours, what did i miss?
only Holla Forums Blart can save us now
What do they want to achieve excactly with this ?
This would be a good warm up to lull most of them into a false sense of security initially.
Yes satan
Nothing as always.
Notice how she instinctively moved to the outside of the group? She knows she's not one of them, but she wants so badly to be like them. It's disgusting.
I missed that. What happened? Did Shia even speak to him or did he just glare at him while chanting?
these people are going to talk for months about how amazing it was to be a part of this. how wonderful the energy was. how aligned their chakras were.
Holy fuck that thing on the left how do you look in the mirror and go yeah this is it
Holla Forums blart did it right to shia's face, it was priceless. shia was pissed he was made an unwilling participant in his chant:
Looks like Ghost
michelle has bigger forearms and shoulders that obammy.
Awwwww Yissss
They are out to punch him though
She's a fucking jew user. A jew from California.
Twitter/neofag probably jerking off to how courageous everyone is
don't fall for the meme, he's not coming
How do you know?
now they're not even making coherent sounds. they're devolving. must be the increase of nigger auras.
looks like mafia gathering in the background
Would love to see some anons with bane masks and a ghetto blaster blaring Bane Star
WH Spicer press briefing at 1:30pm ET
That works nicely. Anything with Trump's voice will trigger the shit out of them.
What I would give for screaming italian uncles to blitz this pack right now.
Lol this guy will be back, he can't stay away.
show us your taint darkie
Fug lads, I have real world things to attend to. If MASED MUSTACHIO arrives, please record it. He is the hero we need, but not the hero we deserve.
Unless they've got numbers, I wouldn't suggest it. Niggers are prone to violence. You don't want to go in there vastly outnumbered and start pissing people off.
I'm betting they announce construction of the wall today.
If he does there will be videos galore.
Holla Forums blart? The normie 4cuck guy?
first white house press conference in 13 minutes
c-span DOT org/video/?422474-1/sean-spicer-holds-first-daily-briefing
Evil Nazi Virus
Criminally un-checked.
How long are those?
secret Holla Forumsice . cut the user some slack (not the subgenius kind)
we made a wiki anyone can do anything we will document everything
How did niggers invent rock again?
His glorious can collection is missing
ive never watched one
they didnt
Stays up as long as the stream does.
They stole it, like they do everything else.
We're on a mission from god.
Didnt you know all rockstars have been secretly black? Chad Kroeger is Somalian, get woke fam.
is the stream 144p for anyone else right now?
what the fuck is this they can't even internet
last one was like 5 minutes
heres a livestream
I watched this shit all yesterday with you guys, last night the words "He will not divide us" kept me awake and it kept dominating my thoughts.
Even now it's like music running in the background and my mind is foggy unless it push the words away.
Be careful watching this cult like madness for too long. It will cause damage to your mind.
did mustashio guy come back at midday and any other polacks come
Yeah it has been shitting on me as well.
Yeah and Beethoven and Frank Zappa too
that was not a real press conference he didn't take questions and it was highly irregular
(i watched that, it doesn't count :-/)
mustache came and danced around for a while. he knocked some uppity nigger out and then ran away.
You cant fool me Spicer.
Man, fuck that mustache guy so hard. Don't offer the dick sandwich if you're not going to deliver it hot and steaming.
Insignia CD Boombox: 29.990from Best Buy
George Lincoln Rockwell Speeches: Free on Jewtube
Driving Normie Libshits and a Narcissistic Jester Insane: Priceless
Who has the balls?
The funniest part is their central message ,while they are intending it as a challenge, is actually a hopeful one, Trump will Unite Us.
what are you talking about? and i'll stick to c-span cuz i pay for c-span
frank zappa was the original michael jackson skin doctor as well.
Does anyone have a photo of Sean "Make me a meme" Millea?
Can you have Downs Syndrome and still be a sassy black lady?
Isnt Frank Zappa a heeb?
they are redpilling themselves
Finally, makes a change from Chimpanzee ooking and eeking
were's the vid of it
Holla Forums is a board of peace sign just now
Are you describing yourself user?
