Anthony Bourdain Wants To Poison Trump's Food

Another Jewish celebrity posing as a white person threatens to kill Donald Trump. Why are they so desperate to kill this man? He literally just wants to make his home country great again, whether you agree with his tactics or not. I've never seen one person get so much vitriol from a (((particular group))) of people.

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that's a very feminine way to commit murder or assassinate someone, but I'm not surprised

lol wut

I have no clue why they want to kill Trump when he cucks out to them repeatedly.

I can't believe I once offered a drink to this guy

To create a false conflict to keep the peons occupied.

*grants amnesty to illegal aliens*

muh god emboror

How long until he's found dead?


Found out yesterday devin faraci of anti-gg fame lost his job and is now considered an unhireable sexual predator.
It doesn't pay to talk shit about Trump.

remember when Bourdain wrote an article about how shit New Orleans is like two weeks before Katrina?

New Orleans is shit.

He's been a weapons-grade asshole since 20 years ago

He is a real person? kek

That episode was shit

Nothin' personal, kid.

He got rehired by Alamo House a few days ago and people went apeshit until they were forced to let him go again lel

The show is shit anyways.

I liked Season 1 the rest I watched out of habit.

Remember the Alamo my ass you horseless cowboys
The guy himself can take a hike tho


I wish we were more like the Soviet Union. there was so much awesome food in there.

You know what they say: scarcity is fuel for innovation.

Anthony Bourdain always poisons his food. Just not intentionally.

That's why he's a cunt all the time, he can't cook.

The more you cuck to the Jews the more they will try to sodomize you paradoxically.

It's not paradoxical.

He gave them an inch and they took several miles.

Becouse he outsmarts them every time.

WOOOOW how was I supposed to know the kikes would keep fucking me?!