What did they mean by this?

what did they mean by this?








Seriously, are all the Jews really bad? I know that every group of people has their fare share of bad apples and the Jews have a lot but are they all truly pure evil?


WTF! I love Oliver Stone now!



People were always wise to them, that's why they've always been kicked out of several countries in history.

You might say jews are penny wise.

People from the past are always idiots, they fear "jews" or "commies" or whatever convenient scapegoat is shoved down their throats. History is a nightmare.

That's why we need to be on the right side of history. Fucking glumft, amiright?


Best Jewfu

oh look, MORE antisemitism! i keep reporting all you nazi retards to the global managers but they don't seem to be doing anything, so I'm going to start screenshoting these vile threads and sending them directly to the FBI. its about time your goddamn retards stopped persecuting my people online.