Volksgrenadier user again, not tripfaging but will provide time stamp, what's you you're plan my dude? Got a song queue?
Oh and I got some new information about what happened afterword, apparently Shia gave me a death threat
trips are breddy strong to confirm but he is italian french greek and arab
Mostly joking, but just because the stream is going doesnt mean he is about to talk. He kept the press waiting 1.5 hours last time, chewed them out for like 5 minutes and then took no questions, said fuck off until monday.
It was grand.
no you look arab and shit bruh
how long until one of these nogs rapes one of these white(or jew) girls on livestream?
praise kek
ah. according to c-span
Reasons I ask:
Nose and mouth ambiguous from the shot. I guess his ears are pretty far up on his head, probably right. Arab though, so not really white.
He deserves his smugness.
/ourguy/ taking on shia?
As other anons have pointed out, the message is formulated in the negative.
He will not divide us. The brain drops out the not. This is science, and the same reason you should formulate positive statements for self improvement.
Instead of I will not eat junkfood, you make it I will eat healthy.
This is babbi tier stuff, so there is probably a more sinister reason for this slogan. the jews are dividing us
Zappa was leabanese
sorry user as i said he is italian, greek, french and arab. those have some weird genetcis to be mixing. i thought he was juden for a long time but he actually is not. a wonderful composer that actually also only drank coffee. no dope surprisingly
So whats the verdict?
But its not though.
The retarded nigger party is getting bigger. This clapping nig is pretty funny.
fuck off nigger we already have one
I'm in the discord chat for now, technically supposed to be working so will not be monitoring thread closely.
We got through half our playlist last time before Shia went apeshit, so we cut it short and went straight to never coming down.
We wrote some software that autoqueues and plays songs, and we might have an interesting idea that should take a week to do if this thing lives that long, but combining that + a small bluetooth speaker covertly hidden somewhere and us streaming from nearby might be fun.
Other than that we're definitely rolling up again and playing music at some point this week/weekend. Other ideas welcome.
I don't trust those lips, even at potato quality.
damn your digits for making me doubt zappa. not a jew though.
muslim.. beard but no stache
His actions made him white.
Can someone link me to Holla Forums blart video with shia.
Who are you, what plan are you talking about? what happened to your hand? What's that cord?
nice watch tbh
sunni or wahhabi
This is why I was repeating all yesterday that someone should paint over the message on the wall and write, he won't divide us. It will destroy labeefs conditioning.
he's /neckbeard/
what is stopping some glorious user from pulling his car on the curb there and playing some loud moon man?
I have seen a very large number of jews named Frank, to the point where Frank brings a visual association of protruding jew lips.
Jesus Christ this is getting bizarrely cultish at this point.
The jpg name is funny, even though it is wrong. Downies have an extra one.
It'd be easier to add an S and make them all stare at "SHE WILL NOT DIVIDE US"
Shia threatened to slash some 4cuck user's tires yesterday.
am i right about sunni or wahhabi
Who would win a softball game between 4chan an 8ch?
The apparent absence of balls.
To be fair, it is a Monday afternoon, still the workday.
8ch. after the first inning /our/ shooters take out opfor
trick question…
nobody would win because nobody would actually show up on time
You mean "He will unite us".
Which i can support.
Some user, please spraypaint this. You are doing humanity a favor by stopping a psyop made to divide and conquer the people.
How to watch the stream on Linux without Flash? Livestreamer doesn't work.
Its sort of reached a crescendo of crazy.
I'm expecting to see cups of KoolAod being handed out any minute.
Eastern European. 2nd generation born in the USA.
Pic related
I was asking about DJ user's flight plan
Machete cut
It's my charging battery and headphones, kinda looks fishy tho with that terrorist watch kek
Get a good OS
have you tried using the direct stream link?
have you tried youtube-dl?
Frank is a germanic name, fam.
Greek, so that makes him Turkish by blood.
jews stole german names user.
nah lad doesnt look allahu akbar tier. but that watch is very nice
they all look like they legitimately enjoy life a lot more than me :-(
Is she still there? Anyone doxx her?
