Mattis bombed ISIS 31 times yesterday.
What have we unleashed?
Mattis bombed ISIS 31 times yesterday.
What have we unleashed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Let the dog eat!
He might order my assassination one day but I can't help it.
Reminder to Europoors.
No wonder they are cucked
I.T.T., dumb militarists getting excited about yet another military conflict in Near East.
"Look, now they're attacking the right ones over there!"
sick tor bro! you must be some kind of spy/hacker who has so many secrets to hide right?
Just wait until you see the Anti-Jew militarists JIDF-kun
I came.
I will never get tired of winning.
O….oy vey! G.. goy ISIS are bad goys yes, but they're supposed to be the bad goys that lurk in the shadows & you can't touch! Do you want to end up like Russia and start killing 1 innocent kebab surrounded by 4000 soldiers?
I.T.T., dumb militarists getting excited about yet another military conflict in Near East.
"Look, now they're attacking the right ones over there!"
Those countries don't take defense seriously, getting American subsidies and allocating tax funds that would normally be used for defense toward gibs.
I'm interested in seeing Switzerland's tho
damn right torfag
great argument! keep up that obvious hard work!
You guys are so bad this lololol
Here's your (You), user.
Well, I can see why you enjoy men in uniform at least, user. Enjoy the eternal hellfire. :^)
You don't even know what an ID is you stupid fuck. YET AGAIN you fail to blend in properly, just give up for fucks sake. For once in your history just accept defeat.
You're boring, user.
But you're still a cuck when you want U.S. involvement over there. Cuck-cuck.
This pic candidly captures the moment when someone pulled a dumb. Original?
It's such a blatant golem too. Why are jews so bad at hiding things?
It's not my job to entertain you, it's my job to kill you.
Its not a jews goyim even if israel is never attacked, and has said that isis helps israel.
I laugh at your feeble attempts, weak creature.
Nothing but plastic surgery can stop your nose showing. Remember that.
Enjoy your rope soon, shlomo.
fuck sunni, sufi, shia and alawhite islam .yeah.. it is good that they execute captured isis fighters… i loved watching that one the israeli soldier is facing charges or or whatever.. boom just shot the mudslime right on the ground. fuck islam. remove it from exiestence and slaughter all those the follow the quran
I've been saying this all along. Obama wasn't doing shit to stop ISIS, he was just doing the bare minimum possible in order to appear like he was doing anything at all.
We've been held-back by cucked leftists for 8 years. ISIS should have been destroyed a long time ago.
It's not that we just let ISIS happen, we explicitly destabilized the region and then with help from our (((greatest ally))) armed and trained the ISIS fighters. Thanks to all the Israeli Dual-Citizens in Congress the funding was never an issue for this region destabilization project.
Kikes are mad as fuck they didn't get their pipeline too.
I hope Mattis will be the Bismarck of our time.
Atleast senpai noticies you
They'll get their pipeline, just a different way.
If dubs Mattis finishes the war in seven days
We like ISIS getting bombed, because they are:
1.) Muslim sandniggers
2.) a threat to Assad
We like the Assad government, because they are Ba'athist NatSocs, and don't try to spread Islam in a cancerous manner.
By eliminating ISIS, Syria will be more stable, and they won't have as much of a reason to send rapefugees to Europe and other white areas.
Are there Jews involved somewhere? Yes, but there are always kikes lingering in the shadows. We're doing this regardless of what they think. We are working towards dismantling the ZOG as well. The Trump administration isn't perfect, I know, but it's just a stepping stone.
I sure am a huge faggot! Someone hurry up and rape my face!
user, don't be stupid. Do you really think the US government wants to see Germany rebuild its military?
Well, that's why we have the word "cuckservative", Anons..
Zzzz… What- what's that? Oh…
Yawn. Zzzz…
This user is using Tor because he's shilling across the board and it's easier to not have to change multiple IDs at once.
Islam is the sword of Judaism. Killing one of you sandniggers is the same thing as killing a kike.
Nah, T.B.H.
It's mostly about the "world-policeman" badge that neo-cons won't put away while the U.S. border has been a sieve for decades, and the brown population that arrived or invaded illegally is going to stay unless they break the law or something. It's globalism to participate in these conflicts erupting 10,000+ miles away.
I don't care about a "campaign promise" to "cut the head off of I.S.I.S."; he promised to ban Muzzies and backed off on that. It's time for the same thing done here until the Mexicoons and other assorted non-whites get punished.
I.T.T., brain-dead militarists.
How long before Israel strikes back for bombing their pets?
The eternal loop never ends.
L.O.L. Right, because it's so important to participate in Near Eastern conflicts.
Anyhow, you're filtered for having bad taste in photographs.
With pol saying that Jews are helping ISIS, wondering if he wasn't stopping ISIS due to incompetence but helping them. He pulled back from Iraq and let them grow. Later ISIS stronk beat back Iraq's military and commandeered their equipment. The loot consists a bunch of machine guns, humvees, M1A1 Abram tanks and M198 Howitzer mobile gun systems. Also some small arms as well. Don't know if there are any other major lootings happening. By the way the American trained Iraqi army didn't fight where these would get partially destroyed; they were routed and left them for ISIS. So these equipment are intact.
Nigger you're not even trying.
You guys misunderstand. He's yawning because he's tired of winning.
Stay salty, Muhamed. You've got about 30 days to fuck goats before Mattis fries your bacon.
Don't mind me, just being a huge faggot! Rape my face!
and dont forget this part
At least you have a brain… T.B.H., I am sort of invested in not seeing this administration going down a potentially very familiar neo-con path, user.
It's not a religion if only you practice it, just a magical structure.
You are boring, shlomo. Atleast put some effort into it.. I mean oy vey they goyim are getting ready to throw your asses into the oven.
