How do we make Japan less racist/nationalist, and more left-leaning?
How do we make Japan less racist/nationalist, and more left-leaning?
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More nukes, tbh
Get a Japanese gf, force her to read Marx, and make a bunch of hapa babies
And then we must seize the means of anime production
Total obliteration with an aftermath that cannot allow both spooks and survival.
We don't. The right is winning all over the world and there's nothing we can do about it.
it's not that the japanese people are racist or anything they're just indifferent so they don't vote(or they just don't know about the candidate that well) and the idiotic nationalists get in every time because of it
Convert Marx's works into manga form.
been done, didn't work.
I'm telling you people they just need another little nuclear adjustment.
By censoring them, goyim.
Japan needs an Antifa branch like in Germany/UK to bash all the anti-immigrant protesters.
Why would anyone want to do that?
poor form
Anti-racist is codeword for anti-trade unionist and pro-immigration.
I`m not interested in helping you, porky.
Promoting identity politics in a country that is deeply threatened by Chinese and US imperalists. For shame, Holla Forums.
Tankies need to purged, tbh
Careful with those edges, kiddo.
Can someone seriously ban this kid?
We don't need that shit here.
Tojos can't be fixed and the ones who know how shit their country is leave for other places.
Our best bet is to allow japan to drive itself into the ground and become a desertic island.
Are you sure that you want to do that? Average female height in Japan is 158cm.
import niggers, import Jews, open the domestic markets to foreign rape, import Derrida into the academy, generally march through the institutions and then wala, you have another Amerikwa
haven't you dumbfucks learned the above by now?
we need to commit anuddah shoah in japan already
are you the resident nazi nigger?
No. Japan is rightful European colony, no colored penises allowed!
The irony being this thread is itself racist. How about try making the countries in Africa less racist and nationalist because they are far more of both than anything in Japan because even the Japanese don't go out and mass murder people just because they're Indian, white, Koisan, or not a Bantu.
We've got an edgemaster here, folks.
cuz japs want Japland for jap
Africans share their countries with whiteys!
my dude, you're arguing with a bunch of mouth breathing manchildren that can't even understand the books they meme
We have invested(our penises) interest(yellow fewer) in Japan and that is the only reason for this thread.
arent younger nips sort of left leaning
They are consumerist with imperial japan nostalgia.
knew a muslim girl in highschool who said she grew up in Japan
I asked her if the Japanese were racist, she said "they're only racist if you're boring"
basically young nips aren't really that racist and are willing to befriend foreigners
Yeah, like 30%ish of them are. Rest are just liberals or slightly right-wing.
I've not seen it
They were pushed to the right by American occupation. More imperialist policies will just turn them into nazis.
you're an uinformed fool, Japan was chauvinist/racist for centuries. In fact, only through confrontation with America did they begin to become pan-Asian in their outlook, forming deep friendships with China and Korea, and that's because of their racial kindship.
if you think east-Asia are a bunch of bumbling, leftish liberal morons like America, or they can ever be that, you're dead wrong
You don't. You faggots are being BTFO all over the world. It's a cycle. You've already begun to tear down everything our ancestors have worked to build. The near future will see you all become lambs to the slaughter, as the system comes crashing down under your weight. Fret not, however. Should you filth manage to pass on your genes, your great grandchildren might be able to start tearing down the system that is built after the collapse.
Don't hold your breath though. I'm confident that this coming war will be so fierce that none of you will survive.
you won't either user
What war? Major world powers have not fought each other directly in conflict since 1945.
Im not talking about their racism or nationalism though. Sorry that wasnt clear. I was more referring to government policies.
isn't height a male gene though?
Do you consider 172cm tall? since that is male average in Japan.
why is it that every Holla Forumsack that comes here try to act tough even though we're on an anonymous imageboard
no obviously not.
More sodomy and pursuing of hedonistic pleasure ought to do the trick
you mean, Amerikwa?
Cultural marxism and interracial breeding grounds ;^)
Is that fucking real?
Autism + Obsession.
Please fucking no. Don't ruin Japan.
encourage them to make more funny looking flags
You can still be opposed to mass immigration within capitalism for materialist reasons while still being opposed to racism/racialism.
How is being against identitarianism indenity politics? Anti racism/nationalism is only really idpol if its biased.
no, it's a fucking drawing with speech bubbles you moron
remove the emperor and some hardcore internal subversion crap
only other way would be for a socialist country to go to war with them, nuke a few cities and then get them to surrender, transforming their new government to a socialist puppet. :^)
Damn, there go my dreams.
Why is his sign in English?
OP is upset that he isn't accepted as Japanese even though the same happens in europe with non-whites or slavs.
OP is probably american.
Go back across the ice bridge to the North Asain wasteland you came from.
To make it easier for international journalists.
We need to remind them of the horrors of war by propaganda. Hollywood is doing great job promoting multiculture. Japanese love western culture. Its more like we cant stop them from becoming internationalist.
Well thats easy. They need to get rid extreme poverty and get decent education. Also fuck off pol. Nationalism is the cancer.
That would do the trick but 90℅ of us would be dead.
You can't.
They weren't brainwashed by abrahamic religions so there's no base for leftist lunacy.
Neither was China.
Nor Vietnam.
Nor Best Korea.
Nor Nepal.
Nor Laos.
Are any of these countries "leftist"?
Those are de facto monarchies though.
No multiculti, no lgbt.
So they are alright, unlike western leftists.
Literally everything you mentioned is a good thing. Tankies don't even try to hide the fact that they are state capitalists, do they?
Oh really? I used to think that those were one party dictatorships with central party committees leading the country, silly me.
If you consider any country run by communist parties leftist then yes.
It`s like you don`t even care about self-interests of the workers.
really makes you think
You're the one that said unions are bad
All I said was that anti-racism leads to anti-trade unionist stance.
that is bullshit, kill yourself cryptofascist
It does, since it unintentionally supports immigration that harms unions.