God fucking dammit my autism, forgot the pic
Indeed, I had to look it up myself. When I see Frank, In my head I see #7 in pic related. His name probably isnt actually Frank.
It gets restreamed on youtube,
https ://
Another rich blonde qt in white coat
Do you think these idiots will eventually come out at 3am thinking it's safe and get divided?
Holla Forums blart made me appreciate grecians for the first time in a long time, so I can't hate hard right now
Is anyone else stream of this shit total fucking garbage?
fucking finally…after so many hours i fucking get the volksgrenadier references nice watch AND hat
In my degenerate days I would be down there, it's pussy on a plate. These woman are starving for attention,
Ignorance is bliss.
Alternatively, the joy of the insane is great, but only the insane may take part in it.
So is Goldberg and Weinstein.
That prophets name? Huell Unidas
Whats the best time to do that? I think today around 5 am it was completely empty
Heres an example though:
Anne Frank.
Doubtful, unless you are one sorry fuckwit.
They're doing this because they lost, and have nothing better to be doing than stand in the cold in an ugly urbanite concrete playpen shouting at a wall with mud people and Jews in an attempt to expel their built up salt.
Remember a lot of Jews changed their name over centuries to fit in with the current culture they were destroying.
Thanks fam, I'm an idiot. Have some Islamophobin.
Theres a difference between a surname and a given name.
They also mix with whites. Frank Sinatra is a good example.
Oh, so you mean as a surname.
Is of gay faggot shit for leetle girl.
It's a shame kikes take native surnames from countries they infect and turn them into their own
do you consider yourself white?
can we agree once and for all that Frank Zappa is not juden
if dubs, someone should buy a bane mask, go to that museum and try to crash the camera with no survivors.
I mean both, but that was the first example. Frank Sinatra was half jew half italian.
Jew or Italian or Greek. Could be white imo.
That will look very overt.
You need to spin their own message into it, and give it time to blossom on its own. Needs an intermediary step, and getting the regulars to buy into it. He will not divide us, his hate will unite us, he will unite us.
I fucked up, rip
Damn, I'd do something if I wasn't a Euro
There's finally enough people to inconspicuously spill your surströmming
His baby momma is going to be so pissed when she sees what he's doing to their good bottle.
Man, seeing this picture is really depressing. It sucks that NA "protest" are complete shit compared to EU or at least to that one. I mean a whole fucking D&D campaign was built around it.
Did I miss anything since last night? Did mustache come back?
Unfortuanly no, I don't even consider myself spic either since I'm a halfbreed. I've got no race or brotherhood to call my own, so I might aswell act as Auxiliary Osttruppen to make up for my lonerism
Bosting from work, anything good happen? Did mustache man show up at high noon?
okay its enough the retarded party is officialy too big.
by the way, this is extremely effective, pisses them all off. they can't stand it. best way I've seen is to incorporate as part of the he will not divide us chant, so they have to chant alongside with you. every single time I've caught it on camera it's been wonderful.
somebody giveme a fucking link ahahah
night raids are the best ones
Is that a pajeet/nigger mix in the front?
Kek, user who fought Shia is now on drudgereport, column 3 first link.
Except no, those are Yiddish names. No Aryan Germanics ever had such names.
spicer ON NOW
Jew York has a lot mulatto apeoidic niggers.
well my guitar wants to kill yo mamma
I'm all over YouTube, even alt kike milo posted me
https ://
Still whiter than Shia tbh.
They are trying to get people to knock you out
I like the "evil nests inside us" one coupled with Ebolachan
As long as you find a place where you truly belong lad.
You're doing Gods work either way.
Noice, be safe now that you have your face known to leftist scum
Haha fucking Goodluck, I discovered yesterday my Manlet speed gives me 10+ agility and dodge effect. I managed to juke out 4 leftists and Shia, twice.
It evens out the negative message with a positive one. Come one, anons, do this. Please. Put an end to this D&C shit.
Call him Shylock LeCuck around these cucks and get them to spread it in the news.