Have you ever heard of finishing what you started? Ex King nig started it, now Trump is finishing it before our own beast comes to fuck us up. Russia has been doing our job for us. It's pretty shameful to leave a job unfinished, especially if it's killed thousands of us soldiers, billions of dollars and almost ww3.
So eat shit ass hole.
wait, is this the faggot that says yawn and shit?
same shill from another thread. dont he realise how easy its to spot him?
i have already filtherd him so i cant see
Is a valid argument when it's actually jews.
Don't correct the Tor-fag's typing, keep him in ignorance so he is easier to spot in the future.
Just report and carry on.
Imagine if Mattis actually managed to win the war in 7 days. That would be so epic.
From what I can understand, I think Trump is just living up to his promise of "wiping ISIS off the face of the earth". I honestly believe Trump's just gonna give up warmongering once the threat of ISIS is minimized or nullified.
Neocons crave any chance for war, but to see muzzies blown the fuck up for being a bit too radical is cause for celebration. Be cheery. You're gonna beg Trump for less winning and he will gaze you in the eyes and say NO
Correct. He honestly could not possibly sound more out of place if he tried. It's either a poorly orchestrated ruse, some poor intern's first week at the JIDF, or just a dumb newfag.
Roids are bad mkay
Are you fucking new?
It's not roids you noob. It's synthol injections.
No thanks, kike-kun. Nice email though. Afu-fu-fu~
Meant for
We're gonna knock the hell out of weebs. Believe me, believe me.
The gas chamber is right down the hall.
If I'm not mistaken, it's pic related
Those are some crackin tits.
God bless this man.
The new government does, yes.
But he already has weebs with him.
Why Are Asukafags So Obnoxious? You Never See Reibros Act So Annoying…
My little local moderator can't be this cute!
Maddog never dissapoints.
I dont want to shit up this Mattis thread with anime, but you reifags are horribly weak people
The fun would be over too quickly, user
Thanks, Trump.
The U S A, best ally of Germany since over 70 years.
I am a huge faggot, please rape my face!
They can't take them in if the Russian MP is guarding the border, Jew.
His wiki is pretty sparse, other than noting he's a frog. Know if he has any military experience?
Hail Mattis, full of rage, Our troops stand with thee. Blessed art thou among the enlisted.
And blessed is the fruit of thy knife hand.
Holy Mattis, father of War, pray for us warriors,
Now and in the hour of our combat,
Reflexive typed response.
Well, that goes along with the poor character demonstrated here. Not entirely surprised, though it is shameful–Lord, have mercy.
But user, don't you know? The Minister of Defence is just an administrative position! The real, operative business is handled by the generals. This image means nothing and our militaries are just as competent as yours! _ ;_; _
Praise him.
We aren't talking about mass immigration you FAGGOT. Don't deflect the topic at hand, which is finishing our job in the middle east. Why? Because if we don't finish it, it will never get fixed.
Once again, finish what you start.
Yes, I understand why mass immigration is immoral. The Geneva convention defines it as genocide for one.
Not even once.
We're not cucks that want to share our waifu with everyone.
Holy shit this really is your first day. Please, out yourself more.
stop taking the bait dummy, you're giving the shills data
Aww, what's wron~g? Are you kike feelings hurrrt? Don't worry, the oven will fix that!
I'm going to hide your post, and pretend you did'nt say that, user.
Mariolaters out.
The Jewish god Jahweh isn't real and Jesus never existed.
The only thing that matters is our race.
Is it time for another D&C thread already?
Toddlers, out T.B.H.
Yes, someones a little angry it seems.
'Mariolatry' and its variants have been in use since the 18th century, dipshit.
I think Trump's astonishment here sets the wrong tone. I envision it more as two great men who meet each other and, for the first time in their lives, sense that they have met an equal.
Fucking beautiful digits!
He specifically bombed ISIS.
Trump and Mattis are neutral towards pro-Assad forces, unlike Obummer and Shilldawg.
Finally filtered that creature. Why user… why does it continue to shit out of its face?
I am a huge faggot, please rape my face!
Reminder that Muslim cock sucking is likely to be iron march posting. Their literally who street group, AtomWaffen has quickly become a little gang of teenie bopper ISIS wannabes. You can search their forum for the name Weissewolfe or kekman to find trace mentions of it but the big shit flinging thread where he announced his conversion has been deleted to try and save face. The funny thing is Slavros can't disavow the group entirely because its the only thing they have going for them so they just try to keep this dirty little secret quiet.
If dubs we finish in seven days and then spend another month raping and pillaging.
Did he tho?
Also you imply that (((they))) care for the truth.
Bye faggot-kun! Note sure why you hopped on tor and begged to be face raped in so many posts but oh well! Afu-fu-fu~
Terminal Lance is anti-Trump, I think.
More importantly, he doesn't have a good grasp of Trump's speaking style, and has him drawn like a woman.
Based, and I'm not even American.
>fair chance of actually being a sodomite
Hell is forever!
Basically this.
That is the nub of the entire matter, ISIS is isreal, we knew this years ago, only the movement has been so subverted and divided that half the movement has idiots claiming to be awake and red-pilled as they're shilling for isreal and every kosher nationalist out there.
This one might sort out the retards from the jewish hasbara.
If Trump is the real deal he will eliminate ISIS within a month [much earlier really but a month is a fair wait for the normies to understand], considering all their [ISIS] contracts are paid by UK/USA/isreal, if Trump truly has the inclination and will to destroy them it will be done in an instant.
If not, he's part of the fix.
Only an absolute moron could ever believe that any military action taken by America in the last 100 years serves anyone's interests but isreal.
Not disagreeing with your point, but eh…
Officially only ISIS was bombed, but you know how Trump likes not saying anything about bombing the enemy.
Gee, it's so weird, isn't it, how ISIS was so hard to find until the day the Emperor took office? It's almost like the last president was protecting and funding them or something, due to a hidden judeomuslim agenda.
