I want you to "…" and "…" me

I want you to "…" and "…" me.

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I'd give her the dagger, if you get my meaning.

aren't you worried that it will slip, given how slimey she is?
you won't be able to penetrate her

Impregnate and breed.

Would she care though, if you somehow set yourself on fire and got horribly burned like the rest of the degenerates?

No, idk why that would even happen, that'd be as likely as turning out to be her brother.

It'll only make me thrust harder.


No, thanks.

If it werent for the shitty cgi

No wonder schlomo is so frustrated and spends all his time shilling.


Looks suspiciously a lot like my ex tbh

Did she smell like fish or have tentacles as her lower body?
Was she also the only pretty person in her entire family?

you deserve to be alone tbqh


This but only if I get to live forever.
Even if she turns out to be a fish monster, idk why that would happen though.


That’d only happen if you had any Deep One DNA yourself.

I wish Gordon had introduced her (ignoring the quick dream sequence) in a slightly different way:
Paul is in the mansion, scared and trying to remain undetected by the denizens of Imbocca. In an effort to hide from the shambling hybrids looking for him, he quickly enters what turns out to be a bathroom, only lit by candles and the sparse moonlight coming in thru the window. In the dimmed light he sees a cast iron footed bathtub with lion feet, and a young, dark-haired woman resting in the bubble bath. Only her upper body is visible, wet and glistening in the light, her hair slicked back, her lower body hidden from view by the bubbles and the water. The scene plays out like in the film, only that the reveal of her tentacles comes from them moving in the water, partially visible amongst the bubbles at first.

Imagine how she smells, just lying in bed all day.

u wat m8

she can move around on land in her wheelchair, and like all Deep One hybrids she'd wan't to stay close to water and go for swims.

Then why does she just stay in bed all day?

… according to you


No, honestly. Wouldn't you spend the whole day in the sea? Why is she hanging out in a stinky mansion and lies in bed?

Your entire basis for that rests upon one scene. She had clearly retired to her bed for the night when Paul came barging in, looking for a place to hide.

If you had read the story (‘The Shadow Over Innsmouth’ – hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/soi.aspx) by HPL, you would know that the Deep One hybrids didn’t head for the ocean to live there until the change was complete, or very nearly complete. Uxia was still in the middle of her change, even her and Paul’s father hadn’t taken to the ocean yet, even though he was very close to being fully changed. In HPL’s story Allen says that they (the Deep One hybrids) would often take shorter trips to the ocean to ease the transition – either because they weren’t physically yet fully adapted to a life in the sea, or a psychological one, or even a combination of both.

In the film they use cover themselves with the faces of their victims – this could be something symbolic, as part of the ritualistic worship of father Dagon and mother Hydra, or a psychological way to connect with their humanity as their bodies are changing; hiding their changing faces from each other. I haven’t heard the audio commentary for the film, since it wasn’t included on my DVD, but it would be interesting to know if that was commented on.

Makes sense. I guess she was sleeping.

But seriously, wouldn't you chill in the sea a bit more, if you could just hobble around in a wheelchair?

In the story some of them were still clinging to the last remnants of their humanity. In the story Barnabras Marsh aka Old Man Marsh, the equivalent in the film would be Uxia and Paul’s, still wears his old Edwardian frock coat, even though his change is close to done. In the film he also wears a human face à la Leatherface from ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’ (1974).

Compared to many of the inhabitants of Imbocca we see in the film, Uxia hasn’t changed that much, only her legs and gills have changed/developed. She might not yet be suited for a life in the deep sea, and/or she doesn’t want to give up her humanity yet.

Explain the end of the movie then. I interpreted it as them living with their god or whatever and not coming out for some time, untill Marsh is ready to take over the town or something.

At the end of the story Robert Olmstead (the protagonist) begins to see himself change and he experiences nightmares of joining the Deep Ones/his family in the ocean, which he and Uxia does at the end of the film.

I would assume their end goal is the same as in the stories, build up their numbers by luring humans to breed with them. In the story Zadok Allen says the Deep Ones are even housing shoggoths in the countless, boarded-up buildings and basements in the city in preparation of their takeover.

As per usual Lovecraft stories, humanity is doomed, but with the help of the government raid on the town, their plot to take over was at least halted for the time being.

Just realize her outfit is probably a reference to the King in Yellow

probably like fish

what movie is this from?

Dagon from 2001, directed by Stuart Gordon.