December 2017 at a Christmas Party in Disney Studios
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Nice copy and paste faggot
I am ready for realworld joker
But the question is…
Would it makes anything better?
Careful with that monkeys paw. We are getting sjw 'goodguy' joker.
Not for a while no. There'll be a time of chaos before the whole post-Disney timeline can be scrubbed away. Eventually though, we'll get either something actually new or a distillation of the best parts of the EU.
The character of Joker is inherently leftist (or something else entirely) though, chaos and deriving humour from this would not work with well a right wing character.
I doubt it. New management would probably be even more conservative than the old management. If you do something bold and it doesn't work it's all on you. If you do something conventional and it doesn't work it's much easier to avoid blame. If the head honchos all died their replacements would probably cleave even more tightly to the sequels and reboots formula.
That's why Hamill needs to snap in private so he has the time to devise a Joker-esque plot to destroy the entire company.
I don't think Star Wars can do much besides the typical formula, people don't seem to like it when they do. I wish there was a movie more about political intrigue and such than lightsaber duels. (Maybe like TOR?)
That's not how bankruptcies work and that's not even remotely true.
Wew. This is just delusional.
TOP WEW. She spent her entire life abusing the system and threatening people to advance her career.
Those two statements just makes it even more transparent that he's lying to himself and everyone he's speaking to.
Yeah, but it's not part of the actual universe, and it's being written and drawn by an "indie darling," as it were. If it sells like shit, DC will get the message, as they're quicker on the uptake than Marvel is with this kind of shit.
What a surprise, almost like when David Hayter was hanging out with Anita.
It's either be a leftist shill or have your life ruined by never being given another gig in hollywood or having your dirty laundry aired or both.
Forgot your image.
Third option: Keep your retard mouth shut and stop thinking that any minor success you've had in the past entitles you to tell other people how to vote or that it somehow magically makes your opinions facts.
Well technically he's right (I think), I know Batman is supposed to represent harsh authoritarianism but it works because Gotham is a scum-hole so it needs a powerful symbol to keep the peace (that's how I see it anyway).
Buzz off with that left-right dichotomy mate, it's cancer.
Batman is a centrist
>"Mr. Keaton if you don't SMASH
I can never remember what scene that shot is from.
Build a Wall around Gotham and make Bruce Wayne pay for it.
Isn't that the plot of No Man's Land?
Kind of. Gotham gets ravaged by an earthquake first though. Then the government sanctions it off and leaves everyone to fend for themselves.
OP is a faggot
Lois "Light'em Up" Lane tries to convince Sups to go Republican.
Let us Compare how DC and Marvel each deal with politics
That…is actually a kind of creepy mugshot. I think it's the eyes.
No, this is mark's mugshot
it's the >>>/oven/ for you, Disney shill.
Die Erwige Normie strikes again!