He's probably this jumped up beaner that was posting here
Better take some hand-sanitizer with you to rub in their orifices. I hear hygiene isn't much of a priority over there.
100 years was easier to say without the exact date that the Balfour declaration springing to mind, besides the movement for political zionism started some way before it ever came into being.
For example the resistance to jewry in 1933 didn't start with Hitler but a more concerted effort across Europe starting back in September 11th,1882, at a meeting in Dresden (perhaps the inspiration to firebomb Dresden in WWII?) the first international anti-Semitic conference.
Here is the jewish resource where I first discovered about this meeting, the date Sept 11th, was how it first came to my attention.
The text {written by a kvetching jew) reads
It's important, which is why we hardly ever hear about it.
Here is the brilliant manifesto that meeting produced
Hitler's NSDAP was merely the culmination of the growing widespread awakening to international jewry and its deeds.
Those are sum nasty ass mems
Also, helping Assad means we can cuck Israel (a.k.a Rothschild Land) on their Greater Israel project, and that's good considering the State of Israel is one of the USA's worst enemies.
Stay cucked. I wonder how assmad you kikes will get once we cut our foreign aid. Fuck YOU, kikes.
Not wasting any time at all. Most Impressive.
How much money have Usa spent on israel so far?
Just got off the street with some kike.
He was handing out flyers that was basically, luv izreal. I asked him if he thought it was fair that our congressman have dual citizenship to izreal to which he said, "I think you should be a dual citizen too."
Realizing he was too far gone, I didn't reply with words and walked away. As I did so he said Isreal will be the only country to last forever, so I called over my shoulder, "not for long!"
Kept walking away as a torrent of screaming followed me.
$233.7 billion in 2015 dollars since 1945.
$233.7 billion dollars bought us:
The list goes on, but I'm not a scholar in every single way the Israelis and jews have directly fucked us over.
I am a huge faggot, please rape my face!
Reminds me of a conversation online with someone from Isreal today. You have to know when to walk away
Did you just wake up from an eight year coma? This is the war Obama started. He was just fighting for the wrong side.
sam hyde in the background behind trump
Well shit, no wonder they wanted to burn the city down so much despite not being a military target. Jews never forgive or forget, it seems, as long as they're alive.
Nah he's even worse.
He's a 'Both sides are dumb' turd.
,,,and not a continuation of George W Bush's false 'war on terror' when his jewish neo-con buddies like Frank gaffney, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al blew up the towers?
Americans have been using false narratives to blow up places which are no threat to America 1000s of miles away for a long time, not just since Obama came into presidency.
Next you'll be telling us that Trump and Clinton are actual political foes and not old friends.
What we always wanted from day one.
Remove the death cults and kamikaze extremists.
These people aren't fighting for god, they're fighting to kill people because they like it.
Just kill yourself then. Save us the hassle.
We know we were baited into this war, but we have no choice.
There's a reason that the President of the United States of America got up on that podium and said that they were all crooks.
Were you even listening?
Buckle up, Buttercup.
Reported for ban evasion.
How about you kill yourself already. If this is the best you can do, you’re not even worth living to see the DotR.
In 100 days it will be clear how much of a genuine threat he is to the neo-con ZoG globalists who he brought into his personal team…
i'm sure isis is planning to stage a big attack in the u.s. to poke papa bear trump in the eye.
isis wants a "gloves off" open fight with "the west" vs islam and trump is playing right into their hands.
now millions of muslims have flooded into western countries. once the mainstream muzzies turn radical, ww3 is on.
thanks trump!
My hope is that there are a lot of extremely surprised people on their way out of Washington in the next 100 days. Many of whom thought they were well secure and insulated in their established fiefdoms.
lolno, it doesn't even qualify as a real battle.
Trudeau? Is that you?
Muslims are already radical. Period.
Good. Muslims are already slaughtering us. It far past time America started fighting back.
i guess you don't keep up on current events like the attacks in europe and the lone wolves or small groups taking out dozens of people in a few minutes of unchecked carnage. that trend will only increase since trump has declared an open war.
stayed cucked and delusional while you slurp on the first jewish president's cock
Too bad I can't say anything smart! Please! Rape my face!
Then how is the answer not obviously to kill them all?
good luck with that
Very poor choice of words.
You fucking scumbag. You just admitted that muslims are fighting a war against us and you are against fighting back. You are worse than muslim. You are a traitor. If you and a muslim were in front of me, I would kill you first.
What have we unleashed?
Bombs, clearly.
God Bless.
you can't fight back against the adherents of an entire major religion.
most of the attackers weren't even real members of isis, just young muslims inspired by their propaganda and hearing about drone strikes every day against their "brothers"
there will be more and more attacks like this against the west by moderate muslims turning radical because of trump's hostility towards islam.
you can't kill your way out of this mess. but you can certainly try, keyboard warrior, after you clean the cheetoh stains off your fat, greasy fingers
This I had to save
That's how it works, Chaim. That's how you join ISIS. You claim you're a part of it after watching a lot of their propaganda. That's how terrorism works. Do you shills really not think that we understand this? Why are you defending ISIS? Why shouldn't we do something about the murderous fanatics who want to destroy our way of life and enslave our women?
Juan jerb.
Then kill until there are only cowards left. I'm Iranian myself I don't mind if the US decides to commit mass genoicede on moongod whorshippers, it'll make it easier to re-establish the persian empire.