Kek. I think Shai is buffing himself with cocaine, better watch out.
Is there a video?
So, Divideus is actually Ebola-chan?
as long as you lay low, you'll be fine, unless you get doxxed. Take a semester off, assuming you're in school, other anons like mustachio will take some of the heat off you
v. v. nice lad.
So was he a memer or just some crazy fuck
thats stashbro.
Does the video have a shitty frame-rate for anyone else?
dont gaslight him
its freezing for me too
Yep. Low bitrate, too.
What did she mean by this?
what did he say I'm watching the WH Briefing
Yeah, the company providing the stream has cut the quality. Shia and his kike company only paid for good service for the first 3 days. GG
Oh god
This whole HWNDU plot may just be our greatest opportunity yet, it's like a psyop sandbox.
It's like Shia is trying to build a negative sandcastle and /po/acks keep bulldozing it.
My God is this timeline blessed by Kek or hwhat
Youtube link for stashbro's appearance?
The cringe is real.
That and some people are going to start Ddosing the stream/bandwidth provider.
I've watched this goddamn stream for 13h staright today. Went to take a shit and just came back. Anyone got a webm?
oh shit did he just get there
Holy shit, you could start beating the shit out of these people and they wont fight back.
Are there any anons with Shia-like beards/hair in the area? You could dress up like him (can't be hard to find hobo clothes) go down there and cause confusion. Become Liquid Shia.
Frank is Lebanese.
t. oldfag who saw the apostrophe overnight sensation tour summer of 74
Holla Forums I suddenly have the urge to miscegenate. What do?
Yeah fuck off you filthy (((ally))) traitor.
You may have elected Trump but you still have to clear out all the fucking mistakes your (((government))) made that fucked up the western world.
Until then you are a kike nigger.
These subhumans are so fucking disgusting.
He didn't do much. Danced around in an American flag and praised satan.
Oh no! The chant is getting to you. You must be put down for your own good.
any webms of your pic related
Any new word from Sam?
The cucks got a prophet.
(((Shia Rap)))
Anyone else getting a bj well watching this?
no but Im giving one
Shame. He's big. He could lose weight, get fit, and be an intimidating white guy. Instead he chooses to waste his size being a fat cuck.
Geeze I just came back and a whole new slew of retards has shown up.
focus on the bj you spastic. tell her shes a good girl.
I keep reading it as he dindu and it's making this whole ordeal bearable.
I don't care about (you)s, I'm just sick of americlaps opening their mouths about stuff they don't know shit about but keep acting all smart like some fucking libtard faggots.
I'm not even some anti-USA cringe faggot but shit pisses me off like hell.
Did I miss mustache user do anything?
didnt show up must've cucked out
It just happened on stream just rewatch it. Happens around 09:45 but it's pretty underwhelming
Are these cultist self aware? I mean they have to know how ugly and repulsive they really are.
unless your from germany shut the fuck up
Fucking brit/pol, always the first to pontificate when it's your fault the current geo political system exists.
Thank you Brits for the following:
Siding with Turkey in the 1848 Crimean war.
Creating the WW1 stalemate to maintain your precious naval supremacy
Starting WW2 to "defend" Poland only to sell them out to Stalin
This ape with braces looks like there's something wrong with him.
fuck you nigger we already have one
That woman has an abnormally large mouth.
Matt showed up and subverted them wearing an American flag like a burka. then in the middle of their chanting shouted HDNW and stunned them all. It was pretty great.
wtf is this discord thing
No. If they were, they wouldn't be cultists. They are all completely fucking insane.
Fuck that. That's full of 4cucks who couldnt figure out the right address to deliver pizza.
Where did you get brit/pol/ from you negro, we are based druids now. Are you on about /brit/?
Get the fuck out of here you fucking idiots.
Enough snowflakes male an avalanche ……OF LOVE!!
oh fuck ourguy
I wish Ebola chan would show them an avalanche of love right now.
what just happened?
Braces is looking to get blacked… HARD.
