Trump's Middle East Bloodbath

In light of the 88888888 get, I propose a theory about Trump's projected military strategy. In summary, Trump, Russia, and the Marines will rain bloody lead-y hell on ISIS and probably Saudi as well. Trump represents a faction of the elite that wants to shift global petroleum production from the declining Saudi reserves to US domestic, Russian, and Artic/North Sea wells.
Trump will "pull out" America's Middle East military presence shortly after a brief but historically brutal war against Saudi and ISIS.
Radical Islam is a paper tiger, totally funded and magnified by big oil money and (((other))) interests. Nevertheless, after a decade and a half of the (((war on terror))), actual Islamic fighters are as prepared and dangerous as ever. Nevertheless, once defeated there will be no persisting base of support for Islamicism. Saudi will have to be targeted.

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sounds plausible

our role is to retain the memes of production and push the next Republican even further right

Oh shit I missed it

Will it ever happen? And if it does, what will be the consequences of such a disclosure?

What was it?


Plausible, but I'm expecting Trump to focus south on Mexico and Latin America while Russia takes on the role of stomping on muslims.

On mobile will post


op is shit but can't argue with them dubs

go check the thread

Where do you niggers get this shit? Are you just daydreaming or are you Project Alamo leftovers spinning yarns?

In January of this year, Trump said on Fox News he "would want to protect Saudi Arabia.

It means it's time to become the monster that they fear. What monster? The awakened and enraged saxon.

You inspired a post mate.

doubt the saudis will be targeted. the houthis were already BTFO'ing them before the US covertly started helping after staging false flag missile attacks against navy ships.

ive almost given up on the happening ever occurring and now think it will just be a slow demographic death while they keep us appeased enough with controlled opposition that we dont act until its too late. then again some shit could really kick off, im just growing restless. i think trump is controlled by the same god of child sacrifice all the other elites worship

On one hand, i wanna know what kind of heinous crime do liberals and the left have to commit to get the giant to awaken. On the other, can they hurry up? My blood's a boiling and I can't wait to show them what scared the hell out of a Japanese Admiral after Pearl Harbor got bombed.


A vanguard of young angry black men funded by Jew generals supported by perpetually raped white feminist war brides marching through the land slaughtering whites - that'd probably do it.

The bloodlust of zionist dupes?

Trump likely works for a different faction. There are almost certainly elements in Arabia ready to take over. Trump need only make a list of the people connected to 9/11 and radical Jihad funding and deman they be turned over. Or else targeted by drones. He could say he doesn't care who controls Arabia in the aftermath but he won't stop until every name on the list is crossed out. Then he'll stop and leave forever.

Is it difficult looking up high level cabinet members of the Bush administration and Israeli government?

Yamamoto may have been working for them, intentionally targeting Pearl Harbor to give FDR his casus belli. Yamamoto was opposed to the faction in charge in Tokyo that wanted a pan-asian confederacy overseen by Japan. He was educated at Harvard and wanted Japan to be permanent allies with America. He was stabbed in the back, targeted for assassination to keep the secret. America wasn't supposed to invade, simply make demands of the Japanese government after intimidating them. But FDR promised the Rockefeller business faction he'd take out Japan as a pact to get them to drop their support of Hitler and allow the Morgan faction to finally get their European war. What. A. Shitshow. And the truth is mostly lost to history.

I think it's coming. But Trump will leave Israel out of it. Limited overhang to facilitate a realignment to a subtly different faction of elites.

Nothing is coming.


Rudy Giuliani was his guy for awhile, I would assume he has connections since he went on vacation or something else very shaddy before that day. I can't remember

Dont they do that in Germany and Sweden already?


Dubs and we destroy that stupid fucking rock they worship.







Kek, that's how God got rid of degenerates in the bible. throw them into a volcano

Why bomb it now?
It's not the time of the annual pilgrimages where the square would be at full capacity



Praise Kek for your digits. May this be known.

What's the point if israel gets away with it ?



"Leaden" you fucking pleb.




Wouldn't it be easier to WACO the CIA?