Persia will have the last laugh. Ahura Mazda's revenge is rising from the horizion
Mekka will be wiped clean, the Saudi subhumans should enjoy their degeneracy while it lasts
I'm fairly sure that there will be a point where dying to a precision guided bomb that you never saw coming is a less attractive life choice than doing something productive. Experimentation to find this tipping point is called Military Science.
you defeat them by marginalizing their ideology as unislamic.
d&c and keeping the majority of the world's 2 billion potential terrorists as calm and passive as possible, being the "true believers" of a "peaceful islam"
everyone with a brain already knows islam is not a religion of peace, but you won't convince the majority of muslims anymore than convincing most christians that jesus didn't rise from the dead.
keep the majority of muslims in the happy delusion that they are peaceful adherents of a peaceful religion and that radical groups like isis and al qaeda are heretics. simple d&c, m8
instead, trump and mad dog mattis will just try to bomb the problem away and, instead, will just spread the virus further.
Report them to the authorities. Trump will crush them.
At least we're not spineless hippies like you, le enlightened hippytarian.
Go write another blogpost about how you totally told le ebil drumpfags and how great it is to live in globalism.
We know it's you, CF.
How prevalent is Zoroastrianism over there?
hello achmed, how's your clock invention handling you?
And how has that been working out for the entire left and europe, nigger?
Hint: It's resulted in countless atrocities
don't filter tor unless you've decided you don't want to see any torposters' posts. that's what he was trying to bait people into doing, same reason they try to get as many vpn nodes banned as possible – decrease the usability of the site.
>shut down honest debate, goy! filter and ignore! let the bombs fall for the greater glory and expansion of zion!
It's almost as if since the Trump campaign for a greater isreal these boards and the movement has been shilled to fuckery with CIA spooks bringing us back to being neutralised regarding the jewish question and devoted to fighting all of isreals enemies under the fake narrative of "war on terrorism"
Not a single tor user has ever made a positive contribution to a Holla Forums thread. Prove me wrong. Tor is only used by "pizza"-lovers, leakers afraid of their governments, and faggots who got banned already.
Sure, but nobody has ever used Tor to leak anything of value on Holla Forums. If I'm wrong about that, prove me wrong. You can't, because it's never happened.
Apparently after years of Holla Forums spreading the red-pill everyone in the movement is partying on the juden contaminated blue-pill once more.
Obviously the only ones doing this are the CIA-kikes, but as we see there are 100's of them active on this one board alone, let alone herding everyone on all the other once jew-wise sites.
That only works if you're not already the actual boogeyman.
Max is a non-practicing Jew who tries to stay "apolitical".
Some people don;t want their ID traced back and are cautious.
Interestingly you state no one using ToR has made any useful contribution, on a thread with dozens of hasbara kikes with regular IDs cheering on warZ for isreal.
The guy using ToR is arguing against such obvious CIA-kikery, so he at least is a more honest user than those cheering on fighting isreals warZ
kill urself taco fag
One way tickets to Neptune are free.
Good, they were back in Palmyra blowing up ruins again, finish them in a week and let Assad clean up.
reminder ONLY beaners and edgy teens (same thing) use tor
Nice try kike scum. Filtered for lazy bait.
You forgot pedophiles and shills.
people will filter your ID and move on.
ISIS is backed by Israel and Turkey.
The USA is now killing the proxy forces which were intended to destroy Syria. This will stabilize Syria and make the Greater Israel project impossible.
Godfucking dammit, you disgusting kikes are annoying, fucking redditors should go back to shilling for muslims in your retarded little site.
pedos and shills aren't that dumb
hes an autistic mongoloid
Interesting double swith response with not an ounce of integrity.
I've repeatedly stated on this thread that ISIS is isreal.
I would delight in every member of ISIS being killed, however yeehawing Yankee retards calling on the military to continue the fake war on terror, when every user knows that ISIS is financed, trained is a creation of USA/isreal.
You aren't supporting Assad and crushing ISIS you and your hasbara pretending Obama invented the fake "war on terror" (that was your boy Bush BTW) and want to retake Constantinople.
You basically are the hasbara kike-hive telling us to die for isreal when isreal is the enemy.
Overthrow your jewish overlords first before any 'LARP'y bullshit about fighting an Mossad mercenary army, one that is armed, trained and serviced by America/isreal.
not a peace fag. this seems good, remove kebab, or is there some strategic blunder that Holla Forumsacks are aware of?
Reported for obvious ban evasion.
Who do you think the EU has been taking in for the last few years?
Hint: It isn't women and children.
So what was ISIS really? They seemed too amateurish for all the attention they received.
Jew tier mental gymnastics.
oh finally, i thought i'd never met a real shill
Let me explain you how this works, you can't be this retarded to people who actually know what's happening or you'll be spoted
disgruntled muslims, mercenaries, cia
I'm 90% certain ISIS is a CIA-Mossad operation
Interesting so you calling for goys to fight isreals warZ, and me pointing out that only kikes want Americans and Europeans to die for isreals own interests.
ISIS = Al Qeada / Al Nusruh/ Boko Haram / Muslim Brotherhood /DAESH et cetera
All of them mercenary terrorists financed, trained and the wounded treated by US/isreal.
you're treating it like something didn't change last friday. there's no doubt isis is the enemy, but we won't be in bed with them anymore.
One of the targets was ab oil well.
President Trump needs to make an official truce with Assad. End Obama's illegal war against Syria once and for all. And if Assad demands that Obama be arrested and extradited to Syria for war crimes, who are we to deny them justice?
I regret to inform you mate that nothing changed with regard for isreals demand that Americans scorch the earth for greater isreal.
That plan's budget just got 10 feet higher
You're the bluepilled normie spreading dichotomy theory.
user, I hate to break it to you but you literally aren't winning a single heart or mind here.
Bless your heart, you're trying, and I can respect an honest effort, but nigga this is just not your forte.
Since when did antifa ever out a jew or a jewish agent infiltrating a movement?
That was only Anglin and TRS that claimed such illogical bullshit.
Reported for obvious ban evasion.
Oy vey fight for israel
it's likely that surgically removing ourselves from all the kikery that obama and other past presidents got us into is not possible. it will be a messy extraction, but it has to be done and people are going to die in the process.