I am and since I can remember I have been seeing shitskins everyday in my life because since my country is one of your colonies, they forced Germany to take in shitskins. It amazes me that people think Germany had any say in this, let alone has any kind of authority even today.
cant tell because they just say the same thing with different intonation like a retarded pokemon
That bitch singing brought everyone down awkwardly
Evil Nazi Viruz
This bitch looks like a witch for some reason
Damn, user getting brave!
Fellow German here. President Trump should end the occupation of Germany ASAP.
I've observed Leftists and I can tell you what they'll more than likely do in a situation, or how they'll respond to an argument or situation, but I can't quite grasp the exact way they perceive and react emotionally to something like this. I don't understand the thought processes behind this. I can't let go of my biases here enough to understand what it is that appeals to them about this behavior and why they're so irrationally susceptible to it. Every time I look I just think "this is so fucking dumb! what the fuck?!" I can't do it…
this pic just came to mind.
Yeah because Merkel is totally American right? Kill yourself yuroslime.
lurk moar
is this that blonde bitch in leather jacket?
Sadly no one paid attention to him when he did that one.
Holy Shit
the one from when the guy responding to craiglist bj
did this happen on stream?
they will go to 4/pol/ r-right?
No Stachman was jumping with an American flag before this.
I think Shia's mom is yelling at him in the back
I think this is it.
This main brown bitch is really fucking annoying. She thinks she's some hot shit, so she keeps singing her special snowflake melody because she's too good for the chant.
this is getting too autistic see you tomorrow fags
What a faggot, hits them when he knows hes off stream
That took too long to register in his head.
Stachman is a fucking King
Sadly, theres usually only way way to really leave a cult.
Moustache is a national hero
On it.
With all the drugs in his system it's a miracle that it registered at all
You go back to cuckchan.
Never before you rapefugees from cuckchan came over yesterday, have I seen anyone here say they want to race mix with hideous shitskin monsters. But in the past day I have seen this said over 10 times.
Go back.
What do though?
the stache delivers
Commie chant going now.
Did Mustachio get out of there alive ?
pls respond
Fucking hippies and their flowers.
He is fine, they are a bunch of faggots.
he thinks he can get away with it. Eventually labeouf will do something that can get him arrested. it'll be in the news WATCH
Shia I'm still here, don't forget me.
Fug, beat me to it.
the velocity of these threads….
Something is happening off camera what is it? I saw everyone stop and stare.
you cant ignore their girth
all the secret Holla Forumsice on patrol today
Somebody from Holla Forums should go there and knock Shia's pussy Jewish ass the fuck out.
They're getting hungry
Why do niggers make everything they're involved in so trashy? This stupid chat was bad before, but niggers get involved and now it sounds like some primitive tribal African shit. The most fucked up part is Lefties will praise it as beautiful and hold it up as a sign of cultural richness. Disgusting.
Imagine if Holla Forums did a Hitler did nothing wrong , just a block away for 8 years.
better someone from hackerforums.
Someone should go and implement the progressive stack and privilege checking. If we push them further into insanity, it will be glorious. Shitposting irl is fine too.
The hell is /ourguy/ up to?
Lol what cry baby pussy
I was thinking that someone should throw smoke bombs.
blending in
Typical Americuck, trying to ignore the crimes of his grandfathers. Reminder that your people gave this world to the Jews. Your people betrayed their brothers and sisters. Your people crossed the ocean to slaughter their kin because the Jew asked them to.
And Merkel is not Germanic, she's a Polack.
phosphine gas is better
they keep looking at him. they suspect him because he's not chanting.
he really is a violent retard isn't he?
collaboration when?
she wants to take every black dick on the scene. Something dark inside of there.
This kike is still here pushing D&C?
That explains his flower camouflage.
poor Sarah E.
90% of these chicks have the same delusional fantasy of getting sempai to notice them, sleep with them a few times and get in an exclusive relationship with Shia. Then they'll polish him like a diamond, make him shine again as an A-list celeb before dumping him for Idris Elba.
For anyone asking about Mustache Man showing up on stream again I went back and recorded it. Encoding it to WebM now, the stream is going to shit so the quality of the video will be shit too. There's been a lot of jumping around and the bitrate has gone to hell.