Trump is too busy giving head to Bibi to even think about an alliance with Israel's greatest enemy besides Iran.
Trump and Netanyahu are long-standing friends from their early adulthood.
Trump's daughter is married to a Jew who is now one of his top advisors.
Israel expanded as soon as Trump was sworn in.
Not an argument.
Yet I'm still here. What now, Rebbe?
It really is Moishe
You can go sign up your ife and kids to go make isreal great again, I'll give it a pass though thanks
I'm starting to think you're not posting in good faith toranon.
nothing but ad hominems and non-arguments to all of my posts
I agree that realistically we can't annihilate all muslims from the face of the earth, but we can take out their militant extremists. There are dangerous islamic extremists that must be dealt with and pandering to them will not help. If anything it's a two-pronged attack of military action against extremists and pacification psyops on non-extremists. Our secretary of war is focused on the former right now.
I never said I wanted to join the military, or that the military always makes wise decisions.
Assuming that ISIS really is a CIA/Mossad operation, then it still stands that they are staffed by actual derka derka ragheads that want to invade the West and kill infidels - so bombing them is a good thing. ISIS is an enemy of Assad, thus less ISIS mebers being alive = more stability and security for Assad. It's a de facto reality, regardless of what the supposed end goal is. Thus, it's okay to celebrate ISIS getting bombed.
As we've seen, the CIA doesn't like Trump, and kept trying to paint him as a Russian agent. It's safe to assume there's a war going on between the alphabet boys and the current regime. Remember that Obama put a bunch of leftist, anti-white, globalist cucks in charge during his 8 years, and their bureaucratic minions are still lingering in the system. Why don't you ever talk about this, I wonder?
I know Trump is a kike-lover, and I don't fully trust him because of it. Hiring Goldman Sachs employees, and shilling for Israel hard, didn't sit well with me. Don't call me a neo-cohen shill, you faggot. I'm just as woke as you are.
I have a suspicion that you could be a leftist or some form of shitskin that's just trying to concern troll, because you're salty over the left losing ground. Prove me wrong, lol.
psyops is more important. it's why isis is so robust. they understand the importance of psyops and are very good at it. they will jujitsu trump's hawkish behavior to their advance and new recruits will come flooding in for jihad. watch and see.
Even if it is more important, it doesn't negate the need to strike at them with force. This is not a wasted effort in my opinion. We probably won't be privy to any psyop details because that would defeat the purpose. But kicking ISIS in the ass after years of nothing is a good morale builder for us and a demoralizer for extremists.
Sounds like a win-win to me, tor-kun. Why don't you stop being such a scaredy jew and defend jews on your real IP? Hmmm~?
Wew, you can bet the MSM will run with this narrative once Trump really starts kicking sandnigger ass.
Trump is just a continuation of the ZoG left/right paradigm, ISIS is a creation of US/isreal.
If America, with the most powerful military in the world armed with the exact details of every ISIS position and leader of the groups, if they have any genuine desire to end it, would destroy them within one week.
6 days left…
Odd, because consistently I've been trying to point out that the enemy is the jew, all the CIA-kikes here are pretending ISIS is legit and invading every country hostile to isreal is the natural rite of passage for every dumb gullible goy to serve and die for.
killing them doesn't demoralize them at all. they want to die for islam. trump's hard-on for war and his open love affair with israel is red, bloody meat for isis propaganda and they will use it to the full.
it will only inflame and inspire more moderate muslims to join the fight, more domestic terror attacks will happen and more americans and europeans will die.
psyops is the most important battlefield in this war and trump doesn't see that because he's too busy serving his israeli handlers
Oh yeah, comrade, I see now. The only way to defeat Muslims is to let them pour-in by the millions and outbreed you. Over time, they will surely adopt our pozzed, deracinated, multi-cultural society and communism will finally be real. It's working so well for Germany and Sweden.
How many millions will you be accepting into your area?
Cool, so what's the problem? Let's make them die if that's what they want so bad.
Ahhh, so you're a canadian jew. I guess that means we have to slather you with maple syrup before we cram you in the oven! Ku-ku-ku~
butthurt fat zoroaster RPer. Khominei uncucked your country m8
Not. He is larping
I disagree. That is the same logic that liberal leaders of Europe are following and all it has done is allow them to be endlessly gang-raped and demographically replaced. The enemy must be defeated both physically and mentally. You can't brow-beat or love an enemy into submission. They have to be killed and those that remain psychologically targetted without end. Eventually their leadership will be gone and their fresh supply of soldiers depleted. It isn't the never-ending font that you're making it out to be.
Obama didnt want to harm his muslim brothers or upset his Saudi paymasters.
Terminal Lance is a faggot spic SJW
That doesn't mean shit. Basic bitch lefties may be friendly towards kikes, but hardcore Antifa/militant types are anti-Zionists; because orthodox communism opposes all forms of nationalism and ethnocentrism. Just browse Holla Forums, and you'll see them talking about how they hate Israel too. Zio-shaming is a common leftist tactic, because it's the only leverage they have over white nationalists, due to the circumstances of the current world order.
The fact that you made the statement that being friendly and inclusive towards Muslims will be a better way to defeat them, is more proof that you're a leftist. The left's whole mantra, is that everybody should get together in a giant orgy and obliterate all culture and nations, then the world would be perfect.
You're obviously a commie concern troll. You people are easier to spot than you think.
who said i supported mass immigration? the only nation that benefits from muslims leaving the middle east is israel.
and by the way, how many isis attacks have occurred in israel vs. in america and europe?
israel benefits from isis attacks in the u.s. and europe. it just stokes the u.s. military into killing their enemies, but in doing so, more moderate muslims get radicalized.
it's always a win/win for israel because they always play both sides against the middle
You can go fight and die for isreal, by all means, only isn't Breibart a more suitable place to find support for that shit?
I dont know how many terrorist attacks they had but 650 people were killed in five months in 2016 in Jewistan.
Four of the victims were palestinians living illegally in Israel (lol)
What are they going to do in retaliation? Suicide bomb and rape more no gun libshit normalfags?
Just found this
October 2015 saw the beginning of a wave of terrorism that has led to 620 attacks (483 in the form of firebombs) in one month, compared to 223 in September. Eleven people (one foreign national and 10 Israelis) were killed in terrorist attacks in October, and 80 were injured, 37 of them moderately or more severely (one foreign national, 18 Israeli civilians, and 18 members of the security forces).
In November 2015, 10 people (one Palestinian and 9 Israelis) were killed in terrorist attacks. Among the non-fatal casualties, 22 were wounded in stabbings (including 5 in Jerusalem and 10 within Israel), 24 in vehicle attacks, and 12 in shootings.
In December 2015, 3 civilians were killed. All three of the fatalities were caused by stabbings.
In January 2016, 5 Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks. In the major shooting attack on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv two civilians were killed as well as a taxi driver who picked up the attacker near the scene. Two Israeli civilians were killed in stabbing attacks.
In February 2016, 3 Israelis were killed in terrorist attacks. The decrease in terror attacks was manifest mostly in Judea and Samaria: 107 attacks, compared to January's 126.
In March 2016, terrorists killed one foreign national (in a stabbing attack in Jaffa on 8 March) and injured 26, 9 of which were injured in the abovementioned stabbing attack. Among the non-fatal casualties, 13 civilians and 13 security forces personnel were wounded.
In April 2016, terrorist attacks caused 18 non-fatal casualties, most of which (16) were injured in an IED attack in Jerusalem on 18 April. In addition, on 3 April, one civilian was injured in a stabbing attack in Rosh HaAyin and one border-police member was injured in a firebomb attack in Isawiya (Jerusalem).
In May 2016, terrorist attacks did not result in any fatalities. However, 12 Israelis – 4 civilians and 8 security personnel - were injured.
In June 2016, five Israelis were killed and 21 injured. Most of the fatalities were registered during the shooting in Tel Aviv on 8 June that left four dead and 15 wounded. An Israeli teenager was stabbed to death on 30 June in Kiryat Arba, Hebron, and another civilian was moderately injured. Non-fatal casualties include 2 civilians who were injured in a vehicle ramming attack near Qiryat Arba (24 June); a member of the security forces in a firebomb attack in Isawiya, northern Jerusalem, (29 June); 2 civilians in a stabbing attack in Netanya on 30 June.
In July 2016: 316 terrorist attacks; 1 person murdered and 17 injured. There were 6 stabbings or attempted stabbings, 6 shooting attacks, 1 ramming attacks, 8 pipe/roadside bombs, 231 stone-throwing incidents, 51 petrol bombs. Several attacks occurred in Jerusalem; the rest in Judea and Samaria.
In August 2016: 414 total attacks (the increase compared to July is mostly from stone throwing): 5 stabbing (including attempts), 3 shooting, 9 pipe/roadside bombs, 339 stone-throwing; 34 petrol bombs (Molotov cocktails)
In September 2016: 480 total attacks: 14 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 3 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 11 roadside bombs/grenades; 365 stone-throwing attacks, 63 Molotov cocktails.
In October 2016: 410 total attacks: 6 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 10 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 10 roadside bombs/grenades; 265 stone-throwing attacks, 71 Molotov cocktails
In November 2016: 423 total attacks (mostly stone-throwing): 5 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 0 ramming attacks, 12 roadside bombs/grenades; 346 stone-throwing attacks, 41 Molotov cocktails.
In December 2016: 258 total attacks; 6 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 8 shootings; 1 ramming attacks, 5 roadside bombs/grenades; 199 stone-throwing attacks, 27 Molotov cocktails
Israel likely doesn't have attacks because they have airtight security and a WALL - something we need here. They are also relatively small, with a large military/police concentration, so it makes it easier to monitor and prevent terrorism in their area.
I'm not ruling anything out, just saying.
twice as many people as that were killed in chicago last year, but somehow domestic terrorism of #blm niggers is less important than droning muslims in the middle east to clear land for greater israel.
Cognitive dissonance much?
m8 they have been attacked loads of times
They are small and know how to deal with this shit but the muslims hate Jews the most since a Jew killed the prophet mohammed.
I don't really give a shit. You may or may not be a commie, or just a nihilist who trolls for fun.
I'm just tired of you shitting up my thread. We can have 4 whole years to get blackpilled on Trump. It hasn't even been a week yet. Jesus.
Chicago has huge problems too but at least its mostly gang on gang violence. Drug deals gone wrong. Gang initiations. Turf wars etc.
I lived in Chicago for quite a long time in the suburbs and I got the feeling as long as I avoided basketball Americans I would be OK.
Jesus fucking Christ, faggot. Stop being a bible-belt stereotype.
I didn't say you supported mass immigration, but your logic is the same as that followed by European leaders when dealing with their refugee crisis. We've seen how well that's worked out for them. We can't not fight islamic extremists just to spite Israel or because we're afraid it will make them mad at us. You're expecting things to be way tidier than realistically possible.
Yeah, we're excited by THE END of a conflict, you shill nigger
isis, al qaeda and all the other groups will still be around when trump leaves office.
but if you're right and all the radical islamists get #btfo in a month by mad dog mattis, than you'll soon be able to gloat about in on Holla Forums
but that won't happen
Gotta check those patriotic digits.
Thankfully Trump isn't a defeatist pussy like you, kike-kun. The white man can accomplish anything. I know that sentiment is non-existent among your kind. Ku-ku-ku~
OP is faggot
well, you can't demoralize dead people, I mean they don't retreat no matter what happens
of course trump's not a defeatist. he's determined to make israel great again with american bombs and american blood and i hope israel grants you honorary citizenship for your devoted shilling
yes… Yes…. YES…. YESSSS!!!!