So they want to roll her for it
oh go gas yourself. AMERICA IS ONCE AGAIN NUMBER 1. germany is cucked till YOU start killing the shitskins
But not before feeling the fizz of Koo-Koo Kola
Can't stand the truth? Must be another cuckchan refugee. This is a commonly known fact around here.
im the same way bro im in love with this communist
This. It fucked the Occutards.
Fucking hell
That kikes like you push D&C? Yeah, I see it form time to time.
Fucking monkeys dancing
Can stashio sue for billions now?
He's right thought you kike. Germans were never asked what they want, the country has been run by Jews and Americans for 70 years.
Are these threads banned on cuckchan hence more migrants?
Think so
gas yourself as well. the united nations through the E.U own you until you free yourselves from them
What a sad existence you must lead.
Fuck. Bongos.
you have to go back
Is eskimo jacket on the left's backpack moving or is that her ass?
Is this drum kit shit a daily thing which I've been missing or is this shit new?
This is why we need to exterminate everyone in these rat den cities. Look how quickly people devolve. If you're white in a city, either get out or become collateral damage.
america will be cutting ties with those satanic pedos soon enough
Nicolas Cage?
Oh lord, this production quality is almost as low as the stream's quality right now.
You must have meant the fuckups of Americans
New tier.
3rd level inishiates now
that girl is cute too. to bad she wants BLACK DICK
Mashallah. user said it would happen yesterday. Praise diversity!
She got a fivehead brah
top kek
For fuck's sake…
Alright, Word Of Power time. It's Grinman. Always has been, always will be. Not Cockmongler. I'm not saying this towards the trolls who've flooded this thread with Cockmongler shit - they've no hope already. I'm saying this for your benefit - the Anonymous onlooker. You may be new and know nothing about this yet, or you may be old and just plain ignorant. But it's not Cockmongler. It started a few months ago, and it's everywhere. Take it from me. It's Grinman. You don't have to believe me, but I recommend that you do. If you don't, just keep it in the back of your head…the last flickering candle of truth. He's the Grinman. Not Cockmongler. Have some Longcat too (not Cocksucking cat).
shes blacked all right
Found the nigger who thinks everyone wants black dick…
And what are you doing to help Germany? Posting on an underground imageboard isn't going to do anything. Neck yourself while your country burns around you fuckboy
Holy shit, I'm in an internship in a research lab for aviation and I shit you not there's actually a sign asking to piss while sitting down in the toilets.
*internship abroad in Germoney, forgot to specify that.
enjoy your wrinkles
This explains more about Germany than I thought possible.
Did that user go home ? Don't see him anymore. Wise choice anyway, he got his keks and probably has better shit to do.
they have to keep the seat down too incase any women are within a 100 mile radius
Someone go up to the camera and shout as loudly as you can
(former) King nigger wouldnt dare
why the fuck do you fags have a namefag chat when we have threads. Fuckoff
this protest has reached africa-tier chimpout levels with bongos and some sort of tribal dancing rituals
He's there if you look close enough. He's gotten them all believing he's one of them.
I'm not German. Just pointing out inconvenient truths to a cuckchan burger lolbertardian.
It's 4cuck refugees spouting memes I'm sure
what a disgusting sea of brown.
Nigger spiritual rituals never change. Nurture does not change the fact that they are niggers. Never forget that.
fuck i unmuted for 2 seconds to confirm
Pretty sure halfchan hates namefags as much as the next guy.
The band arrives
Hey, it keeps these threads from filling the entire board.
Right when they brought out the drums someone said "Repping Frank Sinatra" I don't think tribal bingo bongos has anything to do with either Sinatra.
Call the cops for fucks sake. That will make them shut the fuck up.
Someone should go dressed as ooga booga shaman with shield and see how they react
Someone show up with this please
What did red jacket guy say? I couldn't hear over the ooking and eeking.
its literally donkey kong country
so glad we didnt lose to this shit
I had to leave 8 hours ago. Did something interesting happen?