I bet Obama is crying.
This is how you fight a war, you fuck shit up and tell the media to fuck off.
We need to go back to the days of WWII where the military did all the reporting of the war.
Did not know that drones bled. Ahmed.
you can tally up all the deaths of jihadis that have died since 9/11 and it's not even a fraction of one percent of the number of muslims in the world.
muslims have not be demoralized by drones and bombs and invasions, quite the opposite. isis was created out of al qaeda because they thought al qaeda wasn't radical enough. someday, a group more radical than isis will arise.
you can't demoralize them with war, you can only hope to control the critical mass of muslims with well-crafted d&c campaigns
Just go crawl back in your cuckshed, kike-kun. You'll be dealt with just like your brown golems soon enough! Afu-fu-fu~
An 8th of muslims worldwide already support ISIS. So our cucked 'demoralizing' campaign has not been working faggot. We will fight these bastards everywhere they are and as soon as they organize. I don't care if it takes 500 years, they need to realize its not gonna work and that they are too retarded and backwards to ever form a working military or society.
the difference is that you are a keyboard warrior and they actually back up their threats with action.
many muslims have infiltrated and attacked targets in america and europe already, producing mass casualties, mayhem and attention for their cause.
how many neckbeards have traveled to the middle east to face off with a jihadist? yeah, that's right, none.
keep up the tough talk, keyboard warrior, we're all very impressed
I think Obongo just doesn't care anymore. He wasn't just a nigger, he wasn't just a muslim, he was a muslim niggerjew - all three at once He helped the kikes, he helped the muslims, but most importantly he helped himself. So in the end everything he did can be reversed, but he just doesn't care because he got his gibs. That's why time and time again the neo-cohens that were Israel first and Israel itself was furious with him. In a way, Obongo was the best and worst thing to ever prelude to Trump because he could have been the niggerjew that the jews wanted, he could have been the (((muslim))) the jews wanted, but like a true nigger he half-assed everything and plowed Micheal, his wife, and played golf. I'm not saying we should unironically thank Obama. But we should say, "Thanks Obama," for being just the right amount of useless.
This what winning feels like.
What would you say to Mattis then? Is he a keyboard warrior too or are you just deflecting from the fact that you clearly crave kebab cock?
tbh all of those mussie attacks helped get trump elected.
Ive learned that you can tell if Trump did well or not how triggered the jew shills get. Looks like we win again
This has too be the most childish post I have seen in a very long while. Kankerhond
so you're saying that his order to Kerry to recuse himself from the vote about israeli settlements, allowing it to pass, was basically a "fuck you kikes i do what i want, you put me here but i own this shit, i'm a real OG"?
muslim countries have standing armies too, but they aren't the ones attacking us, it's the freelancers who work together and alone that do the fighting. there is no equivalent of that in the west. you neckbeard pansies are hiding behind the skirts of the government to defend you. if you believe in killing muslims so much, why aren't you?
topkek m8
Even if this was true why the fuck is it relevant to the point that our government should be killing jihadists?
FBI pls go
You're not understanding me. Like I said, he did help the kikes, the (((muslims))), and the nigger, but he helped himself first and foremost. I'm at the very least saying that he doesn't care because he already lost. It's like when an insolent child makes a huge mess and takes extra satisfaction that you have to clean up the mess even though he will probably never be able to do it again.
If there's anything he wanted to do it was to fuck with whitey and hurt white society in his own way. As seen in that old video that came out a few months back about a college-aged obama visiting kenya talking about how much he hated whitey, he didn't have any other aspiration besides that. So since he had fun doing that for almost a decade he got what he wanted and knows the game is over. He probably won't go completely away but I don't think he will try to put himself in a position where Trump can do serious damage to him. Trump will probably get to it anyway but trampling Obama is low priority because Obongo is low energy. He's in a situation like the Clintons where they are afraid to make any sudden moves because that will give Trump the incentive to make them a priority.
my bad
I hope you realize that Kek will relegate you to being the urine scrubber in the afterwaters
Netanyahu sold furniture to Trump's hotels back in the day lol
you imply that him being a keyboard warrior means that EVERYONE is a keyboard warrior, and yet you turn around and also imply that all muslims fight and die for the cause. False equivalence. That specific user doesn't need to be a fighter himself, we have plenty of fucking guys in the armed forces to handle a bunch of sandniggers who have no squad tactics, trigger discipline, range training, or anything else.
Fighting mudslimes is like shooting fish in a fucking barrel, but guess who the fuck stopped that shit from happening for the past 8 years?
they haven't INFILTRATED shit you stupid mong, the fucking compromised leaders of the western nations ALLOWED them in. You think these fucking moronic desert apes would be able to successfully, actually infiltrate any country of white men if said men didn't allow it? These are the countries with a terrible fucking air force because pilots intelligent enough to even fly any warplanes are extremely rare in the ME.
How many middle eastern countries are ruled by leaders actively trying to destroy said country by allowing neckbeards in and killing their citizens with impunity? How many neckbeards would be allowed to waltz into a middle eastern country and slaughter a muslim family and get away with it because "it's just a poor western immigrant he dindu nuffin?"
Your debating skills are super shit, and you're being extremely fucking intellectually dishonest. Whatever helps you sleep at night, right Torfag?
you can't bomb the problem away, m8. that didn't even work in vietnam when the adversary was merely dying in the name of patriotism and secular ideology, not some fantasy realm they would magically fly to after dying like radical muslims. even in that secular scenario, bombing the enemy into submission did not work.
the reason groups like isis can grab chucks of territory is because the host countries have weak and corrupt governments. this is the work of israel and mossad. only israel benefits from a weak and unstable middle east. get your head out of your ass for once and think.
b-but the jihadis are muslim, right?
any excuse to remain a keyboard warrior and let others do the fighting for a cause you claim to believe in.
We know it's you CF, you can go back to watching your niche gay fetish porn for "research" again.
Great point user.
Nigga you have no idea.
Do bombs kill jihadis? Yes. Will bombs eradicate Islam from the earth? No. Do I care? No, kill all jihadists pls.
Why do you care so much about this point you cuck? FYI I'm a software engineer for a large military defense contracting firm so I literally create the systems that help kill these fuckers.
Regardless, all your 'keyboard warrior' talk has literally nothing to do with this discussion.
OY fucking VEY goyim, if you aren't personally taking a knife into your very own hand and gutting a muslim like a fish in direct contact, you're doing nothing for the cause! If you REALLY believed in the cause, you would be just like these idiot sandniggers and go get killed fighting them directly! Oh but DON'T FORGET, no matter how many you kill, it doesn't matter, you're just going to make them all angrier, they're like a hydra, heheheheh…
nice operational security, faggot.
if you think you are smart then why is it so hard for you to recognize that killing jihadis just inspires more to take their place. these parts of the world are dreary, war-torn and hopeless. again, the masterwork of israel and mossad. muslims outbreed every other group and their youth have no future. they see their own governments as corrupt, which is true and then the west wants to kill them. radicalizing people like this is trivial. why can't you see you are just playing whack-a-mole forever?
i don't give a fuck that you're a keyboard warrior, i'm simply pointing out the disparity between commitment levels to real action between defenders of radical islam vs defenders of traditional western culture. they are literally in the trenches, fighting and we, largely speaking, are not.
this is such a fucking retarded talking point, and yet YOU are the one acting like someone else doesn't have enough intelligence? Let's go through this logically then, shall we?
Muslims are killing white people. This violence will not go away on its own. Trying to live "peacefully" with muslims will not and has never worked, it is an extremely intolerant worldview that promotes violence. Therefore, what are your options? You either stand by and do nothing, thereby allowing more of your countrymen to die while you rationalize it as "well it could be worse," or you kill the people who are killing you, and if that pisses off other ones then so be it and you kill them too.
As I said already, these sandniggers are fucking morons. They have no discretion, no skill, that don't think or act strategically or tactically. If white men were in control of their own countries, wanted to kill muslims and keep them OUT of their countries, it would happen, and it would be extremely fucking easy to do so.
Your "argument" is "don't kill the people who are killing you because that will make more people want to kill you." So fucking what? Killing mudslimes is not difficult. If killing the muslims who are killing our people "radicalizes" more muslims, then we either keep fucking killing them until they stop or until they're all gone.
It's fucking simple. Standing by and doing nothing is cowardice, and we are not dealing with a clever enemy.
Nah. Bomb kill sandniggers by the dozens. Between us and based Russia, we can have this shit skin problem sorted out in 2 years
Not to mention that we have been working blind since obadongo was helping them.
Jewish shill stands out like a sore thumb
t. trshill
Filter that tor nigger already. You're just shitting up the thread by giving him attention.
Man this is great we can all rejoice and smell the fresh baked kebab in the morning, I like mine spicy with an aftertaste of napalm.
Are you fucking retarded? Obviously you've ignored because you can't refute it, (((you))) fucking jew.
i didn't say do nothing. if you bothered to read the thread, i said that fighting jihadis isn't how the war will be won. only psyops and d&c campaigns with the rest of the muslim world gives us at least a chance at winning. the "kill 'em all" approach will not work and that's the approach trump is pursing. an approach which will only benefit israel as more muslims get radicalized, more goyim countries get attacked, more muslim countries get emptied with more refugees in white countries and your support for the kill em all approach plays right into israel's hands.
no, you are not even close to intelligent or logical
Too little too late, friend.
okay this bait is even weaker than the last. you don't even provide a counterargument to anything i said, you just double down on "fighting won't work goy, just keep doing the same shit you've been doing, that's sure to work wonders."
The kill em all approach WILL work, because it logically has to, unless muslims can reproduce faster than we can kill them. The kill em all approach also has never been tried before, thanks to obongo. I'm done with you, your retardation and faggotry know no bounds and you have the argumentative capability of a child.
wubba dubba dub dubs, hitler
that's exactly it. they can and do.
i'm not saying don't fight jihadis, i'm saying that without a parallel psyops/d&c effort, which is much more important than the combat part of the war, than there will always be a new stream of recruits to replace the ones we kill, ad infinitum.
radical islam is like a cancer, it needs no distinct territory and isis is only in iraq and syria because their respective governments are so weak. but this isn't a battle for territory, it's a war of ideologies, because their fighters can operate literally anywhere, and do
Who is even saying that we shouldn't run psyops against jihadi groups while we bomb the shit out of their harems?
He's a smart guy. He knows what wins wars. I bet he likes that picture too.
And on 9/11 too. Shit I think this user put together a a part of the puzzle here, good work.
31 targets? That's a lot of dead mossad.
If you want to be successful as a big businessman you have to be friendly with the political elites or you're not going to get far.
How can you not know basic stuff like that? Do they not teach you anything in your shill training anymore?
I don't know if I have ever seen a worthwhile post from a tor-user.
It's amazing how consistent they are in their shilling.
Of course there are also shills outside of TOR:
Australia's defence minister is a soulless ginger problem-glasses overweight incompetent bitch with no military experience.
If you bothered to read my post like the illiterate, controlled-opposition double nigger/crypto-kike that you fucking are, you would have clearly known that 'trying to de-legitimize and marginalize terrorism as unislamic is already being tried and failing'' by european leftists.
Read a fucking book you super-giga-double kike.
Where the fuck do you think we are?
It looks more like Satanic crypto-kikes demanding the Ameri/Euro-Goys go fight and die for isreal
Victory is defined by the complete annihilation of the enemy and everything they cared for in their existence.
Why can't you TRSodomites at least try to fit in?