Sure looks that way
I still would tbh she looked preddy gud in that perfecto and her voice hnnnng
They'd probably lynch your ass
all i hear is "I WANT BIG BLACK DICK" its like related to Obama
Stachebro came, now two other Holla Forumslacks have infiltrated
The mp3 player thing at night needs to be repeated, but with a "Mein Kampf" audio book playing instead of shadiley.
You watch too much interracial porn. Get black dick off your mind, faggot.
I think its three actually
A black person should.
You can cut the stream by using an axe to the chord at night
I personally like the 'sitting down with a pipe reading it from a book' version better but this would be a good substitute
This is why leftists have been especially doomed since the hippy times. Everything is just a big party to them. They will never organize into a real movement or make real sacrifices for a cause because it isn't fun and doesn't tickle their pleasure centers.
We cannot possibly lose against such hopelessly hedonistic and undisciplined degenerates.
Asians are disgusting now fuck off, back to cuck chan. This is a WHITE NATSOC board faggot.
*autistic screeching*
Makes you think.
Also yeah, some faggot tonight is going to axe the stream.
capoeira circle? maximum overcringe
It was fun while it lasted, but this pure chimpout is just too much, stink bomb or cut the cord.
Japan was NatSoc, stop trying to D&C faggot.
oh ffs its that Erkel faggot again
Just spray paint the camera instead.
I'd say it's less that and more the lack of drive. They need to be led by a force greater than them. They do what it says. They believe what it says. They never venture outside of the box. Hard to overcome opposition when you've dumbed down your hoards into the perfect dependent voting block.
Yeah, but paint they can attempt to wipe it off if anyone is around.
This is a window onto why these losers will keep on losing. If anything, end it with the homeless guy being arrested
worst square dance ever
Somebody take a hammer and mercy kill camera-chan, she doesn't deserve this.
She thought she was being made to protect worthy buildings from niggers
Why the fuck would anyone try to axe the stream and deny us a source of endless keks?
Anyone could easily hot sink the wire connector without anyone even noticing.
KEK what a madman.
Why not Mein Kampf with Shadiley as backing music?
but then we won't be able to laugh at the stupid niggers acting like monkeys
Why already got Matt saying Hitler did nothing wrong to shia on camera. What else do you want?
Of course. The Democrat party has been pretty much taken over on the local level by niggers and wetbacks. Too late to change that now. Soon the party will be the black and brown party of American. Whites are leaving it every day, but the muds are sticking strong. We all know how dumb they are.
No thanks.
Sam Hyde
make me
Ugly as hell…
That too, but even if they did fall behind a leader their efforts would almost certainly never go beyond hashtags and retweets.
Sam Hyde is a PR fucking pussy, he wont do shit.
I know, they look like they're actually retarded.
I want shia to have a mental breakdown on camera. Hopefully he gets arrested.
This nigger is still here pushing the notion that every woman everywhere wants to be "blacked"? Go back to worldstar, nigger…
not cool, that's my waifu.
Good luck, it takes a lot to crack a kike like that.
He is just a 4cuck that is trying to be edgy.
This shit we're seeing just reaffirms my long standing believe that behavior is genetic, and thus culture is genetic.
Different environment. Sam really has nothing to gain from going to ooga boogs chimping out.
Git gud.
Here's the webms I've made so far, XMediaRecode lied about filesize before encoding though so I need redo them.
Volksgrenadier user:
Mustache Man Second Appearance:
someone call a noise complaint
Jesus fucking Christ. Is this what losers look like?
Is this a sleeper agent?
chimp out
Someone should leave a speaker at night that plays Notorious KKK by Moonman.
Yup. Seen him before. One of us.
AHAHAHA Jaden on the face time
drumpf will never recover from this.
What about the rest of the 7.5 billion people?
Ever been on youtube on those kinds of videos and see the comment section loaded with niggers praising their primitive culture as if it's so amazing and rich, and so much more grand than ours? Looking at people that, in 201[insert date of video], look like they're living in 5,000 BC, and these niggers are egotistical as hell talking about how amazing their shit cultures are.
this has become africa
Not really. He already ran after, shoved, almost fought and threatened to slash tires with a knife 4 guys multiple occasions. He is on the verge of a breakdown. I mean, he hasn't changed his clothes in 3 days, lol.
Of coursh!
he's our guy
Recover from what? We already won and its only day 3.
Yeah invaded before.
It's like Africa. I bet they think they're doing something useful.
I love how the stream itself is shitting a brick.
I shouldn't be surprised there's more of them on Monday than on the weekend.
Do this
Do you happen to have some napalm.. ?
we should seriously consider going there to drop redpills on Chinese takeover of Africa to cause division with chinks
Moonman triple k mafia
Africa tribe dancing to some ritual. That's what this has become. Shia's piece of art has turned into a giant shitfest
Shout allahu ackbar
40 keks were kekked over this
punch shia in the mouth
Waiting for pic related to appear
I wonder if bigguy and cardguy are aware of each other
user with the bag in front of the cam got balls to show this with all the drum niggers. lol
Trayvon it will be. I am a little scared cause I don't want to show my face and compromise anything, gonna be wearing a bandanna. Will do it tomorrow.
I'm gonna request sam Hyde to come down as well. If he does, I will be there for his arrival
I'd love to but I'm not going to risk my career over this lol
News or fake news that will portray him as a hero fighint eveil agressive Trump supporters who disrupt peacfull protests?
how is that pol has so many random awesome faggots. Who know EXACTLY when to troll.
The herd mentality is disgusting. Anyone know of books about this? I forget what the behavior was called, but I recall someone recommending a book on here before. I'd like to learn more about this. It disgusts me to no end, but I want to understand it better.
They will tear him to pieces
Anyone got his smug pepe pose at the end?
Play Right Wing Death Squad!
We're clever :^)
If we introduce fringe liberal occultism to these fags, it would be the best shitshow ever. We just need the right people who'd blend right in. Progressive stack, privilege checks, X privilege, preferred pronouns, no rape zones, etc. I live for the day this happens.
the absolute madman
Die cuckchan
That's why all the namefags are in a containment chat
its called being a good goy
Animal Farm
Groupthink? Lord of the Flies?
new bread when?
someone take a less shitty screenshot of this, it's at 10:52:38
or we could turn it into a full on chimpout and it ends up on CNN
Pepe smirk, but why? I don't think he want's any fame.
It wasn't so much a story as it was an educational book written by a psychologist or something detailing studies he'd done. I don't remember exactly.
Even worse they will start hugging him. That was really anticlimactic
I wonder if tumblrphones are trying to coordinate a shutdown of mad pepe
Oh shit. Im scared for our guy.
Will he be okay?
Of course its a ratty little jew girl that tries and get our boy caught.
Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes?
for fuck sake not this little nigger again
They will hug him to death
stupid bitch kike going for his hat
Oh shit. He's been found. Enough with the hugs, he needs to go before he's fucking killed and eaten by Shia
HAHAHAHAHAHAH Kike pussy getting all bend out of shape. Lol
This "he will not divide us" chant is like a creepy séance
Classic brainwashing. I wonder who paid for Shia's art project.
Hint: it wasn't him.
Looks like there's are cops keeping watch at night and you can't do it during the day. If you get caught you'll be fined and maybe a little jail time.
You are an honorary aryan my friend. You'll always be white on the inside no homo
Dont say George Soros, that crazy cracker cant be behind everything
Next bread should be #69
Why does this prick keep saying 5.
Can we get a shout out to Dr. Axel Stoll may his soul find its way home to the Galactic empire Aldabaran. Sieg Heil! Neuschwabenland ueber alles!
Why are old threads getting dragged up with room to use?
save us paperboy!
The chubby dude is fucking hammered
new bread with the wrong number
Shout out to Right Wing Safety Squad and /diy/ also fojo is gay
I know you guys are all on cuckchan but i'm banned so i'm trying my luck
it's all dumb nigger cattle over on discord
I don't understand why someone cut the descriptions of the videos from the OP